Fedora :: Save Streamed *.wav Files?

Mar 27, 2011

Is there a way to save streamed *.wav files.After I watch some the free physics lectures at
urse-curriculum.html in my browser, I'd like to save a copy to view again.

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Ubuntu :: Firefox - Unable To Save Files By Right Clicking And Save As

Jan 13, 2010

I have Ubuntu 9.10 dual booting with Windows7.My ext3 /home is mounted as F: in windows.I share a firefox profile between them so that when i am in Windows my firefox uses the same profile as it does when in Ubuntu.It all worked great until recently. I am unable to save files by right clicking and save as. In the config i am unable to set a directory to save to. It neer asks me where to save to. Just nothing happens. some off my book marks are all messed up as well, my rss feeds have the same post on some random website every time i log on and i have to manually refresh to get the correct feeds back. I am unable to delete the random bookmark.

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Fedora :: Can't Save Files Or Drag Em To The Desktop?

Apr 17, 2010

Today after i restarted my computer (Fedora 12) i can't save files or drag em to the desktop :oI get:Quote:There was an error moving the file into /home/JoccE/Desktop.Error moving file: Permission deniedWhat happen :P? and how do i fix it back to normal?

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Fedora :: Cannot Save Files In Codeblocks IDE Nor Can Get Eric IDE To Function Either?

Dec 31, 2009

I can not get many things to work as I have no way to access root priveledges in Fedora 10. I tried before to install fedora 11, then 12 and hit roadblocks. The problem was both went through long installation times and then simply said not enough space in boot file. I then tried to remove images as it said and could not boot at all as I received an error saying something like file missing and it returned me to the boot screen. I then reloaded fedora 10, went through the over 700 ! security upgrades and set it all up. My problem is several things I try to set up I need root priveledges to setup. I can not save files in codeblocks IDE nor can I get Eric IDE to function either, also the same with a neat looking game sauerbraten.

I am happy with Fedora 10, everything works on the hardware side, my cdma sprint net connection works flawlessly, even my wirless works most times. I can not get to root at all, when I try to use the sudo ed it asks me for a password for ed then returns ed is not in sudoers file this incident will be reported. I tried sudo root and it asks me for root password and I give it correctly three times and then it says 3 incorrect attempts and exits. I can not get into sudoers file to edit as I have no permissions. I set up another user and group with id 101 (lowest I could use) and included all the groups in root - halt, shutdown, root etc and when I switched users and tried to access root as Edward no permissions again. I then tried sudo Edward and it asked for my password again, I used the proper one and still got the message Edward is not in sudoers file this incident will be reported. Also it seems to me I should be able to get into root through the switch users, I tried typing in root then the correct root password and that just returns to the prompt again. I know the root password is correct as I use it access the Aunthentication app and the users and groups app and it allows me access to these as root?.

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Ubuntu :: Streamed Videos Are Not Getting Stored In /tmp?

Feb 12, 2011

I was using a customized version of ubuntu 10.04 earlier videos which I use to stream were stored in /tmp

A week before I switched to 10.10 Now the problem is that the streamed videos are not getting stored in the /tmp

is there any other place where the videos are getting stored.if so, is there any other way by which I can download the videos

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General :: Saving Streamed Videos?

Jun 17, 2011

When a video is opened in ..... or any other site, where is it saved on my HDD,or how can I save that video?

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General :: Streamed Videos Are Not Getting Stored In /tmp?

Feb 12, 2011

I was using a customized version of ubuntu 10.04 earliervideos which I use to stream were stored in /tmpA week before I switched to 10.10 Now the problem is that the streamed videos are not getting stored in the /tmpsomebody help me with this ... is there any other place where the videos are getting stored.if so, please tell me .... is there any other way by which I can download the videos

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Can't Watch NBC Streamed Olympics Coverage?

Feb 13, 2010

Ubuntu users can't watch NBC streamed Olympics coverage?

The CBC [url] seems to be able to get it right (flash player, I believe) for Ubuntu/Linux users. Well, the coverage is better from the CBC anyway.

Let us know if you find a workaround for NBC, I believe its the Silverlight 3.0 issue.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Save Any Files ?

Feb 9, 2010

I am very new to linux but not to computers. The transition from Windows to Ubuntu was seamless, it is very easy to use and I really like linux so far, until it came time to save a file. I find it very hard to believe that every time you create a document of file that you need to be logged in as root to save it or at least that's what everyone is telling me.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Save Php Files To /var/www

Jun 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 in a virtual machine and trying to do some work with php. I'm using Bluefish editor to create a very simple file that will show the date on a web page. The problem is that I try to save the file and get the following error:

Error opening file '/var/www/today.php': Permission denied.

