Fedora :: Cannot Support Flash ?

Apr 7, 2011

I'm using fedora 14, firefox 3.6.16, i had download Adobe Flash Player version from [url]

And had install, but still cannot watch flash video i also had update fedora 14

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Firefox 4 With Flash Support - 64 Bit

Jan 5, 2011

Here's how to install latest Firefox on a 64 bit system (leaving your old firefox install untouched):

1. Get the latest Firefox tarball (64 bit) from ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/releases/ and save it to whereever you like.

2. Make a new directory in /usr/lib64 and untar it there


3. We want to create a new user profile for Firefox 4. So start Firefox 4 profilemanager and create one.


Name the new profile whatever you like, I created a new profile named FF4b for example. Also before quitting make sure you click on the "default" profile so that you don't mess up your existing Firefox install.

4. You can now start Firefox 4 with the new profile:

5. If not already installed download flash player square plugin (64 bit) from [url]


Now you need to go to your .mozilla folder in your home directory and create a symlink for the flash plugin.


Now look for a folder which is associated with the firefox profile you created earlier. The folder name should end with the name you created it with. Mine was cay67zed.FF4b for example. Cd to that directory:


Make a plugins directory and put the symlink there:


If you want, you can create a launcher for Firefox 4 on your desktop or taskbar with the following command option:


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OpenSUSE :: No Flash Support After Chromium Update?

Mar 3, 2010

I was using Chromium Chrome 5.0.337.0 and Flash was working properly. Today I updated to Chromium 5.0.342.0(With "zypper update") and the Flash is not working anymore. I also installed Google Chrome from Google and it has Flash working.

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Applications :: Browser Does Not Support Any Flash Player

Jan 14, 2010

I bought a netbook (VPC) which is basic netbook with limited features. It has a basic version of Linux (Linux 2.6.24 platform). My instruction booklet says it does not support Flash (player): Flash - The current browser does not support any Flash players. This will prevent viewing some web pages. Certain major websites have a simplified version on the server which will load up. When I try to play games in flash, it does not work either. Browsing on the web also is very limited, I only see mobile (cell phone) versions? (the instruction booklet does state this though) I cannot even put favorites? Is there a way that I can get Flash installed or a better browser? So I can play games that are on Facebook, etc.? and view websites like a "normal" human being should be viewing them on the web?

This is what I figured out so far:
Onboard USB and Ethernet ports
An SD reader
7″ TFT display with an 800X480 resolution
2GB of internal storage
100 MHz processor

Linux with preloaded programs such as internet browser, spreadsheet, word processor, a media player for movies, music and pictures, e-book reader, dictionary, calendar, PDF reader, email, chat, calculator, file manager.

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General :: Does Recordmydesktop Support Output In Flash

Sep 2, 2010

Does recordmydesktop support output in (flash) flv or swf.

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Software :: Flash Player Doesn't Support 64-bit?

Aug 24, 2010

So after a little while of trying to get flash player to work in firefox on Slackware, I finally figured something out.

It took me a little bit to figure out where the firefox plugins folder was, because everything I read said in "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/" Well in "/usr/lib/" there was about 6 or 7 folders, nothing else. I finally realized everything was in /usr/lib64.

Now my second problem, the flash player plugin I downloaded directly from Adobe didn't work. Well a few searches fixed this, and I found a link to the 64-bit plugin at SlackBuild [url] Now I have a couple of questions. First off, Is there any resource that would help me find out exactly what the security risks that SlackBuild claims exist in the x86_64 edition of flashplayer are, so that I can take proper precautions?

Adobe says that they don't currently support 64-bit and they say you can just use a 32-bit browser. I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to 64-bit and 32-bit architectures, so I would just like to read about the advantages of using a 64-bit browser over a 32-bit, and it would help me if anyone could direct me to a website or resource all about the 64-bit and 32-bit architecture stuff.

