Fedora :: Fix For Firefox 3.5 With Core 11?

Jul 14, 2009

Is there a fix for Firefox crashing with core 11?

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General :: Install Firefox (or Anything) On Fedora Core 2?

Jul 21, 2010

just did Red Hat Linux (Fedora Core 2) install. It's the only OC on the machine. Boots and everything seems to work just fine. Everything but the operator, that is!

I want to install FireFox and Thunderbird and AVG (free) antivirus so I first went to the Mozilla site for a download, only to discover that the best way to install is as part of a Package Manager.

Fair enough - but what is a package manager? Part of the distro? Where do I get one for these items?

UPDATE - I figured out the Package manager thing and no , FireFox is not an option, nor is Thunderbird or any antivirus.

If I can't get a package manager, the site tells me that I can install with me as the only user by downloading and typing in a couple of commands (Unzip and run, I think). But I get a report that I need a something or other file (library?) for it to run. How do I find that file and why would I be the only user? Surely as root I can set it up for all users can't I?

I guess the short(er) question is: How does a new user download and install a program onto a new setup without a package manager?

Question 2 - this install is for a class and the instructor wants screen prints as proof I'm doing certain operations. How do I get a screen print of, say, a history listing and can I save the screen print or view into a file for submission?

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Software :: Install Older Version Of Gcc 2.95.3 In Fedora Core 8 Or Fedora Core 12?

Mar 14, 2010

i download the rpm package of gcc .

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Core Only Showing Single Core On F14?

Nov 3, 2010

I just loaded F14 on an old Dell Dimension 3000 with a dual core processor but only one is showing. Here's the output from top:

processor: 0
vendor_id: GenuineIntel
cpu family: 15
model: 4


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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading From Core 4 To Core 10?

May 20, 2009

I have created a virtual machine of a system running Fedora Core 4 and I need to upgrade it to Fedora Core 10. Based on what I have read, it iis possible so I started theupgrade process. I get an error message saying that /dev/hda6 (my root paritition does not exist) even though it does.

Does the installer need to read a label from /etc/fstab? I executed tune2fs -L / /dev/hda6 amd ,and added LABEL=/ for the corresponding entry for fstab. but the FEDORA CORE 10 is still giving the same problems for the installation process. Should I upgrade to an intermediate verson like Fedora Core 7 first?

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General :: Difference Between Fedora Core 4 And Fedora Core 14?

Jan 12, 2011

I am in school for my CIS degree and the book I am using this session covers Windows XP and Fedora Core 4. I am having trouble finding & downloading Fedora Core 4. My question is: Is there a big enough difference between Fedora Core 4 and Fedora Core 14 that I would not be able to use 14 instead of 4?

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Ubuntu :: Run Dual Core - Crash - Single Core Runs Perfect

Apr 1, 2011

i am running gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P and AMD sempron 2.7. the problem is when i try to run dual core. it will boot and run for 2mins then it crashes. single core runs perfect.

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OpenSUSE :: Get Application To Utilize More Than One Core In Multi-core Setup?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a command line OCR program called OCR Shop XTR (Vividata corp) that I am using on a system with a 6-core AMD chip. I changed the bios so that the 6-cores were activated, but htop shows me that while the program is running, I am only getting activity on one core (the program maxes out the one core with consistent usage between 97% and 100%).

I have read that many programs are not written to take advantage of multiple core cpu's. However, I am just hoping that there is some way to get this program to take advantage of the extra cores. Does anyone know of a way to invoke programs from the command line which would spread the workload out among additional cores?

Here is the output of uname -a:Linux linux #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-02-21 10:34:10 +0100 i686 athlon i386 GNU/LinuxAnd here is the output for one of the cores from cat /proc/cpuinfo:processor : 5

vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
cpu family : 16
model : 10
model name : AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1100T Processor
stepping : 0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Core Support Core 2 E8500 Out Of Box?

