General :: Replace ":" From Multiple Files Names - Even Recursively In Directories
Jan 31, 2010
I need to replace ":" from multiple files names, since I am going to copy those files from a linux partition, which admit the ":" to a FAT32 partition, which does not.
original name: eg06_ana_21-05-06_09:21:03.JPG
wished name: eg06_ana_21-05-06_09-21-03.JPG
I have googled a lot but I have not been able to adapt the examples given by people to my aim.
It seems that rename command is what I should use, but I have no idea to build the correct pearl expression.
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Aug 23, 2010
I am to rename all the files within a directory (which contains multiple subdirectories) recursively without invalid characters.
I tried the coding posted above.
find . -type f -printf '%p
' | while read file; do
oldfile=$(basename "$file")
newfile=$(echo "$oldfile" | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9_.]/_/g')
if [ ! "$newfile" == "$oldfile" ]; then
echo mv "$file" "${file%$oldfile}$newfile"
but I get an error on both of them stating "find: bad option -printf find: [-H | -L] path-list predicate-list"
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Jan 29, 2010
The rm command man pages discusses removing files or directories recursively. So what is meant by deleting a file or directory recursively? And what are some reasons for doing so?
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Jan 30, 2009
I'm not sure if this is possible or even where to start. I assume that this can be done with an sh script using tar or similar.I have several very large zip files that contain images for all of the products in my online store. Each image is named after its 13 digit SKU (for example, 9987788000012.jpg). In order to import products into my store, all images are placed into a media directory. Unfortunately, there are over 100,000 images.
So I would like to break the images into sub-folders based on file name. For example, when I extract (or tar or whatever), my extract script would create directories (if they don't already exist) based on the first three digits of each image name, placing each image into the appropriate bottom level directory. For example, "9987788000012.jpg" would be placed in the following directory "media/9/9/8", with media as the root and "8" as the directory that holds any images that start with "998". Perhaps two sub-folders would be less cumbersome.Assuming this requires a script, particularly since it involves scanning image names, creating folders, and saving images to specific directories, which language would serve my needs best? PHP? Has anyone had to do something similar?
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Feb 12, 2010
I am new to linux as well as awk, grep or sed. I need a find and replace command single liner or script that loops trough input file (file1) and find the particular input in file2 and add "!" in front of the found string.
input file: file1
file2 (file that need to look for)
Output file (file3 should look like this)
I have tried many awk and sed method of find and replce but it did not work the way I wanted. This is mainly due to my lack of experience in awk and sed. The program should loop trough file1 and find in file2 and output in file3 for the 1st (g+h=o+p) set then repeat the same process again for set 2 (a+b=c+d).
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May 17, 2010
Ubuntu 10.04
I want to copy all directories, files, and hidden files and hidden directories with one command. I want these items to replace any same items in the target directory.
I have tried several things, such as:
cp -r *
cp -aR *
but I only seem to get visible files and directories. Obviously, I am missing something. (A brain, probably....)
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Aug 31, 2010
Need to replace the following string :
In multiple .exp files and in sub directories.
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Jan 29, 2011
I have a bunch of files on a Ubuntu box, which have various characters in their filenames that Windows doesn't accept (mostly ":" and "*", but possibly others).What's the simplest way to get these all renamed and moved to a Windows machine? It's OK to replace these characters with something like "[colon]" and "[asterisk]".
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Sep 26, 2010
I need to strip the executable flag from all files within a certain directory and sub directories. Right now I'm doing it with a 2 step process
find /dir/ -type f -exec chmod ugo-x {} ;
find /dir/ -type d -exec chmod ugo+rx {} ;
Is it possible to modify the first line so that I can strip exec flag from all non-directory files? Since this needs to be done on a fairly regular basis across a lot of directories and files, I'd prefer not to use a bash script which would slow it down.
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Jul 22, 2011
suppose in my current directory, I have 50 sub-directories. Now, I am interested only in about 20 of those sub-directories (whose names match a pattern). I would like to recursively list the contents of these 20 sub-directories. How do I do that ? I would like to do this in Solaris 10 and Linux(RHEL 5.x).
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Feb 4, 2010
I become to use tar with incremental feature for archiving data under ubuntu.But when I try to extract archive later under windows (using gnu tar also) it creates many directories like this:
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Aug 25, 2009
How can you create a script to move or copy files from a main directory into multiple directories below the main directory.
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Feb 1, 2010
I have 60+ directory's each containing multiple .doc files. I need to move them to a single directory and keep their file name intact. I don't think cp will do that with out listing all the file names. I was thinking of something like: cp -r /dir/*.doc /newdir . Or should I use a combo like find -type *.doc|cp /newdir?
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Jan 15, 2010
After hours (literally) of searching the web and reading man pages, I think I've come up with the following:Code:find . -exec grep 'path/to/file' -print | xargs -0 -I new_path mv {this is where I get confused}So my code above is incomplete, obviously. In order to finish replacing the string, I need to mv the new file into the old file's spot. How do I do this, by incorporating it into my line of code?
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Jul 13, 2010
Hello, I need some help searching through multiple files, finding a line and replacing that line. The line I am searching for is:
password key ******* 1222554
ultimately I want to be able to delete the numbers after the asterisks . my thoughts are to create a script that will search for the line password key ******* and delete it then replace it with password key ******* my files are located in /opt and they are all txt files.
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Jun 17, 2010
I'd like to move a selection of files from all the sub-directories within an overall directory to a single destination. I don't want any of the directory structure, just the files themselves. This is what I tried so far:
mv /dir1/*/igs*.sp3.Z /dir2
There are other .sp3.Z files in the * directories within /dir1 but I just need the ones that start with igs..
