CentOS 5 :: Regular Procedure After Power Failiure And Fsck Forced?

Jul 17, 2011

I had a server with CentOS 5.5 and Asterisk fail today most likely due to the power failure. I guess the stupid electrician turned the power ON and OFF multiple times while changing the burned out fuse without unplugging the PBX. It was set in CMOS to power back on when there is power outage so my two HDDs which were set in RAID-1 now shot.

Trying to start the system and it goes through some check and fixes and then tells me to do Ctrl+D or enter password and run fsck. I have tried both methods and I don't think they yeild anything.

Ctrl+D reboots and same store again with the system fixing and asking me to Ctrl+D again. Putting the password and doing "fsck -y" gives many errors and it fixes it and then it just keeps looping. I am afraid this is making it worst than better. So, after few loops I did few more restarts and just give up. Took out the HDDs and installed new ones and install CentOS+Asterisk so business runs as usual on Monday.

However, I am kind f*ked if I don't get the files out of these HDDs. This is my first time using fsck and also encountering this type of a problem. What is the normal procedure when fixing inodes misplaced in a case like this? and what should I do to at least be able to grab my files?

I have already connected one of the drives to Windows and used Disk Internals (which maps Linux drives) but I see only folders with no contents except for /tmp/ which has contents. While the HDDs were in the system I could actually browse files and they were fine. I am really keen to get the drives fixed but I am also afraid that bad usage of fsck might replace lots of files and burn it all.

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CentOS 5 :: FSCK: Generate Log File For A Forced Fsck?

Sep 25, 2009

When I do a forced fsck, I would like to have a log file to look at after boot.

When I check /var/log/ there are no files there with fsck output

I've run force fsck in these ways:

shutdown -rF now


touch /forcefsck

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CentOS 5 :: EXT3 Drives With Schedule Of Full Forced FSCK

Jul 23, 2010

I am hosting a few customer servers now, all of which are virtual machines running on a CENTOS 5.x host. Each Centos host has a couple of extra drives. When I formatted them ext3 they automatically had a schedule of a full forced fsck after 6 months. Do I really need to do that check regularly? It results in a fairly large outage since my disks are each 1TB and there are up to three extra drives on each server. I try to reboot these servers every 6 months but this part adds a large amount of time to a routine reboot.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Forced Fsck Hangs On Reboot?

Jan 12, 2010

I am running 9.04 Server (standalone). It had been running fine since I installed in last autumn. Upon reboot, fsck of the root filesystem was forced and it hangs at the same point (16.5%) every time. I was able to break out somehow with cntl-alt-del but the boot was to a read-only filesystem. So I couldn't disable the forced fsck. Instead, I tried to fsck there. It started, but hung. I couldn't do e2fsck -v as it needed the device and, although I worked on UNIX systems for decades, I am not familiar with the /dev/mapper stuff.

Looking at other threads, all involving the desktop GUI Ubuntu, I tried some of the suggestions. Went into the BIOS to see what I could disable. I killed the serial port and similar. (Some said that onboard modems interfered with the checks in /dev.) I also tried to boot from my original installation disk. That does work.The suggestion is to choose "Try without any change to your computer". The problem is that is not available on the server installation, apparently only the desktop (GUI). I had install, check CD for defects, test memory, boot from first hard disk, and something like repair or recover a broken disk. I started the last of them, as it seemed to be the only option. It failed because it couldn't get a dhcp address. I could manually configure it (as it is hard addressed anyway), but I didn't want to start screwing up configurations not knowing where it was going, whayt it would ry to do, and risk losing months of hard work.

Without help, I think I will be forced to install the OS on a second drive, use that install to fsck the original filesystem on the original disk, edit the fstab (or whichever has the config) on the original disk to disable fsck, and return to the original boot.I am building this server for a nonprofit and have put in many hours writing mysql/perl apache cgi code for them as a free service and hate to lose it all and set back everything.