Obviously it's a permissions issue. So I followed the instructions found in this post:


but alas, I keep getting the error.

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General :: Where To Save Files

Feb 11, 2011

What standard do you adhere to when saving and you're the only user of the server(root)? Take downloaded files for instance:In my experience I often find people putting downloaded files in /opt, /usr/src/, /usr/local/ etc.I would like to know if ther is a standard like would have in Windows. Everyone knows where the Download directory is in windows

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General :: Save All Files Onto USB's

May 10, 2011

I've been having some PC troubles since yesterday after downloading VistaOSx onto my computer. (I don't know why I downloaded it, I was bored.) Well now I have a virus on my computer that wont let windows start. Every time I go to turn on my computer, I get a black screen with just my mouse pointer.

So, I went looking for the disk that the guys at FRY'S gave me after they worked on my computer, and it was an MSI disk, and I booted from it, and now I'm in some OS called Winki 3 which is linux based and I don't know what I'm doing, to my surprise, I'm online.

I need to be able to get my computer working again, and I don't want to loose any of my files if I have to reinstall windows. I have a few questions before I start getting into this and try to get my computer to work but only mess it up worse.

1) What in the world is Winki 3? I've never heard of it.

2) How can I execute a .exe file? I'm trying to see if I can run my virus scan to get rid of whatever it is that is screwing with my computer.

3) I can see all my program files and everything, so I need to save some stuff on my USB's in case I do need to reinstall windows so that way I don't loose anything. How do I do that?

4) I know this isn't a place to ask windows questions, but I must. I don't have a restore disk, or a reboot disk or whatever, just this MSI disk that brought me to this Winki 3. How can I restore my computer without the restore disk, and without taking it to some place that's going to charge me an arm and a leg? There has to be some way, I mean I have this Winki 3 running, I should be able to do something that will restore the computer back to the default factory settings after I save all my files onto my USB's, right?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Can't Save Any Files?

Apr 26, 2010

I downloaded the latest version of OpenSuse 11.2 Live KDE, I am using VirtualBox to run it, I completed the whole installation. Then, there comes the problem, whatever I do in OpenSuse works, but when I shut down OpenSuse and boot it later, nothing has saved since last time. Example, I tried to create a File.txt on the desktop, then shut down OpenSuse properly. When I boot it again 5 minutes later, the File.txt is not there anymore. I even installed Apache2, and when I came back, i wasn't installed anymore

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Ubuntu :: Can't Save Html Files

Feb 3, 2010

I'm trying to set up some basic websites on an Apache 2 server running on my Linux box. At the moment, I have some really basic html files that I want to load into the /var/www directory. However, for whatever reason, I cannot save my html files. First, I thought it was because I didn't have permission on my account, so I switched to localadmin (i don't know if all Linux distros come with a localadmin account, but i know localadmin has "higher" permissions than, but less that root, of course). Even as localadmin, I could not save my html files!

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Ubuntu :: Save .odt Or .doc Files As PDFs?

Mar 9, 2010

its possible to save .odt or .doc files as PDFs? I don't think OO can do it.

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Ubuntu :: Save Changes In .conf Files?

Apr 26, 2010

i am currently working on ldap server configuration and i had made changes on smb.conf file but i don't know how to save these change. am using ubuntu 9.10

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: How To Save MP3 Files

May 17, 2010

How does one save files in MP3 (or MP4) format.This would apply to converting an existing audio file to MP3 or to ripping a CD.This question must be as old as Ubuntu, yet I find very little in our forums. What I do find, refers me to items that don't seem to be in the repositories anymore, so perhaps someone in the know can update us again.Yes it is lossy and proprietary, but it's fine for speech and produces a much more compact file than flac. Also, flac and ogg are not well known to non Linux users, programs and equipment. So, for compatibility, I often want to convert flac to MP3.

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Ubuntu :: Where Does Webcheck Save Files

Nov 30, 2010

I'm trying to use webcheck to generate a site map. after the webcheck runs, it says it has made files, but I don't know where that is. Does anyone know where webcheck saves files?

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Ubuntu :: Gimp Can't Save Png Files?

Dec 1, 2010

like to update it on occasion. Recently I attempted to edit an image locally. I use vbulletin, which relies on png for it's forum icons. When I tried to change the default image for a new one I created using GIMP, I saved it as a *.png file. Yet, when I looked at the saved file - it was actually a *.xcf file (which I've never even heard of before).What gives?ensure it is saved with a png extension when I select png extension, instead of the xcf extension it seems intent on saving as?The image was originally a jpg, if that makes any difference. I can't see as it does though. When I was on Windoze, I used Paint Shop Pro - and if I told it to save a file with a png extension, it amazingly saved it with a png extension

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Slackware :: How To Save Files In Desktop

Mar 1, 2011

There is a folder named Desktop in my home. What is it for? And how to save files in desktop?

