Debian Configuration :: Converting From Desktop / GUI To Headless Server
Mar 25, 2016
I set up my Debian box as a HTPC but am moving it to my closet and using it as a NAS now, so I want to make it headless since there won't be a monitor connected to it.What's the cleanest way to nuke the desktop environment? 2nd to reinstalling, that is (although that may not be a bad option since may home directory is in another partition).
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Jun 18, 2011
I have a strange problem. I have set up a server to run without a keyboard, mouse, or video. If I boot it connected to a monitor, there is no issue. However, if I boot it without a monitor attached, the CPU just runs at 100%. Below is a shot of my HTOP from the machine: The weird part is that if you sort the processes by CPU%, they don't actually total 100%. I was trying to see what was pushing the CPU so high, but most of the time the running processes only total between 5 and 20%. Has anyone else seen the problem? Any idea what's happening? I'm worried that if I leave it running like that, the processor could burn up. My temporary work around is to boot it up with a monitor, then disconnect the monitor, but that's really inconvenient.
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May 15, 2015
I'm currently using the default Gnome desktop environment on my server when I connect via VNC, but I've been trying to Openbox on Crunchbang lately and I rather prefer it for being so light. I'm a relative noob and don't want to cock anything up - what's the simplest way to switch to the Openbox environment for when I connect via VNC, and once that's working, whats the safest way to remove Gnome?
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Apr 11, 2011
I've installed 6.0.1a on my xi3 box [URL] and it works great. However when I remove the monitor and keyboard it doesn't boot (I don't know how far it gets, there is no monitor...). I did not install, and do not want, any kind of GUI interface, command line only. This is going in a closet as a solid state rsync backup repo. I have another small system (not this exact one) running Lenny that runs just fine headless - is this some kind of Squeeze regression? Is there any way I can get this running headless (I can't run Lenny on this box because I don't think the Marvell GbE driver is there or is working in Lenny.
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Jul 3, 2011
I have a Bubba Two headless PC box and on it a Debian GNU/Linux Squeeze operating system.
I have upgraded my Bubba Two [URL]to Debian Squeeze from Debian Etch following these steps: Running Debian lenny or squeeze on Bubba Two [URL]
After this upgrade I have setup networking on Bubba following these steps: Setting up networking [URL]
In the case [URL] doesn't work, here are these steps:
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May 9, 2010
I had to do quite a lot of digging before I managed to work out how to do this. It turns out to be reasonably straight forward, and so here is my howto all in one place.
Objective: Connect to my Ubuntu (Lucid Lynx) Desktop machine (which does not have a screen or keyboard) using a remote desktop viewer and get my usual GNOME desktop interface. And have the desktop persist while I am not disconnected.
I have recently discovered one niggly issue with some of the keys being messed up. 'm' and 's' in particular? I am looking into it and will update this post when I have resolved it.
The following steps were performed on a freshly installed version of Ubuntu 10.04-desktop. Just for clarity:
Install a VNC server. There is a choice of servers I chose the "tight" one.
Setup your VNC password. This password isn't very important as my setup will only allow for connections via SSH, so 123456 is what I used. One can possibly disable it?
At this point or the first time you run 'vncserver' (I forgot to check) the all important and much discussed ~/.vnc/xstartup file is auto generated. This is the make or break place where you can either get GNOME over VNC or not. My xstartup which required NO changes was:
Give the VNC server a test, by running it from the command line.
Try connecting to the VNC server:
Ok if that all worked then great! It all did for me and my machine was fresh from the CD.
Now we setup the VNC server to run all the time. There are a variety of ways of doing this. Since this howto requires the use of a SSH shell one could quite easily run the vncserver (as we did above to test it) and then disown (haven't tested if this is actually required) commands the first time you connect. This would leave the VNC server running until you used the vncserver --kill command. This would be a suitable approach if you had many different users wanting to have VNC GNOME desktops.
For convenience in a single user setup we can get the VNC server to be started at boot time:
Make the contents of 'vncserver.user' (credits to some smart guy on some blog out there that I couldn't find again. and then I made a few improvements):
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Jan 9, 2011
On my Seagate DockStar torrent box running Debian Squeeze, I want to send email when a torrent download is done. What email client is good if I want to send e-mail via gmail server?
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May 3, 2010
I have an Dell 755, and I have installed Ubuntu 10.4 desktop on it, everything works fine. I have it auto login, and run Azureus/Vuse at startup (so it can be a headless Bit Torrent server), it works perfectly. As soon as I try to go headless (no keyboard/mouse/monitor) the machine boots fine (I can SSH / FreeNX to the machine) but none of the GUI/apps load. What I think is happening is that when it boots without a monitor attached it does not load any of the X11 stuff. I need it to. It worked in Ubuntu 9.04 just fine, but now with 10.4 it is a no-go. Does anyone know how to force the X11/GUI to load when there are no monitors/hardware attached? This is the one thing standing in my was of getting Windows out of my house.
