Fedora :: Backup To USB Connected HDD?

Oct 22, 2010

I just built a file server for a photographer using F13 with 4x1TB HDD's in a raid1+0 for 2TB of storage, which is what the photog expects her annual accumulation of images is.When the 2TB volume is filled up she will transfer those images from the server to a 2TB external USB HDD, but she thinks each week she would like to backup new files from the server to the USB HDD.So I have two questions:1) what is good backup software to use on F13 that will only update the files on the USB drive that actually need updating?2) I have never connected a USB HDD to a Linux box, do all USB drives get similarly named in /dev/ so that a script could detect that it has been attached? If so, how are they named, ie. sda, sdb, dvd, fd, etc.?I am developing a simple web interface where the photographer can log into and see server health info at a glance, see raid and HDD status, log files, etc., and I would like to have a button on the web interface page that the user could click after plugging the USB HDD into the server and have a script find it in /dev/ and mount it, then start the backup application to backup/sync the storage volume to the USB HDD with no other user input.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Automatic Backup Using USB-HD Connected To Router (Siemens SE551)

Aug 6, 2010

Currently, I would like to setup an automatic backup system, where the data on my computer is copied to an external harddisk which is connected to the router (Siemens SE551). This device theoretically allows setting up a file server, but unfortunately I can't access the share from Linux. I have not yet tried to access this share from Windows.

The rough plan is to use rsync and ssh, issued by a cronjob on both, my Ubuntu- and on my WinXP-notebook. But before considering this, I have to get my system connected with this drive.

BTW: I am using Ubuntu 10.4.

According to the SE551 manual [URL], NAS is not provided.

I followed this manual and set security OFF. According to the router's web interface, the device was recognized correctly.

I installed samba:

gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux.
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the


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Fedora :: Backup From My Email And My Favorites From Mozilla - Which Folders To Backup

Aug 10, 2011

I want to make a backup from my Email and my Favorites from Mozilla.

But which folders I have to make a backup from.

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Fedora Networking :: Internet Speed Very Slow When Connected To Vpn In Fedora 12?

Mar 1, 2010

I have the following nasty issue:I am using fedora 12 and I use vpn for working remote.When I browse the internet the speed is very slow!even when I do a yum update it downloads the packages with max 100kb. if I drop the vpn connection I download the packages with 1Mbdo you know what the problem could be? i created the vpn connection using the network manager...it is a regular pptp connection for the vpn!

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Fedora :: Won't Boot With Second HD Connected?

Nov 18, 2009

I wanted to set up a dual disk dual boot system with Fedora 11 on one SATA Hard Disk and Windows XP on the second. I installed Fedora 11 and it mirrored itself onto both disks.This wasn't what I intended, so I removed one disk and installed Windows XP onto the other with the intention of disabling the mirror on the Fedora OS.As expected, I found that Windows will boot up happily on its own, or with both disks connected, but Fedora will now only boot up if the Windows disk is not connected.But when I checked the LVM settings, I found that there is no mirroring set up. I also checked my BIOS and RAID is not enabled.Is there a way that I can get Fedora to boot up with both disks nnected without having to reinstall it?

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Fedora :: Cannot Get Two Systems Connected?

Jul 17, 2010

I was trying to connect two systems both running on fedora but I have had some connection problems. Its not getting connected at all. I have no idea why the systems are not getting connected. I used to share files between them when they both had windows installed in them and now I cant share.

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Fedora :: Gps - No Drive Is Connected

Aug 8, 2010

I just bought a Magellan Triton 400 and installed just about every program with "gps" in the name. When I plug it in and choose "Connect to PC" it stops at the "Waiting to connect" screen. The installed gps programs each reports that no drive is connected. This is my first experience with gps and I'm really perplexed. There are guides to setting up gps with bluetooth, but this is a USB connection.

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Ubuntu :: Back In Time To Backup Home Directory To A Second Hdd That Is Mounted At /media/backup?

May 18, 2010

using Back In Time to backup my home directory to a second hdd that is mounted at /media/backupThe trouble is, I can do this using Back In Time (Root), but not using Back In Time without the root option. This is definitely a permissions issue - it can't write to the folder, but when I checked by right clicking on the backup directory and looking at the permission tab, it said I was the owner

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Ubuntu :: Restore Backup Server - Where Is The Location Backup Snapshots Or Files Are Saving

May 10, 2011

I install and tested Restore EE Backup server on a test PC with basic configuration and its working fine.


The issue i have is where is the location these backup snapshots or files are saving? I want to add a separate Storage to save the backup?

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Slackware :: Complete Backup Solution Ike 'Acronis True Image Backup And Recovery

Jun 12, 2010

I have been looking for a complete backup solution like "Acronis True Image Backup and Recovery" on Windows for Slackware a while.

