Networking :: IPTABLES - OpenVPN And IP From ISP?

May 7, 2010

I have set up OpenVPN for my connection. I'm using this to connect to the internet from different locations using tunnelling.

Right now I have a few IP's : on eth0 I have IP from my ISP, on eth0:1 I have my own IP.I set up MASQUERADE to eth0 - but in this case when I try to access my restricted resources IP address from ISP is visible.
What I want is to use my own IP address from eth0:1 - could somebody help me to build good working redirect entry for that? I want to redirect all connections to that IP assigned on eth0:1... - just to access Internet using my IP.

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Networking :: Only Allow OpenVPN Connections With IPtables ?

May 23, 2011

I'd like to configure IPtables to make sure I can only access the internet through an openvpn connection (so when the connection is down I have no way to access the internet but to connect to the vpn again).

I know how to do this with Firestarter (restrictive outgoing policy and I only allow the vpn server IPs) but Firestarter seems to be stupid : for some reason eth0 was changed to eth1 and Firestarter can't work properly anymore, even though that probably can be fixed with Firestarter I'm no more interested in this program and I'd better like to know how to apply the same policy using IPtables.

I've tried a few things already but it failed each time ... how can I effectively allow my computer to connect to the VPN while everything else is blocked ?

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Networking :: Iptables Doesn't Work Well Without OpenVPN?

May 31, 2011

my problem is following: I'm running a bridged OpenVPN on my Debian. If the service is running, everything works fine: local and Internet, ftp, mailing from in and outside etc. But, when stopping OpenVPN, sending mails from inside (LAN) fails: I cannot reach smtp (postfix) listening on port 465. And even reaching mailboxes using IMAP gets horribly slow eg. in Thunderbird. Here is my script.


echo "
IPTABLES FIREWALL inicializalasa - szures"
# Enter the designation for the Internal Interface's


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Ubuntu Security :: Configuring Iptables To Allow VNC And OpenVPN?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 LTS as a VM in Hyper-V, and accessing it via VNC with a machine in the same broadcast domain. I'm using OpenVPN to connect to XeroBank. I have instructions for configuring iptables to permit establishing and using the XeroBank connection, while blocking all other traffic on eth0. I've followed them successfully. I need to also permit the VNC connection, and haven't managed that. FWIW, the VM is at and the workstation is

The attachment to this post lists the recommended contents for each Shorewall file. Which files need changed, and what do I add to each?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network-manager-openvpn And Static-key OpenVPN Connection In 9.10

Apr 5, 2010

i have some problems with configuring openvpn tunnel connection to my openvpn server. I'm using static-key tcp connection. Network manager always said to me that connection could not be established. Also, when i try to run openvpn from terminal, i got some strange permissions problem:


openvpn --config config.ovpn
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 OpenVPN 2.1_rc19 i486-pc-linux-gnu [SSL] [LZO2] [EPOLL] [PKCS11] built on Oct 13 2009
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 NOTE: OpenVPN 2.1 requires '--script-security 2' or higher to call user-defined scripts or executables
Mon Apr 5 15:48:37 2010 /usr/sbin/openvpn-vulnkey -q moj.key


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Debian Configuration :: OpenVPN And IPTables - No Local Hostnames Accessible

Feb 7, 2016

I managed to set up an openvpn server, ip-forwarding and a nat iptable rule for that.

Almost everything works as expected, but my problem is:

Smartphone -> VPN -> Internet ==> works (by ip and hostname)
Smartphone -> VPN -> machine in my local network by IP ==> works
Smartphone -> VPN -> machine in my local network by its hostname => DOES NOT WORK
Machine w/ VPN server -> ping to machine in local network by ip or hostname => works

So, i wonder why i cant access a local machine through the vpn by its hostname. I guess I'm missing a forwarding rule??

iptables dump:
# Generated by iptables-save v1.4.21 on Sun Feb 7 20:56:52 2016
:INPUT ACCEPT [728:53047]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [19:1487]
# Completed on Sun Feb 7 20:56:52 2016

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Fedora :: Openvpn Certificate \ Installed Openvpn And Config It For A Tunnel?

Aug 9, 2010

i have installed openvpn and config it for a tunnel. my server.conf and client,conf is as follow:

port 1194
proto udp


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Server :: OpenVPN Range Address / When Change Static IP To Dynamic IP In Config File OpenVPN Didn't Work?

