CentOS 5 :: VNC Admin Tools Or Root Login

Mar 17, 2010

I installed the VNC server by following [URL] (Remote login with vnc-ltsp-config). Everything works great for normal user but when I try to access admin tools in the GUI, nothing appends. If there is a way to authorize the root to log via VNC viewer.

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Fedora :: Root Login Works At Shell - Auth Error When Running Admin Tools

Jan 25, 2011

I login as normal user. I can 'su root' fine - password authenticates. However, If I try to run System->Administration->Users/Groups, when it asks for root password, it is rejected. When I run updater, it reports failure to authenticate, but doesn't even ask for root password beforehand. Is there a cached password someplace?

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Ubuntu :: Admin / Root Rights Login To Edit And Read Files

Feb 12, 2011

I'm a new Ubuntu user and a Python programmer, it's the first time that I use Python in Ubuntu so it's a bit confusing me. If I want to save a Module or something in a specified map, I get 'Errno 13', it says that I don't have permission to edit, do thing in that map. And this is also for importing files with Python. I logged in from Terminal with 'sudo -i' and closed Terminal, but the problem keeps repeating. How do I login as Admin or Root and stay as Admin or Root? I need right to edit/read files as well as root and normal user.

An example:
Python file:
test.py ->
test = open('/a.txt', 'w')
test.write('Test - Test - Test')

When I execute this, I get in the Python IDLE the 'Errno 13' problem and below the 'Errno 13' it says that I don't have permission. Who know how to stay logged in as root, even if the user has not logged in or isn't this possible, if it isn't then I just want to get files moving, editing/erasing etc.

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Fedora :: F12 Admin Menus - Missing Tools?

Nov 20, 2009

In F11 the administration menu had more things in it IIRC. Seems that in F12 a lot of tools are missing.Specifically the SELinux config tool is missing, but getting the rest of the menu back would be nice. I can't remember what it had but I'm sure I'll need them at some point.

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Fedora Installation :: Exclude Remote Admin Tools

Mar 30, 2011

Sorry if this is the wrong place to inquire. I was wondering if it is possible to install fedora without any remote administration tools in particular SSH?

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CentOS 5 Networking :: Restrict User "admin" To Login To The Server From A Specific IP Address?

Jun 9, 2009

i am using openssh 5.2-p1, i want to restrict user "admin" to login to the server from a specific IP address, for this purpose i have tried the following blocks in sshd_config file.Following is the part of the sshd_config file which i have modified

#The following commands will only allow specific IP to login to ssh.

#AllowUsers admin user1 user2


# override default of no subsystems.Subsystem sftp internal-sftp

Match Group sftpgroup
ChrootDirectory /home
AllowTCPForwarding no[code].....

i want to restrict admin user to login to the server only from IP which can be done by using AllowUser line, but i dont want to use AllowUser line,

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Software :: Login As Root To GUI Of CentOS 5.3?

Sep 13, 2009

How to login as root to Graphic Mode in CentOS 5.3?

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CentOS 5 :: Unable To Login As Root With Gnome?

May 23, 2009

Everything was fine yesterday, but today, the situation is the following:

When I try to login as root, using Gnome, after I enter username and password, it can do three things:

1- It brings me back to the GUI login screen again

2- Brings me to the prompt login screen (black)

3- It lets me in but I have no top or bottom navigation bars. (Sorry, cannot remember the actual names...) Sometimes I have access to a console screen, which allows me to reboot, and sometimes not, in which case I have to do a cold reboot. Not good.

The last attempt I made, I used the KDE interface and everything was fine.

I really don't understand what happened between yesterday and today, nobody but me uses this system at home and remote logins for root are disabled.

The systems is CentOS 5.3 with SELinux enforced.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Samba Login As Root?

Sep 21, 2009

Just completed a fresh install if V5.3. It works fine.

Samba server: I tried to create a Samba user named "root" with Windows user name "administrator". Message is something like "account already exists"? I know "root" exists, but why can't I use it as a login? I don't get this error when I use another existing user account "LouA".

This is important to me because many documents state that "root" is to be used as the user name. I don't want to change these.

Current set-up allows access to all users (there is no Samba user listed) and I can read, write and delete files from Windows just fine.

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Debian :: Can't Change Permissions For The HDD Without Login On Root And Root Login Are Not Allowed?

Jun 16, 2010

How to enable Root login...i cant copy or move something on the HDD...I have administrator rights and password for root but i cant change permissions for the HDD without login on root and root login are not allowed .

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Ubuntu :: "Check That You ARE NOT Root, Never Run Similar Tools As Root! Just Change File Permissions"

Jul 11, 2011

I'm very new to Linux, i'm running Ubuntu and i'm trying to install a program. In the instructions it says "Check that you ARE NOT root, never run similar tools as root! just change file permissions". How do i check if i'm root or what am I supposed to do here?

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General :: What Are The Privileges Of Admin Vs. Root.

Mar 15, 2011

Also, how can I change between the two?

