Ubuntu :: Xorg Utilizing So Much Cpu All The Time?

Jun 5, 2010

Why is xorg utilizing so much cpu all the time? My system is so slow It seems that my cpu is always around 50% or higher for xorg. I did free -m below as well. Do I not have enough RAM? I've noticed a lot of other people having the problem too in other forums, but I haven't found an answer yet. This is getting so frustrating that I'm considering going back to Windows. I love Ubuntu, don't get me wrong, but I need performance...is this a bug? is this a hardware problem?


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Fedora :: Cannot Run Quadro And GeForce At Same Time With FC13 And Xinerama In Xorg.conf

Jun 6, 2010

I am trying to use three monitors with two video cards on Fedora 13:

$ lspci | grep -i vidia
07:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41 [Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI] (rev a2)
0c:02.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44A [GeForce 6200] (rev a1)

The Quadro dual-card has no problem driving two 19" monitors, but the GeForce will not wake the third 17" monitor from power save mode. The BIOS indicates that the Quadro is the primary card. I am trying to use Xinerama to activate the GeForce. So far I have only seen the GeForce and 17" monitor work if the Quadro is physically removed. In all cases I have been using nouveau. I'll attach my xorg.conf, Xorg.0.log, and smoltprofile.txt. My xorg.conf shows two monitors: monitor0 (19") and monitor1 (17"). monitor0 is actually two identical monitors which the quadro treats as one large monitor.

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CentOS 5 Hardware :: Not Utilizing Available RAM?

Jul 24, 2009

We're trying to figure out what the problem is with our webserver, the server doesn't seem to be using all the available RAM, the machine has 8GB ram but is only consuming 2-3GB. If we reboot the server it will use up the 8GB for a short amount of time, say 3-5 minutes then slowly decrease down to around 2GB again. We server static content from another server through mod_proxy and another server serves our mysql.

We're at a loss as to what to do to fix this. We're currently running 5.3, server spec is Apache 2.2, Xeon 3075, 8GB RAM. We are using MPM Worker in out httpd.conf The site has around 75k-100k uniques a day, so does have quite a bit of traffic through it.


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Ubuntu Security :: Unable To Access Internet Utilizing Laptop

Mar 12, 2010

To start off I do not have the ability to post in the Networking/Wireless thread. I attend DeVry university and in my school they recently rolled out "Bluesocket." Now that they have done this I am not able to access the internet utilizing my ubuntu laptop.I am able to connect to the network. When I open my web browser I am redirected to the "bluesocket" login page where I am able to successfully log in. The next step to accessing DeVry's internet service is to allow Bluesocket to do a scan using a Java applet. That scan is successful.

The results of the scan inform me that I am not being allowed to access the network resources because I don't have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my computer. I do not wish to have an antivirus or firewall program installed on my laptop to utilize DeVry's network resources. My question is what steps do I need to take to bypass/trick bluesocket?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Memory Usage Always High And Utilizing Full?

Jul 14, 2010

In our database, when checking the memory used using top command, we are always seeing 32 GB RAM utilized. We have set the sga_max_size to 8gb and PGA to 3 gb. We have tried shutting down oracle db and then the memory went down to 24GB when checked using top command. After cold reboot of the DB server, it gone down to 1.5 GB.

But once the users are started using after end of day, the memory again gone back to 32 GB.

Top Command output (truncated)
top - 15:18:27 up 5 days, 19:43, 1 user, load average: 0.55, 0.39, 0.32
Tasks: 599 total, 3 running, 596 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
Cpu(s): 1.5%us, 0.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 97.9%id, 0.1%wa, 0.0%hi, 0.1%si, 0.0%st Mem: 32949628k total, 32823336k used, 126292k free, 238808k buffers


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Networking :: Connect To A Wireless Via Command Line Instead Of Utilizing The GUI?

Jul 27, 2011

So i was wondering if anyone can help me connect to a wireless network via command line instead of utilizing the GUI

so far i have done this, but im not sure what to do after this

Nexus:~ # ifconfig wlan0 down
Nexus:~ # ifconfig wlan0 up
Nexus:~ # iwlist scan
lo Interface doesn't support scanning.
eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.


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Server :: Debian: Custom LDAP Schemas Without Utilizing Slapd.conf?

Mar 1, 2010

Slapd is up and running perfectly well, and I can add and remove entries without a problem. My OS is the Ubuntu based Mint.

So I was hoping for someone to give me a nudge in the right direction for doing this without a slapd.conf file, or directions for how to force slapd to pay attention to a slapd.conf file whose location I specify.

I've tried messing around with /etc/ldap/ldap.conf to no avail, I've tried just putting in a custom slapd.conf file but slapd doesn't pay attention to it.

