Debian :: Set New User To Use Bash?

Mar 16, 2011

when i created new user with # useradd -m newuser and logged in as newuser, i cannot have the autocompletion that the first user have.Why? How do i set newuser to use bash and the same for all other user?

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Ubuntu :: Get User Full Name In Bash?

Feb 7, 2011

Is there a command in bash which would allow you to list all users along with their full names?

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General :: How To List User Using Bash

Aug 2, 2011

how to list existing users using bash

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Programming :: User Input Bash Script

Apr 28, 2010

I've written a bash script that allows a user to input a directory location to find out the size of the directory. However, if the user inputs a directory and finds its size then inputs another directory then wants to quit, the script asks the user numerous times if he wants to quit!! The script won't exit until the number of times the user looks at a directory is reached! What gives?

Here's the script:


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Server :: Does The Mysql User Need Bash Shell

Oct 2, 2010

Is there any reason for the mysql user to need bash shell?

From /etc/passwd:

mysql:x:100:103:MySQL server:/var/lib/mysql:/bin/bash

Will anything break if I change that to /bin/false?

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Programming :: Switch User In A Bash Script?

Jul 28, 2011

I need to switch from one user to another in a script in a solaris machine. No one of those users is root. I see I can use su commandt I think I can't pass the password as a parameter . I'm using bash. Is there anyway that I can switch user in a bash script

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Programming :: Working With User Input In Bash

Jun 2, 2009

I've been using python/bash to help myself automate things for a long time, however I am curious. One reason I use python more is because I don't quite know how to work with user input in Bash, such as getting it to ask for input and wait, and then placing that user input into a command.

Here's an example of a script I use from time to time for converting OGG video files into AVI.

How could I write this same script in Bash? Keep in mind I am mostly self taught, so I am by no means an expert programmer.


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Fedora :: Terminal Now Opens As -bash-4.0$ And Will Not Let Login As Any User?

Dec 3, 2009

For some reason my terminal now opens as -bash-4.0$ and will not let me login as any user.Is there anyway to fix this? It's very annoying and I've never came across it before.

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Ubuntu :: Bash Script, Take User Input Then Use It As A Path?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to make a script to make it quicker to encode videos.

echo "Type the path of the video file"


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Ubuntu :: Bash: User Prompts And Directory Changing?

Mar 2, 2011

Basically I'm trying to create a bash script that'll ask for a folder name and then change into that folder.

Not real code but bare with me!

echo "Enter the desired folder and press [ENTER]
read $folder
cd $folder
/home/<user name>/<whatever the user entered>
Is this possible with bash or am I chasing a pipe dream?

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Software :: Bash Command To Find Out If User Exists?

Jan 20, 2011

Is there any linux command to find out if a user exists? It should something like this: if user exists it returns 1, if he doesn't it returns 0.

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Programming :: Bash Script Predefined User Input

Aug 9, 2009

I have a script im having some problems with, what I need is to have the system generate a random password for me and use that password when creating new users to it.

System is Debian Lenny and script is in bash.

The program is znc. I have made it so that it will generate the random password on the shell but the problem is to use it in the bnc software.

To make a password there the command is znc --makepass and look like this:

My question is now if it would be possible to put in the script so it would "answer" when it need those passwords ? the random password that is generated is in a variable called $setpass and is NOT crypted.

Or is there any other software that would be able to generate that md5 string for me ?

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Programming :: How Can User Runs Bash Script At Boot Of PC?

Dec 28, 2008

I wanna that the pc starts (on/off), the pc arrives to gdm. It waits for an user to log.But but at the boot of this machine, I would like that an user has a script started in the processes (NO X cuz bash script).How can an user runs a script at boot of the PC ? (once only and no one loged)

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CentOS 5 :: Launch Bash Script On User Logon?

Nov 12, 2010

What is the best way to lauch bash script on user logon and logoff?

