Debian Multimedia :: Minidlna Not Playing MP4 Videos To TV
Jan 17, 2015
I am trying to setup a media server running Debian 7.8 and the minidlna 1.0.24. My TV is a Toshiba 50L7300UC and can play music and show images via the DLNA. It will play .mkv videos too, but when I try to play an .mp4 video it says "Unsupported file". If I put the same .mp4 video onto a USB and plug that into the TV, the TV plays it no problem.
When testing streaming to my phone, everything works (music, pictures, MKV and MP4 videos).
I went to mozilla, installed the tar ball package into /opt/, then double clicked on the shell script named firefox inside the /opt/firefox folder.I go to a few sites that stream videos kind of in a way YouTube does as well. So when I go to play the file which is typically in a jwplayer. Firefox thinks I am trying to open to save the file? It attempts to play the video inside dragonplayer, I just want it to run the video. I have also uninstsalled IceWeasel, running KDE shell. x64.
I am using chrome Version 50.0.2661.75 (64-bit) running on Debian (Gnome).
I am having the following problem, since yesterday every time I want to play a video (for ex [URL]watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc) The music, logo in the video and functions work but the video doesn't play. I reinstalled Chrome, clean all the data, disable all the plugins, I tried as incognito and several other options and it doesn't work, before yesterday it was working (yesterday I updated all Debians packages).
What I mean by black screen is that whenever I view a video or if there is video content anywhere on the page, my whole monitor goes black for around 3 seconds then plays the video content.
I am running debian linux wheezy, and recently, all of a sudden, all videos in my iceweasel browser have been refusing to play videos of any kind at full volume. I am, however, able to download the video and play it at full volume on vlc player or sytem video player.Why iceweasel is acting this way?
I have minidlna installed and half the time I go to use it, the service has stopped and I have to manually restart it with "service minidlna restart". I haven't restarted the server to cause this. There is nothing in the log file in /var/log/minidlna.log
After watching a video, it stopped. If I don't look at it for a few days, it stops.
I am new to Debian (and Linux). I just finish to install minidlna to feed my TV with my Debian Jessie PC but I cannot make minidlna to start. I installed minidlna using synaptic. No error shown. I went to the config file to fill the parameters needed.
I started minidlna using the command line /etc/init.d/minidlna start and got the following each time :
XYZ@bureau:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/minidlna start [sudo] password for XYZ: [ ok ] Starting minidlna (via systemctl): minidlna.service.
XYZ@bureau:~$ cd /var/cache/minidlna XYZ@bureau:/var/cache/minidlna$ sudo systemctl status minidlna -l
This is true for .flv, .avi, .mov, and .mp4, at least. This is true in both vlc and movie player. Thumbnails generated from frames in the videos appear correctly in nautilus. Videos play fine in firefox, on ....., but I downloaded one as an .flv and then it had the same problem. I have restricted extras freshly installed. My "Ubuntu 9.10 - the Karmic Koala" system is fully updated. I've found several other forum posts about the same kind of problem, but I couldn't find anything helpful in them (like that the contrast setting might be WAY out of whack, which it wasn't, or that nvidia drivers needed to be updated or reinstalled, which I don't have anyway, etc).
When I play a video file whether with VLC or Movie Player the system will crash. The screen will go black with some text output (all I can quickly read is something about pulse audio) then flash black, then text, then black over and over. I tried to edit a video with Pitivi and the system crashed too. I saw an error about gstreamer that time. I set multimedia to No Xv and the test works but when playing an avi the system still crashes. If I test the multimedia with autodetect the system crashes.
i have no problem. But with user2, when i start to read a video file, i have no image, just a black screen.The sound is ok, the time is running normally, but no image. *It tested with vlc and gnome-media-player, it is the same. *I have no error message, when I start the program in a console. *I suspected a permission problem, and i checked all the groups, but i don't see any difference between user1 and user2.
I installed ubuntu 11.04 on my desktop PC .While trying to play videos using smplayer the screen goes blank then the login screen appears.Tried vlc with no luck.Working fine on office PC
I am having hard time playing a high definition video file (.mp4), the video initially plays fine, but after 5 mins, it starts to skip and stutter, (I use Movie Player with some codes that Ubuntu installed when I first tried to play file) I have a Dell XPS M1330 Intel Core Duo @2.20 GHz with 4 GB RAM.
i have acer 5532 with ati raden hd 3200. on windows xp, all 720p files play nicely in media player classic (with klite) but when i switched to ubuntu, inoticed that SOME 720p videos are not playing smoothly at all (frame skipping..freezing etc) but the audio is ok-ish. after a bit research i found out that only the matroska avi/mkv HD files cannot be played smoothlly. i have installed the restricted extras and proprietary ati drivers.
I'm considering getting a new motherboard in the future that has a pci-e x16 slot, but the slot only runs at x4 bandwidth.I will be using a 8800GT, so my question is will the x4 bandwidth have any detrimental performance hit when playing HD videos using VDPAU (H.264 codec)?
