Fedora Security :: User "jetty" Is World-readable - Screen Started To Flicker Some Time ?
Oct 3, 2010
This morning I ran sectool (in terminal for the first time. Before that I used sectool-gui) and I got this (written to file)...
See attachment please..
I think... the user "Jetty" may be a part of (or has something to do with SQL?).. This machine I have is not a server (in fact I know pretty much nothing about web servers).. this machine is used purely for local app development (python PyQt4/ and C++/wx - making games, general utilities, specialized calculators...etc)
So... Can anyone please tell me who the user "Jetty" is ? (The others are safe, I compiled python/SIP/PyQt4/wx/aliens from source... so that;s probably why it doesn't belong to packages.
Plus, My screen started to flicker some time (could it be possible someone is messing w/ my xorg configs?)
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May 1, 2009
I want to find out if I can get someone to help me with this. Sectool-gui says that the home_directory of user "mysql" is world-readable and that it also is world accessible. How do I close that accessibility?
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Jul 6, 2011
Is there a way to set Linux to automatically log in to a specific user account and at the same time lock the screen? I want to save time and trigger various software that always should start up on boot, while leaving the computer unattended during startup (extra important and practical for remote control boots), by enforcing a 'screen lock' so that no-one can see what happens behind the login screen without entering the login credentials.
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Aug 31, 2010
I got a CD of JPG files from a photographer. Some of the files are not readable on my Ubuntu machine (they show up as X icons in the Nautilus file browser). I figured out that the reason is that they are not "world-readable" (and also not "group-readable") and they are owned by a user that does not exist on my machine. I am able to work around it by doing sudo nautilus Is there any easier way to do this? I am thinking some setting I can make on my system relating to the CD driver works?
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Mar 17, 2011
Linux permissions have always frustrated me. They are really annoying to work with and very unversatile compared to NTFS.Here's my current situation, and I don't understand what's going on here.
I have a server with a smb share, a user on another machine is in the group that is assigned to those files. The files are chmodded 770. If the user is in that group then technically that user should have access to those files... but it does not. If I chmod to 775 then the user has access. WTF? Why? I don't care given it's a local server, but still, if I have to make files world readable for a single user to have access even though I granted those rights through the filesystem and through samba, then that's a huge security issue, and it's no wonder we're not seeing Linux used for enterprise file servers.
Another thing that pisses me off with linux permissions is when a new file is created, the permissions arn't inherited. This folder gets lot of data added to it but it defaults to whatever the default permissions are. I need to run a script to periodicly fix all the permissions. To me this is really messy.
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Apr 10, 2009
I went away from home for a few days, ... Now I am back at home and noticed, that my server is going out with 100% available bandwidth. The server is mainly Http / Ftp / Mail server, so I stopped all services, to see which one it is. ervices stopped, still 100Mbps go out like ants in the flood.
I updated the system, made a backup, installed IPtraf. It seems that I have something 'installed' and my server is running something to attack User computers. It seems to try to find something on random IP's random ports. I am a little bit confused now. As long as my sites are running, I'm ~OK~ but sooner or later I would like to have my bandwidth back. How could I try to hunt down which service/app/process got hacked?
It seems that the monetary system of our society got now more enemy's than friends. Capitalism seems to reach it's end. But my server is serving also ART! Sooner or later we will need to pay copyright even for our thoughts. I was reading today, that the French president wants to punish file sharing as his wife made 3 albums, and wants to get some money ..
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Feb 4, 2010
I'd like to configure vsftpd server in a way to allow remote user (local) too see and edit configuration files in their ftp directory starting from dot (like .htaccess, for example). With default configuration + "local_allowed = yes" it does not appear to be possible:user can successfully upload .file but could neither see if it is in directory nor download it.
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Aug 30, 2011
How can I get palimpsest to get authorization to mount partitions when started as a regular user? It works when started from a root session.
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Jul 8, 2010
My screen has started freezing periodically. The mouse still moves the cursor but nothing else responds. Ctrl-Alt -F1 doesn't give me a terminal screen nor does Ctrl-Alt-Backspace restart X I must turn off the computer and turn it on again to reboot. I don't remember having this problem with Fedora 11, but I recently moved to Fedora 12. I am using the kernel
Looking at /var/log/messages,
I find repeated instances of the error message
[drm:radeon_ib_schedule] *ERROR* radeon: couldn't schedule IB(4).
before the reboot.
Google provides many references going back to April for this string, mostly on Ubuntu related sites. I do have an 128 MB ATI Radeon X300 graphics card but it is over four years old, and I didn't have this problem with earlier versions of Fedora. Also, the google references seem to refer to hibernation, which I am not doing, at least not intentionally. Finally, I see that Xorg configuration has changed significantly since I last checked. (I can't find xorg.conf.) Can anyone refer me to a relatively succinct description of how it now works?
