Debian :: What's The Command To Install Kde-core

Jun 10, 2010

What's the command to install kde-core? Like gnome-core, aptitude install gnome-core

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Debian :: Wheezy Only Recognizes 1 Core Or Dual Core CPU?

Sep 7, 2011

I have now installed Wheezy on two different hard drives and in each case it seems only one CPU of my dual core CPU computer is recognized. System Monitor, Gkrellm and lscpu show just one when prior to the new install the old Wheezy showed both CPU's. I have put the hard drive into two other computers with dual core CPU's and all show just one CPU.

Interestingly System Profiler and Benchmark (hardinfo?) > Devices > Processors now show a large amount of processor infomation when with the old Wheezy I would only see both CPU's listed and nothing else.

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Debian Installation :: Kernel Failure After Lenny Install (on Core I7 870)?

Jan 5, 2011

I just installed the lenny (amd64) on my new core i7 870 computer (with netinst), but the kernel failure message appeared everytime I booted into gnome. I don't know how to solve this problem. Sorry I don't have much experience with installing linux, though I have been its user for a few years.

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Debian Multimedia :: Xserver-xorg-core BROKEN - Can't Install

Feb 19, 2010

I have Lenovo 3000 n200. I'm new in debian, but it's great to me! I wan't to stay with this distro, but i Can't upgrade this to testing or unstable version. Lenny have too old packagges for me. All versions of squeeze (downloaded or upgrade from lenny) is broken. I can't run xorg. For about 2 weeks i'm serching for answer and i only found that this is xserver-xorg-conf. That's true this is the package that is broken, but cannot install this.

When i upgade system the synaptic package manager write me one package is broken (xserver-xorg-conf), so i delete it and install one more time. This same problem. So i downloaded and i have this same problem. When i restart system i cannot run xserver and gnome.

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Software :: Install Older Version Of Gcc 2.95.3 In Fedora Core 8 Or Fedora Core 12?

Mar 14, 2010

i download the rpm package of gcc .

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General :: Unix Command That Allows To Know Which Process Is Running On Processor Core?

Mar 16, 2011

Unix command that allows to know which process is running on processor core?

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Debian Configuration :: Install A Multi-core System And Configure It To Run Several VMs, One Each For A Firewall, A Caching Proxy Server, A Mail Server, A Web Server?

Jan 25, 2011

I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.

In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).

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Ubuntu :: Run Dual Core - Crash - Single Core Runs Perfect

Apr 1, 2011

i am running gigabyte GA-M68M-S2P and AMD sempron 2.7. the problem is when i try to run dual core. it will boot and run for 2mins then it crashes. single core runs perfect.

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Fedora Installation :: Dual Core Only Showing Single Core On F14?

Nov 3, 2010

I just loaded F14 on an old Dell Dimension 3000 with a dual core processor but only one is showing. Here's the output from top:

processor: 0
vendor_id: GenuineIntel
cpu family: 15
model: 4


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OpenSUSE :: Get Application To Utilize More Than One Core In Multi-core Setup?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a command line OCR program called OCR Shop XTR (Vividata corp) that I am using on a system with a 6-core AMD chip. I changed the bios so that the 6-cores were activated, but htop shows me that while the program is running, I am only getting activity on one core (the program maxes out the one core with consistent usage between 97% and 100%).

I have read that many programs are not written to take advantage of multiple core cpu's. However, I am just hoping that there is some way to get this program to take advantage of the extra cores. Does anyone know of a way to invoke programs from the command line which would spread the workload out among additional cores?

Here is the output of uname -a:Linux linux #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-02-21 10:34:10 +0100 i686 athlon i386 GNU/LinuxAnd here is the output for one of the cores from cat /proc/cpuinfo:processor : 5

vendor_id : AuthenticAMD
cpu family : 16
model : 10
model name : AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1100T Processor
stepping : 0


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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Core Support Core 2 E8500 Out Of Box?

Feb 14, 2010

Just a quick question. Does Kubuntu Karmic support core 2 E8500 out of the box or do you need the SMP kernel?

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Programming :: Multi-core Support - Control On What Core Will A Thread Run

Oct 31, 2010

Is there any Linux API that will let me control on what core will a thread run? If not, do I have to use assembly language?

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Ubuntu :: Lucid Lynx - Dual Core - One Core Always At 100%

May 15, 2010

I've a Compaq CQ61 laptop, and i noticed that one of the cores is always at 100%.

I didn't check the duration of the battery but surely it will "eat" my battery in a hurry

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General :: Only One Core Of Dual Core Processor Are Working

Mar 14, 2011

I recently read in a forum that by default the Linux kernel only activates one of two cores in a dual core processor. Searching online gave one option to find out and that was the mpstat command. I therefore ran the command and got the following output.As the result says, it shows only 1 cpu. I was wondering what I could do to activate both cores in my machine, and whether doing so was going to cause me any problems.

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Programming :: Get Process Running CPU Core And The Utilization On That Core?

Apr 27, 2010

Assume someone bind a particular process to a particular CPU core(In multi core machine) by using sched_setaffinity() like functions. Then how we can get that process running core id and CPU core utilisation of that process on that running CPU core(Pragmatically or by a Linux command)?.

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Fedora Installation :: Upgrading From Core 4 To Core 10?

May 20, 2009

I have created a virtual machine of a system running Fedora Core 4 and I need to upgrade it to Fedora Core 10. Based on what I have read, it iis possible so I started theupgrade process. I get an error message saying that /dev/hda6 (my root paritition does not exist) even though it does.

Does the installer need to read a label from /etc/fstab? I executed tune2fs -L / /dev/hda6 amd ,and added LABEL=/ for the corresponding entry for fstab. but the FEDORA CORE 10 is still giving the same problems for the installation process. Should I upgrade to an intermediate verson like Fedora Core 7 first?

