Fedora :: Trying To Install Flash 10.1 Beta On FC12

May 12, 2010

So i wanted to install flash on my FC12 box so I downloaded the flash tarzip and when I extracted it it gave me the .so file. The instructions say to put it in ~/,mozila/plugins and restart firefox but it is not showing flash content after I copied it here.

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OpenSUSE :: 11.2 - How To Install Flash Player 10.1 Beta

Dec 24, 2009

If I install flash player from yast or from "firefox plugins search", I only install version 10.0.*.*. Now I want to install version 10.1 beta. I downloaded package "flasplayer..." from adobe flash website. Then I extract it and run:

# nspluginwrapper -v -i ./libflashplayer.so
Install plugin ./libflashplayer.so
into /usr/lib64/browser-plugins/npwrapper.libflashplayer.so

Afterward, I restart firefox and firefox requires install flashplayer . In some tutorials I see " Create symlink plugins to..." after "Install plugin ./libflashplayer.so...". In my computer I can't see this. I use opensuse 11.2 64bit. I try to install flash player 10.1 beta because I can't upload to mediafire Site. How to install 10.1 beta to solve this problem.

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Ubuntu :: Get The New Flash 11 64-bit Beta?

Jul 15, 2011

I'm about to install Ubuntu 11.04 64-bit, and I'm wondering if I should install that Flash 11 64 bit beta? If so, a couple of questions: Should it perform better than the 32-bit version?

- If I install the 32-bit or an older version before, can I overwrite with the new one or is a full clean install preferred? How do I install it once I download it from here? [URL].. Is it really as simple as replacing the *.so file? Does Chromium/Chrome need this too or just Firefox?

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Fedora :: Circular Package Dependencies - Error "gcc-4.4.2-7.fc12.i686 Requires Libgomp = 4.4.2-7.fc12"

Apr 18, 2010

I have a tricky problem which I could soIve with a c program. I wrote one and found I didnt have gcc so I tried to install it. I was told I needed to install packages. I acknowledged and an error was generated gcc-4.4.2-7.fc12.i686 requires libgomp = 4.4.2-7.fc12 I try to install libgomp and go round again.

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Fedora Installation :: Using The Live-CD To Install FC12-RC4?

Nov 17, 2009

i am not sure where to post this issue since i am using RC4 of FC12 so posting it here.I am using the Live-CD to install FC12-RC4, it is gnome x86_64. The issue is as follows:I never had this with OpenSuSE. Mandriva & Ubuntu all of which is the latest release. Why the installer has to initialize the hard disk?

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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - Flash Plugin Not Installed Into FF 4 Beta Properly

Mar 11, 2011

After installing 11.4/LXDE which comes with FF 4 Beta, The openSUSE Flash Plugin package was automatically installed, but doesn't seem to be installed into FF properly. When FF > Addons is opened, no Flash plugin is listed. If you then attempt to install install Flash from Adobe, Adobe doesn't seem to recognize FF 4 as a supported browser.

On top of that, if you visit the nVidia site to explore OEM display drivers, their site is Flash driven and won't permit driver searching, must less browsing and possible downloading. This was important to me to try to obtain the OEM nVidia Configuration Manager which vastly enhances display management, particularly on the somewhat lean LXDE desktop.

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OpenSUSE :: Konqueror / NSpluginviewer And Flash 11 Beta 1 (64 Bits)

Jul 17, 2011

I installed the adobe flash player 11 beta 1 64 bits from here. Download Adobe Flash Player 11 Beta for Desktops - Adobe Labs. It seems to work well with firefox 5, but under konqueror (4.6.5 / openSUSE 11.4) I have many random nspluginviewer crashes with a
Application: nspluginviewer (nspluginviewer), signal: Segmentation fault
message when a page contains a flash object. This did not happen with previous versions of the plugin. Reloading the page with F5 is usually enough and everything seems to work without problems. ntil I load another page and then have another crash. In fact, the crash mostly happens when loading the page, not when the flash object is already loaded.

