I moved a few files from a directory in my home directory structure to the KDE trash folder, and then deleted them from the trash folder. About a minute later I regretted this, and now I'd like to see if there's any way to recover the files. First, are there any good utilities for restoring accidentally deleted files? If so, where would I look for these files? Does the KDE trash config file actually correspond to a physical directory somewhere, or do the files just remain hidden in their original location?
I have just accidently deleted /usr/lib as root, how do I restore it from the trash can from command line? Seeing as how no programs will now run. I can't seem to find /root/.Trash, no such folder seems to exist ,or did I just royally screw myself?
First off where is the Trash folder for root in Fedora 11 I have googled and looked everywhere I can't get a straight answer. It is not in /root/.Trash for one.
I had a back-up of the files of someone . He realized that he wants those files , after I had deleted them . And now I need to recover them . How can I do that?
I need to recover deleted files from a NTFS drive. The OS has been re-installed by accident. any tools that will allow me to see if there is anything that can be recovered.
I have a Kingston 8gb Datatraveler that has been giving me troubles lately. For some reason after I delete files from it it still shows up as full and the files are shown in the hidden trash files. How do I get rid of these files? I can't delete them as they just show back up. Also, I tried to format the drive with gparted and it won't unmount. When I right click and select information, at the bottom it says: Unable to find mount point. Unable to read the contents of the file system. Because of this, some operations may be unavailable.
I use a CentOS 5.4 machine as a Samba file server for a WinXP SP3 box. I noted that when I deleted files under the Samba server from WinXP, there is no trash can for them. What I delete is lost for good. Is there a Samba config setting that puts deleted files into a trash can?
If I move a file to the trash,I can restore it later.But if I empty the trash,I'll be warned that I cannot recover the files if I proceed.Is this really true or are there Linux applications for recovering files deleted from the trash?Uhm...are the files deleted completely and unrecoverably or are there any traces left behind?
I don't know whether this is a bug or feature. But I find the fact that the Trash in Gnome doesn't delete trashinfo files a security liability.
I found in ./local/share/Trash/info thousands of .trashinfo files named exactly like the files deleted and each one contains the date of deletion.
I thought when I empty the trash bin every record of the files were removed. I understand that there are forensic ways to recover data and rm isn't very secure with journaled file systems, but forensic recovery isn't 100% and if the disk is written over several times the data is gone.
Here you have a permanent list of all the files you've deleted, without you knowing and the dates of deletion. IMO that's too much information.
Update: Weird after removing the files manually and then trying to delete files again using the trash I found no .trashinfo files, this time. So they were probably leftover files, but they didn't have a different owner/permission. Could this have been an issue and now fixed? (running Lucid)
My laptop has two os. one is windows vista. and other is Ubuntu. I am currently on ubuntu system, this is my primary OS.There are 4 partitions of my hard diskWindows OSLinux(Ubuntu OSData Now the problem part. The data partition is NTFS. I have mounted this partition on the location /media/windrive-a under ubuntu OS.A little while back i decided to delete the mounting of the data partition and i fired command rm -r /media/windrive-a/. To give me a shock; all my data on data drive is gone.Now, I know this is not the command to remove mounted partition. But I have committed the wrong. Is there any way i can get my data back. These are very important data for me.
I cut and paste files today and they seemed to have gone missing or got deleted in the process. How do I recover them?
As a first guess I would think they are sitting on a clip board somewhere, but I can't find any information anywhere about fedora14 and the default clipboard that ships with it.
Deleted a whole bunch of files, I have backed it up but it was from about 2 weeks ago and as I had added loads of stuff in the meantime I urgently need to recover the files.Ubuntu 9.10. Any and every file recovery program you know please.Preferably one that allows me to recover an entire directory, not just individual files, but it'll be fine if that is it.
Yesterday I accidentaly deleted all files from my desktop (with rm). Now I am looking for way how to recover them.
I tried to use scalpel to recover them which found many files (more than 800000 zip files). I stopped the process cause It would take ages. I would like to recover files only from desktop folder. Is this possible?
I wiped out 60% of my VirtualBox .vdi files on one of my partions. The file sizes ranged from 3gb to 9gb files. (I did have some backups but 4 months ago). Needless to say I'll be backing my files up more often (especially my Virtual Image .vdi files). So here are the steps...: [ Look, I know it seems like allot of steps, but its worth it in the end!!]
