General :: PHYO How To Delete

Jul 8, 2010

I was having huge problems with PHYO using 100%CPU when I had Ubuntu 10 loaded, now I have down graded back to 9.10. the problem was rectified, but it has returned, never had this problem before with earlier versions.Even when the pc is idle phyo is using all of the cpu at 100%, not as damaging as the last version of ubuntu but still occurs.

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Ubuntu :: Change Delete Button To Delete Instead Of Move To Trash

Apr 18, 2010

Instead of moving to trash, how can i make the delete button delete? Delete is already enabled on the right click menu.

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Ubuntu :: Folder Wont Delete \ Whenever Try To Press Delete Noting Happens?

May 9, 2010

SO after using Testdisk to recover some images, the folders recup_dir.1 & 2 have saved in my FIle System area, when ever I try to press delete noting happens. I have also tried rm -f -rrm -f -fIt still dont delete, I have also deleted my user account and made a new one, but the files are still there.

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Ubuntu :: Rsync --delete Doesn't Delete Superflous Files

Sep 25, 2010

I am trying to use an old box as backup server. I have tried a couple of possibilities along the lines of:


rsync -a --delete --progress --log-file=/home/$USER/info.txt -e ssh /home /etc root@

The problem is it does not delete files that has been removed from my local system?
I run the command as root on the local system.

(I realize I should properly not ssh into the server as the server's root but I'm having trouble with the permissions and I want to make sure everything else works before messing around with it)

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Ubuntu :: Delete File - No Right Click Delete Option?

Feb 18, 2010

Why is there no Delete when I right click like there is with Windows in ubuntu? Pretty much everything else is there like new folder and so on Is there some way to add it? Also why when i delete something does it not ask me if I am sure that i want to delete that file?

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Ubuntu :: Can Delete These 'un-delete-able' Files In Trash?

Nov 1, 2010

I just can't stand knowing that there's a slight problem with my PC.I have roughly 12.5 Gigs of files, mostly movies that are multiple clones of a particular movie (which was an entirely different problem altogether) and I CANNOT DELETE THESE THINGS! There has to be a simple way to do it from terminal, problem is, I can't seem to find the trash directory in terminal.

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General :: Can't Delete In VI

Mar 15, 2011

I'm taking a C programming class in college and we use VI text editor. I installed ubuntu on my computer so I can study. Every time I try to use Vi on my computer I'm able to type and delete using the delete button, but I can't delete using the backspace button. Every time I press it it only moves back on character. How can I solve my problem?

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Fedora :: Allow User To Save/edit/delete Documents In A Folder But Not Delete That Folder?

Sep 6, 2011

Recently I setup a system for a non-technical user. He is only using Firefox, Pidgin and OpenOffice for about 2 hours a day. I have created a folder "/home/jim/myFiles" where he can save his document files. But Jim has accidentally deleted his myFiles folder on 2 occasions. He had intended to delete a file in that folder. Is there a way to lock the folder so that the user and create/read/write documents in that folder but not delete the folder itself?

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General :: Delete All The .svn Folders?

May 25, 2010

I have the following structure:

... etc

I want to delete all the .svn folders. How do I do it?It's NOT:

rm -rf .svn

In windows you use the /s trigger. How do you do it linux?

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General :: Delete Only First Hit /match With Sed?

Jan 23, 2011

$ echo -e "AsometAhingA

I know that sed "s/A//" deletes the first match in every line.But i want to delete only the first match in a txt. like: sed -i "MAGIC" file.txt

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General :: Delete A File From Different Dir Without Using Cd?

Nov 30, 2010

we assume that we have 2 folders with the name 1 and 2 . The folder 2 is inside 1 . Also, in folder 2 we have file with name "file.txt". And we are in folder 1 . How can we delete the file.txt in one command line ? I mean without using the code below:


cd 2
rm -f file.txt
cd ..

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General :: Delete All Except Three Specified Directories?

Jul 29, 2010

How would I delete everything in a directory except for three specified directories?

So far I discovered I can omit the directories like so in a find search code...

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General :: How To Delete Clientmqueue

Feb 22, 2010

What is Clientmqueue?How to Delete clientmqueue. Is it possible?

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General :: Why Seq 10 Sed Just Delete Three Lines

Jun 30, 2011

[root@station3 ~]# seq 10 | sed -e '1,2d' -e '1,2d'
We can see that sed just deletes the first three lines. How "seq 10 | sed -e '1,2d' -e '1,2d'"works?

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General :: Ubuntu - Delete Key Does Not Work?

Apr 9, 2010

My delete key does not work in ubuntu, it does nothing. I understand that this is a common problem, but I could not solve it with the information I found elsewhere.

I ran xev. Pressing the 'a' key gives:

KeyRelease event, serial 30, synthetic NO, window 0x2c00001,
root 0x1a6, subw 0x0, time 7255643, (-113,-107), root:(425,300),
state 0x2010, keycode 38 (keysym 0x61, a), same_screen YES,
XLookupString gives 1 bytes: (61) "a"


Interesting, Ctrl-v then delete makes the cursor flash once, then nothing is displayed. Pressing Enter after that gives ^M then nothing (not even a new prompt).

Enter once more yields : command not found.

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General :: Delete Directories Smaller Than X

Jun 14, 2010

How can I delete Directories which are smaller than, say, 1000 KB?

I already have a file list from the command:

But I don't know how to proceed.


The output of:

Is something like:

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General :: Delete All But 10 Newest Files?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to keep a directory full of log files manageable. Nightly, I want to delete all but the 10 most recent. How can I do this in a single command?

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General :: Delete The Parent Directory With Rm -rf?