And to the best of my knowledge I can't find anything written on this specific topic. I can find plenty on slapd.conf's, but that's just taunting me considering I don't even have it on my system.

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Configure / Utilizing The Hardware Buttons On A Scanner (Scanjet 3300C)?

Dec 20, 2010

how to possible to configure the buttons on my scanner (HP Scanjet 3300C - it's an old one) to actually perform the tasks they're intended to do. The scanner itself works absolutely perfect despite its age (over a decade old).. however it has two physical buttons with a scanner and a printer icon on it. Now I don't particularly care much for the scan button, but it would be awesome if the print button automatically send whatever it's scanning to the printer as soon as it's done.

The only two things I could find that seem to be written with the idea to fulfill this role are KScannerButtons and scanbuttond. Both haven't received an update in years (2006 and 2007) and only seem to be good for spitting out an error. I also tried installing hp-lib, but it doesn't even recognize the printer (I'm guessing HP doesn't support hardware that old). Not sure if it would get me further even it was recognized.

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Fedora :: 14 - Ordinary KDE Boot The Command "free" Says It's Utilizing 1.5GB Of RAM

Nov 6, 2010

I just did a fresh install of Fedora 14 and noticed that with the ordinary KDE boot the command "free" says it's utilizing 1.5GB of RAM. Is that usual? What is running in BG that uses so much memory?

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OpenSUSE :: Xorg.0.log The The Xorg ATI Driver Is Failing ALL Options?

Jun 18, 2011

I found in my xorg.0.log the the xorg ATI driver is failing ALL options.

(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/OTF/" does not exist.
[ 8.942] (WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist.


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Ubuntu :: Create A Backup Of The Xorg.conf File - Cannot Stat /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Dec 11, 2010

I've just done a fresh install of Lubuntu 10.10 on an older Sony Vaio laptop. Having learned the hard way about editing xorg files, I wanted to create a backup of the xorg.conf file so that I dont have to do another install when I screw everything up. In a terminal, I typed


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Ubuntu :: Sudo Xorg -configure" And "sudo Xorg --configure" Both Return "xorg Command Not Found

Mar 28, 2011

Alright setting up a friends netbook, display has been a little iffy (slow. glxgears is giving like 100fps). Couple issues: xorg.conf doesn't exist (i know thats typically not an issue) and "sudo xorg -configure" and "sudo xorg --configure" both return "xorg command not found."

glxinfo say that its using Mesa for the software rasterizer and that the driver is from mesa. lspci says the VGA controller is from Intel. I'm thinking xorg is defaulting to vesa for drivers, but I need to know how to change that to the open source intel driver

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Software :: Xorg-server-1.7.1 Shows Only Blank Screen After Update From Xorg-server-1.6.3?

Jan 5, 2010

my laptop is running Slackware64 13.0. Today I tried to update to X.org 7.5 (version 1.7.1) from version 1.6.3 shipped with Slackware. I downloaded the relevant source tarballs from www.x.org and compiled them with no errors. The compiled packages are:



My laptop has an NVIDIA graphics card and I'm using the proprietary driver from NVIDIA. Thus I reinstalled the driver after the update and tried to launch X.org with "startx". After a short while the NVIDIA logo appears for some hundred milliseconds and disappears then. But now the screen is blank and it is not possible to switch to another VT via Ctrl+Alt+Fx. But it is possible to login from another computer and restart everything, so that I conclude that the system does not hang.

It is even possible to do work normally with the laptop from remote. If I try to kill the X-server, it ignores SIGTERM and has to be terminated by SIGKILL. But the laptop's screen stays black and empty and does not allow to switch to another VT (chvt terminates with "interrupted system call."). dmesg does not give any errors.



X.Org X Server 1.7.1
Release Date: 2009-10-23
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0


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Hardware :: Xorg.conf Is Replaced With A Default Xorg.conf After Reboot ?

Apr 9, 2010

I have installed Kubuntu 8.04.2 on a USB stick with persistence to keep any changes I make after a reboot and it works fine. I then installed the 185 Nvidia driver to give me higher resolutions and it works fine.

But each time I reboot, my updated xorg.conf is replaced with the default xorg.conf that ships with that version of Kubuntu and a backup is made of my updated xorg.conf (the correct one) which looks like xorg.conf.20100409135913. I have to put the backup xorg.conf back in place to get my Nvidia driver to work with the correct screen resolutions again. Otherwise my screen resolution is too low.

What could be causing this behavor? I'm sure it not the persistence feature of the USB stick failing since a backup is made of my original xorg.conf.

I might add more information. The xorg.conf that gets changed after a reboot says "This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using # values from the debconf database." #

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Slackware :: Difference Between Files (xorg.conf And Xorg.conf-vesa)?

