Fedora :: Package Manager Pops Up Messages Always Empty?
May 5, 2010It pops up quite often but it is always empty. (not a gripe, just would like to know)
View 1 RepliesIt pops up quite often but it is always empty. (not a gripe, just would like to know)
View 1 RepliesI have a big problem : I have FC12 and my /var/log/messages is empty and I don't know I have tried to stop the rsyslogd then restart it -- did not solved my problem.I have also tried the "logger" command -- messages file is still empty.Does anyone has any idea what's wrong with my syslogd?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI installed Fedora 12 inside VirtualBox and trying to make Software Update. It fails with different messages which looks like:Could not add package update for ..Package name may differ. Internet connection is working. Is there another way to update the system?
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there anyway to tell NetworkManager to not log so many messages to the system log? There appears to be a bazillion <info> messages in the log file (/var/log/messages). It makes it hard to find any potential problem areas...
View 1 Replies View RelatedGwibber doesnot display the messages for Facebook Need a good GUI based download manager like Kget for Fedora
View 9 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Fedora, having used mainly Ubuntu in the past. My biggest (and pretty much only big) problem so far is that I can't find a good enough gui frontend for yum. I really hate packagekit because it doesn't really give any info; it simply says "downloading" and "installing packages" without saying what exactly it's downloading, where from, what's the speed (how will I know if my connection's stalling?), how big the file is etc.
I like yumex, but every time I open it I have to wait 3+ minutes for it to reload the repositories. And if I don't reload them then I can't install anything. Also, when I'm done installing it has to reload the repositories once more if I want to keep using it.
Then I also tried synaptic, which (of course) works as well as I'm used to, but some important repositories for Fedora (like RPMfusion) aren't accessible through APT.
Another problem with any non-packagekit managers I tried was also that they don't communicate with the system's notifier, so after installing/updating a package through anything else than packagekit that needs me to restart the computer or a program I get no notice of it. Is there a package manager that would work the way I want it to, or should I just make a choice between using console, using the overly simplistic (in nice terms) packagekit and waiting several minutes before making changes to the installed packages? I'd be glad for any input here.
Where is it?Cant find vlc in package manager?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am relatively new convert from ubuntu/debian here and while I like yum's interface in the terminal better than aptitude, I regularly find myself frustrated with gpk-application. When I try using it to search for packages, as often as not it will not return any results--even though I know it should return some. Furthermore, there is no ability to define what fields you are search (package name, description, etc.) Another thing that really bothers me is how when it is downloading/installing packages, all you get is the little bar and a message saying "resolving dependencies", or "downloading", or "installing" etc.
With no option for more details (or preferably a terminal display). While I usually use the terminal by default for package manager, I had got used to using synaptic package manager in ubuntu and debian for searching for packages, when I wasn't exactly certain what the name was of the package I needed. I know I can do this from the terminal, or even on the internet, but I found synaptic was great for quick investigations. Is there any rpm package manager closer to synaptic in terms of functionality? or am I stuck with gpk?
I've been a Gentoo user for several years now, but the maintenance costs (time) of keeping a Gentoo system up-to-date are getting to be a bit much. I've heard good things about Fedora.I have some questions:
1. How does the package manager work? Do I need repository URLs?
2. How does support for patented codecs work?
3. Is this a rolling release system?
i want to use the ubuntu package manager, because it is much easier to find programs, and it has sortable lists and the popularity of all the different programs, i've installed synaptic package manager, but its not the same as on ubuntu, how i can get a package manager with all the features of the ubuntu one?
View 14 Replies View Relatedafter a while of using Gnome with Fedora 12, I installed Openbox and started the configuration process. Everything is pretty much just the way I like it, but when I open the package manager and try to install something, it says "Authorization failed: you have failed to provide proper authentication. Please check any passwords or account settings" I'm sure it's because I forgot to add something to my autostart.sh, but I'm not sure exactly what...
View 5 Replies View Relatedhow to install MikTex 2.8 in fedora. Also i would like to have the commands for getting the miktex package manager.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI tried installing Fedora 15 Gnome on my 8 year old laptop, but it didn't work so well since Gnome 3 couldn't start due to my graphics adapter (although it worked fine in Fedora 14), so I tried installing Fedora 15 LXDE and had much better results. Any way, after running yum update, I tried to install Google Chrome since I prefer it over FireFox, but I noticed that I didn't have the opton to automatically install it with a package manager, only download it. Once downloaded, I tried to open it via the GUI and it brought up a screen asking me what application I wanted to use to open the rpm. It didn't even know how to install a rpm!! I then tried to install it via the command line, but it failed because the package was dependent on others. After looking around in the Administration menu, there does not seem to be any package manager installed. How can this be? I've used many different versions of Linux before, but none that didn't have a package manager or didn't know how to install it's own native binaries. I don't get it.
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm new to F15, and can't seem to find the package manager. I want to install Firefox.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to get a package manager working on my new VPS.
I didn't set it up The machine is running Fedora Core 5, so I came here.
First I tried:
What am I not doing? Then I tried compiling an older version from a tarball:
Unfortunately when I entered "make" I got:
So I googled and apparently I'm missing gettext too? So I downloaded that...
Which is confusing as I thought I installed GCC a while back. Edit: Guess not.