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Jan 5, 2010
I want to use a headless (no monitor) and armless (no keyboard/mouse) PC as a Linux box that I can remotely access from my other machines. That is I want to make it look like I'm sitting at the console on the Linux box with a monitor/keyboard/mouse.
I've tried that via the instructions at [URL]
but, the moment I disconnect the monitor and reboot, the remote desktop connection fails as apparently X fails to start for lack of a "screen". Removing the keyboard/mouse does not seem to be a problem.
Is there a workaround?
I guess what I'm looking for is the remote desktop behavior from Windows XP/Vista:
1. Connect -> Get logon screen
2. Disconnect -> Session remains active on remote machine and can be reconnected to
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Apr 5, 2010
I am *finally* getting around to rebuilding my file-sharing computer. I'll be sharing files with both Linux and Windoze machines. It's a home network, so there's nothing fancy needed. I know I have to tweak my smb.conf file until I'm satisfied with the features and security. I'm using SWAT and I'm starting with a bare-bones conf file. It's not secure but I can see the server and selected files/directories from my other Linux box.
My really dumb question is, do I have to reboot both the server and the client machines every time I change the SAMBA configuration? I thought I just had to stop and restart the SAMBA service in the SWAT software - but then the server disappears from my client. It looks like I need to reboot both machines for the client to see the server.
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Apr 13, 2011
I'm running testing, so yesterday I upgraded to the new kernel (2.6.38). Unluckly I can't get to the desktop, because the system just hangs (screen goes black then nothing happens). I have found that my problem is the radeon (open-source) driver. When the it tries to get to the desktop it enters an infinite loop, so the system hangs. The bug is better described here: [URL]. However, I don't know how to fix it. I would prefer not to go to the fglrx (proprietary) driver because of tearing issues.
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Dec 24, 2010
I've installed SliTaz Linux onto a headless server with the following partition scheme:
/dev/hdb1 ext3 main system
/dev/hdb2 ext3 currently empty
/dev/hdb3 swap
I would like to further configure this machine so that (1) a VirtualBox virtual machine is automatically started during boot with no user intervention, and (2) /dev/hdb1 /dev/hdb2 are encrypted with LUKS or the like.
Because /dev/hdb1 and /dev/hdb2 will be encrypted, I will need to decrypt them with my passphrase during boot. But since this will be a headless server, I need to SSH in before the main OS loads, i.e. I probably need to SSH into initramfs? So far, I've found (1) VBoxTool which starts a virtual machine during boot, and (2) and early-ssh which installs dropbear SSH server into initramfs. However, since all my partitions (/dev/hdb1, /dev/hdb2) will be encrypted, I need to decrypt them before the boot process can continue after initramfs. This seems to imply that I need to modify the initramfs process so that I can (1) login via early-ssh mentioned above, (2) enter my decryption passphrase, then (3) let the normal boot process continue.Therefore, my question is: how do I find and edit my initramfs so that I can add the needed decryption tools (what are they?) and be prompted to enter my passphrase via SSH during boot?
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Jun 13, 2010
Well xubuntu wont boot without a monitor. I booted freenas without the monitor and plugged it back in and got a signal. So it isnt the bios.
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Jan 22, 2011
I have now had an Ubuntu desktop server on a very crappy server (network filesystem with enourmus latency) for a year and as the subscription will soon run out I opted for a slightly better one, still crappy but at least a "complete server" (cpu+mem+HD).And a headless installation of Ubuntu Server 10.10 "Maverick Meerkat" instead of my Desktop version.I'm not using it for web pages or other 'ordinary' things though, I'm running my homemade MMORPG off of it and this new headless situation is a bit unclear to me.
I created an account and password with my root account, a folder with the username was created in /home/ and I uploaded my mmorpg executable there with an ftp client.I tried to change the whole folder (being root) to 777 but it didn't work either.
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Aug 18, 2011
I have an HP MSS 487 (headless). I was going to update to WHS2011 but was thinking of trying Ubuntu Server first. My MSS has a USB slot, but I'm not sure how to start and run Ubuntu Server from that USB stick. I can use remote desktop to access the box. I'll also need to install something on my other pcs/macs so that I can get the backups working. I didn't see anything that is similar to the whs connector software (client). Would I need to install a full Ubuntu client to do the backups?