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Fedora :: Limit User Access (bash And Physically At Machine)

Nov 24, 2010

I'm trying to determine how to limit a specific user so that they are confined within their home. I'm also trying to figure out how to prevent a specific user from walking up to the computer and allowing them to log in, but still allow SSH. Basically I'm trying to provide an account with very limited access to the machine.

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Software :: Bash-script : Start A User A's Process From Other Users?

Aug 26, 2010

A Tomcat server is installed under user A. Now I am going to write a script which will start this Tomcat server. And this script can be executed from other users (from there account). And if other user run this script, the process ID should be of user A, so that user A can start or stop this process any time. This means, at the beginning of the script I have set the process ID as user A. How to do this?

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Programming :: Get A Password In A Bash Script For Mysql User Creation?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm trying to get a password in a bash script for mysql user creation. But sometimes a get a non-alphanumeric character(s) in the password, and mysql failes with that. I tryed with apg -EO0Il1`~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[];./{}|:"'<>? but failed. I tryed with sed 's/[^a-zA-Z2-9]//g' , but at that moment the minimum password lenght failed. I'm also fine when there is a better alternative then apg.

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Programming :: BASH - Create User And Password On Multiple Machines

Aug 9, 2010

I'm trying to write a script that will prompt the user for a username/password, then create that user/password in the right groups on all my machines. I know this is kind of a long way around to avoid a NIS server, but I like making my life more difficult.

This is what I have so far:


the script has 2 problems: The "if" functions return an error and do not compare the strings successfully. whatever password is entered does get applied properly and the user is unable to login

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Programming :: Catch User Input While The Bash Script Is Running?

Oct 30, 2010

How do you catch user input while the script is running? Or, how would you make two scripts run at the same time, but use input from one script to the other? The program I'm trying to make, echos text on the screen continuously, but while thats happening, I want the user to be able to input something, so the program can detect the input and display something else. So I thought maybe I could make two scripts run to do each task.

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Debian Installation :: How To Create A New User Called Mesk As FTP User

Sep 3, 2014

I have just installed vsftpd on my debain server..I want to know how can I create a new user called mesk as FTP user and set a home page to some folder on my server? I tried this:

Code: Select allhtpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/passwd mesk but got: cannot create file /etc/vsftpd/passwd.

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Ubuntu :: Phantom User Still Logged In - Bash: Kill: (5485) - No Such Process

Sep 13, 2010

$ uptime
09:55:00 up 7 days, 6 min, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00

..but I'm the only user logged in!

$ who -a
system boot 2010-09-06 09:48
run-level 2 2010-09-06 09:48 last=


looks as though this is the culprit, but...

$ kill 5485
-bash: kill: (5485) - No such process

This process doesn't exist in the /proc folder or the output of ps. Does anyone know how this happened, and how to remove this ghost user from my system without a complete reboot? I think I have seen a similar thing on a RedHat machine ages ago but I have never figured out how to log out these ghost users.

$ uname -a

Linux ubuntu 2.6.24-28-server #1 SMP Wed Aug 25 16:07:16 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

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Programming :: Bash - Calling A Specific Variable Based On User Input?

May 3, 2011

I'm trying to call a specific variable based on a user selection. For example:

Code: Select a file:

[1] foo.tar
[2] bar.tar

Enter a selection: I have already coded each possible selection to have its own variable. If the user selects 2 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR2, or if they select 1 I need to select $SELECTED_TAR1 and then do something like this behind the scenes:

Code: cp /home/user/$SELECTED_TAR2 /home/user/backup/$SELECTED_TAR2

I was thinking something like this:

Code: echo "Enter a selection: "
cp /home/user/$SELECTED_TAR$SELECTED_NUMBER /home/user/backup


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General :: Store User Input In A Config File GUI For A BASH Script?

Dec 4, 2010

I'm trying to create a backup script. For my second version, I want to make a GUI that will ask the user three things:

1. which folders should be excluded
2. where to store the backup
3. the user's email

I need to store this input, and later input the values into variables in my script. How do I go about doings this?

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Programming :: Bash - Read User Input: URLs Without The Enter Key Stroke?

