Debian :: How To Navigate As Root With Gnome
Aug 28, 2011
I run a minecraft server on my debian/gnome desktop and I need access to the files in the root folder and to the mysql folder but i cant log as root. i tried installing sudo and it didnt work. i know the su and su - but I want to change the files manually.
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May 26, 2011
Surviving without mouse or touchpad I have been looking for this without initial success: only 2 oldie questions like the one I was going to place:
[URL]... But I found it!!: [URL]...
So the key keyboard shortcut is:
With it you change the focus from the desktop to the panel, and vice versa When the focus in in the panel you can move from icon to icon with TAB (to the right) or SHIFT+TAB (to the left). Then Enter key (sometimes F10 instead) makes the same as left-clicking with the mouse, and SHIFT+F10 makes the same as right-clicking with the mouse. ESC key (sometimes Enter instead) takes the menus out.
There is something about this in: [URL]...
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Apr 24, 2011
In windows, using firefox you can use backspace key to navigate back pages in history. Now in Debian - I try and nothing happens. Does anyone know how to change that?
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Jul 15, 2010
I installed Debian 5.0.2 about a year ago, my first encounter with Debian and first serious look at Linux. I never got it right. Some software wouldn't work after installing. This week I decided to just start all over. I installed Debian 5.0.5 on a second disk. I seems to be better. Software that failed before works now!
Problem 1:
I ended up with two possible boot up choices in GRUB, but they both run 5.0.5 w/ Gnome. Why two? How do I know which to keep and how do I get rid of the other?
Problem 2:
Previously, I could boot into a command console by interrupting the normal boot. I don't get that chance now. It goes right to Gnome. I can't boot as root in Gnome. How do I get on as root?
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Feb 17, 2011
We have setup Squeeze a Test machine , just for some tests, without network, Internet etc. and we need to allow root login in Gnome.
We've changed /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf:[security]
AllowRoot=truebut still doesn't work.
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Apr 21, 2015
Running Gnome on Jessie. Have had Gnome hang a few times over the past few months. The hangs seem to be related to having open and / or closing a root terminal. It has happened on a Gateway AMD Phenom II tower and on my Gateway NV59 lappy with Pentium P6200.
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Mar 9, 2011
I have squeeze with gnome. Various apps let me log in as root when needed to but if I logout as a user and try to login as root it won't let me (won't authenticate password). I had this problem before and reinstalled Debian and definitely checked for it to allow me to do this and it worked for a while after new install. Apparently some update overrode my preferences. This is a major defect and may force me to abandon Debian. I don't use root often but I don't have any use for a operating system that won't let me use it. Anyone know how to correct this. I am not interested in using a terminal on a regular basis or ever for that matter.
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Apr 10, 2015
When I try to do software updates in Debian Gnome 7.8 it asks for my root password. I try my usual login password but it does not work. I don't recall setting two different passwords when I installed Debian. What can I do now?
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Jul 24, 2011
Gnome-disk-utility doesn't show filesystem type, mount point, filesystem label, size¦ of my / filesystem.
I am running Debian Squeeze using lvm2. I have two HDDs and each has one primary partition, which are used as PVs. Having two VGs, each VG has it's own PV.
There are some LVs and all of them except the LV holding the swap space are formatted with XFS. Now gnome-disk-utility shows everything about my /home LV, another LV containing a whole Ubuntu installation,¦ only the / LV (and Swap LV, but I don't know what it is supposed to show there) is/are missing nearly all information.
Otherwise the system is running perfectly well and the Debian / LV is shown normally in Ubuntu's disk-utlity, as well as all other LVs.
Physical volume
Volume group
Volume group
Logical volume
Logical volume
Logical volume
Logical volume
Logical volume
DebianCopy is a copy of my Debian installation (different fs label and UUID). DebianII (again different UUID and label) is a copy too, but there I tried out newer (testing) versions of udisks/lvm2/udev and right after the upgrade it showd everything as it should with the additional advantage of the newer udisks-version showing my VGs, but after a reboot it showed the same behaviour as before or even worse, because the information about other LVs was missing too.
In the end I even modified the fstab. Originally it contained the /dev/mapper/vgbay... entries and I replaced them with LABEL=... and finally with UUID=..., but it didn't make any difference either.
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May 2, 2011
Just for some testing on a test non-productive machine, how to allow Gnome login by root user on squeeze?
