Debian Configuration :: Migrate The Users Without Resetting Their Passwords?
Aug 13, 2010
I have an old server running CentOS 5. The encription method used was the default MD5 for the shadow file. I would like to migrate the server to Debian Squeeze which uses SHA512. I have already copied the passwd, group and shadow file with the user accounts information but the Debian machine doesn't let the users login. I have already looked in the pam files to make it accept the MD5 encryption without any luck. how can i migrate the users without resetting their passwords?
I am looking for ideas for getting windows users into an ldap server. I am currently running a Linux server for my department and need to create an LDAP server which mirrors the username/password information for all of us as they are stored in the windows server here. I have the openldap server up and running on Ubuntu 8.04 and it works great; I now need to find some way to import user info into this from windows. I've seen discussions of using ldifde.exe to export the AD users into an ldif file. Is this the simplest way to go about it?
Our Linux server is currently providing us with much needed services using apache, and apache is authenticating using LDAP to our windows server (Using our windows username / password is required functionality). This windows server has some problem which causes it to delay for inordinate amounts of time between authentication requests and responses. The situation is such that this problem will not be addressed by IT staff. However, I have control over the Linux server so I am looking to just mirror the windows server on an LDAP server of my own. I could get away with updating the passwords in the Linux server.
I am tasked with resetting a user's password on a Windows Vista workstation. I am familiar with the chntpw utility, and I went through the motions of using Knoppix 5.1 as my live os, and downloading the aforementioned utility from the Debian website. Unfortunately, I ran into issues with glibc, and was unable to run the chntpw application. I went through the motions of booting with Knoppix 6.2, but I could not readily find the utilties that were available on the earlier version of the distribution.
Does anyone know of a latter day version of Knoppix, or any live distribution, that has utilities for mounting Windows partitions in read/write mode, and can utilize the chntpw utility to reset the password?
'm using Debian 6 (Squeeze) and I'm trying to migrate away from Apache to Nginx, but my Nginx installation seems to be showing some weird behavior.
aptitude install nginx-extras
/etc/init.d/apache2 STOP /etc/init.d/nginx START
the configuration file /etc/nginx/global.conf syntax is ok [alert]: mmap(MAP_ANON|MAP_SHARED, 33554432) failed (28: No space left on device) configuration file /etc/nginx/global.conf test failed
I've been experimenting with Debian coming up with a system with suits my needs. I have done this and I'm wondering, "Do I have to start from scratch on my physical machine or can I convert an existing VDI to IMG and possibly port it to the physical machine?"
I would like to use one time passwords with ssh.I know there is the RC Devs openotp library but I have found very little information on the web about how to use this with ssh or even if that is possible.
I installed Debian Kit on my Asus Nexus 7 tablet, and after following the installation tutorial I got it running except for I'm stuck on the step to create a new user. (btw link: [URL] .... )
Here's how it went (I can't copy&paste from my tablet so I have to type out everything...):
Code: Select allroot@android-6c40984c21c156ae:/# adduser paul374 Adding user `paul374' ... Adding new group `paul374' (5000) ... Adding new user `paul374' (5000) with group `paul374' ... Creating home directory `/home/paul374' ...
[Code] ....
So since I read somewhere that selinux had some permission problem, so I did a few chcons:
...but still same thing as what happened in the beginning...
Anyway my goal is to create and be able to log in to another user so that I'm not stuck running root all the time. (Which, as we all know, is a bad idea.)
If there's a way to manually create the user by editing a few files, and root still won't be able to change passwords, I'm fine with that, as long as I have another user. Whatever it takes to just get a non-root user log-in-able...
I forgot to mention that since this is the Asus Nexus 7, there is no removable media, so chrooting from another Linux machine isn't an option, and neither is removing an SD card to use a LiveCD on it.
I have no fracking clue what my password is and I want to create multiple user accounts. I have no idea whether or not I need to re-install the OS or what..nor can I even begin to imagine how to do so without a CD drive..I should also note I didn't start her up myself.
How do I migrate my user list to a new server installation? I thought that just copying /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow would be enough. I recently tried upgrading a lightweight bazaar server to 11.04, and the upgrade crashed. I had to perform a new installation of Ubuntu to recover operation of the system. I installed on a different hard drive. I had a dozen other people with user logins, so that they can get or modify bazaar repositories.
The new installation is running, and I can read all of the files on my old system's / drive. I tried copying the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files onto my new /etc -- but that did not seem to work. (When I looked using the System->Administration->Users-and-Groups GUI tool, there were no users visible, so I restored the old files.) What I intended to do was to clone the /etc and /home trees over to the new system. What am I missing?
I found 2 previous posts, one from 2005 and one from 2006. The 2005 post was not very helpful and the 2006 threads are not exactly what I was expecting. So I wanted to ask the question to be sure. I have already stood up the new fedora 12 server. The old server is also fedora 12. I need to migrate local users and sendmail mailboxes. In the past couple of years the environment was small enough to create a copy of the users and then have the users mail themselves, but I want to start migrating users/mailboxes properly.