Feb 14, 2010

Just a quick question. Does Kubuntu Karmic support core 2 E8500 out of the box or do you need the SMP kernel?

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Programming :: Multi-core Support - Control On What Core Will A Thread Run

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any Linux API that will let me control on what core will a thread run? If not, do I have to use assembly language?

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Debian :: Wheezy Only Recognizes 1 Core Or Dual Core CPU?

Sep 7, 2011

I have now installed Wheezy on two different hard drives and in each case it seems only one CPU of my dual core CPU computer is recognized. System Monitor, Gkrellm and lscpu show just one when prior to the new install the old Wheezy showed both CPU's. I have put the hard drive into two other computers with dual core CPU's and all show just one CPU.

Interestingly System Profiler and Benchmark (hardinfo?) > Devices > Processors now show a large amount of processor infomation when with the old Wheezy I would only see both CPU's listed and nothing else.

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx - Dual Core - One Core Always At 100%

May 15, 2010

I've a Compaq CQ61 laptop, and i noticed that one of the cores is always at 100%.

I didn't check the duration of the battery but surely it will "eat" my battery in a hurry

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General :: Only One Core Of Dual Core Processor Are Working

Mar 14, 2011

I recently read in a forum that by default the Linux kernel only activates one of two cores in a dual core processor. Searching online gave one option to find out and that was the mpstat command. I therefore ran the command and got the following output.As the result says, it shows only 1 cpu. I was wondering what I could do to activate both cores in my machine, and whether doing so was going to cause me any problems.

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Programming :: Get Process Running CPU Core And The Utilization On That Core?

Apr 27, 2010

Assume someone bind a particular process to a particular CPU core(In multi core machine) by using sched_setaffinity() like functions. Then how we can get that process running core id and CPU core utilisation of that process on that running CPU core(Pragmatically or by a Linux command)?.

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General :: Processes And CPU 4-core - Which Core The Program Used?

Mar 26, 2011

I've a program that launches new processes, and wait for them to die before it exits. So, for example, my program is a process, and it launches 3 more processes, and when the 3 child processes end, it will exit.

As you see, at end of the example, the program used a total number of 4 processes.

1 - Now, I'm running this program in a CPU with 4 cores. This means that the program used each core for each process?

2 - How can I know which core the program used?

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Fedora :: Firefox Failed To Execute Child Process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No Such File Or Directory)?

Apr 1, 2010

Here is the message:Failed to execute child process "/usr/lib/firefox-3.5.4/firefox" (No such file or directory)Firefox is installed and is there.

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Programming :: Core Dump Issues. Program Crashes But Does Not Generate Core Dump File?

Oct 7, 2009

I want to generate core dump files from my program when it crashes. Its a pretty big process and has about 10-11 threads in it.I have followed the documentation to enable core dump by setting ulimit to unlimited etc. I quickly tried "A demo program creating a core dump" from the following webpage, which succeeds in Segfault and dumping a core file in the directory that I configured.However, I tried running my original program and caused it to crash. I did this by making calls to kill(), raise() or the same null pointer access as shown in the webpage above. In each case, my program crashed but did not generate a core dump file. Am I missing something?My program is in C++ and my environment is Redhat 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20)

Going through the "Why do I NOT get a core dump?" section on the same webpage as above, I can see two potential problems. One - there are issues with the suid/sgid (bullet # 6). I am not able to change any settings with suid because my system does not contain either /proc/sys/fs/suid_dumpable or /proc/sys/kernel/suid_dumpableTwo, my program has threads in it and the bullet # 8 is the problem.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Infiniband (mlx4) Works On 16-core System But (now) Fails On 32-core System

Jan 27, 2010

We have a small cluster of 20 HP systems, all running CentOS 5.3 in an NFS-root environment. Half are quad-socket, quad-core Xeon E7340 @ 2.40GHz (total 16 cores), the other half are 8-socket, quad-core Opteron 8354 (total 32 cores). All systems have a Mellanox Infiniband adapter ("Mellanox Technologies MT25418 [ConnectX VPI PCIe 2.0 2.5GT/s - IB DDR / 10GigE] (rev a0)")

With kernel 2.6.18-128.1.6.el5, infiniband works fine on all systems.