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CentOS 5 :: How To Know What Process Was Busying Before Forced Reboot

Mar 22, 2009

My centos machine suddenly stuck, the hdd LED flashes constantly, and the system reacts to all my operations very slow. I even cannot log in to a native terminal (always timeout). I had no choice, I pressed the power button. Reboot once failed. The system failed to find mount points.

I inserted the installation disk into computer and entered rescue mode. But I found everything was there. And another reboot brought up the system. I wonder what was the process that stuck my system.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.3: Forced To Install In Text Mode - Getting A Graphical Interface?

Jun 30, 2009

I had tried to install Centos 5.3 using the graphical interface but it gives me a black screen with no response. I've read into it and installed in text mode but still need a graphical interface. Whats the command/steps I need to take?

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CentOS 5 :: Recommended Install Procedure For The Pgadmin3 For 5.5?

Nov 4, 2010

what is the recommended install procedure for the pgadmin3 for Centos 5.5> Its not present in default repos and RPMforge version cause dep issues.

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CentOS 5 :: Procedure To Restore Initial Installed Configuration?

Jun 18, 2009

I am looking for a procedure to recover the initial installed state of my system with out over writing user data areas. The install procedure has the phrase "will remove all linux partitions" which interpret to mean data partitions, not just /bin and /. Additional background - Was attempting to build a 32 bit cross compile of Mozilla/Firefox on a x86_64 configuration and had a conflict with libgl. Online advice was to remove duplicate libgls from the system (that was bad advice). This led to running yum update.

When I restarted the system I know longer had wireless networking, ntfs mounts and possibly other features I had installed. Further, attempts to update, re-install, erase and reinstall have had no effect on the situation. My assumption is that I need to start with a clean install - which will be about 10-20 hours to reset all the additions I made. But I don't see another solution.

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CentOS 5 :: Procedure For Installing On SSD So No Writes Occur Run-time

Apr 6, 2010

I'm working on a project using CentOs 5.3 that uses a solid state drive (SSD) as the boot device. It is desired to configure it such that writes do not typically occur run-time but configuration files can be saved. There are 2 reasons we do not want writes to occur run-time. 1) Writes will wear out a SSD over time. 2) A system disruption during a write can cause a file system error.

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CentOS 5 :: Does Anyone Use Revisor On Regular Basis To Respin Centos 5?

Jan 23, 2010

I am investigating the possibility of using revisor to create an up to date custom distribution of centos 5.3 or 5.4.So far I have run up a fedora 12 system and installed revisor (for simplicity) I have adjusted the revisor.conf file and added an extra centos conf file from information found via Google. The adjustments made look out of date as I get lots of errors of paths not being found.

Does any one have a working and up to date centos revisor.conf and a revisor-c5-i386.conf ?Does anyone use revisor on a regular basis to respin centos 5?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Fsck Fails On Ext3 Filesystems?

Sep 15, 2010

I am attempting to run a fsck on a number of large ext3 filesystems. I am doing this proactively because I want to minimize reboot time and the filesystems are past the interval time of 6 months. When I run the command " fsck -f -y device" I get the following error on all of the filesystems-

fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006)
e2fsck 1.39 (29-May-2006)
fsck.ext3: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/mapper/mpath0p1


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CentOS 5 :: Converting PAE Into Regular Kernel?

May 5, 2010

Anyone can tell me how to convert PAE kernel to regular kernel on CentOS 5?

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CentOS 5 :: How To Backup Files And To Use 'fsck.ext3 Rebuild-tree Using Livecd'

Dec 9, 2009

I have a serious problem in booting centos 5.4 x86 as shown in the attached picture.I tried to backup before using fsck command, but I could not make a backup of damaged lvm on hard drive.First I made a rescue centos at virtualbox, and installed centos 5.4 x86 on virtual hard disk.And I attatched damaged hard drive. S I can see this damaged hard drive's lvm as attached picture.Please let me know how to backup my files and to use "fsck.ext3 --rebuild-tree using livecd".

