Debian :: Copy Anything It Says Enough Space Memory To Copy?

Jul 5, 2010

I am using windows xp and debian linux.In windows xp I am having around 25 gb offree memory but in linux if i copy anything it says enough space memory to copy

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Software :: Does 64 Bit Improve Memory Copy

Feb 11, 2010

On the same hardware platform, by just moving from 32 bit Linux to 64 bit Linux, will I have better performance with operation memory coping. Specifically, will function memcpy run faster? Please note that nothing changes on hardware side, I just want to use 64 bit Linux if memcpy performs better.

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OpenSUSE :: Copy Some Files And Folders To The Usb Memory Fails

Jul 29, 2010

when I try to copy some files and folders to the usb memory fails me. What if I copied it from console or dolphin. I get this console error:

cp -r /home/jonatan/Documentos/carpeta
cp: no se puede crear el directorio �./carpeta/ejemplo�: Argumento inv�lido

If I try to copy the data to an ntfs partition I have no problem.

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General :: Copy A Read-Only File And Make The Copy Writable With A Single Cp Command?

Mar 1, 2011

How to copy a Read-Only file in Linux and make the copy writable with a single cp command in Linux (Ubuntu 10.04)? The --no-preserve and --preserve seemed to be good candidates, except that they should "and" the mode flags, while what I am looking for is something that will "or" them (add +w mode).

More details: I have to import a repository from GIT to Perforce. I want that all Perforce depot files are Read-Only (that is how Perforce was designed), while all other files that were derived/copied from depot files are writable. Currently if a Makefile tries to copy a Read-Only file then the derived file will also be Read-only. This leads to build-errors when cp tries to overwrite Read-Only file second time. Of course the --force is a workaround here but then the derived file is also Read-Only. Also I do not want to mess with "chmod" after each "cp" command - I will do that only as the last resort.

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Fedora :: Disk Copy Utility - Should Be Able To Not Only Copy Files But Boot Sector And Everything

Sep 1, 2010

I have a 160GB harddrive which I installed a F12, would like to upgrade to a bigger drive, but I hate to have to re-install everything.

Recommend a good disk copy utility? The utility should be able to not only copy files, but boot sector and everything. So I just need to make a copy, change my BIOS to boot from the new drive and run everything as before.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Copy Files From XP Infact Folders Using TERMINAL In Netbook, Not Copy And Paste Using Mouse?

Jul 9, 2010

just installed ubuntu couple of days back on my netbook. I am still a beginner, enjoying my adventure exploring ubuntu. I have another desktop which runs on XP. I am able to access XP shared folders through my netbook(linux). However, i wanted to copy files from XP infact folders using TERMINAL in my netbook, not copy and paste using my mouse. Are there any commands for it?

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Ubuntu :: Dd - Device Copy.... Low File System Space?

Mar 17, 2011

So I wanted to copy a copy-prod disk and decided to try dd after reading some information about it. after running dd for about a minute, I got a warning that I was low on disk space. I stopped dd and found I had only 200 MB left of 200 GB free space (originally having over 220 free). I deleted the 1/2 finished backups but cannot find the data which was written to the drive. It is hard to think that that much data could be written with my slow pc in under one are the commands I performed if that helps locate the data:

dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/mnt/disk/home/mark/pccheck.iso
dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck.iso
sudo dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/home/pccheck2.iso

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General :: Files Seem To Take Up More Space In Destination After Rsync Copy?

Feb 9, 2010

I have recently purchased an external hard drive in order to backup my home partition. In my PC I have a "1.5T" drive with several partitions on it, containing OSes and the home partition. The home partition is 1.3T according to df, the external drive contains one partition that spans the entire disk,df reports it as 1.4T in size. Both partitions are ext3. When I use rsync to copy files from the home partition to the external partition, the external disk becomes full, despite the destination - supposedly - being larger than the source. I don't understand why copying files from one partition to a slightly bigger partition should need more space than on the source partition. Does anyone know what is happening ?

Details : I created the partition on the external drive with gparted; gparted reported it the already have several gigabytes in used space immediately after the partitions creation - I thought at the time that this must be normal. The home partition contains many files of all sorts, including lots of big audio and video files. If you are wondering, for all my important files this external disk is only secondary backup, as they are also backed up to the "internet".