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CentOS 5 :: Backup Script With TAR - Incremental Backup With Simple FTP To Another Location And Email Status

Jan 15, 2010

After I spent some time discovering The BIG BANG of Universe and The Meaning of Life :

I managed somehow to create a script to make some backup of files on server and TAR it and then FTP the archive to another location FTP server and then emails result.

It also measures time needed to complete it and deletes archive older than XX days (set in find -mtime +20) and makes incremental backup every weekday and FULL on Sundays (which suits me bcoz no heavy load).

Files for TAR to include and exclude are in txt files listed each line separate name:

file: including.txt:

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Debian :: Backup Purge Script - `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No Such File Or Directory

Nov 10, 2010

This script simply deletes files older than a certain age (in this case 7 days) from a certain location; I use it to purge old backups nightly, and it works as expected:

# delete backups older than 7 days
find /mnt/backup/*  -mtime +7 -exec rm -Rf {} ;

The problem is, every morning I get an email with an error message something like this:

find: `/mnt/backup/subfolder': No such file or directory

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mysql-admin Won't Schedule Backup But Will Manual Backup

Jan 19, 2010

I have a scheduled backup to run on our server at work and since the 7/12/09 it has be making 592k files instead of 10Mb files, In mysql-admin (the GUI tool) I have a stored connection for the user 'backup', the user has select and lock rights on the databases being backed up. I have a backup profile called 'backup_regular' and in the third tab along its scheduled to backup at 2 in the morning every week day. If I look at one of the small backup files generated I see the following:


-- MySQL Administrator dump 1.4
-- ------------------------------------------------------
-- Server version`


It seems that MySQL can open and write to the file fine, it just can't dump

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Ubuntu :: Real Time Backup In A Folder Called /home/backup?

Feb 2, 2011

I've tried to google but not much luck. What I would like to do is have anumber of folders on my desktop and their contents, replicated/duplicated into another folder on the same PC in real time. So for example, if I were to change an OpenOffice document in a specific folder on my Desktop it would be replicated/duplicated in real time. If I had three folders on my Desktop A, B and C they would also appear/be backed up (in real time) in a folder called /home/backup. Can this be done?

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General :: Write A Simple Backup Script To Backup A Single Folder Nd?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to create a backup script that will back up a single folder for a class i am in. I was wandering if I could get some help. If possible I would also like to know how to write a script that can encrypt that same file . I will be putting the back up in my /home/usr/Backup directory. I am not trying to back up my whole system just a single folder. I am using Fedora 11

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General :: Mount Point For Backup Drive - Partition To Backup The Important Files On My Main HDD

May 21, 2011

I'm just setting up a partition on a seperate HDD in my system. I plan to use the partition to backup the important files on my main HDD (to guard against HD crash).

The question I have is about where would be the typical location to auto mount this partition? Which would it be normal to go for:

1. /backup/
2. /media/backup/
3. /mnt/backup/
4. /home/chris/backup/

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Fedora Networking :: Easy Way To See What AP Im Connected To?

Feb 20, 2009

Is there a easy way to see what AP im connected to? I know what SSID im on but i need to find out the AP name.IN windows you can, But i cant figure out how in fedora.. It just gives me the normalbasic IP and SSID name in Network manager.Is there also a good program that can visualise what is nearby and what strength.Im working with some problems on my AP's at the mo and need to find out what one im authing to and what im not.

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Fedora :: Phone Connected To Computer Through USB

Oct 21, 2009

I can't modify/delete the files on my phones through my computer which is connected to my phone through a USB wire. I can view the files in there, but not edit them or make any modifications. During the time I used Ubuntu, it worked pretty well, any ideas why it doesn't work.I use Fedora 11 KDE in case you wanted to help me solve this problem. I also have a Nokia 5800 XpressMusic if this is going to help too.

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Fedora :: 11 Won't Boot Without A Monitor Connected?

Nov 17, 2009

lt a file server using Fedora 11, and it works great if the monitor is connected. If I disconnect the monitor, Fedora 11 won't boot; it hangs. I have found many people having the same problem, but no one seems to have a solution.

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Fedora Servers :: PC Connected To Network / But Can't See Other PCs Or Mac

Jan 11, 2011

I just loaded F14 and want to use it as a file server. Not even certain where to get started. PC connected to the network, but can't see other PCs or Mac. thoughts?

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Fedora Networking :: Connected But No Internet / Get That?

Apr 14, 2011

Yesterday I updated my kernel, and then i could not run my wireless card, since I use the broadcom STA driver and there was no update on rpmfusion yet.

I googled and downloaded akmod, and all got fixed after a reboot.
Latter last night, i got an update message in wich, among other updates, was rmpfusion's aforementioned update, I installed it.