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Feb 1, 2016
I was wondering if a standard Debian 8 system with Gnome desktop does any kind of local dns caching, and if so, what the command is for clearing it. (Assuming I haven't purposely installed any DNS server software.)
I found multiple posts on the Web about unix DNS caching, but with widely different answers across distributions and across time.
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Apr 23, 2016
I use the SMXI script to install my graphics drivers (nvidia). It hasn't been booting to desktop for a while though. If I just run a
Code: Select allservice gdm3 start
the desktop starts though. Here's my xorg file.
Code: Select allSection "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
I've also tried doing a Xorg -configure to no success. I've also reinstalled the driver many times.
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Aug 15, 2010
I am connected to a network using any interface (eth0, eth1, or wlan0) that if my ip address was given out (dhcp) that my desktop responsiveness gets worse. Specifically the mouse has a sort of "sticky" feeling. I mean by that that I'm moving the physical mouse and the cursor is getting stuck here or there on the screen. It is extremely annoying. Here is my config file:
beethoven:~$ cat /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
# Configuration file for /sbin/dhclient, which is included in Debian's
#dhcp3-client package.
# This is a sample configuration file for dhclient. See dhclient.conf's
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Nov 4, 2010
What happened to kde-core? I have two choices of bloat, kde-standard or kde-full. I don't want stuff like konqueror or kmail. I don't want Gwenview, Okular, or Ksnapshot. I don't care for all the media players. I don't need Kaddressbook or Korganizer. Is there a way to do a normal, minimalistic install without this stuff or am I screwed? I want to reinstall on my laptop and the boss' laptop and would prefer not to have the extras,
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Nov 11, 2010
Im using xfce desktop environment in debian. I find that I can not see the desktop when using Ctrl+Alt+Tab to switch window focus. I modified /usr/share/xfce-mcs-plugins/shortcuts/defaults.xml and added Ctrl+Alt+Tab shortcut to trigger a terminal command "wmctrl -k on", then i could see the desktop, but failed to switch window focus. Also, I failed to solve this problem by editing /usr/share/themes/Default/xfwm4/keythemerc Could anybody tell me a solution that you should be able to see the desktop when switching window focus, just like in win7?
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Dec 16, 2010
I cannot remote desktop to the Debian machine from anywhere,hether within the same network, or on a different network elsewhere. Also, the personal wiki I set up on it to be viewed via a normal web browser cannot be accessed, either. Both time out when attempting to connect to them. I can still ping the Debian machine when on the same network, though.
This started some time ago when we had a failure occur on our main server.had to powercycle everything in order to restore things back to normal, the Debian machine included. Since that time, this problem started to occur. This is a major thorn in my side in attempting to prepare for our website to move,I've been unable to figure out how to fix it.Originally, I thought it would be something in between the Debian machine and anything else, which would mean something like our firewall box or our hardware switch was the problem. But the tech support people who maintain those for us confirm that there is nothing wrong with them, so now I'm not certain anymore.
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Feb 8, 2011
Howto create usb-hdd using live-helper to prevent xfce desktop from any changes? Normal user shouldn't change any icon on the desktop.
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Apr 4, 2011
I have a bit of an odd network setup, shown in the pic here:I am trying to remote desktop from the XP boxes on the side to the one on the bottom, behind a Debian box/firestarter firewall. Is this possible to do without changing my network (IE wiring/topology) setup? If I had my druthers, I would put the router behind the Linux box, before the XP box, but my work laptop does not allow me to connect in that fashion as I can't change the internet settings.
I am certain the setup is correct on both the Windows clients and host, so it has to be something with my firestarter firewall, or something else I'm completely missing. I have the RDP port opened on firestarter, but whenever I try to connect to the XP box, whether it's by computer name or LAN IP address, it is unable to connect. I had thought about setting up a VPN server on my Debian box, and then VPN'ing to it, and then in turn RDC'ing to my Windows machine. Is this possible? If all else fails, I may just plug the Windows box directly into the router and deal with the lower security or get a second wireless router just for my work pc.
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Nov 13, 2010
Does anyone Know how to set up Openoffice headless server on openSuse 11.3 ?
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Jun 19, 2010
I have a headless (kind of) Linux Mint computer with Synergy installed and a MacBook.
Is there any way I can use the headless computer as a Synergy server for the MacBook so I can use the Linux's KB/Mouse with the Mac?
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May 2, 2010
I have the latest download of Ubuntu Server 10.04 installed. I have not installed a gui for it. I would like to be able to do this from command line if possible. I will be running this server headless but I would like to be able to login remotely if necessary. My hunch is I will need a gui to be able to log in remotely?