These are the mount points :

/mnt/tmp/ : home partition, /dev/sdb6
/mnt/external/ : external partition, /dev/sdc1

I used rsync to copy the files, I know there are more efficient ways to do this, but I wanted to use the same command that I will subsequently run to sync the backup.

rsync -av --progress --stats --recursive --perms --links --delete /mnt/tmp/ /mnt/external/

Next I tried adding the --sparse switch, as I was wondering if the problem may come form sparse files. I don't know however if rsync would go back and shrink the sparse file by just adding the switch and executing the command. I also added --one-file-system, for good measure. Here is what I ran next :

rsync -av --progress --stats --sparse --one-file-system --recursive --perms --links --delete /mnt/tmp/ /mnt/external/

I tried an fsck on the home partition :

fsck -f /dev/sdb6

This is the output from the last rsync :

rsync: writefd_unbuffered failed to write 4 bytes to socket [sender]: Broken pipe (32)
rsync: write failed on "abcd.avi": No space left on device (28)
rsync error: error in file IO (code 11) at receiver.c(302) [receiver=3.0.6]


Looking at the destination after a partial copy seems to indicate that the problem is not symbolic links being "expanded". I have not checked the source filesystem for sparse files, nor the destination to see if these files could be larger there, as this does not seem trivial.

Here is some additional info :

$ df /mnt/tmp/
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb6 1415342836 1414173740 369096 100% /mnt/tmp


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Ubuntu :: USB Memory Stick Install - Not Allow To Easily Copy And Paste Files On To It

May 12, 2011

My usb stick will not allow me to easily copy and paste files on to it, or delete them once I no longer want them on the drive. Its owner is root. How can I change the owner? At the moment it is loading as a stylesheet in media/usb0.

The file is transferring at a very low speed. 74mb in 4 minutes

I suspect I will do better if I set up the drive via fstab. What entry should I put in fstab for a USB stick drive?

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Ubuntu :: Copy The Roughly 10gig Partition Into The 68ish Gig Space?

Dec 11, 2010

I need to add more space to a Ubuntu install, however it's on the right and has no space to add. My plan is to copy it to the empty space on the left and remove the original in order to use the rest of the space that used to be windows. I'm not to smart about partitions however I believe this is the way to do it?

The problem is when I attempt to copy the roughly 10gig partition into the 68ish gig space I get an error telling me that there isn't enough room. Not really sure what the issue here is, I took some screen shots of it to possibly help. I couldn't save the error message because I was on the live cd so I took a pic of that as well. Having troubles attaching images to this post so I'll just upload and add the urls for now....


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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Another Music-player That Can Make A Copy Of The Playlists Song Order And Use It With New Links On A Usb-memory?

Dec 13, 2010

I have some playlist I want to keep the songorder, but I have the files in another file-structure.( I have the songs ordered in folder by artist and album, cos all songs are note tagged correctly or in the same way.)I want to use the playlist with the songs in copied to an another plays, for instance an usb-stick.Is there an application who fix mass change of all links to the songs?

for instance I have in m3u-files:
#EXTINF:268,Salt Fare North Sea[code]....

Or Is there a way in Amarok or another music-player that can make a copy of the playlists song order and use it with new links on a usb-memory? I don't now how sync to media-player and such things work.

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General :: Division Of Logical Memory Space In To User Space And Kernel Space

Jan 4, 2010

Logical Memory Space of 4GB is divided in to 3GB User Space and 1GB Kernel Space. Always. Correct?

1. How can we change it? (just changing value of PAGE_OFFSET is okay?)

2. If system have only 256MB of memory (embedded system) and suppose Kernel Modules eat away all the memory during boot. User space will be left will no memory. Is this case possible?

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Debian :: Getting Cp Command To Copy A Certain Way

Apr 10, 2015

Consider two directories, a and b. b has stuff in it, includling sub-directories and files that begin with ".". For the sake of making this post clear, there is a file named "1" in b. My goal is to copy all of b into a, such that a "diff --brief --recursive a b" indicates that a and b's contents are identical. a is empty.

Code: Select allcp -pr b a
The above copies b (and all contents) to a/, so that b/1 is copied to a/b/1. Our goal is to have a/1, not a/b/1.

Code: Select allcp -pr b a/
The above does the same as "cp -pr b a".

Code: Select allcp -pr b/ a
The above does the same as "cp -pr b a". Unexpected.

Code: Select allcp -pr b/ a/
The above does the same as "cp -pr b a".

Let's try something different, in a different way:

Code: Select allcp -pr b/* a
The above copies inside of b to inside of a, such that a file a/1 gets copied as b/1.

Good: this is the goal.

Problem: it skips hidden (starts with a dot) files.How can one copy the entire contents of a given directory ("b" in my examples) into a second directory ("a" in my examples) in such a way that everything in b is copied to a, but that another b directory is not made inside a, and such that all hidden (starts with a dot) files are copied in?

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Debian :: Dd Can't Copy /var Partition Correctly?

Jan 7, 2010

I am trying to mirror partitions from one harddisk to another.dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/dev/sdb7 bs=4k conv=noerror 2Strangely, it refuses to copy anything inside the www directory. I've tried many times with the same result - /var/www is empty in the target harddisk.I do this all the time without any problem on Etch. On this Lenny box, mirroring other partitions seems fine except for /var.

