CentOS 5 Hardware :: 32 Bit Supports 8 GB Memory?

Feb 17, 2009

Cent OS 5 support 8 GB Memory on a 32 Bit System?

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CentOS 5 Server :: CentOS 5.5 Guest In VirtualBox / Less Memory Available Than Configured

Aug 27, 2010

I just ran into a weird problem with a CentOS 5.5 64-bit server running VirtualBox 3.2.8 (I would run Vmware Server 2.0.2 if not for the well known fact that Vmware doesn't care about its Server line anymore and it doesn't run on CentOS > 5.3 without major splits). I currently have two guests in that VirtualBox setup, a CentOS 5.5 64-bit and a Fedora 13 64-bit. The CentOS 5.5 guest shows less memory available than configured. If, for example, I give the virtual machine 512MB of memory the guest OS only recognizes 380MB. If I give it 768MB it only recognizes 637MB, and so on. I don't have that problem on the Fedora guest - 1024MB configured, 1024MB available.

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CentOS 5 :: 5.4 X64 Not Seeing All Available Memory

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem with my CentOS installation, it only recognizes 6GB installed RAM. If I check dmesg it outputs this:


how to reach full RAM capacity? CentOS is installed on HP DL160 G6 server and memory module positioning is correct.

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CentOS 5 :: Memory After The Last Few Updates

Dec 4, 2008

The problem seems to be a memory issue. Seems the problem only started happening after the last few updates. I have tested the memory with memtest and both servers passed. There hasn't been any new software put on the servers for over 12 months. Server 1 - 3 gig of memory CentOS 5.2 - Linux version 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5 (mockbuild@builder10.centos.org) (gcc version 4.1.2 20071124 (Red Hat 4.1.2-42)) #1 SMP Wed Nov 12 09:19:49 EST 2008 Errors in log


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CentOS 5 :: PHP Memory Restriction In 5.3?

May 16, 2009

I ma porting an application from SUSE 10 Professional 64-bit to CentOS 5.3 x64 version. We have set the /etc/php.ini as in old server and set the maximum memory limit to 5GB (yes! We have ample of memory) for the process.It was working fine in old server but in new server, the Apache log always showed that it failed to allocate more memory for the application.We noticed that the error coming out while the application uses up to 1GB memory.Just wish to ask if the PHP in CentOS 5.3 has any restriction on memory usage?

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CentOS 5 :: Xen Kernel Not Seeing All Memory?

Jan 12, 2010

i have installed kernel-xen to my centos 5.4 server ( with yum install kernel-xen ). My server has got 8192 mb pyschal ram with PAE kernel; but after i installed xen kernel to system, my ram is being 7919664KB....how can i fix this ? i want see 8192MB RAM with xen kernel

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CentOS 5 :: 5.5 Cannot Recognize All Memory

Mar 8, 2011

I installed new CentOS 5.5(X86_64) on my server. My server has 48 G RAM (12*4G) and can be found when starting server. Moreover, I installed dmidecode software to detect the memory. This software can find all the memory. I used command (top, cat /proc/meminfo) to check memory. Both commands can only find 33G RAM. uname -a command output like this: 2.6.18-194.el5xen #1 SMP Fri Apr 2 15:34:40 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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CentOS 5 Server :: Recover Memory From The Xen?

Jul 28, 2010

I have xen kernel on a 5.4_64 though it seems to have always done this regardless of version. When I add a virt the control set shows the total machine memory minus what I just allocated to the new virt. This also shows up in the system monitor as total available ram. Problem arises in deleting and making new virts. The memory never reappears as usable after deleting virts. So now after testing several different setups I'm down to 1.4 gigs showing available on the dom0. What can I do to recover this lost memory? I've searched, read, looked every where I could think of and there just doesn't seem to be any information about deleting virts only adding them.

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Hardware :: Memory Leak On CentOS?

Jan 24, 2011

root@XXXXX:~# uname -a Linux myserver 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5 #1 SMP Tue Sep 21 05:40:24 EDT 2010 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux I'm having serious memory leak issues on a server running CentOS. Running 'top' I can't find any proccess with an unusual memory usage. Is there any other way to check what is using this memory? Right now it shows that I have 4.8GB of RAM used, but top shows only few proccesses, one with 4% and lots of 0.0%.