I have upgraded my Laptop from Fedora12 to Fedora 13 via DVD image (x64 version). After the upgrade, I tried to update via YUM every package that still needed upgrade (especially nvidia drivers), and I got
[Errno 14] Could not open/read file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-rpmfusion-nonfree-fedora-13-x86_64
So, I tried to delete and reimport the rpmfusion repos, but when I go to this page:
and try to install the RPMs, it only allows me to open them with Archive Manager!
So I looked into GNOME menus and... damn, apparently I can't find Package manager anymore!
Where did it go? and more importantly, why can't I install RPMs anymore? Can anyone enlight me on what went wrong?
Being the fool that I am, I forgot the good old terminal. I have still to nail down in my brain that going by terminal always works better than GUI. Using RPM -Uvh I managed to re-import all repos whose GPG key wasn't signed, and so I finally can upgrade my packages.
Package Manager is missing from GNOME. I have a couple of packages that I installed outside from repositories (they are SongBird and PersonalBrain), and I want to upgrade one (SongBird) and delete the other (PersonalBrain) but since I am in no way an expert when it comes to use the Terminal, I don't know how to uninstall them both (and then reinstall an upgraded version of SongBird).
I would like to install Password Gorilla but I cannot find it in the package manager, is it available in F12? It may be that I need to install another repository but I do not know which one, as far as I'm aware I have all of the 'standard' ones.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI am just starting to use fedora as I'm on compsoc committee at my uni, and need to be able to use the server which runs it. Am trying to get a mumble server running (just on my laptop with a fedora 14 install) And am really struggling, can't get the stuff manually and do it, as it says it depends on some other packages which I can't find in the package manager, and if I just use the murmur package in the manager, then it doesn't seem to install, and even if it does, if I try to run it, it says the database is not writeable
I first installed Fedora 15 (full clean install) on a spare laptop I had sitting around and the install went flawlessly. I was able to install it and use it right out the gate. I was then able to install two of my must-have programs, xchat and libreoffice without any problems either.Then I tried the same thing on my primary desktop at work (and since I run an IT department, I already have permission to do this :-)
The problem I'm getting is trying to install anything;the package manager is having trouble contacting the source.The exact error reads: "Software source download failed. Could not contact source 'fedora', so it will be disabled."I have not made anychanges to the firewall on the machine and the machine does have a working internet connection (I am posting from the machine). Any tips or advice on ways to troubleshoot would be great. I'm by no means a linux expert, but I can get around the system fairly well
In red hat linux server 6. I start up virtual manager and I get below error prompt:
Package required for KVM usage. The following packages are not installed
These are required to create KVM guests locally. Would you like to install them now.
I press yes but the package cannot located ...
So, I have install the qemu-kvn- already.
I use command rpm -ivh XXX.rpm to install.
when i try to access synaptic package manager and update manager or ububtu software center. the screen will flash and be gone
View 7 Replies View RelatedE: Type 'nchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-wine-ppa-maverick.list E: The list of sources could not be read. The above is the console output when i type sudo apt-get update Update manager throws the same error so now I can't install or update software .
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a problem when installing this package through synaptic package manager. this is :
the error is:
W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/po...tu2.1_i386.deb
404 Not Found [IP: 80]
my distribution is ubuntu 10.4.
It started with Update Manager constantly recycling and not updating. When it starts it shows 295 files and 308MB waiting to download. When I click on 'Install Updates' it appears to go through the process, and then presents me with the same 'waiting to install' window again - and again, and again - in fact as many times as I care to click the 'Install Updates' button. No error messages appear. The 'Settings' button produces the same apparent process as the 'Install Updates' button, but doesn't present me with any other screen.
I've tried all the solutions I could find on these forums and nothing works. The sudo suggestions for Terminal usually produce error codes. adjusting a line in the 'hosts' file. When I tried this I was presented with the obstacle of not having access to the read-only file, and no matter how much I searched I couldn't find how to gain access . While investigating all these possible solutions, I was directed in turn to the Software Sources and Synaptic Package Manager applications, but when I attempted to start them, 'Starting Administrative Application' appeared briefly on the taskbar - and then disappeared!
Software center, update manager, Synaptic package manager crashes for no reason. I have not done any recent changes or downloads. I'm running a fresh install of ubuntu 11.04
5 gigs of ram
Intel dual core
35 SSD
I've just installed ubuntu 10.04 and see that there are a two type installation software? why there are two things? What are the benefits of these two? What are the Difference Between Synaptic Package Manager and Update Manager?
View 1 Replies View RelatedAm I the only one who gets this on gnome everytime I start up package manager or package finder in 11.3?
System management is locked by the application with pid 6890 (/usr/sbin/packagekitd)
I literally have to kill -9 pid everytime I run it. What is going on here?
I want to install CmapTools in my desktop, which runs v.10.04. I have downloaded the .bin file from their site.Is there a way to install it using Synaptic Package Manager?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOk so I having the same issue as everyone else but it still exists despite the solutions other people are experiencing. Update manager, synaptic, and apt-get are not working no aptitude on here. Update manager says: An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information. report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message: 'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, Eroblem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_natty_universe_ i18n_Translation-en%5fUS, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.' apt-get has errors with headers, finding files, and wrong file types. I have gone to a couple locations and the files exist and the hash is correct, and the file types are correct. I have tried replacing the sources file. I have tried sudo rm -r /var/lib/apt/lists sudo apt-get clean sudo apt-get update with the same problem happening upon updating. In the same exact areas.
View 7 Replies View Relatedwhen i try to access synaptic package manager and update manager or ububtu software center. the screen will flash and be gone.
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