Is there a command to list all of the users I, as an administrator have created? It is difficult to tell the users I created from those created by the system by reading /etc/passwd. I thought 'man 5 passwd' would shed some light on this but is wasn't so
How to created users in pureftpd and the users are stored in mysql database. I tried when i try to connect i got like this error authentication failed error
How can I make a sorted list of all users on my local machine who currently have mail in their 'Inboxes' (i.e., their spool of delivered but not yet read email). I also need to include "system" users and list one user per line.
I was asked to list passwordless or locked accounts in a fedora system. As far as I know, fedora or RH dont allow passwordless accounts (the system locks the account Edit: ... unless you set passwd -d :-P ), so I might show info about locked accounts.
I am totally aware that I could do a grep or an awk searching for "!!" or "", but my people is asking me to check against passwd -S (which prints info of accounts). The thing, is that in Solaris you can check with passwd -a -s all the users, but in Linux I couldnt find anything similar. what approach do you reccomend for passing, say , the list of users ( like the output of awk searching only user names) to the command passwd -S one by one?
I was trying to list sudo users in a Linux Machine,
[root@redhat ~]# grep -v -E '^#' /etc/sudoers root ALL=(ALL) ALL %work ALL=(ALL) ALL %dilipvp ALL=(ALL) ALL
where work is a group and dilipvp is user. Can you help me in creating a better script which can list the members of the group work as well. and why I am getting empty space in between.
i've written a bash script to add new users to our system. the script works so I won't bother you all about that. when a new user is created with it, they can immediately login to our domain from any terminal, which is good. However, the newly created user is unable to login to debian at all, and so cannot access the server. when attempting to do so, they get a message like "the system administrator has disabled your account". This is a good thing really as normal users have no need for debian login, but I do need to add a few admin users who will need direct access to the server machine.
This is the code I'm using to add the user. The rest of my script is just a wrapper and GUI. I figure the login shell may have something to do with it, so I tried changing the shell of a user to the default /bin/bash. This resulted in the user being able to login - sort of. Gnome doesn't load though, and there's a cascade of errors across the screen about things failing to save or load settings. mostly stuff like nautilus, X, and gnome. the desktop background is black and there's no interface. Logging in with a previously existing account works fine though. Clearly I have an issue somewhere.
I set up a linux 10.10 desktop to run as a "server" for me. I then loaded Xrdp so that we can remote connect to the machine. My issue now is, i need to add users other than the initial account i created, but when i log into the desktop remotely, it will not let me add a new user. I cant seem to use any of the boxes in the User Settings command box. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have problem with virtual users in vsftpd. When they create folder they cant make another in than folder, or for example they cant see files they upload in that directory...That write permision i try to change in their config file, with every combination of local_umask and file_open mode values. How can I handle that. I want that virtual user who creates directory (in their root directory) have all privilages to that folder and all content in that folder.
I'm testing a Debian Lenny virtual machine to simulate my ideal setup for FTP server (with vsftpd): I want all internal users (corporation users with Active Directory accounts) to ftp into the same directory (i.e. /var/FTP/AD-DOMAIN/) and external users (customers) to ftp into their home directories (created manually on request).
I added user_config_dir=/etc/vsftpd_user_conf option in /etc/vsftpd.conf file and I've created /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/domain-user1 with local_root=/var/FTP/AD-DOMAIN
I have setup vsftp so I can ftp with every external and internal user chrooted and is working properly. AD validation for internal users and "normal" validation (via /etc/passwd) for external users work perfect.
I can FTP this server into /var/FTP/AD-DOMAIN with any AD user with its home directory created (i.e. /home/AD-DOMAIN/domain-user1/) but if I try to ftp with any AD user without its home directory created I get the error "500 OOPS: cannot change directory:/home/AD-DOMAIN/domain-user2"
I have found some references ( and about vsftp PAM authentication so I would supposedly get rid of the error message and the user would log into /var/FTP/AD-DOMAIN without problems, but I can't figure out how to setup my FTP server.
The question is, as far as I know Ubuntu distro adds a user created with useradd to supplementary groups automatically. For instance, I want to enable sudo for all newly created users on my LiveCD and want them to be added to the group 'wheel' on creation. I'm sure it is possible to do it in Fedora, but how?
CentOS 5.4 install, likewise open standard install (For active directory authentication).I have a license service which requires a license.txt be in the users home directory.The group owner for license.txt must be the same as the license service. Whenever a new domain user logs in, it creates the all the appropriate files but the group owner for license.txt is the users domain group. My current workaround seems like more effort than it's worth, is there another way to get this process solved easier/more secure?
