General :: Is It Safe To Put Samba Server Outside The Firewall

Apr 4, 2011

Is it safe to put Samba Server outside your Firewall?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Samba And Firewall / Samba Is Not Working When Firewall Is On?

Jul 26, 2010

Samba is working correctly if Susefirewall2 is off. I have added Samba client and Samba Services for extern access but samba is not working when firewall is now on. Which services should I also add ?

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Server :: Allow Samba Server From Selinux Firewall In CentOS?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm using CentOS 5.3, and I want to allow my samba server from selinux. I disabled my selinux and it works fine, but I want to keep my seline firewall on and want to allow other workstation to access my samba server.

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Ubuntu Security :: Is It Safe To Disable The Firewall For Limewire

Sep 24, 2010

I opened a specific port in my router and manually configured Limewire to use the same port for all traffic, but I notice when I disable and turn off Firestarter when on limewire, my searches go really fast and dowaloads zoom really fast also I am not running as root. Is this ok to temporarly stop the firewall when I am on Limewire and then turn it back on when finished?

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Ubuntu Security :: Firewall - IPTables Stock Settings Safe?

Apr 15, 2010

So I know Linux has iptables, I'm rather new to linux, and I'm wondering, are the stock settings with Ubuntu/Kubuntu safe? Is there anything I need to do make them more secure? I tried adding rules myself for some things but ended up just not being able to do anything so I had to reset back to stock with iptables -F. Should I be safe running as-is?

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General :: Is It Safe To Use An SSD For A Game Server

Aug 3, 2011

I am running a game server on an Ubuntu 11.04 box. The game is Minecraft. The biggest (smallest?) bottleneck for my server is the read/write/access time of data on the hard disk. I feel an SSD could make a huge difference in performance.The Minecraft map is stored in individual region files that are further divided into 'chunks'. Each file is between 64KB and 10MB each (depending on how 'developed' they are). Users are crafting the world and so are constantly loading these files and editing them while playing the game. I'm hoping to have about 15-30 users on at peak times, and 2 or 3 at minimum. The server would be up 24/7.The entirety of the game directory (the map, player data, config file, plugins, etc) is less than 1GB. So I don't need a lot of storage. I will be performing daily backups of the game data to a much larger HDD on the system.Considering this scenario, would you recommend against using an SSD? I've read 'DRAM-based' SSD's do not have write limitations.

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Ubuntu :: Enable Samba With The Firewall On?

Jul 9, 2011

I want to have file sharing with Windows computers, but I guess I am not allowed to while my gufw firewall tool is on. Is there a way I can set up an easy work-around using my firewall?

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General :: Recommendation For Firewall Server?

Apr 1, 2009

After metering the power being used daily in my computer room, I decided that I needed to get somewhat greener. So I am updating all my equipment and getting rid of the old towers and power hungry equipment. So far so good, except for the box running Smoothwall.

It is an old IBM 300GL from the '90s that is apparently never going to die. But it is noisy and not exactly low powered and has to be on all the time. The only machines that I have presently that can be used as a replacement are full blown AMD 3000 and 6000's, and I hate to waste one of those just to be a firewall. I can find some mini cube systems that are very low powered - some even run on just a wall cube - but can't find one with two ethernet ports, and of course there is no plugin buss on a tiny box.

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General :: Implement Proxy Server With Firewall?

Feb 11, 2010

how to implement proxy server with firewall and the client users should be authinticated by asking username & password while opening their web browsers and finally i want to see the websites visted list of all the client computers On cent os 5.3

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Programming :: Allowing Https/samba/nfs4 In Firewall With Kickstart?

May 10, 2011

I'm trying to setup a kickstart installation and having some trouble with firewall settings. When you do a manual install it gives you the option on first boot to allow https, samba, and nfs4 in the firewall. I have as yet been unable to find the options for doing this in kickstart. Here is my current firewall line:

firewall --enabled --http --ftp --ssh --smtp --trust=eth0

I have tried just adding --https but it errors on me. Am I just missing the keywords to set these up? I have looked but i can't find keywords for any services except telnet that are not already included in my firewall line. Should i be trying to do this with iptables in post rather than in the kickstart itself?

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General :: Writing Files From NFS Client To Server Behind Firewall ?

Jan 25, 2010

For some time now, I'm having some problems with configuring an NFSv4 server to let it work with a firewall. I've already searched to web, but I was unable to find a solution that works for me.

The situation is as follows:
I'm trying to connect an NFS client to an NFS server that is behind a firewall. I don't have access to this firewall, but I can contact the administrator to open some ports for me. I already did this for opening port 2049.

The result is that the client can read files from the server, but is unable to write files to the server. I believe that for writing an extra RPC-connection needs to be set up. However, the ports on which the RPC-connection is set up, seem to be different for every connection (I verified this using 'netstat -tn').

