I just delete the top panel and I want to restore the default panel. I already add a new panel on top of it but all the previous applications when I first install Linux was all gone. I want the original panel back. Is there possible to restore the default panel?
Unfortunatly I seem to have accidentally deleted the top panel from Ubuntu 10.04. How can I restore the default panels? I am panicking right now UPDATE: I have managed to manually put everything back in it's place, except the battery indicator. What would this be called?
I have deleted notification area from the top panel and now I need few items from there, like volume mixer. It is a way to restore top panel at the default status in Lucid Lynx?I've tried wit add to panel but i didn't succeed to get what i want.
I accidentally deleted the default icons in the gnome panel on the top right. I tried to get them back from the add to panel. I went through every program I could, but none of the original programs were found. I'm running fedora 13.
I recently lost the default panel from the top task bar, a message appeared on boot up saying a config file was missing or couldn't load - or something to that effect. I didn't realise to what it was referring until the computer (an Acer One) completed its start up and I could see the desktop
How can I restore the panel? (graphic from my other Ubuntu laptop attached showing the default panel appearance)
I have had this problem with all installations of Maverick Meerkat. Moving the default clock from the upper panel to the lower panel makes it bahave strangely. When clicked on, it now appears in the middle of the screen (sometimes even higher depending on resolution). This never happened prior to Maverick Meerkat.
I hid the top panel from the right click menu the top panel gave me by default and now i cannot find how to restore it to default and get the top panel back.
I deleted my "task bar" panel that is at the bottom of the screen and I can't figure out how to restore it in this version. I've searched the forums and the answers for previous versions of Kubuntu don't seem to work for me. Is there anyone who has solved this problem after downloading version 10.04.
I accidentally deleted my top panel and am in the process of restoring it. The last thing that was there which is not now is the quick link to Ubuntu Help. It is installed on my PC but I cant find it.
The other day I kind of messed up my panel and accidentally removed the exit icon from the upper right corner (in the panel). So I tried to restore the panel using this command:
It did the trick and restored the panels, however instead of saying my user name, it said root (again the upper right corner, in the panel). I realized this might be because I ran the command with sudo but if I didn't it would not succeed. AND when I reboot, it returns to its' messed up state.
I deleted my panel (where you can see running programs, show desktop shortcut). I know - its stupid to delete panel, but I wanted to try it out. How can I get it back?
I had too many issues with 10.04 so reinstalled 9.10 for now.In the process of customizing the panel, I accidentally deleted the network and sound icons and there isn't any option I can find in the menu to restore it. How do I go about getting those back?
I ran into a problem where I accidentally deleted my wifi connections choices panel on my bottom panel.I tried everything I could think of.What can I do to restore it, without doing a new install...
I did remove my top ubuntu panel and I searched on this site [url] but when I run the code on terminal the top panel appears without any icons plz help me to back the original panel setting.
The top right panel item contains the shutdown, time, network icons, etc. I don't use the messaging icon so right-clicked and chose 'remove from panel'. The whole lot disappeared! How can I restore things to their original state?
I right clicked on the panel on my Gnome Desktop and clicked on "Delete This Panel", now all the applications are gone, I can only access them by using alt + tab.How can I restore the Panel, I am running openSuse 11.2
When I installed OpenSUSE 11.3, it had this nice shortcut panel in the left-centre of the screen displaying shortcuts to Firefox,My Computer, OpenOffice & a few others. Somehow I knocked this entire panel off the screen & I don't know what I clicked on in the desktop area but I think it was either the 'Add Widgets' or 'Remove this Panel'. Either way, does anyone know how to restore it as it was really handy and if yes, would you also know how to add more shortcuts onto it?
On the KDE desktop (openSuse 11.2), I clicked incorrectly an "Eliminate element" option, and the task bar is not present any more; I then selected "Add graphic elements", and the most similar widget to task bar I found is "Activity bar" (translated from Spanish). I selected it and I see a big button on the pannel labeled "Desk"... If I launch several applications, I cannot see them on the panel any more the task bar is not there..How can I restore it?how can elements be moved of position horizontally within the panel?
I use alsa, and I don't have a volume control applet on my Gnome Panel.When I right click and select "add to panel", there is nothing that has to do with "sound", "audio" or "volume" in the list, and the "Indicator Applet" or "Indicator Applet Session" things have no volume controls, or properties that would let you enable any sort of volume control.
How can I get a volume control in Ubuntu, so I don't have to run aumix in a terminal or something? I've got the thing working now. But does anyone know why the new, fancy "Indicator Applet" volume control doesn't appear? The Gnome Volume Control Applet isn't as nicely featured, although it actually works.
I've been using Linux since Redhat 5, it's beyond me why these sorts of problems are still around. Someone should just put a damn "Volume Control" element in the list of things to add to the panel, even if it doesn't work, perhaps showing an error message.