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CentOS 5 :: How To Get Back Regular GUI Interface For Desktop

Jun 28, 2011

I am some LinuxUNIX history but still consider my self a newbie.I know Microsoft OS well and am more comfortable with that but willing to learn Linux as well.I have a CentOS 5.5 Server I am using to Host over 18 other sites with a PERL / Web based application.The application and hosting are still working but since the CentOS updates I ran this morning my Session (I think that is the correct word) will only load a black desktop with the top menu bar only having the terminal icon and the bottom having a desktop icon; whereas prior to this update the default CentOS blue backdrop with white flower pattern and Applications, Places, System with the terminal icon and other icons displayed and the clock was off to the right.I think this is the Gnome GUI?

Also On Friday 6-24-11 I added a device line to the /etc/fstab so that my CD/DVD device would load up at boat time. I would not think this to be causing the problem.Please advise me on how to get back my regular GUI interface for this Desktop.

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CentOS 5 :: CentOS 5 Home Server Power Consumtion? (features, Kernel Versions Etc.)?

Feb 28, 2010

I built a home server (NAS/WWW/SSH/media server etc) and chose CentOS 5 as the OS (stability, easy of configuration).I was just about to start tuning the power consumption when I realised that the kernel CentOS uses is so "old" that it does not support the latest reduced power consumption enhancements that Linux has achieved in big strides in the recent past (we are probably still talking 6-12+ months ago e.g. tickless kernel)..

So my questions; 1) I know CentOS was maybe not meant for home servers (certainly its not its primary purpose), but if it is, any ideas of what kind of power consumption it takes (I know its relative) and if there are particular power consumptions that are worthwhile?

2) Do you recommend me compiling my own 2.6.21+ kernel from kernel.org or am I just likely to have compatibility issues (I really did not want to do that) or when is CentOS 5.4 supposed to have a newer 2.6.21+ version kernel?

Was it wrong of me in principle to choose CentOS for a home server when I am power conscious? (I don't have a low-power VIA processor either but a P4 so I am really just hoping to make do with software changes).

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CentOS 5 :: Xen Not Starting - After Doing A Regular Software Update On A 5.5 Box - And Rebooting

Jun 21, 2010

After doing a regular software update on a 5.5 box (and rebooting), I now have problems starting xen (version "xen-3.0.3-105.el5_5.3.x86_64").

Running "/etc/init.d/xend start" yields no output, and checking the script, I see that the script halts if "/proc/xen" doesn't exist.

Checking the filesystem, I find that the "/proc/xen" entry is indeed gone. Restarting the CentOS box does not help.

Should I reinstall Xen? If so, should I remove any portions of Xen before I do?


When I run /usr/sbin/xend I get:

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General :: Log On As Another Regular But No Root User With That Password And Boot Up Into Centos

Jul 22, 2011

I forgot the root passwd for linux (via the "single" mode) and, according to all confirms, did so successfully! I then try to log on to Centos as root, and I can't....it says "incorrect passwd"! So then I log on as another, regular, but not root, user, with that passwd, and boot up into Centos. if I try to "su" to root, with the new root passwd, again it says its incorrect. there is no "system admin" passwd set. I checked!. I need root access within Centos!

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General :: Types Of Fsck Errors - Fsck Errors Are Found On A System?

Jul 22, 2010

Can anybody tell me what kind of fsck errors are found on a system?

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CentOS 5 :: Hdb: Timeout Errors After Power Off Only

May 4, 2010

The problems I was having earlier: [URL]seemed to be solved.

I was not getting any error messages after restart. I should have powered down fully, but did not think that it would make a difference. :(

The same issue is again occurring, but after shutdown ONLY and only on the first boot. After the first boot, a system restart will not cause any error messages. (I have rebooted at least ten or twenty times to make sure)

But after a system shutdown, the first boot hangs up and I get the

"Red Hat nash version starting hdb: timeout waiting for DMA hdb: drive not ready for command"

errors five or six times before each boot. Also the system boots very slowly the first time.