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Oct 7, 2010
openSUSE 11.3 KDE There is a frequent flicker on my screen. Some application OR notification just pops and disappears( giving an impression of a flicker ). How do i find out which application OR notification is it.
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May 13, 2010
I have downloaded the ver10.04. I am running it on my laptop with a NVIDIA GeForce GO 7600 128MB graphics card. I am using the NVIDIA driver on the system. The screen flickers randomly after say every 1 min. By flickering I mean it just refreshes and goes blank for say 1ms during the refresh. It happens even more if I turn on CompViz option.
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May 5, 2011
I have log files that everyday are downloaded from my webserver in the format: Code: samplesite.com.xxxxxxxxxxx.gz xxxxxxxxxx is a 10 digit epoch time. I am trying to figure out a way in batch to:
1. find all of exisiting files containing the pattern (after the first run it will only be one a day)
2. Isolate the epoch string
3. convert the epoch string to human readable date/time
4. rename the original file as samplesite.com.mmddYYYY.gz
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Feb 14, 2011
One of my favorite features of gnome is the integrated world time int he clock. Just add multiple locations, and you have world time, and it's always a click a way.My question is, can kubuntu be set up in the same way?
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Jun 12, 2010
I've tried both the x86 and x64 versions of Ubuntu 10.04 and installed the current Nvidia hardware drivers on both. Everything works fine until I enable SLI with the --sli=AFR or --sli=OnOnce SLI is enabled there is extreme flickering relating to anything graphical.Including Compiz effects and any opengl software.Disabling SLI returns the compy back to it's good self.I would love to utilize SLI, however can't seem to find a solution for this bug.
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Oct 4, 2010
All is in the thread title. When I log back in after suspend or hibernate I get a lot of flickering on the screen. I noticed (I think) that it calms down a bit when streaming video from the net, if that gives any clue...
I'm using a dual boot with Vista basic/lucid lynx on an Acer Aspire 5100 laptop.
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Mar 10, 2011
I am having a funky issue at login. When I enter my username/password at login with the GUI (I disabled the list of users some time ago) the screen will flicker then return me to the login screen. There is no notification of an error. It doesn't matter if I try the recovery console or safe mode there is the same issue when I try and login with this user. However, I can login with a different user open a console and su to that user that wouldn't login at the GUI.
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Jun 16, 2011
I'm getting the occasional full-screen black flicker on my laptop, it's an Asus G73JW with an nVidia 460M card, running the restricted drivers. I've installed Gnome3, and so far like it more than Unity, but the flickering needs to stop
I've also noticed that some animations aren't as smooth as they should be, like when I hit the top-left corner to bring up the dock it studders just a wee bit.
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Feb 2, 2011
I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 and as a newbie to linux based operating systems, has tried but without success of playing WoW with wine. I tried with making a link to ''wow.exe'' and right-click ''open with wine windows program loader'' but ended up with a blue screen and a black square as my pointer, i can heard the login music but no picture. Can anyone give me some instructions on this issue, preferably with some pictures.
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May 25, 2010
I have LucidLynx installed on my eeepc 1005PE. I am currently using it under the gnome interface but i also have the notebook version of it installed (probably because i got a notebook remix of it, not quite sure). All is well except for the following: after i power up my notebook, login and i can see the panel i plug the power cord in. And the my screen starts flickering in orangeblack colors. Nothing i do seems to take it out of this state but a good old hard-reboot.
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Sep 11, 2010
I was on earlier 9.x version of ubuntu with following configuration working perfectly: IBM ThinkPad T60 with ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X1400 VGA graphics card (found it from lspci) With an external Dell 19" monitor attached to it. I upgraded yesterday to Ubuntu 10.4 LTS and now the Dell monitor screen keeps flickering all the time! I always work with an external bigger monitor attached to my laptop as working for long hours on the smaller screen of the laptop gives me headache. The frustrating point is, this setting was working perfectly until I was on Ubuntu 9.x, I upgraded to 10.04 LTS and this has stopped working.
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Oct 13, 2010
Screen flicker Ubuntu 10.10
After installing Ubuntu (Version 10.10 DVD �amd 64Ubuntu 10.10 live DVD).
On the following hardware
Gigabyte GA-K8VT800-RH motherboard
3GB ram
AMD Sempron 3400 cpu.
ATI Radeon X1600 Pro Video card. 256M ddr2 AGP VGA/TV0/DV1-1
p/no 882c85-03
The screen resolution looked very good with all screen resolutions working well The colours and fonts very clear. All other device drivers worked 100%. But unfortunately the display flashes about every 10 seconds and the partial beak up of the display only lasts a fraction of a second and very distracting and is unusable. Testing with Ubuntu 10.10 live DVD. With this months Linux Format Magazine also exhibits this problem. However deleting the partition and installing Ubuntu 10.04 Beta1 DVD -386. And all updates downloaded. Works 100% with no screen flicker.