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Debian :: Copy Pasting A File Via Ssh Possible?

Mar 28, 2011

Is it possible to use the cp command to copy a file from computer A to computer B?

Also, assuming that it is possible, does Linux SSH add extra (=its own) encryption via the file transfer or is it solely reliant upon my WIFI's encryption?

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Debian :: Copy A User With All Settings

Aug 27, 2010

How to copy a user with all personal settings like desktops icons, desktop background etc. under Lenny?
I'd like to create a new user with all settings from the existing user.

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Programming :: Copy An Entire Line And Add That Copy At The End Of The Same Line?

Feb 6, 2011

how do you copy an entire line and add that copy at the end of the same line?

For example, sometimes I rename a collection of files with a command like:

"mv oldfilename newfilename;"

I am able to add "mv" at the beginning, the semicolon at the end and sometimes replace a word in the middle, but... how to change a line "oldfilename" into "oldfilename oldfilename"... that is already long time a mystery to me...

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Debian :: Can't Copy Downloaded File To /opt - Make It Possible?

May 12, 2011

I can't copy downloaded file to /opt

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Debian Installation :: How To Copy USB Key Boot Sector To HD

Aug 20, 2010

I just installed squeeze from a usb key. Installation went flawlessly but now I need the usb key to boot. Nothing happens if I let the bios boot from the HD or if I force it to do so. When it boot up from the usb key, the HD is read and the boot up sequence continues. Grub seems to be installed in /boot/grub. I imagine that I have to copy the usb key boot sector to the HD but how?

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Debian :: Can't Copy From A Web Browser And Paste Into A Shell

Feb 10, 2011

Why can't I copy from a web browser and paste into a shell?

Sometimes it works, other is does not.

I also used the right click menus to make 100% sure that COPY and then Paste were valid

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Debian :: Copy The IMG To The USB Device And Make It Bootable?

Feb 1, 2011

I've done an image according to:


then I've copied it using:


# fdisk -l
Disk /dev/hda: 81.9 GB, 81964302336 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 9964 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x1145fa35


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General :: Application Virtual Address Space Memory Allocation - Memory Does Not Get Free

Apr 20, 2010

I am using malloc and frees a lot in my program. It shows its allocated but when i remove it doesnt show as the memory is removed(I am using the top command to view VIRT memory usage). If this continously grows what would happen to my program (Will it go out of memory?)

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Debian :: Copy Partition And / Or Convert Inode Size

Mar 1, 2016

I think I basically need to know whether it's possible to copy a partition whilst converting inode size, or if I need to create a new partition and copy the contents.

To give you the back story..

I have a system with 1 SSD and a raid array of 4 physical disks. One of the raid disks died, so I swapped it out, only to find the system wouldn't boot (had no bootloader?). I fired up a live session, and tried grub-install, but get an error like "The file /boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly". Looking into it, it looks like the problem discussed here which is basically something to do with the partition having an inode size of 256 instead of 128.

Taking a step back for a moment.. I can't really remember installing this system, but is it possible I partitioned the SSD to ext4, with a default inode size of 256, then when the installer tried to install grub, it basically refused to install it on the SSD, so offered to install it on one of the raid disks, which happens to be the disk that died? So until now, unbeknown to me, the bootloader has been on one of my raid disks, while the root (bootable?) partition is on the SSD. That's my best guess as to what's gone wrong anyway..

Anyhow, currently this system has the SSD with the small bootable partition with an inode size of 256. As luck would have it, the new raid disk is sitting there not doing anything yet, so I have the space needed to copy that partition or it's contents onto the new raid disk.

So the question is, can I convert the inode size whilst copying the partition? Or do I need to just clone the partition, then create a new one with the correct inode size, then copy the contents of the old partition to the new one? In the latter case, is there any hidden secret sauce that won't be copied with `cp -R` or so? I mean, if I just create a partition with the correct inode size, and flag it bootable, then `cp -R` from the old partition to this new one, will it be functionally the same? or is there something special I need to do because this is the root OS partition?

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Debian :: Live-build Does Not Copy Ssh_host_rsa_key / Resolve This?

Mar 30, 2011

I am currently using live-build version 2.0.12-1 with squeeze

I am building a usb-hdd with lenny.

when building, the following files from the directory "./config/chroot_local-includes/etc/ssh/" are not copied to "./chroot/etc/ssh/".
ssh_host_dsa_key ssh_host_rsa_key

But the following file are copied.
moduli ssh_config sshd_config

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Debian :: Automatically Delete USB Flash And Copy New File

Aug 26, 2010

How can I automate the following: When I insert a flash drive into any of the available USB ports, some kind of script or software, must automatically mount it, delete everything off the flash drive, copy an audio file back to it and then automatically unmount the USB.Maybe I should setup some kind of Kiosk to use the above functionality - would that be easy?