On a unix level I am a jr admin, but I have extensive senior level experience as a windows engineer and network engineer. I do feel comfortable with using the unix command line, but usually operate the unix systems thru webmin because I am not familular with more complex commands. Ideally a software solution to migrate users and/or mailboxes from one server to another is what I am looking for, but in leiu of a software solution I still need to migrate user accounts and their mailboxes. LDAP is not in place, but if the process becomes easier with LDAP I am willing to do what is needed to set up LDAP. (I have no previous experience setting up LDAP)
I do not want to change my mail server from sendmail to different software. At least right now. Both systems are up and running. They can connect to each other via public ipv4 address' only. The new server has already been installed and configured with all the software to match the old server. How do I migrate users and sendmail mailboxes from one fedora 12 server to another fedora 12 server?
I am trying to set up Ubuntu like I had on my windows PC. I have my account, my wifes account and my kids account. I want passwords set for both myself and my wife but I don't want the kids to be required to have a password to log in. When setting up Ubuntu, it looks like it was all or none. I have dabbled with Linux off and on for years and am sure there is a way to set this up but I have no idea how.
I upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 (32 bit) with a clean install as the "upgrade" option in update manager failed. I'm setting up the system again and want to restore the backup I took prior to upgrading, however due to the upgrade I don't want to just re install everything. The following have been backed up
/etc /home /usr/local /var
Now there are various things that are different such as firefox 3.x has become firefox 4 Open office is gone, long live LibreOffice, my proprietary Nvidia drivers don't seem to be trusted yet, all the repositories will be different etc. I will re install all the applications fresh from the software centre, but I would like to restore all the users and passwords and their home directories,
So I don't I want to restore /etc or /usr/local en masse. I guess /var is not worth restoring either /home gets me their files but how do I restore the users and passwords? (there are about 8 registered users some of whom have different privileges) and the user ID need to be the same as they all access a NAS through nfs)
I'm configuring a CentOS 5.4 workstation. I have been able to apply most of the security that is required. I have met all but one logging requirement. How do you get the count of old passwords associated with users? I don't need to see their passwords just how many times they have changed them. I have set remember to 24 in the /etc/pam.d/system-auth file. I don't know where the file is that contains this information.
Sitting at the console, I log in with any user name and NO PASSWORD IS REQUESTED. I get logged in automatically without entering the user's password.
I did: passwd joeuser
To change his password and still he goes right in without being asked for a password!
Possibly related- 10 days ago, my smtp server was breached as a spam relay. The username they cracked was deleted. I added fail2ban for postfix. The logs show no further intrusion.
Is there a way to use kerberos (or baring that a trusted CA) to allow users to ssh across machines in an environment isntead of having to manage the hash keys per user/server? I'm using kerberos+ldap to log folks in and get their settings but I'd like to take it a step further. I've been reading a lot but still can't quite get it all to come together.
Do I need to create a SPN for each host to do this? Sorry if I am asking a dumb question, I am returning to the *nix fold after a decade+ in the Microsoft world, be gentle with me.
I am using squid + dansguardian for web and content filtering. And it is working fine. I am forcing users to use proxy through browser configuration. Now I am planning to add another layer to controlling access using ncsa_auth program. I know it is not the most secured but I am fine with it. Plain passwords are fine with me.
I will be giving users some default passwords but I want some program for allowing users to change the passwords for the respective users if they want. Is there any perl script or something web based for the purpose that anyone is using or know of?
I have Debian 8 installed, using: * gdm3 as the default display manager (set up in "/etc/X11/default-display-manager"); * LXDE as the default desktop environment.
I did "dpkg-reconfigure locales" and I selected three languages: "en_US.UTF-8", "it_IT.UTF-8", "sv_SE.UTF-8" (the predefined one is "it_IT.UTF-8").Now I wish to create two more users each with a different language (both for X and console applications).I did a lot of googling without success; I tried modifying ~/.profile or ~/.dmrc (adding "export LANG=...") but they didn't work. I was able to change only the system-wide language, not the one of a single user.I got the conclusion that It's not possible to have multiple users each with a different language. Is it true?
I made another try.In another installation (Debian 8, with GNOME and LXDE) I created two users:antonio, ida.The former has only one hidden file in its home-dir: ".bashrc" with "LANG=it_IT.UTF-8" as the last line (no "export $LANG" added).The latter ("ida") has only two hidden files in its home-dir:
1. ".bashrc" clean, with no "LANG=it_IT.UTF-8" line 2. ".dmrc" containing two lines:
Language=sv_SE.utf8.I put "/usr/sbin/gdm3" in "/etc/X11/default-display-manager".After reboot both users are OK: each of them displays its own language: antonio has all menus and programs in italian ida has all menus and programs in swedish.
I was able to create 4 users with 4 languages (SE, IT, FR, ES). Then I deleted all directory and files (including "~/.bashrc" and "~/.dmrc") of one user, rebooted the PC, and NOTHING changed! So, where is stored the user's language?Not in his home; there is a list elsewere?