And in conclusion: The point in me posting this is I would like to decide whether I should continue using the 64-bit firefox or switch to a 32-bit version so I can use the official version of flashplayer. I have a habit of generally preferring the default installed applications because I feel they are typically chosen for the best compatibility, and otherwise I don't feel like asking what application I should use for each and every field of applications.

For now I'll install the 32-bit version and see if I notice any differences.

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CentOS 5 :: Flash Plugin Support For Firefox?

Nov 23, 2009

I have CentOS 5.4 on AMD x64 and 64 bit Firefox 3.0.15

[root@aluva ~]# uname -a
Linux aluva.tarikida.com 2.6.18-164.6.1.el5 #1 SMP Tue Nov 3 16:12:36 EST 2009 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009102918 CentOS/3.0.15-3.el5.centos Firefox/3.0.15

Even though I downloaded and installed Adobe Flash plugin, Flash pages are not displayed on the screen. I am seeing only blank area when going to [URL]

Package flash-plugin- already installed and latest version
Package nspluginwrapper- already installed and latest version
Package nspluginwrapper- already installed and latest version


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Debian :: Chromium Does Not Support NPAPI Flash Plugin

Jun 28, 2015

I recently upgrade to Jessie and instead of installing Chrome from the google site I decided it was best to install Chromium from the Debian contrib and/or non-free repositories. After installing I then found that i had to install the pepperflash plugin. I find that viewing flash content ( I wanted to watch the SpaceX launch from the NASA website this morning) is almost impossible. The sound comes through okay, but the video comes through at about one frame per second. Fortunately I had Iceweasel as a backup.

Since Chromium does not support the NPAPI flash plugin, that is used by Iceweasel, are there other options? I can delete Chromium and install Chrome but I have heard there are issues with Chrome and Jessie. Perhaps I should just give up on Chrome/Chromium altogether, even though I think the web page presentation is much better with Chrome.

Things I have tried:
Uninstall and reinstall the pepperflash plugin
Changed flash settings

By the way, I don't have problems with Youtube because I receive HTML5 content from there. Maybe I should contact NASA and get them to broadcast HTML5.

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Software :: MPlayer Discrepancies - No Support For Flash Video

Nov 20, 2009

When I try mplayer with different distros, I get different results. Right now I have Kubuntu Karmic on the hard drive, but most of the time I'm running Kiara, which is a rebuild of Slax, from a live CD. With Slax, and (I believe) also with Slackware, Mplayer doesn't seem to support playing flv (flash video), or, strange to say, ogg. Now, with Karmic, I can't get full-screen video, though I can get that with most Debian-based distros, including the earlier kubuntu jaunty. Any way of closing up these gaps?

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Hardware :: Geforce G210 Support And Flash Accelleration

Apr 13, 2011

I am putting together a low profile machine for my brother. I was thinking of taking advantage of the hardware acceleration support in flash 10.2 beta. It says it makes use of the VDPAU; this only works with the nvidia proprietary drivers.

The card i was thinking of was the MSI Geforce G210. What kind of support does this have with proprietary drivers? Does anyone have any experience with this? If not, could someone suggest a low profile card above the Geforce 8 series that has better support? I will probably be using Ubuntu 10.

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Debian :: Doesn't Support Flash On The Web - Simultaneously Work With Two Or Three Different Languages?

Dec 10, 2010

I have worked with it for some weeks when I installed it over the summer on my PowerPC. I am now trying to decide whether Debian (vs. Ubuntu) is the right OS for my brand new Toshiba Intel Core i3 with 3 GB of RAM.

1. Flash -- it is true that Debian doesn't support flash on the web? It certianly did not support flash on my PowerPC. I would appreciate if someone can give me a straight answer on this.

2. Languages -- can I simultaneously work with two or three different languages on Debian? I frequently have to type in several languages (e.g., English, French, Persian, Turkish). I am writing a dissertation, so this is very important to me.

3. Finally where can I read a little about comparison between Debian and Ubuntu? My understanding is that Debian is faster than Ubuntu and generally better. Ubuntu is after all based on Debian which means that it's secondary in stability, features, speed, etc. to Debian. Is this generalization correct? Or am I completely off the wall?