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Ubuntu :: How To Uninstall Beta Version Of Adobe Flash 10.1

Feb 18, 2010

Why is everything with this ubuntu so complex and difficult? This operating system turns the act of installing/uninstalling into a huge task. Just yesterday I installed the beta release of flash 10.1, I thought that it went into my firefox folder, but I checked firefox 3.5.7 plugins and it isn't there. So my question is, where on earth could it have possibly gone? Terminal said that it installed somewhere on my home directory, but I've been searching everywhere and I can't find anything. I know it's there because videos require flash work. where is my home directory, and what is it? I'm using ubuntu 9.10.

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Fedora :: Yum Install Thunderbird Gives A Beta Version?

Nov 22, 2009

I did a "yum install thunderbird" to get the thunderbird emal program. I got a beta version: thunderbird 3 beta 4.Is Fedora so bleeding edge that this should have happened? I have not changed the repositories that the installation of FC11 uses.(I haven't used 3 beta 4 enough to have any complaints about how it works.)

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Fedora Installation :: Windows 7 Beta Won't Boot After Fedora 10 Install

Jan 31, 2009

Originally I had Ubuntu running on my machine. I installed windows beta 7 with a working dual boot. Get everything working in grub again. I decided to give Fedora a try and wiped my Ubuntu partition and installed Fedora. Everythings all good...except the reconfiguration of grub has left out my Windows 7 partition (nothing out of the norm) I tried manually adding windows 7 to /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's not working, when I try to boot into Windows 7 i get a little flashing "_" for a really long time and nothing happens.

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Fedora :: Yum Upgrade From Fc11 To Fc12, NO Clean Install?

May 10, 2010

kpackagekit warned me about a distribution upgrade to FC12in order to set things in motion i have to press the upgrade button is this action completely safe?since my FC11 is working like a charm, and i consider to upgrade to FC13, depending on the fact if i can build kernel drivers for kernel 2.6.32-,, that is still in the testing repo'smy idea is to upgrade all available packages from testing when fc11 is EOL, and i will see what happends after this upgrade, if my system crashes or whats so ever, i will install FC13.

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Ubuntu :: Flash 10.2 Beta - Video Offset Due To Screen Resolution

Dec 8, 2010

I tried the new flash 10.2 beta in the hopes that they actually improved things, but it doesn't seem like they have.
1) Video's still seem to go to the 0,0 position with multiple monitors. Always the left screen.
2) Clicking on the non-fullscreen monitor still causes the fullscreen to exit.
3) My video is still offset and shifted on players like ....., probably due to screen resolution.

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Hardware :: How To Install Kmod-nvidia For Fedora 13 Beta

Apr 20, 2010

how to install kmod-nvidia for fedora 13 beta.*I know there is an experimental mesa driver that works. However, it does not control fan speed, and the fan is always on full. It's driving me crazy.

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Software :: VirtualBox 2.1 On Fedora 64-bit Won't Install Windows 7 Beta 64-bit

Jan 10, 2009

I just downloaded the Windows 7 Public Beta 64-bit. I am running Fedora 10 64-bit with VirtualBox 64-bit version.

When I try to install Win7 from the .iso, I get an error that says: "Attempting to load a 64-bit application, however this CPU is not compatible with 64-bit mode."

This is bogus because VT-x is enabled in VirtualBox for this vm.

Has anyone installed 64-bit Vista (and/or the Win7 beta) with VirtualBox successfully?

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Fedora Installation :: Install Fc12 From A Hard Drive Partition?

Dec 2, 2009

how do I install fc12 from a hard drive partition? I downloaded thec12 dvd iso file...when I burned this to a DVD it wanted to install from my DVD and not a file on external media.---------- Post added at 08:03 PM CST ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 PM CST ----------this looks like it:[URL]

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 Install From Live CD - How To Make The Partitions

Mar 11, 2010

I'm trying to install from the Live CD. I read the sticky about needing a /boot and a / partition. I think that sticky applies to me but I'm not sure; once the Live CD loads, I click the "Install to Hard Drive" icon on the desktop. It thinks for awhile but ultimately doesn't display anything.What I'm not sure about is how exactly I go about making those partitions. My current HD is a Ubuntu system (Karmic Koala), and its network slowness has prompted me to try FC12. I've backed up everything already, I don't need to preserve anything on the existing drive.

