CentOS 5 :: Run Synergy On Xserver Startup

Apr 8, 2010

i use centos 5.4 with kde and i want to use synergy at kde-logon screen.i 've modify Xsetup and Xstartup Files but synergy wont activated.In which files does need to be modified?

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CentOS 5 :: CentOS Installs A Buggy Version Of Synergy

Mar 10, 2010

As I use a (CentOS) Linux computer and a Windows XP PC side by side, I decided to install Synergy, a software to use one computer's mouse and keyboard on neighboring computers too.However, Add/Remove Software installed Synergy Plus 1.3.4-1 instead. That mostly works... Except there's a known bug on Synergy, see bug 2955158: if you use Synergy Server on CentOS to control the Windows computer, as soon as you touch the keyboard when focus is in Windows, it freezes. (I can still ssh into CentOS, but its GUI is unusable.)

Well, Synergy-Plus 1.3.4 inherited that bug. That makes it, for that purpose, useless.So I uninstalled Synergy-Plus and tried to install the lower version, Synergy 1.3.1-7, as per the recommendation in the comment on that bug report, except: I ended up with Synergy-Plus 1.3.4 again.I tried again from the command line, using yum, to no avail: yum told me Synergy 1.3.1-7 was obsolete and replaced by Synergy-Plus.I had to exclude Synergy-Plus from installation with yum, with "-x 'synergy-plus-*'", to finally get Synergy 1.3.1-7.

There, I don't have this problem. I do think that making people upgrade to Synergy-Plus 1.3.4 is a mistake.It's still not perfect. With Windows as the Synergy server (and using the Windows keyboard), if I try to type a ">" (on an AZERTY keyboard), it types "�" instead); and I seem to have an issue to copy text from Windows into CentOS.With the roles swapped, using CentOS as the Synergy server and with the CentOS keyboard, I can copy from Windows. I'm still not sure what is the cause of this.

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Ubuntu :: Start Synergy On Startup Wont Start Automatically On Server

Oct 13, 2010

Im trying to run synergy on startup. This works fine on the client, but it wont start automatically on the server. I put this line in an entry in startup applications:


but still no dice.

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Applications :: Synergy Can't Get It To Compile

Feb 12, 2010

I am trying to compile Synergy but i can't get it to compile. I get all sorts of weird errors i have the Xtest library installed. Would anyone be able to compile the program for me and give it to me. I have spent hours and i cant get it to work.

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General :: Synergy Can't Get To All Monitors On One Computer?

Feb 28, 2011

I have Synergy setup between a Windows XP computer (Dual monitors) and a Linux computer (Dual Monitors). So it goes [XP1] [XP2] [L1] [L2]. The XP computer is my server (running Synergy+).

Synergy seems to work fine going from XP1 XP2 and L1 but I can't get to L2. My cursor bumps up against the right edge of L1 and shakes a little but won't go over to L2. However if I plug a mouse directly up to the Linux box I can go between L1 and L2 just fine.

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Ubuntu :: Synergy Between Linux And Windows

Jan 25, 2010

My mother would like to get GNU/Linux installed on her laptop however she has a Windows desktop that she would like to share the keyboard/mouse with laptop and desktop - I found Synergy and it installs on both platforms, but does anyone know if I can share the mouse between a Windows and Linux system or do both have to be the same platform?

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Ubuntu :: Synergy Will Not Connect To 10.04 Clients?

Jul 15, 2010

I've been using synergy for a while and love it. I recently upgraded both of my desktop PCs at home from 9.10 to 10.04 (both x64 ubuntu studio). Now, Synergy doesn't appear to want to work. I've tested with both the cli command referencing a config file on the server and using quicksynergy on both machines and it just doesn't connect. I verified on my "server" that synergy is listening on port 24800 (can telnet to that port from the client machine). I manually disabled the firewall on both machines as well and it doesn't seem to make a difference. It never gives an error on the client, it just never makes the connection. I've tested this with 2 separate 10.04 clients. I also brought one of these boxes (a laptop) to work where I use Synergy between 2 windows boxes. It won't connect to those either.

I've tried connecting both using hostname and IP address (both worked in the past on 9.10) and neither work.

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Ubuntu :: Use Synergy With Shared Connection?

Feb 9, 2011

I'm setting a bit of a game center with a spare computer I have laying around and needed to share my wireless from my laptop to this computer. Everything went smoothly until I installed Synergy... Apparently, when a connection is shared over Ethernet, Ubuntu decides to put the second computer on NAT. Is there a way for this not to happen? I need it in order to use Synergy.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Erase Synergy.conf

May 8, 2011

I'm having a problem trying to uninstall Quicksynergy all the way.first i did sudo apt-get remove synergy then sudo apt-get purge synergy.Checked in synaptic manager and software center that they did not show it. reinstalled synergy through the software center. and it is still showing me the name/ ip of my client.so this tells me it did not uninstall everything. i have searched the file system for synergy.conf with no luck been high and low on the web but no luck.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Synergy Not Working At All

Jul 1, 2011

Before anyone wastes time reading this entire thread, I would suggest that if you actually have this problem, skip to the second page and look for my post titled RESOLVED. It may save you a ton of wasted time. Okay, I had this posted a couple of days ago, but no responses and I've totally changed the configuration too, so I came back in to edit the entire post.Can't get Synergy working at all.