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Server :: CentOS - Apache Using Lot Of Memory And CPU

Jul 30, 2011

I have a web server with the specs below and my apache server is being a hog using all my RAM 7gigs or 8gigs of ram. When there is a rush of traffic at once my whole server crashes and I have to reboot apache. The way my site is set up I have a tube script and I use the tube script to host videos on my forum I have 1000 videos on the tube script. I brought a bigger server and more ram because of the down time I been having . I am really trying to figure out why its crashing and using so much ram. I installed eAccelerator didn't seem to help with the apache server.

Intel Quad Core Xeon X3430 (4 x 2.40 GHz, 8MB Cache)
> 2-bay Supermicro Chassis and Motherboard
> 8 GB REG ECC DDR3 (twice your current setup)
> 250 GB Enterprise Grade SATA II
> 10 TB Bandwidth 1gig Uplink Port
> CentOS 64 Bit (Latest Stable)

TOP Command and free -m command screenshots are attached this is with only 160 people online at once

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: 5.3 X64 Underreporting Memory?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a custom-built machine running CentOS5.3 final x64. It has an AMD Dual-Core 64bit 3GHz processor. I have installed 8gb of DDR2 memory in the system, which the BIOS correctly reports. However, CentOS only shows ~5GB. What happened to the other 3??! I am using the machine as a VMWare Host, so every gig counts.Here's what meminfo says:

# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 5976376 kB
MemFree: 39552 kB
Buffers: 43204 kB

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CentOS 5 :: Xen Kernel Not Recognizing All Memory?

Dec 8, 2010

I have a server for virtualization (Xen) and when I do a free -m it does not show all the memory (which should be 64GB), it shows 32GB (a considerable difference, isnt it?).

My hardware is a Dell R410 server:
Dual Xeon 5530
4x SAS 500GB in RAID 10

I tried to compile Xen 4.0.1 but I can't solve a compile error that it gives me (if you want to take a look: [URL]) that is the end of the compilation including the error. But, I installed Xen from yum directly after reformating the HD and it works fine now.

My kernel version: 2.6.18-194.26.1.el5xen x86_64
CentOS 5.5 64 bit
[root@server1 xen-4.0.1]# cat /proc/meminfo
MemTotal: 33554432 kB


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General :: Centos Memory Leaks When Playing Flv?

Feb 14, 2011

I just don't know how centos is using the memory but... I took a look at httpd conf, may be I've missed something when I type "free mem" in ssh the memory is increasing while I'm playing one video, flv and mp4 on my site. it is increasing each time I play a different videos either the same.

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Software :: Didn't Use Swap Memory In CentOS 5.4

Feb 27, 2010

I found out that my CentOS 5.4 linux does not use any swap memory! here is the #top output:

top - 10:02:49 up 27 min, 5 users, load average: 4.22, 3.45, 2.24
Tasks: 173 total, 4 running, 166 sleeping, 0 stopped, 3 zombie
Cpu(s): 71.1%us, 26.1%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.2%id, 0.0%wa, 2.7%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st
Mem: 3081388k total, 1729216k used, 1352172k free, 69544k buffers
Swap: 5140760k total, 0k used, 5140760k free, 865316k cached

I wonder why swap memory is not used! I also face auto-restart issue while running few tasks. Does it relate to the swap memory?

uanme -r -> 2.6.18-164.el5

I remember that my i have allocated about 5G for swap memory. However I put it into different partition and far away from root partition due to diskspace partition. Does it matter?

I do not know how to show the swap memory partition or partition map over here.

here is the mount output
/dev/sda2 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)


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CentOS 5 :: Memory Leak Bug On Production Server

Mar 20, 2009

My server [URL] goes down in some cases.

On general time load average is 0,15-0,2 Only http(with php) and mysql working on it.