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Ubuntu :: Program To Support Multiple OS Installation On Flash Drive?

Oct 10, 2010

I want to put a program (something like GRUB) on my flash drive, so that I can install multiple OS'es, like Ubuntu, Fedora, Dreamlinux, etc. Are there any good programs to do this?

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General :: How To Install Latest Flash On RHEL 5.3 To Support Chromium Browser

Jun 9, 2011

I've installed chromium on Linux from a custom binary on the net. When I try to get to gmail or any other site that uses flash, chromium warns me that the version of flash that is shipped with the browser is stale and that I should be using the latest version and pointing to an adobe site.the adobe site gives me 3 options

1) yum
2) RPM
3) tar.gz
4) APT for ubuntu

since I'm on redhat, I can use either yum or RPM.Which one should I use and what is the command to install it so that chromium can use it.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adobe Flash Install - Load The Flash Stuff In Webpages

Dec 13, 2008

I'm trying to load the flash stuff in webpages, but it says i need the flash plugin.

I download the YUM rpm installer, and use yum localinstall to do it.

Terminal say: /home/wade/Download/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.

I have already tried installing it, and it says it worked fine, but I'm still unable to view flash.

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Fedora Installation :: Replace Existing 32 Bit Wrapper Based Flash On 64bit Browser To 64 Bit Flash

Sep 23, 2010

Did anybody tried installing the latest adobe flash named Square for amd64 systems? I was interested in knowing whether there is any improvement in the performance. I also want to know how to replace my existing 32 bit wrapper based flash on 64 bit browser and install this 64 bit flash.

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Fedora :: Adding Flash On A Browser - Installed After Installing Flash

Oct 1, 2010

I am using F13, and I successfully installed Adobe Flash Player.

So, here comes the problem - I installed Google Chrome browser after that, and whenever I try to view flash content it says "missing plugin".

get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ says:

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Server :: Driver Support - QME2572 - Qlogic - Card Became Support By The Kernel

Jul 10, 2011

I'm trying to find out when QME2572 (Qlogic) card became support by the kernel. We have a RHEL 5.1 system that is moving to new hardware, however the kernel at this release doesn't support the new hardware, due to the Qlogic card change. I tired the Redhat KB and Bugzilla. Is there a Kernel change list etc I can search. Never really played around with the kernel too much so I'm just after some pointers for looking up this information. Offically its not supported until Redhat 5.3, I'm trying trying to research kernel info so I can tell the customer they have to upgrade.

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General :: Ubuntu Can't Support A Higher Resolution That Laptop Can Support?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a HP laptop which can support 1600x900. But after I install ubuntu 9.10 on it, it can only support up to 1280x700. My laptop has a Nvidia graphics card. And i am using GNOME as my desktop environment.

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Debian :: EXFAT Support Vs NTFS Support ?

Aug 25, 2010

I'm looking to dual-boot Windows 7 and Debian 6 upon its release on my sister's laptop. I want to share a partition between the two of them so that /home points to this directory and the Windows equivalent also points to it (C:Users).

Anyway, I've heard good and bad things about the NTFSMount driver (I think it's NTFS-3G now) and the NTFSprogs project and so I am not so certain what I should believe. I do know that NTFS has relatively high overhead, though I do not recall the source of this assertion, so I am considering the use of EXFAT. An open source EXFAT project is hosted on Google Code at [url] and it utilizes the kernel module FUSE.

I'm quite certain that I've got everything covered on the Windows side -- that is, I know that both NTFS and EXFAT will be suitable filesystems for my required usage.

My issue is that I'm curious which will have superior performance and stability in Debian. I planned on building the package from source and mounting the device in my FSTAB but I have also found a PPA for Ubuntu on Launchpad at [url] that I could borrow the debian/rules from and make a .deb package from.

What do you guys think? Should I go at it with the EXFAT or NTFS partitioning? Is NTFS-3G actually fairly supported at this point? Or perhaps should I consider some alternate method?