May 15, 2011

I have a FAT32 SD card with a file on it, that, viewed in Windows the filename consists of a long string of nonsense. Viewed in my Android phone's Linux terminal, ls -a shows nothing in the directory. When I try to delete the parent directory with rm -rf deleteme, it fails with "Directory not empty". When I try to delete/move in Windows 7, it says the filename would be too long and/or Explorer crashes. Windows disk check doesn't find anything wrong. How can I delete this?

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General :: Vi Command To Delete Character?

Jan 12, 2010

i need some help to solve thisif i have this , CREATE TABLE "HALOOO"in one lineafter this line they have "BRANCH INFO" how do i use the (") that is in create table line and not affect other line

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General :: Delete Multiple Distros And Keep One?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to switch to a different distro. So now I have 2 linux distros on my computer, and also win 7 (as a backup). how do i delete the other distros and keep the one I want?

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General :: Recover From E2fsprogs Yum Delete?

Aug 20, 2010

I did something really dumb and accidentally removed the e2fsprog package. Now it deleted all these executables (openssh,scp, yum, etc). If I could just recover the /usr/bin direcotry I was thinking I can reinstall the e2fsprog package. Trying to scp over these executables from other servers won't do because scp and ssh is gone. I still have a sesssion opened right now.

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General :: Automatically Delete Log Files?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a script running as a cronjobIt outputs logs upon each run to /var/log/mylog.logIs there anyway I can delete this or compress it when it gets too large?A cheap and dirty way is to setup another cronjob to delete the log every X interval.... although I'm not sure if that's the proper way

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General :: Cannot Delete A Very Large Folder?

Oct 3, 2009

I have accidentally created a very large folder that contains probably more than a million files. I have tried to delete it using all of these methods:(1) rm -rf myfolder/(2) Using midnight commander trying to delete the folder(3) find myfolder/ -type f | while read -r; do rm -v "$REPLY"; sleep 0.2; done(4) find myfolder/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 rm -fThe find command would give an out of memory error, and other methods would just freeze the computer. I knew a few of the file names, but even if I tried to do ls myfolder/filename0, it hangs.

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General :: Can't Delete The EXT2 Partition

Oct 31, 2009

I had to install a new disk drive in my PC a week ago because the old drive died. The new drive is a 160 gig drive. First I installed Win XP with S/P 3 and everything was fine. Then I installed Ubuntu 8.04 and the troubles began. Ubuntu resized the Windows partition down to 8.81 gig and used the other 137.44 gig for Ubuntu. When I booted into Windows I started getting nasty little messages about "not enough disk space". SOOoooo....... I booted using the Ubuntu install CD and ran "sudo gparted" in a terminal window. I tried to resize the ext2 partition but got an unknown error.

Then I ran fixmbr in Windows to get rid of grub. Then I tried running gparted again to delete the ext2 partition. Got an error that said "can't delete the partition because it's mounted". So I tried to unmount the partition but got a message that the command "unmount" could not be found. After that I installed Partition Magic in Windows and tried that. It sees the ext2 partition but says it's unsupported when I try to delete or resize it.

I ran fdisk but it doesn't see the Linux partitions either, so I can't delete them in that program. I finally tried to format the disk but now I have a 9 gig drive with nothing on it. How do I get those Linux partitions off the drive so I will have a 160 gig drive that I can start over with? I've spent 6 days this week reinstalling XP and all of my programs, and now everything is gone because Ubuntu decided to be a disk hog.

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General :: How To Delete Carriage Returns In Vi

Jan 13, 2010

i assumed :i insert mode would allow to simply back space, no appearently not? it seems none of the websites anywhere on earth mention how to delete a carriage return in vi.

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General :: How To Delete Posts On Board

Dec 12, 2010

How do I delete one of my posts?

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General :: How To Delete 'processor' Module?

Feb 4, 2010

I want to delete 'processor' module, but simple modprobe -r doesn't work:

$ modprobe -r processor FATAL: Module processor is in use.

How can I do it?

I guess it's natural. Processor module allows the cpu to go to C1-C3 states (in my case). It may be possible to do it brutally, by running a superfluous process to force C0, but I'd like a sophisticated way.

The reason I'd like it is I'm troubleshooting hibernation (s2disk). According to [URL], it's worth trying.

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General :: Cannot Delete Them Can Get Administrative Privileges?

May 30, 2011

while using my pen-drive in fedora 14, a small dialog box appeared and before I could read it,it disappeared. It worked normally till I turned the computer down. Next time I used Windows XP. There were no files in the pen-drive but it still showed 5 GB used ( the same amount of data was there previously ). I restarted and switched to Linux. All my data was in a single folder named 'Found.000' . It showed nearly 400 objects , renamed as 'file0001.CHK'. They were all mine, merged in a single folder. I am helpless because I can not delete them (as I need them). I can get administrative privileges.

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General :: SED Usage To Delete An Injection?

Apr 28, 2011

Trying to delete injected code (one line) into multiple .php and .html files of a server with sed command but it seems there is a problem with sed when " and / are included in the string to be deleted.The string that needs to be deleted is <img heigth="1" width="1" border="0" src=""> However the last part of the string (id=########) is not constant (the number is variable) so I used the following:find /home -type f -iname index.html* -o -iname index.php* -o -iname index.html* -o -iname index**| while read FILE; do sed -i "s|<img heigth="1" width="1" border="0" rc="http:\*">||g" "${FILE}"; doneFor some reason it successfuly deleted the injection on .html files but NOT in .php files

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General :: Delete Fonts In Ubuntu 10.4?

Sep 3, 2010

There seem to be numerous fonts that came packaged with Ubuntu. Many of which I will never use and simply "litter" my system. Is there a simple way to delete these fonts which I don't need? I have been able to install a few TTFs without any problems. But, purely in the interest of good housekeeping, I would like to delete the fonts which I know I will never use.

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