General :: File Recovery From A Failed Operating System?
Oct 27, 2010
The configuration default in Gnome power manager has changed and now I can't access anything but, the log in menu. I made a post about it but, no reply. Now I ask anyone if there is a way I can retrieve my files or fix the power manager config files.I tried to reinstal ubunto but, it only alow me to installed on another partition and booth on either one. I don't think that will work. I tried to use ubunto on a stick but, it does not accept me signing in with the same password (too short). I would apreciate any suggestions to get my files back. Compiuter is a laptop HP MINI 210-1054TU software ubunto 10.4 latest
The original operating system system for this laptop, an Acer Aspire One, Model No. ZG5, is not working. How do I get a copy of its original operating system to reinstall
ive installed ubuntu 9.01 on a external HDD. I have windows on my internal HDD and whenever I unplugged the USB HDD and turn on the computer I get Failed To Load Grub. I fixed this by restoring windows boot.ini file but now when I try boot from the external HDD (USB) it says Failed To Open Operating System and nothing else.
At work I'm using a windows box with local and network drives. One of drives I have mapped is my Linux home directory (We have separate windows and linux accounts and home directories here). When I view it from windows, all of the files and folders beginning with . are shown, as would be expected. (Although . and .. aren't in any folder)
Just wondering if there is a way to tell windows to not show anything starting with a dot. I was hoping there's a registry entry or something that defines what a 'protected operating system file' is, so I could put dot files in the same category as thumbs.db etc.
On my laptop I dual boot Ubuntu 8.04 and Windows XP. During the last upgrade of my Ubuntu distro something went wrong and now I get a messed up GUI. In the meanwhile I got a new laptop on which I only run Ubuntu 9.10. So my question is: I want to delete the linux partition on my old laptop and use only Windows XP but since I use grub to dual boot, I'm afraid that deleting the linux partition and extending the Windows partition will cause problems to boot my computer. Here's a screenshot of my partitions:
i am investigating on solutions to trace a file deletion on a computer( Linux O/S).i also need to determine weither after a file deletion or download on a computer, the computer clock had not been modified. In case a file has been downloaded on a computer and then transferred to a removable device, i need to find out the file activity. i mean i should be able to tell that the file was downloaded and transferred to a device with possible specifications.
Vista Recovery Windows 7 GRUB Extended -->Fedora 12 (ext4)
so, I shrunk my recovery in Windows 7 successfully, and booted into my Fedora 12 live cd to run Gparted, and move the partitions so that the free space could go towards fedora, I did such, and then I couldn't expand the partition to my dismay. Next, I woke up this morning, tried to boot to fedora to run SSH, grub loaded, but when I tried to boot fedora, I got the "File system check failed" error, and when I tried 7, it just went to a blank screen with a single "_" in the top left-hand corner.
I am so confused! I changed my security profile to 'paranoid' (i'm a linux noob' and accidentally locked my self out of everything! Including su, sudo, YaST, etc. (openSUSE 11.1)
I accidentally formatted a HDD when I meant to format a USB thumb drive. The HDD is a 250GB drive that had about 180GB of data in the EXT3 format. I was actually attempting to make a bootable USB thumb drive with TRK (Trinity Rescue Kit). Kind of funny/ironic to mess up a drive while trying to make a rescue disk. Anyway, as soon as I realized what had happened, I pulled the drive out of the computer to make sure I didn't do anything else stupid to it. I have been searching for some way to recover and haven't really found much. There are a lot of programs to get Windows data back, but I haven't seen anything specific on the EXT3 file system.
I have lost the data of my drive having file system ext3, please tell me the most reliable softwares for data recovery, please try to tell also GUI software.
Assume I have a computer on which I want to use ubuntu for a while (single boot). Assume also that in about six months I want to give this computer to Mr. X, but I do not want Mr. X to know that I have been using ubuntu. I don't want to install anything over top of ubuntu, I just want the computer to be completely (or as nearly completely as possible) blank so that Mr. X cannot infer what I've been doing on it. The trick here is that I can't use operating system x_{1} to delete operating system x_{0}. I don't want Mr. X to know anything about which OS I have been using. Mr. X, by the way, is a sophisticated computer user but not particularly interested in tracking me down. Once he sees that the computer is blank Mr. X will just install his own operating system and everybody will be happy.
I have a server HP proliant and installed Redhat 4.3. server has only one HD as another was Bad and no RAID configuration. after 2 weeks I shutdown the system and when start it is giving the error - operating system not found?
I want to experience Ubuntu and want it on my machine. I currently have Windows 7 installed and was wondering what the easiest or best way is to install Ubuntu so I can choose to run either Windows 7 or Ubuntu.
i want to install a linux operating system on my desk top can somebody recommend a linux system that supports a dial up connection i cannot get broadband
I have been using various operating systems on this computer. At the moment I am using AntiX Mepis. I switched to Linux because my Windows used to freeze all of a sudden after a few hourse or even minutes. Now my Linux was quite stable for a few days but again, it freezes in a few minutes when I use a Window Manager. In the terminal without using any Window Manager it never freezes. Can anyone tell me the solution to this? code...
I would like to start a videoic operating system;hwever,I know nothing about linux systems.Is it possible to select a button,press it;then have small video packets play special videos?For example:I select;and press, the "control panel" icon.A video displays the floor of my displayed image ,raising;then,displays a short travel through a hallway to a door labelled "control panel".Afterwards, the door opens to display various controls;each of which has video displays in them.Each button would contain a short video display "packet". I have a linux red hat 9 book and cd's.
I installed Linux on a laptop once.. i'd like to do a dual boot but i've never done it before. Is there anything special i need to do? i don't want it to write over my current operating system.
I installed LinuxMint on an external harddisk. I shutdown the laptop and removed the external harddisk. Then when I restarted the laptop (external harddisk was not attached).
Error: No such device <hex number>, Grub Rescue>
The laptop showed me the above stated error. Now I am not able to boot any OS on it until I reconnect the external harddisk!
What are the challenges that are involved in porting an Operating system to a new architecture? Say I want to port linux to new architecture called XYZ, what are the things that should be taken care of?
I'm currently switching to a new laptop that will be my main machine and currently I use a laptop and a desktop on a daily basis. The laptop will continue to be used by another member of my family but the desktop will no longer have any use (well I might later build a new desktop but this one has finished his service).
The machine in question has: AMD Athlon 64 3800+ @ 2.4GHz 4x512MB DDR-400 (2GB Total) Seagate 200GB SATA 7200RPM 8MB Cache Hard Drive Geforce 6600GT 256MB GDDR3
Since I will no longer use it as a desktop/working machine I'd like to set it up as a home server. However I can't decide which OS to use for that. I have access to all Windows Versions since XP/2003 (with the exception of Windows Home Server) and I have some knowledge using both Windows and Linux so that's not a problem on my choice.
I am interested in changing the Operating system on an old laptop of mine from Vista to Linux. Problem is I don't know anything about Linux. I have been told Fedora is a good distribution for me to get started with. uninstall windows and get started with Linux?
Windows XP is installed in my C drive. Can I install an another fresh copy of Windows XP or Linux or Windows 7 in same C drive without formatting the previous one?