Feb 13, 2010

I want to configure a VPN over the Internet.I installed the 'openvpn' package, generated the key file, transfered it by a secure way to the client, and setted up the configuration file.

So, in that configuration file I input the IP addresses of the tunneled interfaces. Both IPs are static in the tunnel.

Then, I've heard somewhere that I can assign a dynamic configuration IP for the client. I do this registering a range.

Well, when I tried to change static IP to dynamic IP (changing '' to '') in the configuration file, the OpenVPN didn't work.

Obviously I don't know what I'm doing, and I really, don't believe that simply changing the IP will make it work, but I tried.

I hope I explained my problem as well.

My configuration file:

# OpenVPN Server Configuration File
dev tun 0
cd /etc/openvpn
secret key_file

In client I execute the 'openvpn' without the '--daemon' parameter.Then I want that my client uses a IP in a range (, for example), instead of a static IP ( also thought to use a DHCP server, but I'm not sure that will work.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Broken Networking After OpenVPN Configuration Attempt?

Jul 13, 2011

I have been trying to set up openVPN on a Virtual Machine running Ubuntu 10.04 with the eventual intention of having a closed VPN in the workspace I'm at, and a bridged internet connection out through the server.My initial process/instinct was to go through Webmin. After a fair bit of tooling around making eys/certificates, I was able to get a response (and that's all it was, really) from my windows machine accessing the VPN server. However, in my attempt to bridge the network, I have lost all internet/networking capabilities from the server.Fortunately I am able to access the server directly from the hardware underneath (i.e. I don't need to SSH in or anything), and so I've been attempting to restore the server's networking back to default. I have returned the /etc/network/interfaces file to it's original state (just the loop, and an eth0 on dhcp) and restarted the networking. A check with ifconfig returns what seems to be a working eth0, and the loop (noting else) however I am unable to ping any outside server. When I do, I am given the message:From XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable(where of course XXX is my IP address).nother VM on the server is able to access the internet just fine, so it's not the overall server hardware...I guess at this point I'm just trying to take steps back,

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Fedora Networking :: How Can Openvpn Get An Ip From Dhcp

May 14, 2009

i've set up an openvpn server (with dhcp running on it) and i have to create compatible clients.the problem is how to get an ip by dhcp.with ubuntu i made a script like this

/sbin/ifconfig tap0 up
/sbin/dhclient -e tap0

and everything works fine:tap0 goes up and then start a dhcp request to the server on tap0with fedora there is a nice problem i've noticed that is impossible to run dhclient later on a new interface because i receive this error "dhclient is already running".the tap0 goes up normally but i receive this error when i attempt to get an there a simple way to get an ip?if i try to kill or restart dhclient when the vpn tunnel is up,all'interfaces lost theirs ip and network goes down crashing my vpn...

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Fedora Networking :: OpenVPN Using Alias Rather Than IP

Nov 27, 2009

Is there anyway you can configure either OpenVPN client or the system to allow connections using OpenVPN to be made to computers on the OpenVPN network using their alias rather than their IP address. This may sound blasphemous but you can in Windows. That is if the VPN network is say 10.x.0.x I could connect to Comp4 or Comp2 using Comp4 or Comp2 not 10.x.0. 4 or 10.x.0.2 or whatever IP is allocated by the OpenVPN server. If the OpenVPN server has not been restarted then it will usually allocate the same IP every time the same client connects.

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Fedora Networking :: Don't Connect Openvpn

Jun 12, 2011

I installed fedora15, My openvpn didn't connect to my working computer.I checked openvpn configure more time, but still don't connect,

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Install OpenVPN On 8.10

Dec 12, 2010

> sudo apt-get install openvpn bridge-utils
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree... Done
> Reading state information... Done
> E: Couldn't find package openvpn

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN For Some Traffic, But Not All?

Mar 1, 2011

I have access to a VPN I use when having confidential instant messaging sessions. For the purposes of my work, essentially.I'm a command line kind of guy, and like to use Finch (the shell version of Pidgin) for those.However, when I turn on my OpenVPN connection it routes all traffic through the VPN. Web-browsing, IMing, and I can no longer access other machines on my home network.Can I set OpenVPN to only route traffic I ask through that connection (either by port number or application, or some way I haven't thought of), while other traffic flows through my usual home network?Some kind of local proxy perhaps? Or a dd-wrt box set up as a proxy, connected to OpenVPN?I've played around with the GUI environment too (I have a basic GUI I sometimes use on my main machine) and have installed the full desktop 10.10 on a second machine just to see if I can work it out.