I used the getinfo.sh all command and posted the info to the suggested site here: [URL]

Is it possible this could be a hardware issue? This is an old salvaged HDD. Ive changed everything I c an think of in the BIOS with no results.

I have used the hdparm -d /dev/hdb command and verified that dma is not being used on initial boot or after a shutoff but IS being used after a reboot...

here are the HDD settings
multcount = 16 (on)
IO_support = 0 (default 16-bit)
unmaskirq = 0 (off)


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CentOS 5 Server :: Read Only After Power Failure?

Sep 19, 2009

I had a power failure the other day and my server shutdown abruptly. After bringing the server up I noticed that the /var partition came up as read only. I was not able to edit the crontab, not able to write to files within /var/log/ and do other write operations within /var.

I did a mount and it showed that /var was mounted read and write but when trying to run certain operations the system was still saying that it was read only.


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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Shutdown Will Not Power Off Computer?

Dec 15, 2009

This OS is has been cloned from the drive of another computer. The motherboard is now an SIS730. I assume the hardware is sufficiently different to prevent the OS from shutting down the computer.How do I fix this? ---without installing, if possible.

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CentOS 5 :: Remote Shutdown Server Through Power Switch?

Jul 13, 2009

I have built a Centos 5.3 server for a friend of mine that is being used as a NAS server. The server has 4 1TB drives in a RAID 5 configuration and a dedicated non raid system drive for the OS. My friend isnt very Linux literate so I need this bow to be relatively simple. I have worked most of it out but have a question with regards to remote reboot.

I need to be able to shut this device down through the power switch without human intervention (at the moment when the power switch is pushed the server asks to confirm shutdown) the server wont have a Monitor connected so this isn't practical. Is it possible to use the power switch to do an clean, immediate shutdown?

The other option is shutdown through a web page is this something that has been done before? I know he can do it through terminal by issuing a shutdown now command but as I said this guy wants something simple. I don't really want to explain everytime he needs to shut the Server down how to do it if he can just do it via a website or even with the power button.

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CentOS 5 :: Stop Screen Blanking And Power Save?

Aug 25, 2009

I'm not sure this belongs in this forum as opposed to the hardware forum, but I do not beleive this is a hardware issue.I want to stop the scrren from blanking and going to power save. I'm running 5.3_x86-64 and I'm using the nVidia drivers direct from nVidia called NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-96.43.13-pkg2.run.

So far, I'm added DPMS off in /etc/xorg.conf, removed all the screensaver packages and all the power management packagesbut the screen is still going blank after a time of inactivity.What else do I need to do? I can not allow the screen to go blank, there should be no screensaver or power management and the machine should stay in a completely awake and ready-to-use state at all times.

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CentOS 5 :: Failed To Start The X Server After A Power Failure?

Oct 29, 2010

Before to describe my problem I want to say that I searched a lot on the internet and I think I tried all the solutions provided by other users to similar problems.

I've got an IBM xSeries 346 server running CentOS 5.5 with all updates applied with yum.

The video card is an ATI Radeon (lspci says: 01:06.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]).

Everything worked fine until a bad day where there was an environmental power failure and the server crashed.

I turned it on, I manually check the file system, some files went lost and after the reboot the X server didn't start.

After the first boot I had problem with /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, sbin/multipath.static and /dev/cpu/microcode, I solved them and now the message it shows is:

"Failed to start the X server (your graphical interface) It is likely that it is not set up correctly. Would you like to view the X server output to diagnose the problem?"

I choose OK and it appears an empty log, if I go in /var/log/gdm and I do an ls -al:

total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 04:44 :0.log.4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 28 04:44 :0.log.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 29 04:52 :0.log

So a lot of empty log files.

I press enter on the OK that appears at the bottom of the screen and it says: Would you like to try to configure the X server?