-Ubuntu 10.04 with MPlayer/Smplayer & VLC installed via the repos. -Installed the Ubuntu Restricted Extras package (everything except flash, extra fonts, & java) & w32codec packgae (medibuntu). -Computer in question is 800mhz Celeron, 256MB RAM & one of those basic Intel Integrated Graphics Chip. I'm having problems playing some video files. When trying to play these files with Smplayer, I get a blue screen but can still hear audio (default video output). After switching the video output to x11(slow), I can now see the picture but it's not playable (some video will show maybe one frame every 2 seconds, some video would play for half-a-second then just freeze). This happens mainly with large files (not 100% accurate, but in general files over 300MB).
Mplayer log gives the "Your system is too slow to play this file" & "Bad alloc:insufficient resources" messages. So I'm guessing this is not a codec problem, but a system resources problem? Is there any option, trick, tweaks, etc. I can use to play these problematic files or is it just not possible because of my system specifications? Is there a way I could tell mplayer to play these files with lower bitrates & resolution? Maybe this could reduce the resources needed to play?
I've been using a headless ubuntu machine for a few months now to torrent stuff and serve it up to my PS3 using MiniDLNA.
Everything was working fine until this morning when i decided the list of stuff in ~/Movies/Torrents was too long. I opened up the directory on my Mac (shared over the network using avahi and netatalk so my Mac thinks it's another Mac) and made some folders for shows in there. I moved the files into them and turned on my PS3. It was a bloodbath, only one of the new folders is seen by the PS3. It still sees folders that were created by transmission.
I changed the permissions to 777 for everything (had to to move folders around) and I also gave the new folders to my transmission user and group lest that was the problem (it wasn't).
Below is a screenshot of $ls -l ~/Movies/Torrents I have marked the ones that show up on the PS3. Only 'Lost' was made today out of the ones it sees. [url]
I just reinstalled Ubuntu at least twice for this problem: Minidlna starts fine for a few minutes, I can see it on the network with my television, windows and even my phone. However, after a few minutes (say one hour), it stops being there. The process keeps running, and is kinda responsive to rescans and restarts. However it becomes unusable after a few minutes. The last reinstall was pretty basic: Installed Ubuntu 9.04, upgraded to 10.04 (servers), installed minidlna, wait and... bam! So there were no conflicts in all that, so what could make minidlna stop being responsive?
I'm trying to browse ..... and yahoo video, unfortunatly neither of my browsers will play the videos. Both Firefox and Epiphany have the same problem, I know it must be one of the handlers causing this. I also have trouble displaying Chip-In widgets and the Yahoo!7 site doesn't work properly. I don't want to have to boot into Windoze again.
First answer this: Do you have a video card with an HDMI port on it? If you aren't sure you can look for this: (FWI its close to the same size as a VGA port) If you answered yes, follow these steps and hopefully it will solve the ..... Flash issue. (Fedora 14 KDE instructions)
Kicker Menu > Computer > System Settings > Multimedia
Select "Phonon" on the left. With Phonon selected, click on "Audio Output" at the top and notice the right box fills with all your audio devices listed in order of which device is default starting from the top. Notice the "(HDMI)" next to one of them lol? Simply click the HDMI device and then click "Defer" a few times. This should solve your Flash problems permanently. he reason why this happens is HDMI is both video AND audio. If both are being processed through a video card, theres nothing slowing it down for normal playback.
I recently installed fedora on my laptop and after update and everything else, I played an avi file by totem media player but it asked for Divx MPEG-4 Version 5 decoder and when I searched, it asked for GStreamer FFmpeg-based plug-ins to install. When I tried to install these plugins it pops out a menu that says All packages are already installed. This happens for mp4 and flv formats too.
I tried to open a movie with VLC and it crashed X, so I tried it in movie player, and then ran the Ubuntu system test. Everything kept crashing X. I was able to watch movies before today The only thing funny in my Xorg.log.old is:
I'm having a problem mentioned in the title. I've uploaded Ubuntu to 11.04. few days ago and since then I'm having this problem - it keeps logging off while I'm playing flash videos on ..... or anywhere else, but again, it doesn't happen every time. Anyone having similar problems or any kind of solution?
Chromium is not playing any sounds with video (....., etc.) Sound output on my system is working fine and working fine with firefox embedded videos. I have uninstalled and installed and tried changing other settings with no resolution.
I don't know why but suddenly Firefox has stopped playing any of the Vimeowebsite videos. I am assuming it has to do with some recent software update (no clue which one.)First of all I want to see if anyone else is having this problem. If it's just me then I will have to solve it the local level although I don't have a clue where to start with this one.I would be grateful to anyone who has also seen this to verify that its not just my system getting funky.
I've a problem while I'm doing some stuff like watching videos, or playing games with wine or **** like that, my PC starts to lagg or I cant play... Because,when i do that things my CPU usage begins to fly (100%),and then is when I ask myself:
Quote: Whats happening?????
I've found a thread about this same problem but I cant understand it (here is is)