I have also considered that the only files she will be sharing are those of music, videos, and pictures so it could be better to just link /home/xxxx/Pictures (Music and Videos, too) to the new partition instead of all of /home.

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Software :: Support For Wi-fi Midi Support In Linux?

May 11, 2011

I would like to know if it is possibile to have support for wi-fi midi support in linux.

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Fedora :: Evince In Fedora Doesn't Support Djvu

Dec 4, 2009

In the Description of Evince, the document viewer supports pdf, tiff, rtf and djvu, but when I want to open a djvu file in Evince, I got the yellow frame saying that Evince does not support djvu files.I searched for a librairy or a plugin for Evince to help it support djvu but I didn't find anything.How to teach Evince to read djvu ?

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Fedora :: Mp3 Support In KDE?

Oct 1, 2009

I liked the feel that I got from KDE from my short experiment with Arch. So I decided to use KDE with Fedora, and I like the results.

The only problem I'm finding with it is that I can't find a way to get mp3s to play with KDE apps. I can get Banshee to play them with gstreamer. The problem is that no matter what method I use to get KDE apps to play the files (like Amarok), they won't work.

I've tried the following commands.

su -c 'yum -y install kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree id3v2'

Gives me an error saying that kdemultimedia-extras-nonfree doesn't exist.

su -c 'yum install xine-lib-extras-nonfree id3v2'

This installed perfectly, but mp3 playback still does not work.

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Fedora :: Does 11 Support NFS?

Oct 21, 2009

I don't see nfs listed in /proc/filesystems. Does that mean it is not supported? Is it possible to make it available for Fedora 11? You know, assume I don't want to compile my own kernel?

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Fedora :: 3D Support Using Generic ATI V.11

Jul 5, 2009

I've heard back and forth about whether the generic ATI drivers in Fedora 11 provides functional 3d support...as of installing F11 (64) i was impressed by the initial capability of the generic drivers but no 3d support as Desktop Effects could not be enabled.( using ATI Radeon HD 2400 ) what are the usual tips and tricks to get 3d functionality in this environment?

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Fedora Networking :: Does Support 802.11n

Dec 9, 2009

Are there any chipsets and Fedora drivers that support high speed wifi ( 802.11n)

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Fedora :: Virtualizing XP On 12 With 3D Support ?

Dec 25, 2009

Can I virtualize XP on Fedora 12 with 3D support using say KVM? If so, how can I do this? I have a GeForce GTX 260 vid card which is supported by Fedora 12.

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Fedora :: MP3 Support For K3b & Xmms ?

Dec 30, 2009

I know this can be a touchy subject but I would like to find MP3 support for K3b & Xmms, I am a big fan of the Banshee music player and have used it with MP3 support provided by FLUENDO [url] in many Linux distro's. I can play mp3s in Banshee thanks to FLUENDO, however when I open k3d or Xmms I am presented with an opening message that an mp3 plug-in for those apps cannot be found. Can anyone suggest any packages that will enable mp3 support in these applications?

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Fedora :: How Old Of Hardware Does Support?

Jan 5, 2010

Just how old of hardware DOES Fedora support? They have to draw the line SOMEWHERE.

As an example,would it be the stuff on a PII? PIII? 486? Or what?

IOW; if I were to take the latest release (F12 in this case) how far back in "hardware history" could I expect to go w/o support issues.

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Fedora :: Adding MP3 Support To 12

Feb 15, 2010

I am trying to convert my own CD's that I own into .MP3 format for my Sony 16GB MP3 Walkman. I did some looking on Google and found these free/nonfree repositories that you can add and then update YUM, etc....well I still can not get it to work. I am rather new to Linux. I am trying to use Audio CD Extractor under applications/sound & Video. It does not work in Rythmbox either. What do I do now? I am trying to use Linux day in and day out and no longer use Windows.

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Fedora :: Ffmpeg With Amr Support ?

Aug 15, 2010

If anyone is interested i have rebuilt ffmpeg with amr support, for those having trouble converting files to 3gp etc....only 64bit rpms [url]

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