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General :: Use Synergy+ Server On Headless Computer?

Jun 19, 2010

I have a headless (kind of) Linux Mint computer with Synergy installed and a MacBook.

Is there any way I can use the headless computer as a Synergy server for the MacBook so I can use the Linux's KB/Mouse with the Mac?

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Ubuntu :: Synergy Wont Run As A Client - Stuck?

Apr 13, 2010

Running Ubuntu Hardy and just installed synergy through apt get However each time I try to run the clinet all I get is - tried hostname etc and all fail - is there anything im missing

synergyc -f INFO: synergyc.cpp,716: Synergy client 1.3.1 on Linux 2.6.24-23-generic #1 SMP Wed Apr 1 21:47:28 UTC 2009 i686 DEBUG: CXWindowsScreen.cpp,840: XOpenDisplay(":0.0") No protocol specified
WARNING: synergyc.cpp,337: cannot open secondary screen: unable to open screen DEBUG: synergyc.cpp,237: retry in 60 seconds

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Ubuntu Installation :: Synergy Does Not Work Right After Update

May 6, 2010

I just applied the latest updates via update manager, and now Synergy doesn't work right... (was working before the update was applied). Connects, but once the mouse gets to the computer running 10.04 it acts all crazy like and I have no mouse control and a hard time releasing the mouse going back to the server.

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Ubuntu :: Quick Synergy Not Working, Workspace?

May 21, 2011

I am running Ubuntu 11.04 on two machines; older dell desktop and an acer laptop. I have loaded quick synergy on both but can't get it to work. I have followed the install guides using proper server/client names in appropriate boxes etc. Removed and re-installed and still no luck. One question does multiple work spaces which seems to be a default setting interfere with quick synergy? Maybe there is an easy explanation to this problem but I haven't found one so far and have been searching the net for a couple of days.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Using Synergy Between My Desktop And My Netbook

May 23, 2011

I'm having some serious issues using Synergy between my desktop and my netbook. Both are running Ubuntu 11.04.

I installed quicksynergy from the software center and everything started ok. I wanted my desktop to be the server, I opened quick synergy and put in the IP address of my netbook, which I got from connection infromation>IP address, then hit execute and close. Next on the netbook, I opened quick synergy put in my desktop's IP address (acquired from the same location) in the "Server hostname/IP address:" box and my netbook's name in the "Screen name:" box. I hit execute and close.

Now when I move my cursor from the right side of my desktop's screen where it should move over to the netbook, the cursor jumps to the middle of the screen on the desktop and does nothing to the netbook.

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Networking :: How To Open A Port 24800 To Use Synergy

Feb 17, 2010

I think port 24800 is firewalled in my linux machine. i tried synergy to sue as a server in linux and doesnt work. i tried from the windows computer and works!

So... I telnet (from linux) to an address: telnet 24800 and the time is out (so a firewall is blocking this port).

My simple question: How do I open this port so i can get the synergy server in my linux box?

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General :: Mouse & Keyboad Sharing With Synergy?

Jul 20, 2010

Can any one tell me configuring Synergy to share Mouse & Keyboad within Windows client & Ubunto Linux Server?

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Fedora :: Can't Get Synergy Setup Between Box And Two Windows Machines To Left And Right?

Nov 18, 2009

I'm trying out Fedora 12 and am so far impressed by the speed (long time Ubuntu user but by no means an expert). I can't get synergy setup between the fedora box and two windows machines to the left and right. Am I missing something (with the difference between Ubuntu & Fedore perhaps)?

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General :: Synergy Client Mouse Speed (Slow)?

Aug 20, 2010

I'm using synergy+ with Windows XP as a server and a CentOS client. The mouse speed on the client (Linux) seems really slow. Is there a way to have the mouse speed from the server persist to the clients?

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General :: Synergy Config Dual Monitors Separately

Sep 17, 2010

In Synergy, is it possible to set up your config so that you have one server and one client, both with dual monitors, but the client machine has its monitors such that one is on the left of the server's left monitor, and the other is on the right of the server's right monitor? For example:

+----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+
| client | | server | | server | | client |
| screen1 | | screen1 | | screen2 | | screen2 |
+----------+ +----------+ +----------+ +----------+

Hopefully my ASCII is good enough to understand. Both machines will be running Linux. If there's a way to do it by messing with xorg configs that would be perfectly acceptable too.

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Ubuntu :: Quicksynergy And Synergy Randomly Stop Working?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using Quicksynergy on my desktop (Ubuntu 10.04) computer as the server and Synergy on my Laptop (Windows XP) which is right beside my desktop.Everything works well for a while, but randomly seems to stop working. When I look into the problem, it seems that its with Quicksynergy on my desktop.I find that I have to quit Quicksynergy and open the system resources application to kill the Synergy daemon (or whatever it is) that Quicksynergy uses.Restarting Quicksynergy after killing the daemon fixes the problem as my laptop always reconnects perfectly fine.Does anyone else have this problem in Ubuntu? I'd like to get this fixed so I don't have to keep killing the synergy process and restarting Synergy.