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Debian :: Running Admin Commands As Non-root

Apr 4, 2016

I use two separate systems both running Debian 8. On one (my main) I can't do some commands including ping, shutdown and reboot without running them as root user, however on my other system I can ping and reboot as a non-privileged user. The permissions on both systems are the same for /bin/ping and /sbin/systemctl (reboot). I thought at first it was something to do with what groups my main was in, but that doesn't seem to be the gase.

I know I can fix it by setting setuid for both, but my question is why is it different on both machines? Is there a global setting controlling this in /etc or perhaps an icmp setting?

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Debian :: Non Admin Login LDAP

May 18, 2015

I'm new to LDAP. I've installed LDAP Server and I stated:

Code: Select allaccess to * by * write

I can login with admin and anonymous, but when I try non-admin user ldap respond:

Code: Select all conn=1137 op=2 RESULT tag=97 err=49 text=

Is there any requirements for creating a non-admin login user, because the "user", that I've created is not ObjectClass: Posix-Account, but ObjectClass: person, organizationalPerson?

Also I've tried to add ObjectClass shadowAccount and SimpleSecurityObject, but without any success...

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Fedora Security :: Admin Users Without GDM Login?

Jul 26, 2010

I need to create a number of internal Linux users for admin purposes. I do not want these users to appear on the initial console login page just after Fedora boots up, as users who can attempt to log in, and I do not want to allow these users to log in directly. I merely want these users to be accessed via su, just like the root user.

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Debian Configuration :: When User Is Admin Root Password Is Still Needed

May 7, 2015

I'm using Debian Jessie Cinnamon right now. I've got 1 user account on my machine--fred--as well as root, of course. "fred" is an administrator, and many times that is enough for root priviledges, for example, I can install packages via apt or dpkg. However, I cannot access "Users and Groups", or install packages via GDebi, with my password. For that, I have to have the root password.

I know that it is possible to let the admin account handle everything and not even need root--for example, Mint and (I believe) Ubuntu do it this way. I don't know how, though.

Code: Select allgroups fred
fred : fred cdrom floppy sudo audio dip video plugdev netdev lpadmin scanner bluetooth

I did disable the root account by Code: Select allsudo passwd -l root to see if it would make any change. Nothing different happened except that I now can't use GDebi or access "Users and Groups" since the root account and therefore password is inactivated. Not a big deal to get it back, though.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Lost Admin (Root) Privilege Password

Feb 28, 2011

I'm new to Linux (had some basic Unix experience in 1995 era). (Teenager) gave me HP2133 mini notebook running SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10. Everything checks good (hardware and software), even wireless networking. Problem is she apparently created Admin/root password but says cannot remember. I cannot even set correct date time... yast is asking for root privilege:
Command: /sbin/yast2 time
Is there anything I can do to re-establish administrator privilege?

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Ubuntu Security :: Root Password To Make Admin Printer Changes?

Jan 23, 2010

I try to install my printer again after reinstall ubuntu 9.04. ("downgraded from 9.10"). Instead of asking for the local-user-login password, as it does for other system changes, it asks for a root password that I never had. What happened? How can I set this right?I made a printscreen.

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Programming :: C++ Codes To Check Whether User Is Root Or Has Admin Rights

Jan 8, 2011

One of the feature in my application involve changing of hardware setting. This require the user to be root or have administrative right.Before my application enable that feature, I want it to check whether the user is "root" or not, or whether user use "sudo" command to run the application or not, or whether the user has administrative rights or not.What are the codes or library that can do this?

NOTE: Sometimes, advanced linux user may set the user id of root to something else other than 0. So, getuid() may not be helpful in this case.

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Root Privileges (admin Group) In Lucid Lynx?

May 1, 2010

After freshly installing Lucid Lynx and tinkering for some time to get everything just how I like it, I managed to somehow remove myself and all other users from all groups. Now, obviously, I've restarted and I don't have root privileges as I am no longer a member of admin group. So I am somewhat stuck. I've looked at this page: [URL]. But annoyingly, there is no grub menu appearing on boot up (unlike previous Ubuntu versions). So I'm appealing for your help to either:

a) Show me how I can bring up the grub menu so I can access ubuntu in safe mode

b) Show me another way of accessing the system with root privileges. (Would using chroot from the Live CD work? I just thought of that now so I'll try it).

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Fedora :: Can't Run GEdit And Other Tools From A Terminal By Logging In As Root?

Jul 20, 2011

Everyone is wondering why we can't run gEdit and other tools from a terminal by logging in as root(e.g"su-"), I understand that by making changes they are trying to force us as users of Linux to learn better habits that are more secure, but the issues are driving people nuts!

I for one really like being able to log as root and open gEdit to make drive changes without having to login as root, I would normally still have access to all my things like email etc. So changing Linux to force everyone to not use tools like gEdit as root is becoming more of an inconvenience than they realize, there must be a safe way to do this!