(By the way, these are all ext3 filesystems, I would imagine you could recover fat32 [windows} type filesystems too, but I just did this under Linux filesystems) 1--> If you've found yourself deleted any files, try to unmount the partition. ( In my case it was an external 2 1/2 hard drive, command used to unmount is sudo umount /dev/sda3)
1b--> If you only have one partition, then I'd suggest shutting down your computer and putting a Live CD in it (preferably the Ubuntu Live CD).
2--> Whether 1 or 1b applies to you, install ext3grep from Synaptic or any package manager. (if you had to reboot via a live CD, make sure you unmount the partition that has the deleted files.(example umount /dev/sda1 or in my case it was umount /dev/sda3). If you're on the LiveCD of Ubuntu, I believe it will let you install the ext3grep package using Synaptic Package manager and it will put it in RAM under the Live Desktop Session.
3--> Now here's the important part before you proceed any further. If the partition that has the deleted files is taking up 30gb (yes 30gb used space), then you have to mount an existing partition GREATER than 30gb ***FREE*** SPACE. I happened to have another partition /media/sda7 already mounted that had 50 gb free.
So at this point, you must go to any directory under your (recovery partition, i'm referring to my 50gb partition /media/sda7). To do this, run the command cd /media/sda7, now you're in your (recovery partition). You can make a new directory if you want, or just use any existing directory on the /media/sda7 partition. (I made a directory something like mkdir ./Yikes ) So I get into the directory by cd /media/sda7/Yikes then run the following command....:
ext3grep --restore-all /dev/sda3
4--> ***Keep in mind, you just ran that command from the /media/sda7/Yikes directory on your recovery partition. ***This will create a folder called "RESTORED_FILES" under/in the Yikes Directory.*** The ext3grep command you just submitted will try to recover every single file on that partition that has the deleted files (i.e. /dev/sda3). There is a way to restore single files and their paths, but I got frustrated and just did a full restore.
5--> Depending on the partition size and number of files, it could take 30 minutes to 2 hours or more before you start to see messages in the terminal screen saying "Restored file... Abc.txt or sam.jpg". Let it finish!!! At first you will see it saying "Group 1, Group 2 and crazy characters going across the screen, that's normal." You know it's begining the actual restore process when you start to see "Restored file...".
6--> At this point you can open a DIFFERENT terminal screen and do cd /media/sda7/Yikes/RESTORED_FILES to see the files being restored under the various directories. This does work because I was able to restore at least 25gb worth of files. Again, file sizes ranged from 3gb to 9gb!!
7--> Final step when the 1st terminal screen is done restoring the files, you can either open them up from the /media/sda7/Yikes/RESTORED_FILES directory to check them out, or you can copy them back to where they were deleted before. BUT I WOULD SAY TO MAKE A BACKUP OF THE RESTORED FILES, or keep the restored files in the /media/sda7 partition.
-->Again, I did a "ext3grep --restore-all /dev/sda3" command from the partition that had plenty of free space (i.e. 50gb) to restore the 30 gb worth of deleted files (and that ext3grep --restore-all /dev/sda3 command was run in the following directory /media/sda7/Yikes ).
-->Remember to unmount the /dev/sda3 partition (i.e. the partition that has the deleted files). DO NOT MOUNT /devs/sda3 when running the ext3grep --restore-all command. The ext3grep documentation states you don't want to write anything to that partition because you run the risk of writing over files or directories that could be recovered.
-->This ext3grep utility saved me Big Time!! 4 to 5 months of work restored because of this utility. You can get it from Synaptic Package Manger searching for ext3grep.
Some a$$ hack me MySQL and deleted all my databases, I have older copies on my system, but is there a way that Ubuntu server can recall or recover deleted MySQL database files ?
is there any way to recover deleted files and folders in redhat9.because one of my user delete one folder through samba.please advise me or any other recover tools.