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Feb 1, 2010
I brought a computer online which is operated by Ubuntu and I know nothing about it. I had an HP printer that I couldn't get to function. I was told that HP didn't have drivers (or something like that) for Linux Ubuntu. I just brought a Lexmark which showed on the box was okay for Linux but when I load the installation disc I can't figure how to get to the "Welcome" screne and follow it through the installation. I do not kow computer terms (a newbie) and will need to be taken step-by-step through the process, if it's even possible.
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Jun 28, 2011
I'm very new to working with the terminal on my macbook pro and am trying to understand how to navigate into certain directories with it. I can't seem to get out of my username directory. I'm trying to access MAMP/htdocs and get those files into my git repository. I'm new to all of this. I am typing and getting this:
David-Adamss-MacBook-Pro:~ davidadams$ cd Applications/MAMP/htdocs/barcodes
-bash: cd: Applications/MAMP/htdocs/barcodes: No such file or directory
I need to get the "davidadams$" out of that line but I don't know how to navigate out of it.
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Oct 25, 2010
Whenever I enable the TOR network in firefox using the torbutton, everything stops working. Clicking on links won't take me to a page. It seems like I cannot navigate to any webpage when TOR is enabled.When I disable it everything works fine.
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Mar 5, 2011
how to navigate to dvd drive in terminal? what would be the address?
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Jan 26, 2010
Ubuntu 9.10. I would like to be able to move between several open windows on my desktop with my keyboard rather than my mouseThat is, to change the focus from one window to anotherI can do this with the icons on the desktop by using the up/down/left/right arrow keys on the keyboard, but how to do this for open windows?
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Feb 5, 2010
I used to be able to open any folder in Nautilus and from there navigate to the parent folder. There was this arrow pointing up that had this function but I don't have the option any more.
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Mar 14, 2010
I installed openjdk-6 on my ubuntu 9.10 system along the the documentation package and some other, related packages that looked promising but I cannot figure out how to access and navigate the documentation. (This is veering out of the scope of this forum but I also cannot figure out whether I have SJSXP installed or how to acquire and install it in case I do not.) Would one of you be gracious enough to help me figure this out so that I can get started?
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May 8, 2010
I have just installed 10.04 LTS Wubi.The thing is, I can see no obvious way of seeing my files which were created in Windows e.g.Documents, photos etc. How do I navigate to the Windows documents from within Wubi?
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May 8, 2010
I am having trouble installing root kit hunter. I have downloaded and unpacked the package.It is in /tmpWhen I try and execute the command:
cd /tmp/rkhunter-1.3.6
I get an error message:
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Jul 6, 2010
how do you navigate to slackware-install forum got there once .now can't find it
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Nov 23, 2010
I am having a directory.This directory has a lot of subdirectories which contain html pages and some c source code files,Makefiles etc etc.The script I am trying to write would be executed from one directory which has all these subdirectoriesFollowing is the set of directories and files you can see
ls lddbus Makefile misc-progs sbull scullc scullp short simple
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Feb 19, 2011
I was using the latest stable release of Debian, dual-booted alongside Windows Vista, with the GNOME desktop, installed via netinst, trying to build and install a library that I knew and trusted, when suddenly I couldn't open the Root Terminal. I clicked the link (in Applications->Accessories (I think, whatever the top one is)->Root Terminal), and in the taskbar I saw an item that said "Starting Root Terminal". A few seconds later, that went away, but the terminal still wasn't open. I tried the regular user terminal, to see the same thing happen. Unsure of what was happening, I tried restarting my computer, since that's always the first step you should take in computer problems.
When I restarted, GNOME wouldn't start. The screen would flash a bit for a few seconds, then a dialog box would appear over a background of static that said "The greeter application is crashing. Attempting another one...".t would then go back to the DOS-style kernel, wait a second, and then the same thing would happen. After several of that, I would get a blue screen which said something to the effect of "It has been detected that the desktop environment has crashed six times in the past 30 seconds.
Waiting two minutes before trying again." When it did that, I tried logging in as root to assess the problem. I gave it the correct password, but it said that it was an incorrect login. After several tries (to ensure I didn't mistype the password), I logged in as myself. Same problem. I tried the su command, with the correct password, and it said it couldn't authorise it.