I choose Yes, I enter the root password and appears the following messages:

Couldn't start X server on card 0
Couldn't start X server with old config, trying with a fresh configuration

Then another messages:

Trying to restart the X server, I press enter on OK and it loops the initial message ("Failed to start the X server...)

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CentOS 5 :: Ver5 On Desktop (DEll OptiPlex), Power Cut Oops!?

Sep 10, 2011

I no expert and this was a bit of mucking around. Installed Version 5 dot something on a desktop (DELL OptiPLex) with a couple of extra HDDs, for a server to play with (samba to Windows). I used the drives as a single logical drive via LVM.

We had a power cut, now it doesn't work. In fact it's been hanging around for a couple of years and before I dump it I wonder if there is any chance of getting some of the wife's letters, pictures, etc that I promised I try and get off.

The /boot partition seems to be there and I've attached a photo of what happens at boot, and I admit....I haven't a clue what it all means. Also I did not think ahead and did not create a recovery disk. I know, I know heap damnation on me for being so reckless, but any chance I can get myself back in the wife's good books?

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Install A RAID 1 On A Dell Power Edge Server?

Feb 10, 2010

I am trying to get a understanding of how to install a RAID 1 on a Dell Power Edge server.

2 - 16gig SCSI dives
1 - 36gig SCSI drive

I have read through some documentation found online and at centos.org but still having problems.

get this accomplished keeping in mind this is my first go at using RAID system.

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CentOS 5 :: Edit Bios - Compaq Evo 5.4 Web Server Fails To Restart From A Power Outage

Jun 7, 2011

I have a small problem on my Compaq Evo Centos 5.4 web server. The web server runs just fine, the problem is it fails to restart from a power outage. Simple edit the BIOS. No! For a reason I can't think of the keyboard stops working after a few key strokes following the F10 to enter BIOS setup. Then its a power cycle. If left to BOOT the PC and keyboard are fine. After hearing about viruses which get to the BIOS I will ask can NIX get that far so I can adjust the Power ON?

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Debian Multimedia :: Xfce4-power-manager Doesn't React To Power Button / Fix It?

Jun 4, 2010

I use Squeeze with Xfce. My problem is that recently (after the xfce updates) the xfce power manager doesnt react to the power button - it is set to suspend. I dont have gnome-power manager or anything like it running.
If i reboot the computer, the power button will work but if i suspend and resume, it doesnt work again.
The computer is built on an Asus M3N78-VM mobo (2GB RAM/Athlon3200+ single core).

acpi_listen detects the button press.

Any thoughts?

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Ubuntu :: OK To Use Forced Shutdown Regularly?

Sep 1, 2010

Background you can skip: I have an old Dell laptop, an Inspiron 2650, which I use primarily as an internet terminal at home. I have switched back and forth between XP and different Ubuntu releases, and Lubuntu is what I am running with now. At some point I upgraded and the hardware support for my laptop broke. I have done multiple clean installs, and using any 10.04 Ubuntu distribution I have to disable ACPI in the Grub settings, or else my mouse and kb will not work. So...

Question: Since the OS shutdown feature can't turn off the laptop power with ACPI disabled, I often hit the laptop power button and skip the shutdown process entirely. Most of the time I am only running Chrome, so I am not worried about losing or corrupting local data. Is there any valid reason why this would be a problem? Does the shutdown process do anything important enough to justify the hassle?

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General :: Firefox Not Running After Forced Log Out?

May 25, 2011

Following Problem:I am only using Linux at university, so I'm basically beginner. Today for some reason after logging in the the power of the computer went off.After restarting and logging in again I couldn't start my firefox (which was running before).Now I don't know whether it is because I'm still "logged in" with the old account (since logging in on several computers/terminals is no problem), or anything eitherrivial or a real problem...Is there any way to find out if I'm logged in on another terminal, and if how can I close this one (external log out possible)

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