Here are some screens when the server goes down: [URL]

Here are the same bug with mine described: [URL]

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CentOS 5 :: Memory Usage - How To Read Those Numbers Exactly At Top

Jul 14, 2010

My Centos PC has got 1 gig of rams. I'm running a webserver with 2 websites and a mysql service. also i need to start two other programs, which uses ~300-350 mbs/each. My memory usage without them is around 450-500 without them. It was 100MB~ free with everything i need on a sec ago. I've refreshed those two sites and it was ~50 left. SO what, site refresh for each user takes 20 megabytes or something? Is there any way to lower the overall usage without turning off mysql, apache and the two other programs? If there is how? And about number read, it says in the top command on mem like 4.4, 1.2, 2.0, etc.

What does that mean? I thought it's like 2.0=20 megabytes, but it doesn't add up to 450-500 then. And by the way, swap memory is 0kb. I have no possibility adding more rams except paying more 5 dollars a month for another 512. 5$/month is a lot for me (sounds funny)? Check out my country, you'll have to rethink. Especially being a student with no possibility to find a job). As for webhostings, i cannot find anything for free, that I could host my wehsites with ping less than 100 actually. Or <80 if say, then it's php memory limit is too low for my WP blog needs.

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CentOS 5 :: Iscsi Process Eating Memory

Apr 30, 2011

Linux 2.6.18-238.9.1.el5
Apache 2.2.3
MySql 5.0.77
PHP 5.3.3
Samba 3.5.4-0.70.el5_6.1

Problem: my server eats up all the memory in the box after a few days. My guess is it has something to do with these processes:


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Hardware :: Test Memory During Centos/RHEL Installation?

Apr 8, 2011

I have been battling an issue for a couple of days and I have it down to 2 possibilities. Memory or mobo. A server in the DC is being very sketchy. Sometimes it will boot fine, sometimes it will boot but will not show all the memory, and sometimes it will hang before it even posts. I have replaced just about everything inside the system except for the memory and the mobo.

I would like to test the memory before replacing either because both are a few hundred dollars. The problem is, the memory doesn't log any errors and running a memory test with ubcd doesn't work because it's ecc memory. I thought I remembered hearing that there is a way to run a memory test during a Centos or RHEL installation, but I can't figure out how.

The memory is


and the board is

Tyan S5380

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CentOS 5 Server :: PCI Scans Causes HTTPD Process To Use All Memory

Jun 22, 2009

We had servers that worked fine for years. After updated them to the latest version of CentOS (5.2 with latest updates), they keeps on hanging when being scanned by PCI Verdors (a Credit Card security standard). Basically, the scan causes httpd process to eat up all memory, and the server becomes unresponsive. Normal operations resume after the scan stops for 5, 10 minutes. Output from top looks like the following:

Mem: 1018988k total, 1007168k used, 11820k free, 432k buffers
Swap: 2096440k total, 2096440k used, 0k free, 4528k cached
13601 apache 16 0 289m 102m 456 D 4.0 10.3 0:15.25 httpd
12836 apache 16 0 330m 101m 232 S 2.4 10.2 0:17.57 httpd
12834 apache 16 0 341m 100m 292 D 8.9 10.1 0:17.70 httpd
12837 apache 16 0 317m 99m 456 D 6.0 10.0 0:17.66 httpd
12839 apache 15 0 327m 97m 232 S 0.0 9.8 0:17.37 httpd
13590 apache 15 0 287m 96m 228 S 0.7 9.7 0:15.18 httpd
12833 apache 15 0 333m 96m 232 S 2.2 9.7 0:17.58 httpd
12835 apache 15 0 322m 95m 232 S 0.4 9.6 0:17.50 httpd
12840 apache 15 0 310m 88m 232 S 6.9 8.9 0:17.34 httpd
12838 apache 15 0 297m 85m 232 S 1.3 8.6 0:16.52 httpd
12831 root 18 0 20644 1360 248 S 1.3 0.1 0:00.27 httpd

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CentOS 5 :: Memory For Crash Kernel 0x0 To 0x0 Error Message

Jul 30, 2009

After CentOS5.3 install to /sdb7 partition (on 2nd HD) and using Ubuntu Grub(on 1st HD mbr) to boot CentOS, I get "memory for crash kernel 0x0 to 0x0 not within permissible range" as soon as CentOS starts. I have 2G of ram. The message is on every boot. I've had several other linuxes on that partition without such an error message. Otherwise the OS starts fine. Is the message of concern/import?