I just downloaded, burned, and tried the ISO image. only to find out it's not a bootable, live CD, but rather a Windows program, ie. it requires booting into Windows and running it from the CD, which is not a good idea since the first thing to do in this case is to quit the OS to prevent it from using those newly available sectors to write new data. can a Linux-based live CD try and recover files recently deleted in an NTFS partition?
i want to know how can i recover deleted files in ext3 partition manually(not using any tools)?? probably using the 'grep' command. if someone know pls tell me...
(i have recoverd deleted files in an ext2 partition with debugfs and dump . but dumping doesnt work for ext3)
How can I recover My deleted files in ubuntu? What's the difference between "foremost" and "scalpel"? And is there any other program(or package?) For this purpose in ubuntu? I am running ubuntu 9.10
I am using CentOS 5.5.I suppose this is an oft repeated question. I accidentally deleted, using rm command, 2 wmv files. The files were in a single ext3 1Tb drive, with just 1 partition --- the ext3 one. Each file is 600 - 800mb. The 1Tb drive has only about 20Gb data.Immediately after deleting the files i unmounted the drive (/dev/sdc1). Thereafter i searched the the net and came to know of the recovery tools foremost and photorec. I have installed both of them. I am currently running both of them as root --- foremost is just showing a lot of * signs on the terminal and photorec has managed to find some txt and png files --- but no wmv.For foremost i used: /usr/sbin/foremost -t wmv -i /dev/sdc1For photorec i followed some instructions available on the web.
In the meantime, based on some post on the net i ran debugfs as root, then cd into the directory where the files were deleted. Then on typing ls -d i managed to get the inodes of the 2 deleted files and the names of the deleted files are also correct. The instructions on the net http://www.theavidcoder.com/?p=3 tell me to run fsstat and dls both of which i am unable to find in /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/sbin and /sbin. So i am unable to proceed further.
I cannot boot into by Ubuntu 9.1 machine.... Trying either GUI or rescue mode gives me the following error messages (which i copied by hand since they were in cli)
Code: mount : mounting /dev/disk/by-uuid/64e5cb0d-058a-4a4c-af4b-7afb6427a72e3 on root failed : invalid argument
mount : mounting /sys on /root/sys failed : no such file or directory mount : mounting /dev on /root/dev failed : no such file or directory mount : mounting /proc on /root/proc failed : no such file or directory
Target doesnt have /sbin/init The only thing i remember doing before this is deleting some bootloader files... but they were on another disk so I didn't think that it would affect my ubuntu install. Guess I was wrong how I can recover my system?
I switched from OpenSUSE to Fedora and I moved a folder full of coursework and a backup of that folder (which was pretty outdated) onto a usb. Once I had installed Fedora, I first deleted the outdated backup, intending to make another fresh one but then I realised that somehow the original files hadn't copied from OpenSUSE onto the USB.
The situation I'm in now is that I only have the outdated backup in the trash can so I need that back but I get the following error message when I try and recover it:
Error while copying to "desktop". There was an error getting information about the destination.
And then when I select the "Show more details" drop-down:
Error stating file '/media/5E7A-32A1/desktop': No such file or directory
I had several files on my desktop that I wanted to delete so I left clicked at the top corner of one of them and dragged a box around the group to highlight them. Once done I deleted them. I must have included the trash can as that has gone as well. There is no undelete option in the menu so please, how can I get my trash can back.
I mistakenly moved a folder to the trash where it is stuck. I have tried moving it back to its original location using 2 methods, drag and drop, menu -edit- move. I also tried moving the files within the folder out indivdually though I get the same message.When trying, I get an error message Quote:Error while copying "mlmeTypes.rdf"There was an error copying the file into media/(location)/(file name).Show more detailsItems in the trash may not be modifiedI am glad it isn't something important! not this time at least.
I have a problem with a couple of folders in the Trash. If I click on the Trash icon, 2 foldersare there, and when I try to delete them, it just says "Failed to delete the item from the trash"
But when I go to .local/share/Trash there are no files there! Anyway, I tried using the command "sudo rm -rf .local/share/Trash", it shows no error, but the files continue when I click in the trash icon.
On a KDE4 environment after downloading some music from rapidshare with JDownloader the archives self-extracted with the symbol in some of the file names. Those files couldn't be renamed or deleted, the file manager said that the files didn't exist - very weird. The files should have had some swedish characters in their file names. Now I'm stuck with those files on my machine. Anyone knows how to get rid of them?