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Networking :: Run OpenVPN Without Keys Or Certificates?

Jul 31, 2009

Is it possible to set up an OpenVPN without having to issue keys or certificates.All tutorials I found seem to use them.

I want just a basic username/password approach - I don't care that much about security obviously but is it at all possible?

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Networking :: Can't Connect To Openvpn Server

Mar 2, 2010

i recently rent a VPS and installed with CENTOS 5 64bit, i followed a tutorial to install openVPN to bridge traffic to my windows machine.

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Networking :: Use OpenVPN On The Linksys Routers ?

May 20, 2011

My boss gave me the task (on a very tiny budget) of wanting to connect our remote offices to our network. Solution I came up with is Site-to-Site VPN.

I want to use OpenVPN on the Linksys Routers (again very tiny budget) and have them connect to our Cisco ASA5505 Firewall, but I am running into major problems.

Question is, even though they both use IPSec SSL are they compatible? If not, is there a work sround?

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Networking :: OpenVPN Connects But There Is No Traffic?

Dec 10, 2010

I have installed OpenVPN to use it as an internet gateway butcan't get it to work.OpenVPN installed without any problem. The client can also connect and ping the server but there is no internet traffic.I think it is because of a wrong gateway address which the client gets but I'm not sure. server IP address is and the client can ping this IP but it's default gateway is always which is not accessible from the client.This is my server.conf:

dev tun
proto tcp


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Networking :: OpenVPN Slows Down Connection

Aug 21, 2010

I'm using OpenVPN to connect to a remote system. When I run


It brings up a new tunnel interface. The problem is that once the tun interface is brought up and the VPN is established, my whole Internet connection slows to a crawl.

Here is the output from ip route show before openvpn:


And after openvpn:


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Networking :: Setup OpenVPN To Use A Third Party CA?

Mar 31, 2010

I'm trying to setup OpenVPN to use a third party CA, and its unclear to me how to use the serial and index.txt files that are created when one uses the easy-rsa scripts to setup OpenVPN. If i'm using my own CA can I ignore those? Its also unclear to me how OpenVPN figures out the server.key passphrase. I'd also like to leverage the --tls-verify cmd directive but I am unsure of where to specify it.

What I would like to do is have --tls-verify call a perl script that then verifies that the CN of the certificate the client is passing in matches a cn in an LDAP group. I figure I can do the LDAP group lookup with some easy perl stuff, its unclear to me though if --tls-verify is going to pass in the RDN of the client cert.

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Networking :: OpenVPN Can't Establish A Tunnel Via Fw2

Feb 10, 2011

I have two firewalls, one primary (fw1) and one fall-back/backup (fw2). On the LAN side the fw's reside in the same LAN segment. I have a client who wants VPN redundancy. So I configured two VPN tunnels for this client. One via fw1 and a backup via fw2. Since the default gateway on the VPN server points to fw1 only the tunnel via fw1 is established. OpenVPN can't establish a tunnel via fw2 because of the gateway and just sits there waiting...

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Fedora Networking :: OpenVPN Client Disconnects Me From LAN / Fix It?

Sep 15, 2009

This is the first one of probably many posts as I am new to Fedora having lots of questions. This one is about the openvpn client which is used by me to connect to my company network. Thanks to the Fedora FAQ it was easy for me to set up the client and establish a connection. There is just one problem every time I open a connection I am disconnected from my local Internet. I was using openvpn on my Windows XP PC before and there was no problem keeping two Network connections, the (W)LAN and the vpn tunnel. Does anyone know how to solve this? I am utilizing the latest Fedora 11 release and configured openvpn client via the Network Manager GUI.

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Fedora Networking :: OpenVPN Server Configuration On F14

Jun 16, 2011

I have (seemingly regretfully) finally upgraded my Fedora Core 7 linux machine that has served me so well for the past decade. One of the final pieces to put in place was my Openvpn config (which was running flawlessly on my FC7) which I cannot get to work.

Here are my steps.

1. Disabled SELinux

2. Added the following entry in my iptables: (although I've stopped iptables to help troubleshoot)
-A INPUT -i tap0 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i br0 -j ACCEPT

3. Yum installed openvpn and bridge-utils (btw I'm using bridging)

4. Configured my bridge-start script as such:
# Set up Ethernet bridge on Linux
# Requires: bridge-utils
# Define Bridge Interface
br="br0" .....