With the update to kernel 2.6.18-164.11.1.el5 (and both types of node running the same NFS-root image), the 16-core Xeons still work fine. Infiniband no longer works on the 32-core Opterons. Specifically, either the ib0 interface fails to appear, or it does appear but when configured with an IP address, doesn't actually work. In either case, loading the IB kernel modules takes a long time, but I haven't instrumented the load script yet to see which module, if any, is at fault. More errors listed below.

However, if I tweak the BIOS of the 32-core systems to reduce the per-socket core count to 2 (so effectively 8-socket, dual-core, down to a total of 16 available cores), Infiniband starts working again. Putting it back to 32-cores makes it fail. Booting the older kernel makes it work again. In summary: old kernel, IB works on all systems. Newer kernel, IB only works on 16-core systems.

Updating the IB firmware from 2.5.0 to 2.7.0 (latest available) doesn't help. I also did a full 'yum update' to make sure that libmlx4, openibd all other associated packages were up-to-date. Doesn't help either.

Some errors that appear on 32-core nodes:

ib_query_port failed (-16) for mlx4_0
ib_query_port failed (-16) for mlx4_0
mlx4_core 0000:04:00.0: SW2HW_MPT failed (-16)
mlx4_core 0000:04:00.0: SW2HW_MPT failed (-16)


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Fedora :: MAYDAY Accidentally Messed Up Fedora Core 12 Partition - Error Reading The Disk

Jan 18, 2010

I did a horrible mistake due to lapse in my concentration. Here is the 80 GB IDE disk geometry:

=> C: Windows XP SP2 15 GB partition
=> D: NTFS parition - 10 GB
=> E:F:G:H: NTFS partitions on the Windows Extended partition.
=> On the same Extended partition, there exists Linux /swap and /root partitions.

What happened was:

a) I wanted to delete the H: parition which was residing adjacent to Linux partition
b) By mistake I opened the Explorer and clicked the Mouse on H: partition and left it like that (forgot)
c) I opened Add/Remove program list but did nothing, to do few uninstalls after partition deletion.
d) Now I opened compmgmt.msc for Disk Management then deleted the H: partition!

Then XP reacted strangely and got almost hung

e) Then I switched OFF and ON the PC.
f) Most shocking was GRUB screen vanished (crash console appears) which means that Linux partition got deleted instead of H: partition!!

It's important to share with you that Fedora Core 12 possess the default BOOT flag. I thought that it's nothing big deal, only a case of Boot flag toggle with DOS bootable CD but am shell shocked to find after hitting the fdisk from DOS it says Error reading the disk!!! I felt like collapsed for a while, don't know how I did such a mistake. how to boot into my Windows XP. I can't afford to loose data or bear the expense on Data recovery

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Fedora Networking :: Nfsroot Fedora Core 13 PXE Boot With Client?

Sep 24, 2010

I am attempting to use a PXE and nfsroot to boot fedora core 13. When my virtualbox image boots, I get the following error. view the screen shot.I have the following entry in my TFTP entry to boot this system:

prompt 1
default linux
timeout 30
label linux
kernel vmlinuz_fc13


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Fedora :: Broadcom WLAN Wireless Driver Fedora Core 11

Aug 26, 2009

Okay I posted about this a while ago, and i got my wired network to work, but now i need my wireless card driver to work. I have been doing research and I found something called ndiswrapper which drivers from windows working in linux. I typed in lspci in the terminal and it gave me my specs of my wireless card which is a:
-Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 03)

-Some people said there is no original driver for this card, so you need to use ndiswrapper, I was wondering does anybody know what this is, how do i use this, and help me out to get my wireless card going. If you give me instructions, please be really specific as I am really new and still getting the hang of commands.

