Fedora :: Random Times Roles Of Caps Lock And Control Keys Gets Reverted Back To Normal
Oct 18, 2010
I have a problem with keyboard mappings on F13. I have the following in my .xmodmap file that is run from .bash_profile:
The problem is that at seemingly random times the roles of the caps lock and control keys (and the other customisations) gets reverted back to normal - which makes for an awful lot of confusion! Running xmodmap again switches them to how I like it, but again after a seemingly random period it resets itself. This occurs under KDE and Gnome in F13, but did not occur in F12. Using the KDE keyboard settings dialog to switch caps lock and control does the exhibits the same behaviour.
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Oct 13, 2010
Can I change the Caps Lock key to Control and still keep the on/off nature of Caps Lock? I've checked into using xmodmap and seem to have hit a dead end. Many people want to swap them, but they also want to swap the way they work. I'd rather keep my new Control key as an on/off switch for Control.
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Jun 20, 2009
In Fedora 10 they decided to change to "evdev", so if you used xmodmap in F9, these mapping have changed in F10 and F11 for that matter. In order to find the new key values start
xev and press a button you would like to know the keycode for. Write this value down. When done, make a file ".xmodmap" and put in the values. "man xmodmap" explains the format. Not easy to understand! So here is how mine looks like.
clear Lock
keycode 112 = Caps_Lock
keycode 118 = Delete
keycode 119 = Home
This layout is MUCH more logical than the original. Now Delete is the key just to the right of the Backspace key. Back spaces deletes to the left, and Delete deletes to the right, so these keys shoudl of course be next to each other Page Up, Page Down, Home, and End now have the same structure as the arrow keys below. This layout makes it much easier to navigate without looking at the keys, because now the layout makes sense And why shouldn't 0 be to the left of 1? of course it should. 0 is lower than 1.
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Sep 14, 2010
I have a HP Pavilion dv4 that is 4 months old. Yesterday it suddenly seemed to restart then once I logged in it turned off. When I tried to turn it on some of the lights came on and the caps lock and num lock started flashing. Since then I have not been able to get it to work correctly.It once seemed to turn on but died again after the login window.I tried to use my live cd but the same thing happened. It started loading once, but then shut down again. Every other time it stayed dead minus the lights
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May 2, 2010
There is a very strange problem I've been having. When I enable either Caps Lock or Num Lock the media controls on my keyboard cease to work. I have Googled this one to death but found nothing. This problem existed in Xubuntu 9.10 and now still exists in Xubuntu 10.04. The keyboard I use is a Logitech Elite Keyboard. I would love to be able to use the Caps Lock and Num Lock without the worry that I am disabling the media controls
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May 27, 2010
I have just burned the latest CD using infraRecorder, as per the instructions on this site, however when I boot from this CD, it spends about 5 minutes moving the red balls across my screen, then all of the sudden it just freezes, and my caps and scroll lock lights start to blink. I've had a look in the forums already but there's nothing about this happening on Boot of the live CD.
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Oct 31, 2010
I am having a very annoying problem with my laptop.I am experiencing many freezes.When my laptop freezes, it shows the caps lock and scroll lock lights blinking.At first I thought it was a problem with flash (here is original thread: URL... )In the original thread, I thought the freeze's were being caused by the flashplayer, but it apparently isn't the case.The last time I experienced the freeze, I was playing around with the compiz desktop effects.
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Mar 26, 2011
I know this doesn't matter to most people because most people hold shift to capitalize letters. I tap the caps lock with my pinky whenever I need something capitalized. I'm a pretty fast typer, I just don't type correctly. How do I get it so that when I'm typing and I hit Caps Lock for it to be an instant effect? For example this is what I'm getting annoyed with, here is an example of what I am having to recorrect everytime I type.
HEre IS AN Example. MY NAme IS Zachery GOchenour.
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Feb 11, 2010
I am stumped. I get random "freezes" for like 20 seconds, then back to normal. Then again the same thing randomly. I thought it was my hard drive...replaced it, reinstalled 9.10 and same issue. Thought it might be the memory...nope!, thought it might be my motherboard, tried to update my bios and it froze and now I can't get in to my bios at all. I bought a new motherboard and did a fresh install of 9.10 and same problem!!! I took my hard drive out and put it in another computer and it ran the same ruling out hardware issues all together.