I have three Internal drives in my server. 80GB, ext4 formatted, this has the server os loaded on it. The other two drives are 160 and 500GB formatted ext4 as well but they are empty. I have two Ext USB drives with all my stuff I don't want to lose. Both are formatted NTFS. So I need help but keep in mind I am going to run the server headless, but would like to login remotely if necessary without a gui.
My other home computers will dual boot windows or linux, so I need to know what is the safest and best way to format the two drives in my server. ex4 or ntfs? Will I be able to run server without a gui as headless? I just installed Samba4 and starting down the learning curve by googling how to set it up.
My file sharing is simple. Nothing special within the Lan, but want to keep hackers out from the outside world. I use Logmein on my windows computers and may want to setup a remote login for the server at some point. Right now my big this is setting up the drives, shares, and going headless. I would like to be able to just turn the thing on and not worry about it.
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May 12, 2010
I've been trying to get CUPS working on a headless server, in order to share the printers connected to it with the rest of the network. The problem is that I can't add printers via the web interface, or rather, that I can log in, as it will not authorize my account. I've tried lppasswd, adding cupsys to the group 'shadow'(only to have the system tell me that there is no user called cupsys), and been editing the cupd.conf for hours. On top of all tha, I can't even get to the web-interface without running "/etc/init.d/cups restart"!
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Jul 22, 2010
i have been scratching my head and repeatedly banging it against a wall
i have a lan:
m0n0wall router
ubuntu server (headless/no mouse/kbd/speakers, etc in attic)
4 desktop pc's
1 dlink dsm 520
my server is exactly that it has mysql/apache/mediatomb/php/cacti/phpmyadmin/samba/nfs/mpd) ignore all other service running on server & focus on MPD. all 4 desktop pc can connect to mpd and they can see the library. BUT they cannot play any track as it states there was an error with the audio device!i have tried all the examples on the web and none work what do i do? how do i configure it to use the LOCAL soundcard NOT the one that is not present in my server? all the examples are set to use the LOCAL(one on machine running MPD) sound card which does not work until i connect a speaker to my server which again is located in my attic and only has a pc speaker so this is NOT what i want. all 4 desktops do not have mpd installed as they do not need it. all media is stored on my server the gui's that connect to mpd do not have any configuration for a sound card
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May 4, 2011
I have been having some trouble configuring a means to remotely administer an Ubuntu Sever 10.04 machine i recently built and am hoping for some guidance. I'm sorta new to linux so please forgive my ignorance of conf files and the command line . I am looking to have this server serve as...VPN Server, Minecraft Server, KVM Server, Torrent and Dyn-DNS box.I have managed to install all the KVM settings including bridged networking running (Personal victory there) and sorta have Minecraft running (only need to figure out how to make it launch on boot). Torrents already taken care of since Transmission came along with the ubuntu desktop install .The big thing that is slowing me down is remote management. I installed ubuntu desktop (thankfully its Gnome 2), i know that most people don't like it but its what i'm most familiar with. I tried running VNC but always needed to login on the physical machine before I could use that which defeats the purpose. I am now using xrdp which frankly the performance is terrible compared to what i was getting with the built in VNC server and still needed the monitor on and active to connec
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Jan 25, 2011
I will be relocating to a permanent residence sometime in the next year or two. I've recently begun thinking about the best way to implement a home-based network. It occurred to me that the most elegant solution might be the use of VM technology to eliminate as much hardware and wiring as possible.My thinking is this: Install a multi-core system and configure it to run several VMs, one each for a firewall, a caching proxy server, a mail server, a web server. Additionally, I would like to run 2-4 VMs as remote (RDP)workstations, using diskless workstations to boot the VMs over powerline ethernet.The latest powerline technology (available later this year) will allow multiple devices on a residential circuit operating at near gigabit speed, just like legacy wired networks.
In theory, the above would allow me to consolidate everything but the disklessworkstations on a single server and eliminate all wired (and wireless) connections except the broadband connection to the Internet and the cabling to the nearest power outlets. It appears technically possible, but I'm not sure about the various virtual connections among VMs. In theory, each VM should be able to communicate with the other as if it was on the same network via the server data bus, but what about setting up firewall zones? Any internal I/O bandwidth bottlenecks? Any other potential "gotchas", caveats, issues? (Other than the obvious requirement of having enough CPU and RAM).Any thoughts or observations welcome, especially if they are from real world experience in a VM environment. BTW--in case you're wondering why I'm posting here, it's because I run Debian on all my workstations/servers (running VirtualBox as a VM for Windows XP on one workstation).
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