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CentOS 5 :: Memory For Crash Kernell Not Within Permisiable Range?

Oct 5, 2009

it says this at start of boot:memory for crash kernell (00x00 'or something like that') not within permisiable rangeotherwise no problems for now, ewerything runs fine.

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CentOS 5 :: Memory For Crash Kernel Not With In Permissible Range?

Jan 21, 2010

I just install CentOS 5.4.

The first message it gives after grub is Quote:Memory for Crash Kernel (0X0 to 0X0) notwithin permissible range

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CentOS 5 :: Control Groups To Limit The Memory Usage?

Aug 13, 2011

I was looking into using control groups to limit the memory usage of each user on my CentOS system. I was told that this required me to recompile the kernel to have cgroup support. Is this true? Or is there a kernel module that will allow cgroups to work for users and groups on the system without kernel re-compile? Or, is there another way to limit the users memory usage? I have tried ulimit and it doesn't seem to work right.

I ask since this setup will be on a VPS system, that means to re-compile the kernel I need to use Xen instead of OpenVZ. Plus I have never in my life re-compiled the kernel, least of all with different modules ha ha ha so I would have to pay my NOC to do it. So if I don't HAVE to recompile the kernel to get cgroup support.

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CentOS 5 :: Apache Memory Leak Since Glibc-2.5-42.el5_4.2 Update?

Jan 4, 2010

I updated several packages on one of my servers on Dec 21st and have been seeing excessive swapfile usage since then. The problem process seems to be httpd which in our environment runs a subversion server as well as serving a number of php pages over https. At present I am having to bounce apache approximately every 5 days as it has used all 8GB swap in that time.


Of the updates listed as installed, the only one that looks likely to affect apache is glibc. Looking at the stats from sar -r I can see swap usage increasing by approx 3% (of 8GB) every hour.

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CentOS 5 Server :: Apache - Anonymous Shared Memory Failure

Jan 12, 2010

I just opened an (unmanaged) VPS account and and have been encountering nothing but problems with trying to get Apache up and running (its something I've done many times before).Basically the inital error was with LDAP not having enough space, so I disabled the related extensions and Apache still would not run. Looking at the log, it contains: (28)No space left on device: Unable to create scoreboard (anonymous shared memory failure)

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CentOS 5 :: Mail Server Stopped Working - Cannot Allocate Memory

Jan 21, 2011

My mail server stopped working this weekend, when I got in today I restarted and all the emails came through. The panic_log shows: daemon: accept process fork failed: Cannot allocate memory several times over the course of a few minutes. Can anyone give me advice on troubleshooting this one?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Determine Memory Consumed By Each Application Running?

Feb 22, 2011

What would be the best way to determine memory consumed by each application running on the server?

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CentOS 5 :: Xmlrpc-c Server Free String Memory Alloc-ed By Xmlrpc_parse_value

Feb 24, 2010

I have the following function on my xmlrpc server side.

The registration of this function is done as follows from the main function:

The above function makes the server segfault some where on the return path and client gets the response:

Here is what GDB shows when server segfaults....

However if I remove the line "xmlrpc_strfree (node_name);" then server does not segfault and client receives the response correctly. In the xmlrpc-c code it clearly says " Return the string in newly malloc'ed storage that Caller must free." in xmlrpc_data.c::xmlrpc_read_string() which is the function that gets called from xmlrpc_parse_value().

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General :: Application Virtual Address Space Memory Allocation - Memory Does Not Get Free

Apr 20, 2010

I am using malloc and frees a lot in my program. It shows its allocated but when i remove it doesnt show as the memory is removed(I am using the top command to view VIRT memory usage). If this continously grows what would happen to my program (Will it go out of memory?)

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Fedora Hardware :: Checking Computer Memory - Specification Shows 2 GB Of Memory Instead Of GB

Feb 7, 2011

Fedora 14 xfce
HP Mini 210

I am looking to buy some memory for my netbook. Currently I have 1 GB of DDR3 memory. However, the specification says that 2 GB of memory is the max. However, when I do the following it says that 4GB is the max:


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