Feb 16, 2011

1. What is the difference between files (xorg.conf and xorg.conf-vesa)

2. No matter how hard I try I can't change keyboard layout in xorg.conf-vesa (I change it in file ) but there is no actually anything changing, it starts to get annoying - for example - below goes my xorg.conf-vesa, if I uncomment and set line from


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Ubuntu :: Editing Xorg.conf - /etc/x11/xorg.conf Does Not Exist

May 3, 2010

I'm running the ubuntu based Green OS and cant get my video card properly configured. i've already gone through the forums to figure out what i need to do to get my ATI card working but my system wont let me access the xorg.conf file. i can see it using the the GOS file editor but it wont let me save the modifications. when i attempt to edit from a terminal window with su privelages it tells me that /etc/x11/xorg.conf does not exist. i've even tried booting into recovery mode and using the root instead of the sudo command. nothing i've tried will let me open the file.

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Fedora Installation :: Wine Installation Produces Error "xorg-x11-drv-nvidia Conflicts With Xorg-x11-drv-catalyst" On 11 64bit

Oct 8, 2009

Error: xorg-x11-drv-nvidia conflicts with xorg-x11-drv-catalyst
Error: xorg-x11-drv-catalyst conflicts with xorg-x11-drv-nvidia

I have followed the guide to install ATI proprietary drivers using RPM Fusion.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Precedence Of Xorg.conf Over Xorg.conf.d?

Jan 26, 2011

I've read the how-tos (thank you oldcpu!) and wikis about how xorg.conf take precedence over the section configuration files in etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, if it exist. I also understand that the xorg.conf can be partial. If it is missing some sections, these will be taken from the corresponding xorg.conf.d section config file. Currently I'm using a xorg.conf generated by nvidia-settings in one of my home machines, due to a dual-monitor setup. After generating xorg.conf, the device sections are:

in xorg.conf:


Section "Device"
Identifier "Device0"
Driver "nvidia"


My question is if the Option "UseCompositeWrapper" "True" will be used or not. In other words, if a section exist in xorg.conf then it's correspondent in xorg.conf.d/ will be completely ignored *or* only the lines in xorg.conf.d/ that already exist in xorg.conf will be ignored?

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Ubuntu :: After Log In Takes Long Time To Show Desktop, Monitor Events At Log In Time?

May 24, 2011

It takes me a while to log in the splash screen just sits there for ages before i get to the desktop. Never used to be this slow and I'm not sure why. Firstly, I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, standard DE. I do have conky starting up in a script but it has the & at the end of the line so I didn't think this would cause it (or is there some special case for log in time on how & is treated?). However as a test I will comment out the line in the script and see if it is the cause.

However just for general knowledge and in case that isn't the problem, how does one go seeing what is happening during the time from when one log's in and the desktop is displayed? Is there some kind of log that shows the date/time that can be enabled or is there a debug mode that can be enabled somehow via special keys or maybe from grub?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Get Notices That There Are Updates For The Server Software From Time To Time?

Mar 29, 2010

I have several file servers in our offices and I am relatively new to Ubuntu / Linux. I get notices that there are updates for the server software from time to time. Is it typical to update everything when available or should I follow "If it ain't broke, don't fix it..." mentality?I would hate for everything to be working fine and then have an update throw me a curve.

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Ubuntu Servers :: System Time Runs Slow Hareware Time Run Right?

Apr 11, 2011

I am running my Ubuntu 32 bit server on top of Windows 7 64 bit with VirualBox. It's a 2 core Atom. It's been working good for about half a year. But the last about 6 weeks the system time only in Ubuntu is going slow. About -8 per 24 hours! I can only guess because I have more things running in my Windows 7 and Ubuntu.

I can set it right by coping the hareware time to system time with this command:

hwclock --hctosys

I want to run a crontab to have that command run every minute. But it don't seem to run.


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Ubuntu :: Messed Up Vital Files Could Go Back In Time And Restore Computer To A Selected Time

Nov 26, 2010

For like windows you can resore your os to a state of peace kind of. If you messed up your vital files you could go back in time and restore you computer to a selected time. I was wondering if you could do that for ubuntu

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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Cannot Move Old Log File "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" To "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"

Apr 3, 2011

Just upgraded a desktop to openSUSE 11.4 with KDE, and I'm encountering various graphical problems. This machine's been running SUSE versions since 10.0 on similar hardware with few major issues, and I did the 'upgrade' by reinstalling the root partition and keeping the /home partition intact. It has a Radeon 9600 AGP card, which goes under the R300 and RV350AP monikers, and uses the radeon driver (too old for the proprietary ATI driver - deprecated). With the new KMS, it boots up fine under the monitor's correct resolution of 1440x900, though occasionally and randomly then drops to 1024x768 at the login screen. On occasions it will then arrive at the desktop under this lower resolution, other times it corrects itself before getting there.