After a lengthy conversation with a friend of mine who was very good with computers, he basically summarised that he had no clue, but that his best guess would be a virus. Upon running the Linux installer, I found the Repair option. Not being particularly familiar with Linux, I used it simply to backup my important files onto a flash drive. I then tried running the Install option, in an attempt to simply write over my existing Linux and make it new again. The installer, however, consistently froze up when trying to start the partitioner, on the "Checking disks..." stage. I figured it was a problem with my partition. In my naivete, I simply used the Windows tools to clear that partition... It destroyed GRUB too, so I couldn't run any OS. I figured my computer was pretty well screwed, and at that point just decided to bring it into the shop and have them completely wipe it.
my computer was backed up onto an external hard driven I brought it back, I reinstalled Windows. Upon restart, it said that it was still looking for GRUB, which made no sense to me. After messing around with it a bit, I decided to just reinstall Linux too. To my lack of surprise, that fixed the problem. Both OS' now ran just fine. The first thing I did on Debian was to install the Clam Anti-Virus, which I understood to be one of the best Linux anti-viruses. However, within about 10 hours, got the same problem as originally. I wasn't doing any of the same things, and between the lack of consistency in activities and the fact that I had an anti-virus running,figured it wasn't a virus. Not knowing what to do, I just left it and have been using Windows since.
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Dec 23, 2010
Im trying to install net-vi_2.2.1.tar.gz its my understanding that i need to navigate the Unix terminal directory to the either the tar.gz archive or extract the file to a folder and use that as the command directory for the terminal so my first question is how do i use that folder with the terminal? what command do i use?
After that i use the readme or install text file for the rest of the commands i need but im not sure cause ive never installed from tar.gz before
How to install a .tar.gz file ?
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Sep 6, 2011
Is it possible to use cd command to navigate back and forward (like browser)?. Something similar to cd - but it only swaps current and last location. I know I can push dir on stack, it would be great to use cd -> and cd <-, though.
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Mar 24, 2011
Possible Duplicate: Navigate to previous directory in windows command prompt
Is there an equivalent of Linux's cd - (change to previous directory) in Windows?
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May 24, 2010
I ask your help to diagnose a problem. For business reasons I use a broadband internet connection via a mobile phone's connected via bluetooth [rfcomm]. Speed is not the maximum but it is more than sufficient for my work. For configuration of ppp I followed this guide Pon pulls up dialup, but I can't navigate also if resolv.conf and default route are correct. In addition I would like to use the NetworkManager that by default, does not see the device. I worked around the problem this way:
I modified the / etc / rc.local so that launch at boot time: # Rfcomm bind yes
After starting Lucid Lynx, bluetooth connects to the phone but NetworkManager does not see the modem.
When I run the connection manually, by: # Pon BluetoothDialup
NetworkManager sees the device, but can not use it because obviously it is locked by the ppp daemon.
So I close the connection with: # poff
Now NetworkManager sees the broadband modem via / dev/rfcomm0, dialup is performed properly. I can finally surf and just enable vpn with NetworkManager. all start automatically at boot, without the need to manually connect and disconnects the dialup to use, finally, the NetworkManager.
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May 14, 2015
I edited fstab to automatically mount my windows data partition on boot, but I screwed it up by not specifying the file system type, however that is not the problem, I was able to fix that easily. The problem was that when it failed to mount the partition, Debian automatically entered root and I guess that is to be expected in order for me to fix it, but I never configured a root password and it just gave me full root access without asking any password, not even my user password. I though that was strange so I set the root password and sure thing it asked me for the root password this time without automatically logging into root....
I then tried to lock the root account to see if it will ask me for a password or not, it did but of course I wasn't able to login as root because it was locked now and I was left with no way to access the system. I had to fix fstab from a live cd so that I can login normally as the user....
I didn't know what to search for or if that is the expected behavior if you don't set root password during installation, but it just seemed a bit strange to automatically enter root when you specifically disable root login during installation...
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Mar 27, 2010
I just installed the beta 10.04 LTS with Gnome Version: 2.29.92. I want to to create a network share but when I navigate to system>preferences>personal file sharing I can not create a share. The message indicates that the feature is not available because the required package is not installed. I tried to reinstall gnome-user-share and in reinstalled without issue but I still get the same thing. What am I missing? How can I create a network share?
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Mar 1, 2011
Using RHEL 5 the admin user is logged on and Gnome is open. I need to make a change to the /etc/security/limits.conf file using root but if I su to root the change does not stick. I've been told to log on as root without using 'su' but cannot find out how to do this?
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Oct 16, 2010
It is very well known that running VLC as root in KDE is easy: in the menu editor, in the Advanced tab, you check "Run as a different user", giving the name of the user in your system. Then VLC runs from root, playing everything placed inside the user's folders and everything placed in other hard disks (not root's disk though).
So far, so good.
Is there a possibility to run VLC as root in Gnome? I mean, without compiling the program myself with the option --enable-run-as-root. Is there any immediate method like in KDE?
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