Clearly, this is a problem since the server is protected by the firewall.

Thus, what I want to do is configure the server in such a way, that it always uses the same server-side port(s) to connect with the writing clients (just like 2049 for reading). I've already tried to configure the /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server and /etc/default/nfs-common files, but that hasn't really worked out yet.

Note: Because I don't like to contact the system admin every day, I hooked up 2 computers (client/server) on which I set up the same configuration (without the firewall). I'd like to see it working on those machines first (that is, 'netstat -tn' showing the correct port), before I contact the admin to open some extra ports.

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Server :: Log User Samba Who Delete Or Move Files/folders On Samba Server ?

Feb 8, 2010

I need to know is there any way to record or tracking or make logging if when user samba delete files or folders i can know that, cause sometimeon samba server some users complain they lost files, though i have daily backup and i can restore their files, i just want to know if or maybe some other users in one group accidentally move or delete the files.

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Slackware :: Dolphin Samba Share Firewall / Saying It Can't Find Any Workgroups On Local Network?

May 12, 2011

I just set up my firewall, and now I can't see any Samba workgroups. It says it can't find any workgroups on my local network, and it may be caused by a firewall. It is a firewall issue because if I disable my firewall, I can see the workgroup. What do I need to open on my firewall to see the workgroup? I am using Slackware64 13.37.

Here is how I set up my firewall.

iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s -d -i lo -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT
I got the commands from here url.

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General :: Activate Firewall From Server - Account Users Cant Login To Chat Room

Mar 10, 2011

I have a visichat site and 1and1 server.

i am having a problem of my firewall.

when i activate firewall from my server account users cant login to chat room. the error occured " Connection To Server Failed".

will anybody let me know how can i fix this problem so that i can active my firewall and also users can login.

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba-3.0.33 - Cannot Change Computer Names In A Samba Domain?

Oct 8, 2009

I have to rename a group of machines in my little samba domain (tbd backend) but there is an ugly bug that makes this impossible. have set 'rename user script' variable corectly, also checked all configurations.When i change computer name in my windows box, it shows an error saying something like "Error calling remote procedure"Looking on server side, username for the machine gets correctly changed in /usr/passwd, and also in samba database.But samba log says:

[2009/10/08 11:10:32, 0] lib/fault.c:fault_report(42)
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 11 in pid 11052 (3.0.33-3.7.el5_3.1)


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Server :: Samba And VSFTPD / Create Folder Rights That Samba And Ftp User Will Have An Access To All Directories?

Oct 20, 2010

I would like to configure an access to folder


for two services : Samba and VSFTPD

How to do it ? How to create folder rights that samba and ftp user will have an access (read/write/delete) to all directories in /fileserver.

My system is CentOS. I`m starting samba and vsftpd like a root (/etc/init.d/vsftpd start etc.)

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Server :: Ubuntu 10.04 Samba + LDAP - Getting Samba To Work Properly

Sep 23, 2010

I'm having some trouble getting samba to work properly. I'm following this tutorial [URL] when I run

Code: sudo smbclient -L localhost I receive the following: Code: Enter root's password: Anonymous login successful Domain=[SAMBA] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.4.7]
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_END_OF_FILE I'm lost!

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Server :: Safe To Run Memtest86 While Booted Into OS?

Apr 7, 2010

I need to check RAM on a server located in a data center several hundred miles away. So, I can't just walk over and boot to CD to run memtest86. Is it safe to run this while booted into the OS? Does anyone know of a knoppix pxe boot image? I can network boot to something...I just don't know what to network boot to.

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General :: New Samba Server Cannot Add Win PC To Domain

Mar 15, 2010

I've been fighting with the Samba server for a while and I'm a bit frustrated at this point. When I try to add machines to my domain I get the "The username could not be found error" here is my smb.conf...

workgroup = INMANONE
netbios name = PDC
server string = Inman Domain Controller
os level = 64
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
domain logons = yes
domain master = yes
local master = yes .....

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OpenSUSE :: FIrewall Setup / Client Computer Cannot See NFS Server When Scanning For Server - OSE 11.2?

Apr 21, 2010

I have a small home-office network. On that network I have two linux computers, one is a client the other a server.

On the server I have NFS Server setup and mount some NFS exports on the client computer.

On the server I have the firewall on and here it becomes a little tricky.

Since both the server and the client connect to the router the interface (eth1) is theoretically both an internal & external zone.

The router is commercial grade and therefore has a good firewall on it which is also setup. Therefore the firewall on the server is really more of a backup than a necessity. But that's fine, and by having the server's firewall on 'fail2ban' is able to work which I like to have working so I don't want to just turn off the server firewall even though I have good security from the router.

However, when I turn on the server's firewall, the client computer cannot see the NFS server when scanning for server -- done by: clicking on "Choose" next to "NFS Server Hostname" when adding an NFS share in the NFS Client in YaST. Clearly something is being blocked even though I have both "NFS Client" and "NFS Server Service" allowed in the server firewall. The Firewall config. files for these are below.