0. Use "lightdm" (not "gdm3") as the display manager (see "/etc/X11/default-display-manager") To install it: su -c "apt-get install lightdm" 1. su -c "dpkg-reconfigure locales" (select the desired locales: en_US.UTF-8, it_IT.UTF-8, sv_SE.UTF-8, etc; set "default locale for the system environment=None") 2. su -c "adduser emil" ("emil" is the name of a swedish user) 3. Logout 4. Select "Swedish" as default language (see at the top-right corner of the screen) 5. Write user name (emil) and password to login 6. After login, language is english (but file "~/.dmrc" is created with the correct language). 7. Reboot PC. 8. After reboot, login again as "emil": now language is Swedish
Now you can change the display manager to gdm3 if you prefer.To change applications language: su -c "apt-get install task-swedish task-swedish-desktop"
I found the file containing the user's language: it's the same containing the link to its icon:/var/lib/AccountsService/users/UserName.(needs "apt-get install accountsservice"). Editing that file is much simpler as I described earlier
On other editions of ubuntu server I had no problem saving multiple users and passwords with htdigest but now it seems it is only possible to save one user and password. Code: sudo htdigest -c /etc/apache2/passwords directory user When I add a second username and password for the same directory it overwrites the first.
I'm newbie on Debian, and I just installed Debian 8.2. (I used to run openSuse, and I see Debian is quite different.)
Where should I set environment variables (like PATH or JAVA_HOME) in order to affect all users?
I read some documentation about that, but It is not clear for me, the difference among "/etc/environment", "/etc/bash.bashrc" and "/etc/profile".
(In openSuse, I used to create a file "/etc/bash.bashrc.local" and set the environment variables there, in order these settings are not lost with updates.)
I have vsftpd installed on my Debian (squeeze). I wish to let a local user (ftp) access the FTP server, but not login as normal user through SSH. In vsftpd.conf, I have enabed local user and chroot. I have also changed the shell of the local user (ftp) to /bin/false. The problem is that, I cannot login the FTP server from another computer (I login as "ftp" on a Windows machine). But when I change the shell of the local user (ftp) to /bin/sh, I can login the FTP successfully.
Is this the problem of Windows, or I should use something else instead of /bin/false if I want to prevent "ftp" login service other than FTP?
i would like to prevent all users other than the user "parker" on my system from using the su or sudo commands. I have not attempted to modify the sudoers file so it just contains the standard root ALL = (ALL) ALL.
It looks like my web/ftp server has been hacked but I'm not sure how. I logged in tonight and found I had new mail. I read it and found some e-mails that had failed to send because I don't have mail setup (luckily). The e-mails were trying to send my user name and password to the e-mail address lostsoul2k@ymail.comI've no idea where to start, I use SSH, FTP now and then and it hosts a Wordpress site. The FTP users do not have access via SSH, only my user ID. However, the e-mails also contained another user ID that only has FTP access to the server.I've looked through the logs for rkhunter but it doesn't look like it found anything.
I have a USB stick, formatted as FAT32 and I assumed that everybody would be able to read from and write to it. However, I find that if more than one person is logged on to the machine (logged on locally, with "Switch User"), then only one of the users is allowed to write to the stick, and the other users are only allowed to read from it. Is that normal?
Here's the scenario: person A logs into the machine, is in the middle of something but gets called away and the screensaver kicks in. The screen is now locked. Person B comes to the machine to quickly copy a file onto a USB stick, doesn't know person A's password so does a "Switch User" and logs in as themselves. They plug in the stick, can read from it, but can't write to the stick at all. Permission denied.
By doing a "ls -l /media", person B can see that the stick is mounted but is owned by personA with permissions drwxr-xr-x . So only person A can write to the stick. I haven't done extensive testing but it seems to be the person who logged on first who gets to own the stick. It's certainly repeatable as described above. And it's really annoying, because unless person B knows the root password, he can't write to the stick. As a real last resort person B could reboot the computer but he doesn't know whether person A has any important stuff open or not.
just now i have installed squid, it works fine with authentication . I created this authentication in a simple text file by using htpasswd . my question is that is there any web based simple page to change passwords of squid users, because each and every time i cant give direct access to server for my squid users .
Im trying to set up a Proxy server on my CentOS server and I have been looking at Squid, however I wondered if there is a proxy server that will support having authenticated users and passwords in a MySQL database?I wanted to do this so I have good control over who is connected through my proxy.
i've written a bash script to add new users to our system. the script works so I won't bother you all about that. when a new user is created with it, they can immediately login to our domain from any terminal, which is good. However, the newly created user is unable to login to debian at all, and so cannot access the server. when attempting to do so, they get a message like "the system administrator has disabled your account". This is a good thing really as normal users have no need for debian login, but I do need to add a few admin users who will need direct access to the server machine.
This is the code I'm using to add the user. The rest of my script is just a wrapper and GUI. I figure the login shell may have something to do with it, so I tried changing the shell of a user to the default /bin/bash. This resulted in the user being able to login - sort of. Gnome doesn't load though, and there's a cascade of errors across the screen about things failing to save or load settings. mostly stuff like nautilus, X, and gnome. the desktop background is black and there's no interface. Logging in with a previously existing account works fine though. Clearly I have an issue somewhere.