I'm looking for the easiest way to get FC12 installed. Should I fool with the partitions? I just download a different install CD i.e. a non-Live one? If so, which one? Do I need all 5 or so CD images? I don't have a DVD burner so downloading the DVD isn't an option. I'm comfortable working from a Linux command line once the system is working, but I don't have much experience "close to the metal" i.e. actually getting a system up and running.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Adobe Flash Install - Load The Flash Stuff In Webpages

Dec 13, 2008

I'm trying to load the flash stuff in webpages, but it says i need the flash plugin.

I download the YUM rpm installer, and use yum localinstall to do it.

Terminal say: /home/wade/Download/adobe-release-i386-1.0-1.noarch.rpm: does not update installed package.

I have already tried installing it, and it says it worked fine, but I'm still unable to view flash.

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Fedora Installation :: DVD FC12 Install / Upgrade Wiped Everything On Disk Old FC11

Nov 24, 2009

Was using preupgrade from FC11x64 to 12x64. Preupgrade caused alot of problems like /boot not enough diskspace. After some searching found the steps and preupgrade proceed happily but after reboot got kernel panic grrr.

Took 3 days to find another machine to download and burn the FC12x64 disk. So I booted via the FC12x64 disk and selected the 1st option to install/upgrade. I thought it is upgrade and so choose replace my existing linux system however it wiped out everything on the disk. I have some important data in my home directory. I think it is in LVM, not a partition like /dev/sda1. How can I recover them? Was using stock settings.

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 New Install / Top Menu Panel Missing Items

Mar 7, 2010

First off, I have spent several hours searching this and other forums looking for an answer to this, and have tried several things, none of which have fixed this issue. Here is what I'm seeing:I performed a new install of FC12 on a Thinkpad R40, 512Mb RAM, with a 40Gb HDD, 38Gb useable, from a live CD. That leaves a little over 9Gb free for expansion. All went well with the install, but the post-boot upgrade would not complete due to an error with the abrt files. I found a thread discussing this and used the suggested method of performing the updates from a shell, which worked fine. There were LOTS of installations, updates, and replacements, and finally the shell returned "Complete!". After a reboot I was going through the Fedora_12_ User_ Guide.pdf and noticed many items missing from the System Menu as described in section "The System menu". Another thread seemed to address a similar issue with su - then yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment", which I did. It updated over 870 items, then completed with no errors. At this point I logged out and back in, no change, and then tried a reboot, which also did not change anything. Finally, I'm appealing to the community.

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 Install Causing Kernel Panic Not Syncing Vfs

Mar 15, 2010

I had FC10 working nicely but decided to move to FC12 to be able to use the latest and greatest... Turning out to be nightmare!

My HDD is partitioned into three:

(hd0, 0) 100MB : used to be original /boot for FC 10
(hd0, 1) 120GB : /home
(hd0, 2) 30GB : /
> First thing tried: preupgrade

Using this preupgrade setup happend and asked to reboot. However, upton reboot got locked in stage2. So this option was abondoned.

> Second thing tried: installation CDs

Using this method formatted (hd0,2) and installed FC12 on (hd0,2). However, did not change anything on (hd0,0). This still held all the upgrade information from the previous trial. Now, when I rebooted after the install there was a kernel panic with error "kernel panic not syncing vfs". Thinking it might due to the (hd0,0) partition and errors in my install, I abandoned this.

> Third thing tried: installation CDs

Using this method I formatted both (hd0,0) and (hd0,2). The install was similar to above but now (hd0,0) was also formatted and after install was empty. But upton reboot I still got the "kernel panic not syncing vfs" message. I dug through google and saw references to problems in grub.conf and lo behold there were problems with my grub.conf. I don't see the initrd line at all nor do I see the initrd*.img file in my disk. The grub.conf is:



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Fedora :: New FC12 Install Throws Depsolve Failure With Mysql-devel

Jan 15, 2010

This is a clean FC12 install but I did add a few repos to support chromium and adobe - pretty much as described here:


This is what happens - I tried all the cleanup suggestinons with no effect. Anyone got any ideas please? Thanks...