5. Configured my openvpn server conf as such:
proto tcp-server
port 5990
dev tap0 .....

When I execute my bridge-start script it creates the br0 and tap0 then all connectivity vanishes (I can only ping my gateway - internet and any other addresses time out.

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Only Connect When External?

Apr 26, 2010

We use Openvpn for remote access to the office network. It would be nice to keep this running and automatically connect to the office at all times.Once started, it does this anyway. The problem lies when the user comes into the office. Openvpn connects as usual to the vpn gateway, but this causes weird routing loops.Is there a way to say to Openvpn "Always connect to the gateway unless you are on network" ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Works, But No Traffic?

Aug 31, 2010

I'm facing a problem when I establish VPN connections using OpenVPN to Your Freedom Server. " you can see their documentation here ", I've installed OpenVPN from synaptic and I used the client to connect through VPN and it works !! but there is no traffic in FF or any application !!I tired to insert some HTTP proxy also belongs to the same server and it works. What really wonders me is that OpenVPN seems to work only when I'm connecting to streams sites "e.g. ustream," Is there anyway to force the whole traffic to use OpenVPN " I'm using Mobile modem and it works fine with OpenVPN in win7

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Ubuntu Networking :: Get An OpenVPN Server Running?

Sep 6, 2010

Followed this guide to the letter:[URL]..

Tried to run command:
sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
And just get a fail returned.
This is what the log-file says.


It says init bridge br0 does not exist. Do I need to create it in the network config or something?

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Client Not Setting Up?

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to connect to an existing VPN server that I have been using for years now. I am moving my develpment environment over to a Ubuntu box and I must have openvpn working in order to access SVN. It has been a few years since I have been setting up linux boxes. And networking is a soft spot for me. But

The server has been running without problem for a LONG time. A windows computer I have been using connects to it fine and I can access the network on this machine. I am setting up a new computer, but when trying to connect openvpn starts the initialization sequence completes but I cannot ping the network I am trying to connect to.

I use a second VPN connection to connect to an alternative network and it works fine. The difference between these two is that the working vpn connection is a routed IP tunnel and the one that is not working is a bridged connection.

The VPN that is working on this box brings up tun0 while the bridged connection connects but does not bring up a network tun device. The server logs look normal, it just looks like the client is not setting itself up to use the network once connected. (The key/cert pair work find when on a windows box) Just not on this new ubuntu build.

My current client config


cert eric@home.crt
key eric@home.key
dev tap


The server is using tap, as well as the working windows client uses "dev tap"

It has been a long time since I have been maintaining linux boxes but its coming back slowly.

Do I have to bring a device up manually ?

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Ubuntu Networking :: OpenVPN Connection Isn't Working

Jan 22, 2011

I have an OpenVPN setup at work, and windows clients are able to connect fine. On my dual-boot system (Windows XP 64-bit and Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit) I'm able to connect on Windows but not Ubuntu. I use the same files for each. The network manager wasn't working, so I'm doing it via the command line right now:

Below is the output (sanitized)


Does this mean it's connected? If so, I'm not able to ping anything on the remote network, not even the OpenVPN server.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Openvpn Using Network Manager

Apr 28, 2011

I've seen this issue and it never seems to get resolved maybe this time I can find a fix.I'm currently using ubuntu 11.04 although i've had this issue since 10.04 and 10.10When using openvpn in windows it works perfectly fine but when using openvpn on ubuntu that's a completely different story I import my .ovpn file from clearos it loads the keys just fine but when it tries to connect it say's "no valid vpn secrets"

On clearos it gives you 3 certs and a .ovpn file the file sets it to use password with tls certs but it still comes up with this error, i've been quite stumped and it would be nice to possibly shed some light on this so I can finally get ubuntu to work with openvpn if possible.

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Networking :: F14 NetworkManager To Autoconnect OpenVPN At Startup?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a Fedora 14 machine, and I have an OpenVPN CentOS 5.5 server installed and running without issues.I've setup the Fedora machine to connect as a client to the server, and all goes pretty well using NetworkManager.What I'm not able to do is getting NetworkManager to autoconnect to the server upon user login. I have the "Auto Connect" marked, but nothing happens at boot/login.

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