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General :: Processes And CPU 4-core - Which Core The Program Used?

Mar 26, 2011

I've a program that launches new processes, and wait for them to die before it exits. So, for example, my program is a process, and it launches 3 more processes, and when the 3 child processes end, it will exit.

As you see, at end of the example, the program used a total number of 4 processes.

1 - Now, I'm running this program in a CPU with 4 cores. This means that the program used each core for each process?

2 - How can I know which core the program used?

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Debian :: 100% CPU On One Core Even After Reboot

Jul 28, 2015

I have a debian system with the following version, see below. My problem is that one one single core of 4 it's running 100% all the time and i cant seem to find out why. The load is also high(load average: 0.91, 0.75, 0.40) because of this. This keeps happening even after reboots.

root@Cyberdyne:~# hostnamectl
Static hostname: Cyberdyne
Icon name: computer-desktop
Chassis: desktop
Machine ID: af90d9838fc14929818d8d52719fc2ae
Boot ID: a3ef416a7fb4404ca4b9c122bdb1145a
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)
Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
Architecture: x86-64
Distributor ID: Debian
Description: Debian GNU/Linux 8.0 (jessie)
Release: 8.0
Codename: jessie

IMAGE : [URL] ....

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General :: Get Core Files In System With Out Using "Find" Command?

Jul 30, 2010

I have searched many forums but did not find a way to FIND A CORE FILE WITH OUT USING FIND COMMAND.

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Debian :: Install A Program Using The Command Line?

Jan 29, 2011

I tried to install Vlc using the terminal (terminal as root). I've used the command aptitude install vlc. Instead of installing only vlc, my gnome desktop environment was removed, gdm was removed, many more programs was removed! What's the command for installing just a single program using the command line? I was used under Ubuntu to use the command sudo apt-get install [***]

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Debian :: Starter Image For Intel Core 2 Duo?

Dec 14, 2010

Can someone tell me what the architecture of iMac Intel Core 2 Duo is? I am trying to figure out which of the following images given on the webpage below to download:[URL]..This is the list:


I think there are two different images (namely i386 and ia64) for intel-based systems, right? Which one should I download for my Intel Core 2 Duo? Is this a 64-bit architecture? Should I use amd64?

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Debian :: ISO Selection For Intel Core I7 Processor

Aug 24, 2011

What is the best debian iso that I should choose to install in a machine with intel core i7 second gen processor? amd64,ia64 or i386 ?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Only Getting 1 Core Of 4?

May 5, 2011

I own an Athlon II X4, with 4 physical cores, and opensuse 11.4 x86_64 is only recognizing 1 of them. Although, when i disable ACPI from the BIOS, i get all 4 cores showing on cpuinfo.

Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.5.1 20101208 [gcc-4_5-branch revision 167585] (SUSE Linux) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-26 17:30:28 +0200


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Debian :: Install Httperf Using The Following Command As Root User?

May 25, 2011

I am a Fedora user and have recently shifted to Debian.I tried to install httperf using the following command as root user:apt-get install httperfbut apt-get cannot locate the package:

root@D6-VM:/home/saad# apt-get install httperf
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree


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Debian Installation :: Designation For Intel Core I5 430M?

Aug 22, 2011

the appropriate debian designation that will work on an Intel Core i5 430 M processor.

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Debian :: Architecture For Intel Pentium D Dual Core?

Mar 8, 2010

I'm a Linux Mint user, but I'd like to cross over to Debian. I used the x86 architecture for the Mint install, but I couldn't find that anywhere on the Debian site. what the architecture for the Intel Pentium D dual core is?

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Debian Configuration :: Only Single Core Detected On I686

Jun 22, 2011

Recently I was forced to "downgrade" my AMD64 Squeeze installation to 32 bit Squeeze. The installation was (obviously) made from scratch. Everything else seems to be working fine, but there is only one cpu core out of four detected. On AMD64 kernel all four cores were functional. Now what?

$ uname -srv
Linux 2.6.32-5-686 #1 SMP Mon Jun 13 04:13:06 UTC 2011
$ cat /etc/debian_version
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo


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Debian Configuration :: How To Remove Package That Ties With Core Ones

Aug 7, 2011

I have this package dependency question for a while. I have brand new Squeeze system. I selected desktop during installation. Gnome is default system but I turned off gdm3 and uses fluxbox as window manager. I understand if two packages are tied together funtionally so that removal of either package terminates one feature. Above cases, many small packages only depends on the core packages. The core packages work fine without games, other programs.

There are so many programs that I want to remove in the system. For examples, ekiga is a VoIP program that I never use it. When I tried to remove it using apt-get or aptitude, it suggests entire gnome packages will be removed also, which is illogical. The only solution I found is I need to manually remove the package files. I haven't tried it yet.

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Debian :: Broken Package In Squeeze - Xorg Core

Feb 7, 2010

After going from Debian Lenny to squeeze, everything was going OK, apart from 8 broken packages of which I was easily able to fix 7 of the packages. The last one is x-org core, which comes up with the error message /var/cache/apt/archives/udev_150-2_i386.deb returned an error. From all my research it indicates that an update from kernel 2.6.26-2-686 to a later version is required due to 150 udev requiring the support of the CONFIG_SYSFS_DEPRECATED. My next question is where to start, do I need to add a linux-image repository in sources.list and then use the command-line or am I headed in the wrong direction.

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Fedora :: Install PHPUnit In Core 12?

Dec 20, 2010

I plan to install PHPUnit in Fedora Core 12 pc. But I cannot, I already use all YUM commands Regarding this.

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