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Fedora :: Fedora Core Becoming Thin Client / Compile It To Be Used?

Aug 1, 2009

Anyone know how to compile fedora core to be used as a thin client / dumb terminal with a small kernel?

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Ubuntu :: Only Single Core Active On Quad Core AMD When Acpi Is Active?

Jun 8, 2011

Only Single core active on quad core AMD when acpi is active.with acpi=offuname -aLinux dvip4 2.6.32-30-server #59-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 1 22:46:09 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux

cat /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0


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Fedora Hardware :: FC 13 X64 Not Detect Core 2 Due?

Aug 25, 2010

i using sonyvaio VGN-SZ440 core 2 due , installed FC13 x64,but when i check system monitor so i see one core runing i can't understand ,

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Fedora :: How To Tell IDLE To Run Python 3 In Core 13

Sep 24, 2010

I have IDLE installed with the Python-tools package, but when I run IDLE in command line, it runs python 2.6...I have python 3 installed, I'm just wondering how to tell IDLE to run Python 3. The reason I ask is because, if I go through IDLE, file>Path Browser, I see a lot of Python 2.6 files...but no Python 3 files. When i run yum install Python3 -

[root@Homecomp Legio]# yum install python3
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
Setting up Install Process
Package python3-3.1.2-7.fc13.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

When I look for Python 3, I find it in /usr/bin/Python3, an executable file, along with 3.1, 2.6 and a link to executable 2. I have no files in /usr/local/bin. My question is...How do I tell IDLE to run Python 3 instead of 2? I just started using Fedora, so I don't have all the commands down yet. Have to say its a bit different than Windows...but in a good way so far.

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Fedora Installation :: How To Updated To 13 From Core 4

Sep 27, 2010

I set up my home server like 3 year ago on a Fedora core 4, I am running a NAT, firewall and FTP very smoothly on it. In the past 3 years, it has been doing perfectly without any modification/ upgrade. But recently, I just realized I might need a VPN server on it, but the recent release of OpenVPN doesn't support Fedora core 4 anymore, therefore I suddenly want to make an upgrade. I've read the articles/ manual for Fedora 13, yet I do not find any suggestion on how to upgrade to 13 from core 4.

how can I do an upgrade in the easiest manner as I don't want the server cease working too long (I need its NAT for my network).

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Fedora :: Core I3 Is Freezing Randomly

Oct 25, 2010

I have a Dell studio 15 laptop with 4GB RAM,320GB HDD,ATI Radeon HD 7450 graphics card(512MB) ,Inetl core i3 processor.I am multibooting Fedora 13 with Windows 7.My problem is that Fedora 13 freezes randomly few minutes after booting.Initially,crashing occurred when i was browsing with Firefox,so i downloaded and installed Opera,again the system was freezing.Then i even removed the ethernet cord to check whether there is some problem with ethernet driver.I am trying to use Fedora 13 for running ns2.But,this freezing problem is a big setback.

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Fedora :: Install PHPUnit In Core 12?

Dec 20, 2010

I plan to install PHPUnit in Fedora Core 12 pc. But I cannot, I already use all YUM commands Regarding this.

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Fedora :: Core 14: Acpid Eats 90% Of CPU

Feb 26, 2011

I've install FC14 on my iMac 27" i7 and I'm having exactly the same issue I had with Ubuntu 10.10: acpid eats 90% of one Core all the time.With Ubuntu this issue was solved by updating but with FC14 no way, I can't find any solution.Right now I've turned off acpi and apm at boot time but this only let me use one of my four Cores.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Which PCI Wireless Card For Core 7

May 21, 2010

Preamble: Just installed fedora 7 on old sony viaio and this is the first linux distro I have ever found useful, as no time for steep learning curve though patient enough.What PCI wireless card should or could I buy that might be detected, if any? Or will I have to do much hacking and tinkering? If so, so be it!

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