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Sep 30, 2009
Description: I am a newly appointed system engineer taking care of linux servers. We have a new set of data coming in which need below configuration: How to do a script with function?:
for files with ".txt" in sm
copy each of the files to folder : sm1 and sm2 (log every copy)
if succesful:
remove original
log into the log file
if not successful: (not successful copying 1 particular file to all the folders)
retain and retry
log into the log file
mail out the admin with that particular file name
I have already do try a bit:
cd /export/home/
for dir in sm1 sm2; do
cp -p sm/*.txt $dir/
Is my starting right? How to do the rest parts?
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Aug 20, 2011
I often use the rpl command to make changes to multiple html files at once. For example:
rpl -R '<br />' '<br /><br />' mydirectory However, I haven't been able to figure out how to change multiple lines. For example, let's say I want to change all occurrences of :
<br />
<br />
<br />
I've tried
rpl -R '<br />
<br />' '<br />' mydirectory
but that didn't work. how to do this with rpl or some other way?
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Mar 28, 2010
Is it possible to change only directories access permissions recursively with some linux command. I need to set x (access) permissions on directories but not execute on files. [URL]
chmod - change file access permissions
-R, --recursive
change files and directories recursively
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Jun 23, 2010
I have a folder that contains my group's website. The ownership of the entire directory is set to "" (website being a group). I want to set the sticky bit on this directory such that if anyone creates a new file, either in the main directory or subdirectories, the ownership remains like above.
Q1: I have the sticky bit set on the main directory (drwxrwsr-x). But for some reason, some of the subdirectories don't have the sticky bit set. Is there a command I can use to change the sticky bit on Directories Only (i.e., not on the files)?
Q2: Is there a sticky bit that I can set for the ownership (not group) so that it is always set to www-data?
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Jun 28, 2011
I promise I am carefully studying shell use, and much else, but right now I just need the shell instruction to search directories recursively, for files with .swo & .swp extensions, deleting the files as they're found.
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Apr 30, 2011
I have a bunch of .7z files in a directory, and I need to put each one of them into a separate directory, named after the file (without extention). The command line I use:
find . -type f | mkdir `sed -e "s:..(.*)...:1:"` ; ls | grep .7z | cp * `sed -e "s:(.*)...:./1/:"`
Copying fails though:
PS. I don't want to use scripts, I want to do it using simple commands and piping.
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Jun 25, 2011
I would like to zip only selected directories(and its child directories as well)I have many directories in the current folder like app, content, db, library etc.But I would like the zip only app and content and its child folders. I am trying the following.
zip -r ../backups/code/20110625 -i app/* -i content/* . *
But I am getting the following error. zip error: Invalid command arguments (nothing to select from)
What is the correct syntax to achieve this?
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May 15, 2011
I want to make a webserver with multiple users allowed to login through SFTP to a specific folder, www.Multiple users are added, lets say user1 and user2, and all of them belonging to the www-data group. The www directory has an owner www-data and a group www-data.
I have used chmod -R 775 on the www folder, but after I try to create a folder test through my SFTP server (using Filezilla) the group of the directory created has only r and x permissions, and I am not able to log in with the second user user2 and create a directory within www/test due to a lack of w permission to the group.
I also tried using chmod 2775 on www directory, but without luck. Can somebody explain to me, how can I make it so that a newly created directory inherits the root directory group permissions?
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Jul 4, 2011
I am trying to replace a string (url) in 100s of files located in different directories. I found the sed command but cannoy get it to work. First I locate the files that have the string in them:
grep -ilr 'url' *
this works correctly and displayed the location of the files that have the string:
Now I need to replace the string so I combined it with sed:
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Jul 3, 2010
Find and replace in multiple files in ssh?
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Mar 2, 2010
I want to change some HTML in my files (80+ so I prefer not to do this by hand). I got a script to replace a string in files, however the HTML I want to replace contains an enter (and tab of 4 spaces) (explanation below) Does someone know how I could update my HTML by using a function in Linux?
I also found sed but don't know how to use it with the enter (linenumbers will not work because they variate)...
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a directory tree with lots of folders. I need to gather all files of same type, say .txt, and place them in a different folder all by themselves.
I know I can use the mv command, but it won't let me go through all the subdirectories of my folder, just the current one. How can I search through all subdirectories for all .txts or whatever and move them to a folder of my choosing?
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Apr 24, 2011
I would like to use the command line to compare two directories against each other. I have two folders called music collection that have evolved over the last year on two separate computers. 90% of the two folders are the same, but there are small differences. I would like a solution that will print out all the differences so I can analyze them and choose what I want to do with them, before merging the two folders. for example.I would like some kind of output that shows the differences and where its located.
comparing MusicCollection1 and MusicCollection2
dif1.mp3 located in MC1/folder1 (this one I might want to keep and merge over)
dif2.mp3 located in MC2/folder3 (while this one I might realize does not exist in both folders because I deleted it for a reason)
I've looked at sort, uniq, and even tried scripting my own solution, but haven't come up with an elegant solution thus far. Its important that it is recursive because there are about 15 folders in Music collection and more folders under those 15.
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Aug 28, 2010
I'm pretty sure this is doable from the command line, but my CLI skills have degraded a lot since my pre-Y2K admin days. The goal is to search all the files in the directory for a very long string of text and replace it with another string of text. The text being searched for is my Google Adsense code (which will be stripped from my website) and it will be replaced with a placeholder so I can easily tack something else in there in the future.
Seeing how I have that long snip of code on about 100 pages, automating the process would make life easier.
If I was searching for a single word, I can see ways to do this.
If I paste the code I'm searching for into a text file, is there a way to:
find (contents of oldstring.txt) and replace with (contents of newstring.txt)?
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