Sep 23, 2010

Here's a challenge I've been struggling for months with:

I have a bash script that reads URL addresses of our internal server and then executes some test commands on them. Something like this:

read -p "Enter URL: " url
sh execute-what-ever-to $url

After copy-pasting the URL the user taps the enter key and the script proceeds, but here comes the tricky part: I want this to work without the need to press the enter key after copy-pasting the URL.

"read -n" does not work in this case, as the URLs vary greatly in length. However, the URLs always end to the same string. They could be like "http://url1/END", "http://url2/END" and so on. So this ending string "END" could be theoretically used to recognize that the whole URL has been pasted.

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Programming :: Bash Scripting Handling User Input Sections Automatically?

Jun 17, 2010

I have a system setup script for my Slackware installations that pulls all packages and source files from another machine and sets everything up to be identical between machines. The script works as expected but make it entirely unattended. How do I make the bash script deal with automatically selecting "Yes" for, for example "Install x(Yes/No): " when prompted by a make file?

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Programming :: Check If The User Is In Correct Directory Before Executing Bash Script

Dec 10, 2010

I have been searching for 90 minutes for something that I "think" should be fairly easy. I'm pretty new to Bash Scripting so I could be completely wrong. Then again it may be a weird request to even need something like this. But here it is.I have a script written to convert data from one of our software version to another. The only thing I need to add to it is a "check to make sure the user running the script is in the /tmp directory".

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General :: Exit Bash Script - Add - Del - Edit User From Certain File Using Different CASE Variables

Mar 6, 2010

I have made a simple bash script through which i can add, del, edit user from certain file using different CASE variables. like
1. adduser
2. del user
3. edit user

Now i want to add a exit CASE like
1. adduser
2. del user
3. edit user
4. exit

Now i want to make a script such a way that, if user input is 4 then only script quit. I used with exit function also but it didn't work. if user press ENTER or other keys then also it quit the program.

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Programming :: Bash Scripting - Display Real Name From Username Logged In + User Processes?

Jan 14, 2011

i am using putty to connect to the linux server and i am using nano as my text editor to write a bash script.

this is my script:

echo "Please enter your Username"
read userName
userName= grep $USER /etc/passwd | cut -d: -f5
echo "Welcome " $userName | cat >> output.txt

the problem i have is that when i enter my username, the output (my real name) does not display in the output.txt. instead it displays in putty. so when i run my script in putty it shows the message to enter username and after i enter my username my real name appears below it. i want it to show in the output.txt

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Programming :: Bash Scripting - Taking User Input And Adding It To A Particular Area Of A File?

Jan 12, 2010

in bash scripting...say I want to take the input from a user via a question...I would do this:



echo "How large do you want this partition to be in GB (enter only the number)?" read PART_SIZE echo "You want your partition to be $PART_SIZE GB" But I don't want to echo it back to the screen, I want to add it to the content of /etc/fstab. I have been mucking around with sed to find the tmpfs partition in /etc/fstab and add the partition size attribute (this is to use the onboard RAM as a volatile partition)...but am not having any luck...

The portion of /etc/fstab that uses /dev/shm for the tmpfs partition is:

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0

So, if a user says "24" GB to the answer (from above), how do I get it to automatically add that value to the tmpfs partition line in /etc/fstab? So it would look like:

tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs size=24g,defaults 0 0

I understand that I would also have to come up with a way to put "size=XXg", which I could do with a copied over generic file before this action...then the script would have to find "XX" and replace it with the user's figure...

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Programming :: Bash Scripting With Sudo / Password Prompt And Accepting User Input?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm creating a bash script to do some tasks for me. I would like the script to be run at a set time of everyday. My first question is if it is possible that if one of the commands in the script requires sudo, is there a way to get around it with out making sudo not require a password. Such as, is there a way to include the password in the script? If that is the case, I can always just set the file as read only by sudo. I've been looking for a way to do this, with no success. if I have a command that wants input, how do I give it to the program. For example, if I want to make a zip file that is encrypted, the command would go as:


zip -r example * -e

now how would I get the script to insert my wanted password.

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