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Debian Configuration :: Copy Full System To Another Machine

Mar 31, 2016

I am setting up a mail server on debian. Once it's done, I'd like to have an indentical server on another machine, where debian will also be installed. The solution has to be hardware agnostic, so source machine is different than destination machine. I was reading on some wiki page that one can simply copy the root filesystem via rsync to the computer that he'd like to install the system on, then chroot to it and test if everything works. I'm guessing I'd have to change a couple things before, like :

- The network config
- The /etc/fstab file (disks and partitions may be different)

This article is about using rsync to transfer a copy of your "/" tree, excluding a few select folders. This approach is considered to be better than disk cloning with dd since it allows for a different size, partition table and filesystem to be used, and better than copying with cp -a as well, because it allows greater control over file permissions, attributes, Access Control Lists (ACLs) and extended attributes. [1]

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Debian Configuration :: Exclude Directories From Bootstrap Copy?

May 24, 2011

I have successfully created an iso of my current running system using live build with the --bootstrap copy option..As expected, the image is gigantic. I would like to be able to use live-build to create copy-of-host iso's, but with specific options to -exclude specific pathways (ie. music folders, picture folders etc). Is there a way to do this? I did run a configuration and build using an option similar to that found in tar (something like -exclude=/home/user/music) and it ran through without any apparent errors, however, there was not any iso image to be found.

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Debian Multimedia :: Copy Set Of Photos Out Of Digikam (on Mate)

Nov 15, 2015

This is probably a bit of an unusual combination, but I'm using Digikam on Maté. Maybe the problem I'm about to describe just isn't an issue on KDE.

I have my photos in digikam, separated out into various folders. I use the timeline view or the tag view to show just a subset of photos, where the photos are scattered across different folders. Then I want to take those photos and make copies of them onto somewhere else outside of digikam's control, like a USB stick or an external drive or even just another folder. I do not want to change the photos which are in digikam, and I don't want to lose the folder information, tags etc.

I select the photos I want, and choose "Edit"->"Copy". But in my file manager Caja there is no "Paste" command available. I guess that Digikam has copied them into a KDE clipboard and Caja can't find them.

I can drag them into another folder of digikam, and that offers me a pop menu - do I want to move or copy? I can also cancel this if I realise it's not what I want to do.

I can also drag them to Caja, but then I have to be really careful. If I just let go (expecting the move/copy prompt), then it just goes right ahead and moves the pictures out of digikam, which is absolutely awful. The photos are gone from digikam, I lose what folders they were in, I lose what tags they had, and there's no confirmation. I have to spend ages moving the photos back where they came from, trying really hard not to lose any, and even then the tags are gone. I guess the file timestamps are destroyed too but I guess that's not so important. It's just a difficult task depending on how many photos there were and how many different folders, and how jumbled the filenames were.

Ok, so now I know that I have to hold the Ctrl key down when I drag, but still the mouse can accidentally let go before I press the key (I can only press the Ctrl after I start dragging, otherwise it deselects the photo I drag with).

The whole thing just seems fragile and error-prone, and there must be a way to make this less painful.

Maybe I can use something other than caja which handles the drop bit of the drag-and-drop better?

Maybe I can configure digikam to temporarily "lock" the photo database to prevent any accidental changes to the files?

Maybe I can configure digikam to confirm before moving files like this, so I can say "cancel"? (I already have "confirm when moving to wastebin" and "confirm when permanently deleting")

Maybe there's another mechanism for copy/paste from digikam to the file system which is more reliable? Some kind of export with a plain copy?

I'm guessing one popular response might be "don't use digikam with Maté", but I like both so that's tricky to resolve.

Failing any of those, is there any separate tool to search through a tree of photos, select those from a given timerange, and copy them to somewhere else? Either keeping the original folder structure or flattening it?

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Debian :: Find And Copy Same Files To Single Directory?

Feb 17, 2011

I have a number of crash.log files scattered about my system and I would like to run a command to find all the crash.log files on the system and copy them to a single directory; each with a unique filename. For example, copy crash.log from ~/directory_1 , ~/directory_2 , ~/directory_3 and so on to ~/crash_logs/crash.log1 , ~/crash_logs/crash.log2 , ~/crash_logs/crash.log3 etc.

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Debian :: Install A Clipboard That Will Copy From The Internet And Paste In Office?

May 12, 2011

I want to install a clipboard that will copy from the internet and paste in office. I looked in the package manager and saw a plethora of clipboards.

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