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Dec 27, 2010
just run into this problem when the caps lock light is on the keyboard prints lowercase and when off prints Capitals highly annoying and can't find a reason why or how to fix.
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Nov 20, 2009
When I running fedora the caps lock & shift LEDs blinking continuously and system was hang.
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Dec 14, 2009
I keep starting up Fedora and I'm not able to get far (although it's not always at the same time) before my screen will go black, except it shows the mouse/cursor - but it's frozen, and thhen the caps-lock light starts blinking and I can't do anything or get it to recover. Sometimes it happens after 30 seconds, sometimes 40+ seconds and sometimes within 15 or so seconds.
How do I stop this and diagnose this?
I've tried, in the boot-startup to choose an older kernel version, butt the same thing occurs!
I have:
Fedora 11
Kernel: i586
Asus EEE PC 1002HA
One other thing, it does always seem to happen after I've turned on wireless. And I've been using F11 for months now with no issue.
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Dec 14, 2009
I keep starting up the computer and I'm not able to get far (although it's not always at the same time) before my screen will go black, except it shows the mouse/cursor - but it's frozen, and then the caps-lock light starts blinking and I can't do anything or get it to recover. It ONLY occurs after I log in to wireless network. Using a wired connection, this problem never occurs.How do I stop this and diagnose this?I've tried, in the boot-startup to choose an older kernel version, but the same thing occurs! And this was working for months and now is not.
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Aug 1, 2011
everything works perfect including reboot and shutdown but not the hibernate or suspend (sleep). Whenever i try to do Suspend, my caps lock starts blinking and the screen goes white
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm running fedora 13 on a Dell Latitude E6500. It's a dual 64-bit system.
It was working, but then I tried to swap caps lock and control.
I used:
Then, under Control Key Position, I selected swap caps lock and control.
Now, my keyboard won't work in the Keyboard Preferences test area or in any other window or when the screen-lock comes on.
I tried logging out. I tried rebooting. I tried deleting my .gnome2 directory. Nothing seems to work. I can use the keyboard on other accounts, so the keyboard is not the problem.
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Jul 23, 2010
I get the newest fedora 13 dvd install & the live cd. Put on the disk and try to install. But the installer hangs on random times, so i cant install the system. Sometimes hangs on the anaconda start, others in the partition tables, others in the language section.
i try to run the live cd and install from there. Ok the first time the cd boot very nice . But when i try to install , the pc hangs again. Other times the boot from live even finish, when the last percents r coming, hangs again.
I all hangs, the dvd drive stop's and never return. So the Fan of cpu start to run very quickly and stay there forever until my patience permits.
So i use the ubuntu installer ( almost 4 years with u fedora, and need ubuntu installer!?shame on u) and search some information about the case. Yes, the last ubuntu boot,install, and run out of the box very quickly!
I see others with Dell & others brands still have problems with hangs and freezing , in boot and installs, so the first thing i search was the kernel parameters and try to use some flags.
I think the source of this kind of problem is the acpi . When i check the flag pci=noacpi or acpi=off , i have see that on the pre-anaconda start, when u choose the english language in text mode, clicking next the installer cant anymore find the media DVD, and the hard disk with the partition table. Sometimes the installer brings me the option to search in the ubuntu partitions, sometimes no.
How to debug and search the source of the problem? Any way? code...
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May 10, 2011
I installed the UbuntuStudio-looks package which i guess reverted the window manager back to gnome. any suggestions on getting back unity?
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Aug 18, 2010
I have a Sony Vaio vgn-sz440. Here is what the specs say about the video card.
I do not understand, do I have an Intel video card, or an Nvidia video card? Should I install the Nvidia video card driver, because every time I try, everything gets real glitchy and I revert back to my original setup.
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Feb 1, 2009
I have triple boot pc (xp, ubuntu, and fedora), installed in that order. xp and ubuntu seem to be stable. i have had to pull the power cord 3 or 4 times while booted in fedora. i noticed the last 2 times i can still move the mouse around, but can't get it to open anything. the keyboard is locked up, can't alt-f1 or f2 or anything to get console. can't get it to do anything, other than watch the mouse tail move around (weird).
i installed a new power supply (and at least i now have a power switch - the old one never had one), but that didn't fix the lock up problem. i haven't ran yum update since the fc10 live cd gnome install. was planning on doing that later.. not sure how long it will stay up to download all the 300 or so updates. right now the only thing open is a terminal (can't type in it).. what should i look at to fix this lock up problem?