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Ubuntu :: Synergy Auto-start Before Login In LXDE?

Nov 22, 2010

I'd like Synergy to auto-start before and after login. After login is fine, but I can't find instructions for getting it to start before login (ie: so I can use synergy to enter user id/password). The Synergy docs don't cover LXDE.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Compiling Newer Version Of Synergy For PPC

May 23, 2011

I would like to know how or given directions how to compile a newer version of synergy for PPC. Or it would be nice if someone could compile it though I want to learn how to do these things. Synergy is available for download from: [URL].

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CentOS 5 :: GDM Delay At Startup?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm having a problem with GDM very similar to the one described in the thread below, though they did not find a solution.


Basically when I boot the machine I first see the terminal login, then after a moment I get what looks like some graphical corruption followed by GDM appearing.

I've already attempted reinstalling GNOME and X, then manually reinstalling GDM, but none have solved the problem. I'm currently in the process of enabling boot logging as described in the thread, so I'll post that soon.

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CentOS 5 :: Add Command On Startup?

Aug 11, 2010

I have CentOS 5.5 with no GUI. How do I enable commands/scripts to run on startup when the server is rebooted?

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CentOS 5 :: Disabling IRQ #169 On Startup ?

Apr 8, 2011

I've run into this problem this week. The other night a power supply failed on a different system and appears to have surged the UPS which it and some other computers were plugged in to. One computer was fine, but the RAID server that is used for backups ended up with a bad disk and this "Disabling IRQ #169" message now shows up during boot, right after starting udev and setting the hostname. The system then sits there for 3-5 minutes before repeating a scroll of "/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 966: /bin/usleep: Input/output error"

I have booted with linux recovery from the CentOS DVD in order to replace the drive that was damaged. I rebuilt the raid array and all the data seems to be fine. There is another message though after "Red Hat nash version 5.1....." no raid disks and with names: "isw_bf jihdchhi_Hostname" failed to stat() /dev/mapper/isw_bf jihdchhi_Hostname

I was considering doing a complete reinstall of CentOS but if there is another solution I would much appreciate it, is it perhaps an issue with Grub not being able to find the updated array? As it is, it is impossible to boot the system except for using a live CD to do it.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Get Script To Run On Startup?

Jun 4, 2011

I have placed a script I would like to run on starup in /etc/init.d and created symbolic links to that file in /etc/rc3.d and /etc/rc5.d but it doesn't run on startup.Is there something else I need to do to get this to work?

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Ubuntu :: Synergy - WARNING: Failed To Connect To Server: Timed Out

Feb 6, 2010

I've been using synergy on Ubuntu 9.04 and windows xp.Synergy 1.3.1 on both machines.My problem is that the server keeps cutting out. It seems to happen a lot when I watch flash videos on the server machine (ubuntu). This is what the server side looks like:


NOTE: synergys.cpp,500: started server
INFO: CServer.cpp,1141: screen "server" shape changed
NOTE: CClientListener.cpp,127: accepted client connection


I dont think I usually get disconnected when doing other tasks. Mostly only when watching flash videos. Sometimes it doesnt automatically reconnect, and I have to kill synergys and restart it.

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Ubuntu :: Mouse And Keyboard Responding Very Slow Via Synergy After 11.04 Upgrade / Fix It?

May 2, 2011

Is anyone else having issues with their mouse/keyboard responsiveness via Synergy after upgrading to 11.04?

If I plug mouse and keyboard directly into the desktop the issue goes away. But when I connect via QuickSynergy and share my mouse/keyboard the mouse is very slow and has low sensitivity.

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Networking :: UFW Blocking Synergy - Port 24800 Fully Open?

Feb 22, 2011

I'm having an issue with ufw and Synergy. I'm trying to run my Xubuntu 10.10 desktop as a server, and my Xubuntu 10.10 laptop as a client. I can do this just fine as long as I either: Have ufw enabled on my client but disabled on my server Have ufw disabled on both my client and my server I have no custom rules added to iptables on my client. On my server, however, I have tried the following rules:

$ ufw allow from to any port 24800 $ ufw allow from

Neither of these configurations works. ufw on my server seems to block my client's requests regardless of having port 24800 fully open from any local connection, or just flat-out fully allowing any incoming local connection. I'm not sure why ufw seems to be ignoring the rules I'm creating, but as it stands right now, the only way I can connect the two is if I have ufw on my server disabled. And I have tried to ping the two machines; each machine can ping the other, even if ufw is running on both.

And I can ping the router, as well, from both machines. Any ideas on where to go from here to troubleshoot? I should probably also add that I am using the same configuration file that I do on vanilla Ubuntu (with updated host names, of course), and I have no problems in Ubuntu. This seems to be specific to ufw and my Xubuntu desktop. I can paste the code for my server's configuration file, if desired.

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