[eric@zeppelin ~]# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
repo id repo name status


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Fedora :: Trying To Install Upgrades To Fedora 14 Beta

Oct 13, 2010

I am having trouble installing upgrades to Fedora 14. The process stops and I get the following message:"The GPG keys listed for the "RPM Fusion for Fedora 14 - Nonfree - Updates" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository."

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 X86_64 Dell Optiplex 760 Install USB Keyboard Fail

Nov 18, 2009

When attempting to install FC12 x86_64 on a Dell Optiplex 760, my USB devices stop working after initial boot. I see anaconda, but am unable to change anything since my keyboard, mouse and any other USB devices are not powering up after kernel boot.

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Fedora Installation :: FC12 New Install Network Manager Not Showing Activate Or Device?

Mar 17, 2010

I just brought up FC12 on our VSphere to begin testing..The nic did not configure properly for some reason.. I was able to go to command line, and do an "ifup ifcfg-eth0" and DHCP got an address. Go into GNOME - System-Administration - Network , or system-config-network the "Activate/Deactivate" is greyed out. Also, GNOME - System-Administration - Network Device Control show NO device..

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OpenSUSE :: Copy The Flash 11 Beta File Into The Lib64/browser-plugins Folder But Get 'Access Denied

Jul 31, 2011

I am new to opensuse 11.4. I am trying to copy the flash 11 beta file (libflashplayer.so) into the lib64/browser-plugins folder but i get 'Access Denied. Could not write to (destination).

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Ubuntu :: No Sound In Skype Beta - Use Beta On Acer Aspire One With 10.10

Nov 27, 2010

I am trying to use Skype beta on my acer aspire one with ubuntu 10.10. The video runs brilliantly and i can also here my wife from the other end but she cannot hear me. Apparently something is fishy with my mic input. I tried alsamixer and everything is in unmute. My alsa version is 1.0.23. The only think she hears is a loud hissing noise which is normally my bat voice but she doesnt need to know that. I can record my voice in the sound recorder but nothing comes out in Skype!

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Fedora :: NVIDIA Recalls Drivers Over Fan Speed Bug - Install Kmod With Beta Drivers?

Mar 7, 2010

[URL] I just updated and then saw this news , whats the solution for me, I either want to go beta or downgrade, If i try to boot to previous kernel, boot hangs in graphic mode, I cant start X and gdm . How to install kmod with beta drivers? Or whats the solution, nvidia ver: 195.36.08


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Ubuntu Installation :: Upgrading From 10.04 Beta 1 To Beta 2?

Apr 4, 2010

So here's the schedule for 10.04:

April 8th, 2010 - Beta 2 release;
April 22nd, 2010 - Release Candidate;
April 29th, 2010 - Final release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.

If I have 10.04 beta 1, could I just continue to update and not have to burn another disk to install? Or do I have to burn the beta 2 and reinstall if I want it?

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Ubuntu :: Upgrading To Beta 2 From Beta 1?

Apr 8, 2010

My update manager still says "updated 3 days ago" and no updates have come through today. Does anyone know if NBR has been automatically updated TODAY from Beta 1?

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Fedora Installation :: Install Fedora Into Flash Drive Instead Computer

Sep 9, 2011

Im taking the class now in college once a week. My professor said that we need to install any Linux operating systems so I chose Fedora, but he said we need at least 16GB free of space to install it in our computer, sadly i only have 1GB space left remaining. I told him about it and he told me about installing Fedora in my flash drive that has space of 16GB. I really am interested in this course and want to understand all of this stuff so can anyone tell me the process to install Fedora into flash drive so I can boot it anywhere else other than home? Also since he said I need 16GB to install it don't I got to buy 32GB flash drive at least?

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