On starting KDE, the taskbar cycles through various different settings (composited / non-composited) and colours with erroneous shadows. I've tried disabling desktop effects which at least resolves that particular issue. More troublesome is that certain actions result in a garbled display from which it is almost impossible to recover without guessing various keystrokes to cause a logout. Two examples are when running the regular (non-OpenGL) KDE slide show screen saver, when certain transformations corrupt the entire screen, and when opening the Tools -> Options dialog in LibreOffice, though strangely this only causes a problem under one user account and not another.

Running dmesg, I note it is being littered with:


[drm:radeon_vga_detect] *ERROR* VGA-1: probed a monitor but no|invalid EDID yet I have just the one VGA monitor which is VGA-0, and set as such under KDE. Not sure if that's related or a separate issue.I tried adding 'nomodeset' at boot, but it brings me to a console login and after entering 'startx' I get:


xauth: file /home/[user]/.serverauth.2891 does not exist

Fatal server error:

Cannot move old log file "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" to "/var/log/Xorg.0.log.old"
xinit: giving up
xinit: unable to connect to X server: Connection refused
xinit: server error


Booting in failsafe mode gets me into KDE but with other weirdness and problems using the desktop. I don't know if KMS is ultimately the culprit or there's some other obvious problem, but this is what I'm left with after a 'fresh' installation (despite the /home partition still being kept from openSUSE 11.3). It's not my PC so I need to leave it in a usable state knowing these corruptions aren't going to occur, and I leave the country next week.

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Ubuntu :: Screen / Everything Freezes From Time To Time For No Reason In Natty?

May 4, 2011

Ever since I installed Ubuntu Natty, from time to time, for no particular reason, the entire computer screen freezes, and I am forced to hold the power button on my laptop to restart things with a hard reset. I cannot explain why it happens.

Such an issue never occurred in any of the past installations and versions of Ubuntu. This is a fresh installation of Natty by the way.

Also, I can currently be running a lot or nothing and it does this. Thus, it does not matter what I am actually doing (ie, what programs I might be running).

It has occurred about 10 times since I freshly installed Natty 6 days ago.

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Ubuntu :: Booting Hangs From Time To Time (Lucid)?

May 3, 2010

I started out with Kubuntu RC, then installed ubuntu-desktop and updated all the way to the current state of packages.Anyway, from the moment I installed the RC, from time to time the boot splash appears, the dots light up/turn off and then the booting hags. No key seems to work.I the do a hard reset and everything works just fine.As not to open another thread:- how can I see the Ubuntu splash screen? (currently I can see the Kubuntu one)- how can I turn the splash off and have it boot in text mode?

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Ubuntu :: Set Time To Singapore Server With Time And Date?

Oct 28, 2010

I want to synchronize my time to a time server in Singapore. How can i do so with the Time and Date in System - Administration - Time and Date?

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Fedora :: 11 Boot Time / System Hangs For A Very Long Time On Starting Udev?

Sep 25, 2009

When booting Fedora 11, my system hangs for a very long time on starting udev. Sometimes I get an I/O error. However, my hardware is fine. I do eventually get in to the system.

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Fedora Installation :: Set The Time In The System Tray To The Standard AM/PM Setting Instead Of Military Time?

Jan 29, 2010

Just making one last tweak with my fresh install of F12KDE. I need to . How do I do this

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Programming :: Function Handler Is Called One Time Only Instead 2 Times If The 2 Timers Expires At A Time

Mar 2, 2011

I am using Debian linux. I have 100 timers running. If a timer expired which will generate a signal and it was mapped to a same function handler. All the timers are mapped to one function handler. The problem is if the timer expires one at a time, the function handler called at a time. But if the 2 timers expires at a time, the function handler is called one time only instead 2 times. Is it possible to invoke the function handler as many times based on timer expirary happens simultaneoulsy?

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Fedora :: Network Time Protocol Part Of Date / Time Settings

Oct 3, 2009

I've got fedora 11 set up to use network time protocol to sync my laptop's date & time when I'm on-line. The question is simple really, I've added a local universality's time server (what is public) and it's live. but it's added to the end of the default time servers what come with fedora. How do I get fedora to just use the local time server, is it a case of removing the default time servers for fedora, but there is a box what says advanced options which are. sync system clock before starting service ???? & use Local time source (( is that the same as the local ntp server that I've got set up ))Hope some body can help me with the network time protocol part of Date/Time settings.

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