General :: Keyboard Shortcuts Only Work After Clicking On The Desktop?
Jul 6, 2010
I've started using the keyboard shortcuts in Linux Mint with the Gnome desktop, and I've found that they don't work unless I first click on the desktop with the mouse.
The problem occurs if I start with no application windows open, then open a single application, and later close it leaving an empty desktop. If any other app windows are open the keyboard shortcuts still work. But if there are no other windows open the shortcuts fail to work until I click on the desktop. It's as though the system fails to return the input focus to the desktop when the last remaining app window is closed.
I switched from Windows to Linux, and one thing I'm missing is Altnnnn keyboard shortcuts to insert an em dash and other things. Is there any way to get them working under Linux? I'm using Arch Linux and KDE, if that matters.
I successfully add a keyboard shorcut to launch konsole manually with khotkeys, but i don't know what command to bind to move to right, left, up, down desktops like in ubuntu.
For example in ubuntu there is ctrl+alt+arrow and ctrl+alt+shift+arrow to move through workspaces and move windows between them. Not so in kubuntu.
I have a Acer keyboard (manufacter Lite-On) and seems like I can't get the keyboard shortcuts to work. The shortcuts that DO work are search, CD play/pause/tracks, and Volume.but.. shortcuts for Web browser, email and mute vol don't work. Tried to unplug-plug the keyboard (usb) used System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts disable then Enable still no-go This only happens in /home but when I login /root every shortcut works!Anybody know a posible solution/cause??I am using Fedora 11.
I'm unsure as to how I can use keyboard shorts to close the current tab or to switch between tabs. Does anyone know them or know any other keyboard-based options for using the terminal in AWN? I can open a new tab by ctrl+shift+t but ctrl+shift+w doesn't work and i've never known how to switch between tabs
I know about hotkeys and setting up keyboards shortcuts.But say I had no keyboard like say a tablet.I have an s10-3t and I got compiz on it. I would like to be able to create shortcut icons for executing keyboard commands for use with compiz. All I would have to do is click the icon and it would execute. I would not have to remember all the keyboard shortcut commands I setup. I could also impress people I meet with it far easier.
3. Keyboard shortcuts do not work at all and if I want them back working, I have to click on the desktop's background I bet it has something to do with focus or compiz settings, because I've already had some problems with those in Unity. Now I'm on the "classic" ubuntu desktop. It didn't happen before upgrade..
I'm using -current (xfce-4.6.2) I've noticed that the shortcuts I define aren't working anymore. The ones I define through windowmanager -> keyboard are ok, but the ones through keyboard-> application shortcuts are ignored.
clicking dosen't register on my desktop unless i am holding the super key, how can i fix this? It works on all progrmas and everything except on the desktop. I cant click icons, select with windowing, or drag the icons. right clicking still works normally. what should i do?
I've bought Samsung n210 netbook, took it home, immediately removed Windows and installed Ubuntu Netbook Remix. Now, everything went pretty well, but I have a problem. Not sure if I'm just mistaken in my expectations or it's a real problem, but I can't use my desktop. I see the launch bar to the left, and everything in it works fine, but just to mention, it does not have Favorites and such, as I could see on some user guides, but only a thin launch bar with apps in it.
Right clicking on my desktop, pasting something, selecting... Nothing seems to work. Is there any problem with my install or what?
Whenever im logged into my Ubutu Desktop at home remotely from work i cannot seem to launch Firefox by clicking on any of the shortcuts.Seems the only thing that lets me lauch it is by opening a command windown and typing "sudo firefox".
I am running openSUSE 11.2 and I am trying to make the key combination Alt + ` open a terminal. No keyboard combination I try works, not even Ctrl + X or anything, and I have tried both "Run a terminal" and "Open a terminal". I have logged out and back in, and even restarted, and it still doesn't work.
Inspired by this question. I would like to remap Caps Lock to escape, but only when I am in vim. I would like to keep Caps Lock untouched while not in vim.
Is it possible to do the following in Ubuntu? If so can someone point me in the right direction.Say you want to set a keyboard shortcut to do the following: For examples sake, set Alt+F to open Firefox and maximize it, but only if Firefox is not already running. If it is running and not maximized, then maximize the most recently touched Firefox window. If it is maximized, then minimize Firefox.
Is there a way to add a keyboard shortcut for a terminal command in OSX. Basically most of the times i open the terminal app in MAC in order to ssh into a certain server foo. What I want to do is add a keyboard shortcut (say ^k) so that on a terminal when I do that, it runs "ssh foo" in the terminal.
I don't know when this started happening, but my shortcuts such as Super+D to minimize all and go to the desktop and Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal, etc, have stopped working.
Other shortcuts, such as Alt+F1 and Alt+F2 work correctly, as well as the compiz ones.
I have been experiencing some problems with the Keyboard shortcuts in GNOME (Fedora 10 x86_64).The thing is that SOMETIMES it would seem the daemon (or necessary program) to make the keyboard shortcuts work is not loaded when I log in. What happens is that I realize the shortcuts are not working (volume, mute), but AFTER I get in the "Keyboard Shortcuts" window (System -> Preferences -> Personal) something else seems to load in the background (the desktop panels reload themselves) and then the shortcuts work again.To me it seems that some program has to be added to the "Sessions" list of start up programs, so GNOME does not forget to load it from time to time, but I don't know which one.
I am using VNC viewer to remotely access a Linux machine. The problem is when I accessed it, I pressed a button which caused the status bar to disappear (containing menus such as 'Application', etc).
Then I couldn't get it again, even the title bar of Eclipse disappeared and I couldn't find any way to restore it. Even terminal is not getting opened.
I'm trying to emulate behaviour I get from KeyRemap4MacBook on Mac OS X. It lets me remap control-m to Enter, for instance, globally. Is this possible with X/GNOME? Seems like xmodmap is not suitable for remapping key combinations. I tried xbindkeys to bind control-m to xdotool key Return, but it emits control-return. I tried xdotool keyup control; xdotool key Return; xdotool keydown control but it stills behaves unpredictably.
On PC-BSD 8.1 (KDE) I have four workspaces. I want to launch rdesktop 1.6 in one of them, full screen if possible (I'll settle for nearly-full in a window if I have to), and be able to do the following:
Switch between windows in the remote session using Alt+Tab. Switch between local workspaces using either the default Ctrl+F1 or what I've switched it to, my preferred Alt+F1.
It seems if I use the -K option, I get 2 but not 1. If I don't, I get 1 but not 2. Is there no way to do this? How can I tell rdesktop to send or not send a specific key combination?
I frequently move my computer between rooms. Instead of opening the nvidia-settings, making the changes, applying, then confirming them is there an easier way using shortcut keys or shortcuts? Would like to have Ctrl-1 as change to laptop display only, Ctrl-2 for external only, Ctrl-3 for Twinview
I just installed XMMS and I want to create a shortcut on the desktop to run it. I found a how-to video for creating shortcuts so I have the gist of it (I was able to create one for Firefox) but I don't know where to find the executable file for XMMS to do the same. I just don't know enough about Linux's file structure to know where to look.