After a reboot, I am connected to my network, ifconfig throws normal stuff (default gateway, ip adresses and subnet mask) and i LOOKS like there should be no problem

however I'm unable to connect to any website, or access any remote server via ssh, or ping anything.

Also, i disabled ipv6 in firefox just in case, and it was no use.

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Fedora :: Can't Get Internet To Stay Connected With 15

Jul 21, 2011

I am very new to the wonderful world of Linux and from what I've read about and my limited experience (approx. 3 hrs) I like it; but I'm having one problem that I need to get fixed: I'm dual booting currently with W7 (boo) only because I can't get my internet to stay connected(?) for extended periods of time using F15.

When I first installed F15, everything went smoothly, it asked me for my PW for the wireless internet and it said that it was connected. After I loaded Firefox for the first time, thinking to myself "Awesome, it set itself up completely and is running perfectly) I was let down. On my laptop I have Quickbuttons. Touch sensitive buttons above my F-keys (incase you didn't know what I was referring to. When I connect to the internet, with my wireless card on, I can successfully load 1 internet page. Halfway though the page load, the internet light/button starts to flash repeatedly on/off rapidly. Internet connectivity seems to have stopped at this point as I can not load another internet page or use the chat window any more. If I disconnect from my internet and reconnect, everything works fine for 1 more internet page then back to flashing and no more connectivity.

If I restart using the Windows OS, everything works fine and my desktop is working normally as well, so it must be something with F15. What do I need to do in order to get the internet card to work continuously? What am I missing? Please remember, I'm very new to this and all the troubleshooting web pages that I've found thus far are talking WAY above my head.

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Ubuntu :: Backup Software That Lets You Choose The Folders To Backup?

Jun 30, 2010

does anyone know of a good backup software for Ubuntu 10.4 that will let me select which folders to backup, rather than a complete backup? My install and settings etc can be replaced, but my photos and memories cannot!

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Ubuntu :: Backup The Entire Disk Using Some Popular Backup Tool?

Sep 1, 2011

I have installed Ubuntu 11.04 onto HP EliteBook 8540w notebook and would like to backup the entire disk using some popular backup tool.

I have searched in the internet and found the closest tool is PartImage. But the bad news is that it does not support ext4 fs!

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Software :: Backup A Few Servers And A Bunch Of Desktops Onto One Backup Server?

May 10, 2010

Does anyone know of any decent enterprise level backup solutions for Linux? I need to backup a few servers and a bunch of desktops onto one backup server. Using rsync/tar.gz won't cut it. I need like bi-monthly full HDD backups, and things such as that, with a nice GUI interface to add/remove systems from the backup list. I need basically something similar to CommVault or Veritas. Veritas I've used before but it has its issues, such as leaving 30GB cache files. CommVault, I have no idea how much it is, and if it supports backing up to a hard drive rather than tape.

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Fedora Networking :: Run A Script After The Computer Has Been Connected?

Jan 3, 2010

I would like to run a script after I got a network connection. The reason is that I'm trying to install Dropbox on my Fedora 12 laptop, but it only works if I start it after I'm connected to the network. So, is it possible to automatically run a script after you've got the connection?

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Fedora :: Yumex 'not Connected To A Network' Error

Jan 23, 2010

After doing updates a few days ago yumex stopped working. I started getting an error message when I try to run it, "no connected to a network". This is of course not true.

I've looked at yumex.conf and don't see anything wrong, and I downgraded the GTK2 packages from a post indicating a segfault issue with one of those packages.

yum works fine from the command line, so my system is fully updated.

I removed yumex and then reinstalled it with no joy.

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Fedora Hardware :: MP3 Player Connected But Not Mounted

Feb 28, 2010

I bought a mp3 player about a month ago. It works fine with fedora 12 except for one problem as of late. I'm guessing some updates have upset some thing. I use to be able to mount and unmount the device with no trouble from the drop down Places menu. Now when I unmount it disappears from the list and I have to unplug it and plug it back in to see it again when it mounts. I was wondering is there a way to keep it in the places list when connected but not mounted. Or maybe a way to scan the usb port to find it again.

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Fedora Networking :: NIC Wont Stay Connected?

Mar 31, 2010

Situation: Someone intelligent physically dropped a HD from a dying machine into a newer one, things magically went well (with exception of X, fixed) and now we have this NIC problem. The owners of the server refuse to upgrade to fedora 12 unless there is no other choice, so here I am consulting the experts as I promised i would Ty for your help in advance

[CODE]# netstat -an | grep tcp | egrep -i 'established|time_wait' | wc -l
# service iptables status


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Fedora :: Unable To Write To USB Connected Disk?

Apr 18, 2010

I am trying to scrape all of the info off of an old Fedora disk so that I can referb the box and put new stuff on it, but for some reason I can't get the permissions (even as root) to write to the disk.

It is currently mounted under /media/backup and I can browse it all I want, but still can't write.

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