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Ubuntu :: Taking Ages To Save Files?

Apr 25, 2010

Ubuntu has been working fine since I dropped Windows six months ago , but recently I am experiencing problems when saving files that I have scanned in . They are taking an age to save and they are only small files less than 200kb ??? Saving anything takes an age now 5 mins +

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Ubuntu :: Save Files And Create Folders In Var/www?

Apr 28, 2010

creating a new website project in the var/www folder. I open jedit and try to save a folder or file inside var/www using jedt and it refuses to let me create or save anythink in the var/www directory.

I have used the terminal to create a new folder and file inside the var/www directory and when i open the file with jedit or gedit and write some code into it it wont save the code either. I am used to just creating a new directory and saving files into it with ease using windows so this is puzzling me a little. I also installed lamp server through the terminal and the phpmyadmin folder installed somewhere different from the var/www file.

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Ubuntu :: Where Is Minecraft Store Save Files In 10.10

Dec 21, 2010

I downloaded an old save that i used when I used to use windows, i switched over to ubuntu and i want to use it again, but i have no clue where Minecraft stores its saves, i know in windows it was the "appdata" folder.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Save Files In Usr/share/backgrounds

Dec 29, 2010

How come I cannot save photos into usr/share/backgrounds? is there somehow i can have my backgrounds that i now have saved in a seperate folder be moved into usr/share/backgrounds? or have my new backgrounds folder be the default one?

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Ubuntu :: Rename And Save Multiple Files?

Feb 22, 2011

I am quite new to script programming and I am facing an uphill task to rename files in one folder. I have gone through similar posts but most of them deal with renaming files by changing the file extensions.Problem : I have a folder which contains files like bild01.jpg,bild02.jpg. There are more files in the folders which should remain untouched. I want to rename these 'bild' files as follows:

bild01.jpg -----> 1c.jpg
bild02.jpg -----> 2c.jpg
I would like to create a script as:
npics=`ls -1 bild*| wc -l`


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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Live USB - How To Save Files

Jun 28, 2011

I am hoping to install Ubuntu 11.04 onto my USB. (1 gb... all I want it for is to do virus scans and stuff for my windows computers....) The thing is, I did the Startup disk thing. But every time I boot off the usb it says "Try or install". I click try. I make a file on the desktop. Then I reboot and its gone! Why is this happening, and how do I get the files to save?

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General :: Save Deleted Files In Server?

Dec 27, 2010

is there any way to save deleted files in server any path like recycle bin in samba server. because the samba user delete file and folder by mistake.

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Debian :: Apache2 Doesn't Start With Log Files Save To RAM?

Dec 12, 2010

I have apache2 running under debian squeeze on a Seagate DockStar of a USB flash drive. To reduce the wear on the USB stick, I want to move all log files to RAM. What I did was to update create an entry in /etc/fstab to mount /var/log to tmpfs.Things seems to work except apache2. y start apache2, it complains aboutStarting web server:apache2(2)No such file or directory: apache2: could not open error log file /var/log/apache2/error.log.If I create the file, apache2 starts fine. Is there a step or two I am missing so I don't need to do this every time I reboot

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OpenSUSE Multimedia :: Flash Player Cannot Save Files?

Sep 16, 2011

I have problem with downloading files from web page of my school. When I click on download, it will ask for location to save and when I choose one (for example home or desktop), the page freezes, but firefox is still running, so I just have to close the tab. I tried it also with chromium with same result, but it produced some error log. I tried flash player 10.3 and 10.2 - same result. I also tried installing flash-player-gnome, but no luck. On linux mint 9 64-bit everything works perfectly.note: flash player can play movies (for example on .....). I can download files, that aren't downloaded with flash player.error log:

System: Linux #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-07-21 02:17:24 +0200 i686
X Vendor: The X.Org Foundation


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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Save .hqx Files After Firefox Upgrade?

Jan 9, 2010

I can't save files with the .hqx extension for some reason. Firefox was recently upgraded to 3.5.7 via Update Manager. Nothing happens when I click on a link pointing to a .hqx file no download status window. I can see that something is trying to download but it is not saved to disk. (Yes, I checked /dev/null first).My first stop was to edit > preferences > applications to see if the extension definitions got borked during the upgrade. Everything seemed normal except for the fact that I couldn't see an entry for .hqx files and no apparent method for manually adding it to the list. I went to another site that I administer and successfully download a .pdf file

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