The Firewall configuration is pretty much "out of the box". That is I have the services I need opened up for the external zone, the other zones are left at their default which means the internal zone, although not used (i.e.: attached to any interface), is completely open.

The perfect solution I guess would be to setup my client computer to connect through a different NIC (perhaps eth0), make that the "Internal Zone" and therefore allow all traffic through to it while still blocking the server from the external zone. However, I cannot make that physical change to my network for now so I am looking for an in between (non-perfect) solution.

In this case I am guessing that means opening up extra NFS ports to the external zone so I have full NFS functionality. I don't mind this because like I said, the router firewall is the main line of defense anyway.

So, given all of the above could someone tell me what I would need to additionally open up in the server firewall to make the NFS server detection work on the client while the firewall was on. Or, if you have a cleverer/better solution without me changing my physical network that would be great.

Hopefully I have written this in enough detail and clearly enough so that all the parameters are clear but if not, feel free to ask me what you like and I'll try to make it clear.

## Description: Firewall Configuration for NFS kernel server.
# Only the variables TCP, UDP, RPC, IP and BROADCAST are allowed.
# More may be supported in the future.

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General :: Can't Access Samba Server From Windows Xp?

Nov 26, 2010

I have just configured samba on suse linux. I can see it in the windows workgroup but i cannot access it. When it says the server is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource.I have attached a copy of smb.conf

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General :: Can't Login On Samba Server With AD Account

Mar 15, 2010

I've successfully joined my 8.04 LTS samba file server to the windows domain. I've read many tutorials like [URL].I used krb5 and winbind and not modern likewise-open. I had successfully got the ticket for the user under whom I was able to join to AD. I'm able to get domain controller information with net ads info. But I can't login to that server through ssh (I'm using Putty at windows XP) with any ADuser credentials. I've tried


I only get user@'password prompt and access denied.

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General :: Add Users On Ldap - Samba Server?

Sep 26, 2010

I have configured ldap on Debian5 and samba on another machine, all servers are running ok, but when i try to add users, it gives me an errror that "unknown user"

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General :: Samba Server Creation On CentOS 5.5

Jan 17, 2011

How to configure Samaba Server on CentOS 5.5 and how to synchronize with my Windows Server-2003.

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General :: The Files' Permission Of Samba Server?

Jan 19, 2010

Samba Server version 3.25 The share directory test , the user's permission will be :Users can copy files into the test directory bywindow's file exploer , and after copying userscan'tither delete that files nor recovery them.

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General :: Ubuntu 9.10 Server Edition And Samba ?

Feb 8, 2010

I recently built a basic server computer for home use. (this will be for media, documents, music, etc) I have a basic amd mobo, cpu, and dvd drive. I have Ubuntu server 9.10 installed on an 8GB SD card that is attached to a usb dongle. The os loaded just fine And as a storage drive i have a seagate 1TB hard drive.

Then i got to creating shares in samba. I got to editing the smb.conf file and i couldn't figure out how to setup the shares (where exactly the 1tb Hard drive is, how to create directories and what not) Then i realized i needed to format the HDD! but when i go to run fdisk to finally do it, it tells me that it is "unable to open /dev/sda/"

Now i don't know a whole lot about linux as you can tell, but that is the whole reason i set this thing up is for a big learning experience in both linux and network setup.

To sum up, how do i format the 1TB HDD, and how would i set up samba so i could administrate it from my other computer (SWAT is what i've read about)

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Server :: Unable To Ssh Remote Server (firewall Turn Off)

Jun 27, 2011

i m unable to ssh my one centos 5.6 remote server from my one server


ssh -v
OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008
debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config
debug1: Applying options for *


i even turn off all firewall rules on both server i can able to ssh from my home or any other pc to remote pc so i don't think there is any problem in target pc

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General :: Disabling Cut And Paste - Renaming In Samba Server

Feb 4, 2010

We are having 12 windows computers xp which are connected to a linux machine which has samba server installed on it for backup purposes of these 12 windows users. We want the like this , that a user copy a folder from their local machine and paste it to the samba server . but they cannot delete this folder once the backup is there at linux machine.

So this is working fine. But our users are able to Rename the folder they have pasted at linux machine which we dont want . and even they are able to cut and paste files from 1 folder to another folder in the samba server. We just want them to copy a file or folder from their local windows machine and paste to samba server and they can also read it (copy and paste back to their windows computer)whenever they want . but we dont want them to cut and paste within linux machine and rename that file as well.

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General :: Install A Server, Configure Samba And Raid 1?

Dec 21, 2010

<silent-> my company gave me a small project do in linux , i need you to give me some advice.
<silent-> basically its will be a file server and something like 5 users will need to


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