- copy the license.txt into /etc/skel
- created a script to check for the presence of license.txt, check it's permissions and change them if necessary
- gave the domain's group sudo [nopasswd] access to the script (the script is not writable)
Firefox opens file listing instead of Nautilus opening file listing.When I access a folder via "Places" -> "Home Folder" or "Places" -> "Downloads", Firefox opens and list the contents of the directory.I have re-installed Nautilus, un-installed Firefox and then going to "Places" -> "Home Folder" or "Places" -> "Downloads" launches Nautilus and I can view the contents normally. Anybody else had this problem with Firefox ? Anybody know how to fix this Firefox problem ?Running Ubuntu Desktop 9.10 64bit.
I'm a little bit confused with partitioning the filesystem in Linux. the difference between creating the file system with fdisk and mkfs (when formatting the disk). I can't clearly tell my problem, so please look at this picture:
I presume that if this is possible it would need to be done as root (or as a user who shares root's UID of 0).How can a process be launched so that it does not show up in a ps aux or ps ef or top listing if the command is run by non-root?Is this even possible?The distributions I typically run are RHEL/CentOS and Ubuntu - so if there is a distro-specific answer, that's ok, too.
Is it possible for a non-root user to hide themselves from the output of who/w, so that they can be logged in without other users seeing it? I think that the file /var/run/utmp might have something to do with this, but it's not writeable by non-root users (permission 644). I'm fairly certain that this can be done by a non-privileged user (because someone told me that they were able to do so), but I don't know how they did it and can't ask them right now.
I can't seem to find a way to do this, so maybe it's not actually possible, but I was wondering if there was a way to list all files that link to a file.
For example.
touch a ln a b ln a c
I want to find out what files link to a (not symlinks, mind you), assuming that this is more complicated (they are spread around to different directories).
I kind of understand about the filesystem storing links in one area and data in another, so I understand it probably takes more work to find a link from a file location than the other way around.
list filenames one-per-line, in BASH without including directories. I think he was either wrong or making that up. There is a way to list just the names and one per line but there aren't any arguments I can find that can be used to exclude directories.
IFS=', '; files=`ls -m`; for i in $files; do if [ -f $i ]; then echo $i; fi; done That does only use ls as a command, however he said his GSI thought he could do it without all that...
Im trying to list the cpu usage of all process that have a cpu usage of 10% or more. Im not interested in the lower usages. Im using the top command and can get a list of all the cpu usage for all the process but cant only get the processes with 10% or more. I'd want these processes sent to a new file. Would I be able to cat the cpu usages and PID into a file?
How would I limit this to searching for the text 'SomeString' or 'SomeOtherString', but only if the file has extension .php, .inc or .js? Also - what piping to xargs does here? I don't understand how this command actually works.
I have a requirement to list files using find command My folder contains below list of files with out extention.I have a requirement to exclude only ABC.123.* type files and list others. Even though files having MNO contains this pattern i should not exclude. Even if file ends with .txt or .doc it should not be excluded. That is ABC.123.1234.txt should not be excluded.But I am not getting what is required. Can any one please let me know if I am doing wrong any where. As per my requirement I cannot use grep, -regex, or -regex attributes to find command.
This is the script I'm running tar tf some.tar somefolder_insidetar And output it's a list with all folders, files, and SUBDIRECTORY Files, the only thing I need it's just show the contents (folder and files) of the current directory choosed, not listing subdirectory files, or subdirectories inside subdirectories.
its a very basic question but iam not getting it right nowi have to list all the pdf files on my desktop even the pdf files which are present in folders on the desktopls *.pdfonly list the files present on the desktop, but not the files in the folders on the desktop containing the pdf files.
Is there a command to return a recursive listing of sub-directories and the number of files in them? I have found plenty of ways to give me the total number of files in a directory structure, but none that gives a list of the sub-directories with the number of files in them. "du" gives me a listing of directories with their sizes, but I couldn't find an option (or any other way) to give me the number of files as well. Ideally, I'd like to get list with "Size" "Files" "Dir name" - And the order of the columns doesn't matter. Is there a "simple" command line solution or do I need a shell script for that?
I have, for example, a folder called "MyFolder" and it contains 3 files: MyFile1, MyFile2, MyFile3. The only file that I do NOT want a particular user/group to even see that it exists is, for exmple, MyFile2.So, when they do a directory listing on MyFolder, they should only see MyFile1 and MyFile3. How can this be done in Linux? The important thing is that it is not just preventing them from "executing" MyFile2, but to prevent them from even knowing that it exists by not including it in a directory listing.This is a simpified example using one file, but in reality, I have lots of files and some of those that I want to block are also subfolders.It is very important for me to hide the existence of certain files/folders when the user does a directory listing. It's also important that the files stay in their current folder (that is, I can't use a workaround which requires moving all the files into a separate folder and then securing that folder).