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Jun 26, 2010
What is the easiest way to make it so that these transferred files will not be completely locked out and require me to go and change them one by one sohat i can access them without having to go root. Also the "apply to all subfolders and files" doesn't work. Also trying to set the SELinux rule to "userspace" doesn't do anything else. Basically i was trying to do just that transfer my $home folder over to fedora but now it's being a bit odd towards me with making everything require root access and not letting me read/write all files and folders within them.
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May 1, 2011
Being and old Gnome user and a brand new XFCE user, does anyone know how to disable the Caps Lock key in Xubuntu 11.04? It's rather easy in Gnome and obviously not so easy in XFCE.
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Jan 24, 2010
I wanted to remap my Caps Lock key to ESC, both because I don't need the Caps Lock key and because it will make it easier to use vi. I know how to do this in X, but is there a solution that will work in command line mode too?
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Oct 29, 2009
Volume up, volume down and mute keys on the keyboard don't control the volume any longer.They worked before. Hitting the keys brings up a progress bar widget with the volume level unchangeable, set at 0% (which is not accurate at all).It looks like the key mappings or key bindings are working, but there is a disconnect with actual functionality. The volume cannot be changed or muted anymore from the keyboard.
This worked just fine in KDE on Fedora 11 before upgrading KDE components yesterday with Yumex. I am now using KDE 4.3.2 I don't think that it's a coincidence that it stopped working after doing an update.
I updated the kernel and nVidia drivers too, but this problem exists when I went back and tested with the previous kernel, so I don't suspect the kernel upgrade. No info in Xorg.conf about the keyboard. Is there a setting that I am missing?
Sound works just fine. I can listen to whatever source I like. This is not a problem with the sound drivers as far as I can tell.I just want to be able to control the volume with the keys on my Logitech Illuminated Keyboard, model Y-UY95. Is anyone else experiencing this?I can adjust the volume with Kmix 3.5 or GNOME Volume Control V2.1
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Jun 8, 2010
Inspired by this question. I would like to remap Caps Lock to escape, but only when I am in vim. I would like to keep Caps Lock untouched while not in vim.
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Mar 27, 2010
i am using ubuntu7.10. my ESC key and CAPS lock key functions got interchanged..when i use WINDOWS the keys perform their normal functions.. i dont know why their functions got interchanged in ubuntu.
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Aug 5, 2010
When the Caps Lock LED is lit, everything is lowercase. When not lit, everything is uppercase.
Caps lock is working opposite way. it happen when i was using openoffice sheet.
anybody know what to do ?
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May 18, 2011
I wonder is it possible to make capslock and/or scroll lock indicators blink when you have unread message or so. Like in nofication area (like when envelope in notification area becomes blue).
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Jul 26, 2011
Is there any way to make Caps Lock print @ instead of the default behavor?
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Nov 17, 2010
I want to remap the Capslock key to a Shift key. The reason being is the UK keyboard has a very large Caps Lock and a alpha size shift. I have been looking everywhere and there is a lot about turning it into a CTRL key but I don't understand. Can you give me simple instuctions I don't know what keycodes to use and what file to edit.
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Aug 26, 2010
I recently decided to replace Lenny on my laptop with Squeeze. All went fine, but now with both GDM and GDM3, the Caps and Num locks come on when GDM starts, and behave erratically. I have to hit the caps/num lock key several times to disable the lock, and sometimes it will come on again after a random time. This behavior persists into my GNOME session. I'll be working on code and *&%#! -- on comes the caps/num locks.
Initially I thought this was an X issue. I uninstalled GDM3 (which is the version installed by squeeze) and logged in at the console then started X via startx. The caps and num locks remained off and behaved in the normal manner. I then tried SLiM, and again the keys behaved normally. Then I tried GDM (2.20 in the squeeze repos), and it behaved the same as GDM3. Even though I purged GDM3 and GDM, I'm wondering if there's some residual configuration data in my home directory, but I can't seem to find anything related. Using SLiM isn't so bad, but once I log in I get asked to unlock the keyring, so typing my password twice to log gets annoying.
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