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Ubuntu Installation :: Multiple Admin Passwords - Opration Requires Root - Administrative - Privileges

Jan 10, 2011

I downloaded a driver for my printer today and I opened it in the terminal. Then a window popped up saying "This opporation requires root (administrative) privileges. Please enter the administrative password below:" I typed in the same password that I use when authorizing the installation of programs from the Ubuntu Software Center and I tried it multiple times. Each time, it rejects the password. I even tried downloading something else from the software center, just to make sure the password was correct, but the system had no problem with the password when downloading from the software center. So, is my software center password different from my administrator password?

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CentOS 5 Server :: SFTP Login For "root" Stopped Working?

Apr 9, 2011

I've been administrating a dedicated Linux CentOS 5 (Linux server for around 2 years, and although not a network or Linux expert, been learning to configure as need arises. Primarily using Plesk for day-to-day, but occasionally using Putty to SSH into server.

For all the time I've had the server, I've been connecting to my server via sFTP using "root" password. ( Although, I know this is really bad practice, I assume made safer by connecting with SSH FTP)

After spending another normal day in the office developing websites, connecting to my server as root using SFTP in Filezilla AND Dreamweaver I left for the night.

Returned next morning, after having done no manual updates or amends to my server; I could no longer SFTP into my server?

Thought it may be related to my office network, so tried it from home over the weekend, same result; can no longer connect SFTP for root?

I can connect to the server via Putty using my "root" username and password.

After spending hours looking on the internet for a solution, I'm lost for ideas as I didn't make any changes?

What happens when I open my Filezilla and try connecting as SFTP is it states:

Error:Connection timed out
Error:Could not connect to server

I checked server log /var/log/secure and it states:

Accepted password for root from UNKNOWN port 49212 ssh2
Apr 9 07:41:41 s15320264 sshd[7122]: fatal: Write failed: Connection reset by peer

Odd part is, it's worked fine for weeks, months without ever failing to connect?

Also, notice that Putty connection seems to take much longer to authenticate root user than it used to?

Checked via Plesk Health Monitoring and all CPU, Memory and Disk Levels are well below any alarm levels.

I have run all Plesk updates to 10.2.0 in the hope that it resolved it, but to no avail.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Get Root Privileges On User Account Without Using Root Login?

Feb 5, 2011

i am having problems with privileges i have created a new user with my name, but i cant get root privileges on it. i need the same privileges as the root profile.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Root Line Passwd File Now Unable To Login As Root?

Jan 26, 2010

I edited the passwd file to modify the default shell for root from bash to tcshnow when I try to login to root it gives me the following error:"su: /bin/tcsh : No such file or directory"

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General :: Root Logins Are Not Allowed \ When Try To Login As Root, After Logging Out As User, It Does Not Allow?

Dec 2, 2010

i just installed linux mandriva 2009. i set password for root and created a user account. when i try to login as root, after logging out as user, it does not allow me and gives the error "root logins are not allowed". even it does not show the root account. if i try to go to root from konsole terminal using su root, it allows to enter as a root but when i try to start the GUI with startx it gives error.not sure what to do and why i can't see my account in GUI mode

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Seem To Locate Any Kind Of Admin Guide

Aug 20, 2009

I am trying to setup and Oracle cluster with RHCS on CentOS 5.3. I am trying to find any documentation for RHCS. I can't seem to locate any kind of admin guide etc for it. I'm used to ServiceGuard for clustering and can navigate through Luci fairly well for the basic setups of the machine, but would like more info on how RHCS works and its nuances. Does anyone know any good online resources for RHCS?

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Fedora :: Can't Login Into The Root Account: It Returns Me Immediately To The Login Prompt?

Jan 27, 2010

I just installed Fedora 12 on a laptop. I changed the default shell on the root account to /bin/tcsh and changed the runlevel to 3 and then rebooted. Now I can't login into the root account: it returns me immediately to the login prompt and I can't see any error message (the screen is cleared).Why is this happening?Can I boot into some sort of safe mode so I can undo my changes to the /etc/inittab and /etc/passwd file?I tried booting with a Live CD with the intention of mounting the filesystem and making the changes, but the new filesystem is a LVM and it won't let me mount it (or I don't know how to mount a Logical Volume).

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Debian :: Root Login Without Setting Root Password

May 14, 2015

I edited fstab to automatically mount my windows data partition on boot, but I screwed it up by not specifying the file system type, however that is not the problem, I was able to fix that easily. The problem was that when it failed to mount the partition, Debian automatically entered root and I guess that is to be expected in order for me to fix it, but I never configured a root password and it just gave me full root access without asking any password, not even my user password. I though that was strange so I set the root password and sure thing it asked me for the root password this time without automatically logging into root....

I then tried to lock the root account to see if it will ask me for a password or not, it did but of course I wasn't able to login as root because it was locked now and I was left with no way to access the system. I had to fix fstab from a live cd so that I can login normally as the user....

I didn't know what to search for or if that is the expected behavior if you don't set root password during installation, but it just seemed a bit strange to automatically enter root when you specifically disable root login during installation...

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General :: Servfail - Setup A Dns Server On Centos As The Sys Admin

Jul 29, 2010

I've been forced to setup a dns server on centos as the sys admin is away. I've installed Bind with chroot and its working fine, however I cant seem to get my domain to work. Below is the configuration


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