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Dec 6, 2010
My G73JW works really great except for 1 thing. A change in the performance level causes short black flickering on the display, which is absolutely inacceptable (e.g. with compiz). Setting the preferred mode to "performance" locks the performance level and helps but seems like a bad solution (batter life and heat).
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Mar 10, 2015
I want to display users quota in human readable format, so if the size is over 1 GB I want the quotas displayed in GBs
So when I issue the command below should I not get the results in GB ?
Code: Select allrepquota -sa
bob -- 87200M 400G 440G 879 0 0
dave -- 255G 400G 440G 3627 0 0
jim -- 10664M 400G 440G 230 0 0
tom -- 10737M 400G 440G 636 0 0
User bobs usage is 86GB, should 86GB not be displayed rather than 87200M?
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Jun 7, 2010
I noticed that our /etc/shadow file is readable on a patch I released for one of our in house linux boxes a while back ago. Could they use it to gain access the root account etc? Our passwords are all MD5 encrypted.
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May 23, 2010
i have installed Ossec and save it on my sql database but the timestamp of alert is not human readable, how to make it readable ? is there algorithm to make it readable?
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May 19, 2011
I have noticed and this now worries me, if I export a KeePassX xml file then open it with a text editor I can see all my �private� details.Just tested it on my old desktop with Slitaz and open the exported file with leafpad text editor and I can see my details just the same.Previously I used RoboForm and when viewing an exported file in the same way you could not make out any of my details. Is KeePassX designed this way or have I not used KeePassX correctly.I have posted this on KeePassX forum and emailed them direct with no response so far.Ubuntu 11.04.
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Dec 11, 2010
TitleThink user Linux registrations can make a world change?The questionDo you think the registration of Linux users can make people, companies, governments, institutes, and everything related to technology change their opinions (minds)?Introduction My first experience with a PCI used proprietary software since I owned a PC. Starting from the operating system to the programs all was backed by a closed company.EurekaAt the year 2004, I have read a magazine that mentioned the word "Linux", it was the first time I got to know that actually there was other Operating Systems than Windows. I "googled" and "wikipped"(searched), all the information I could get about that new system(for me).
After few searchs the word "Debian GNU/Linux" came up. I have burned the ISO file for a brand new CD and got all enthusiast.ExperienceI had actually complete the command line install, but always thinking for myself "What a waste of time!" (Yeah... such an idiot I was at that time).
After the installation, I booted the distribution and at the minimal error and/or thing that didn't worked like I pretended, I would just say a lot of terrible things and give up.The second chanceOnly at about 2007, I gave Linux other chance(ironic, like Linux was the guilty for my lack of skills. I downloaded and burned the Ubuntu Linux 6.06 Live CD ISO.
I was astonished when the CD booted,
asked for language and actually changed it.
Then the Live Environment "flashed"(appeared).
I was out of words and almost regretted everything I have said about Linux efforts(I still didn't had a open mind tough). For the first time I actually faced-up the problems and issues that came up, but annoying everyone and saying bad stuff(I'm terribly sorry).The enlightenmentOnly at about end of 2009, I started actually wanting to learn how everything worked. That was the time I changed for Slackware Linux distribution. I learned many stuff. But with the time, I realized that the important isn't the Operating System and/or Distribution we use, is the use that we make of it. Nowadays I use about any distribution without complaining much. We need to respect the work of others after all, and we can learn with the mistakes too.
All this to askThe questionDo you think the registration of Linux users can make people, companies, governments, institutes, and everything related to technology change their opinions (minds)?NOTE: This reflects for BSDs, OpenSolaris(now over) and all other related open source software not just Linux.
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May 3, 2010
As governments around the world amass armies of hackers to protect their countries' computer networks and possibly attack others, the idea of getting officials together to discuss shared threats such as cybercrime is challenging.
"You just don't pick up the phone and call your counterparts in these countries," said retired Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege Jr., former head of the federal agency responsible for securing the military's and the president's communications technologies. "They're always guarded in those areas, and they're always wondering if there's some other motive" behind the outreach.
So the idea behind an international security conference in Dallas this week is to get government officials, industry executives and others talking, informally, about where they might find common ground.
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Mar 19, 2010
Centos 5.4 64bitWould like to know when a particular process was started.1.Quote:ll -d /proc/4014/dr-xr-xr-x 5 mysql mysql 0 Nov 28 07:34 /proc/4014/2.Quote:ps -o pid,lstart -p 4014 PIDSTARTED 4014 Tue Nov 17 23:10:13 20091) Which one should I consider?2) why do both have such a difference?
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Oct 10, 2009
If I leave the computer running for a few minutes without doing anything on it, this screen appears demanding that I enter my password, otherwise I can't get back to Fedora. I understand the necessity for this security feature in a work environment, but I'm just a home user and this security screen is just a nagging problem I don't know how to get rid of.
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