Ubuntu :: Twinview - Previously Maximized Windows Open To Wrong Display?

Dec 15, 2010

I am currently running ubuntu 10.10

I have a panasonic 50" and a samsung 23" both of which are 1080p displays. I have twinview setup so that the samsung is my main and the panasonic plasma is my secondary. For some reason every time I open a windows of lets say mozilla and it was maximized prior to closing before, it will "jump" (briefly display on the samsung monitor for a split second and then automatically move to the plasma) from my main display to the secondary panasonic plasma. If mozilla was minimized before closing prior and I reopen it will open to the samsung in the state it was in on the prior close (aka minimized), which is fine. Only when it was maximized prior does it "jump" to my secondary display.

How can I correct this issue? I would like to have programs open (and stay) in the display they were launched in whether it is the plasma or the samsung.

# nvidia-settings: X configuration file generated by nvidia-settings
# nvidia-settings: version 260.19.06 (buildd@yellow) Mon Oct 4 15:59:51 UTC 2010
# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig
# nvidia-xconfig: version 260.19.06 (buildmeister@builder101) Mon Sep 13 04:59:45 PDT 2010


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OpenSUSE :: 11.4 - New Windows Open At Wrong Maximized Size

Mar 30, 2011

OpenSUSE 11.4 / kernel / Gnome 2.32.1
Video: Intel 945G (on motherboard)
Monitor: Acer AL1716 @ 1024x768
Driver: whatever 11.4 auto-installed for the card

Having a strange video problem after recently up-ing to 11.4. When new windows open maximized, they are opening at the wrong size (slightly too small) resulting in a distorted view including 'broken' fonts (missing pixels). If I unmaximize the new window, and then re-maximize it, it now maximizes to the correct size and everything is fine.

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Ubuntu :: Windows Open Maximized ?

Feb 1, 2011

For some reason i cant determain most windows open maximized. I do have the buttons to minimize them but its still a nucience. maximus is not installed either.

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CentOS 5 :: Can't Get TwinView/DualHead Display To Work

Jun 4, 2010

I have 32-bit Windows XP and Centos 5.5 x86_64 on my dual-boot PC, equipped with two generic LCD monitors, Dell (primary) and HP (secondary). I have been running dual screen displays without any problem when running Windows, however no luck getting them to work when I boot up with my newly installed Centos 5.5

In both Gnome and KDE both monitors light up, but secondary monitor (HP) is just a clone of the primary. I have tried setting "Dual Head" in the Display adminitrator but the resulting xorg.conf causes a "Entity is already in use" error and crashes. I have also tried just adding Option "TwinView" "on" but it does nothing. (Are "Dual Head" and "Twin View" exactly the same concept?)

What I am doing wrong? I checked the FAQ and did not find any similar problems being discussed.

Below is my getinfo.sh driver info

== BEGIN uname -rmi ==
2.6.18-194.3.1.el5.centos.plusxen x86_64 x86_64
== END uname -rmi ==
== BEGIN rpm -q centos-release ==


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Ubuntu :: Load Up And Login Screen Starts On Secondary Display In Twinview?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04, using an nVidia graphics card. I have my TV hooked up to my computer and acting as a second monitor, using the Twinview option with the gpu. My monitor is set as the primary display, with the TV as secondary.

The problem I'm having is that when I turn my computer on, the main display is black, and all the load up information is output to the second display. Then, when I get to the log in screen, it is also on the second display.

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General :: Display - Turn Off Monitors Individually With Nvidia TwinView?

Feb 15, 2010

I frequently watch movies on my computer, but I have two screens. So having something displayed on the other monitor is annoying.

I currently use this to turn off my monitors:

xset dpms force off

I was wondering if there's any way to turn off monitors independently, without having to physically press a button on the monitor, of course.

A program that tells the other monitor to display nothing but black would suffice, but I'd really prefer not to waste the power.

I also have Nvidia TwinView, so applications like grandr aren't aware of both monitors as being independent.

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Ubuntu :: Corrupted Windows Decoration On Maximized Windows

Sep 20, 2010

I use KDE 4.5.1 on Ubuntu and every time I maximize a window the windows decoration look wrong: there are no more borders on the decoration when maximized. The windows title and the buttons have no space between them and the screen border at all. Not even one pixel.

- buttons & decoration still there
- decoration borders, corners & placeholders all gone!

This happens with every single windows decoration I choose.I use all default settings on the kwin-effects.

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General :: Open Emacs In Maximized Window?

Apr 20, 2010

Every time i open Emacs window,it opens with a width=(monitor-width)/2;height=(3/4)*(monitor-height)I click the maximized icon every time.How can i set the maximized emacs window as default?

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Open My Pen Drive - Previously Opened In Window Vista ?

Apr 6, 2010

i usually use my pendrive in windows vista but when today i tried to open it in ubuntu 9.10 it does not show up. i know that it is mounted because i could see it in the "USB START UP DISC CREATOR" (IN SYSTEM->ADMINISTRATION->USB START UP DISC CREATOR) [See the screen shot. ]. i think since i had never tried to open my Pen drive in ubuntu before and always open it in win vista, that's why this problem is coming up.

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Ubuntu :: CD-RW And DVD-RW Not Working When Previously Used On Windows?

Mar 30, 2011

I can't use cd-rw's or dvd-rw's that was previously burned in Windows. I have a lot of them that I still have from my Windows days and want to re-use them. But my Ubuntu can't delete the rw's so that I can use them again. I tried both Brasero and K3b. Both I just get "erase failed". It happens on both my desktop pc and my laptop. Is there a way or and app that will be able to erase these rw's that I can re-use them with Ubuntu ?

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Debian :: Windows Manager Error: Unable To Open X Display

May 5, 2011

Well after messing with compiz Opacity I managed to make all panels and windows transparent. Only thing I see is desktop background and icons. Tried ctrl+although+f1 and running gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz
Then a reboot. Same issue. Next ran metacity --replace I get: Windows manager error: Unable to open X display

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Ubuntu Servers :: Install A Minimal X/windows Manager On Server - Can't Open Display

Sep 18, 2010

trying to set up a very minimal X on my 10.04 64 bit version of Ubuntu running nothing but Open SSH and acting as a firewall/router, making a PPP connection. The reason, is that I want to set up KVM/Qemu and run a virtual machine. The virtual machine will have a graphical environment and will be connected to my TV so that I can watch movies, stream TV etc. using it. So far, I have done the following:

sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg xserver-xorg-core miwm

When I try to run miwm the error message is:

(null): can't open display.

I have no DISPLAY variable set, but even when I set one myself using export DISPLAY=:0.0 it makes no difference.

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OpenSUSE Network :: FreeNX Windows Error - Can't Open Display - Localhost:10.0

Jun 25, 2010

FreeNX server is SUSE 11.2 /(i586)

Cliente is windows 7 (64)

NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: usb

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 And Firefox - Maximized Windows Cuts Off

May 9, 2010

I'm having a slight problem with firefox in ubuntu 10.04. I'm using my (lenovo ideapad y70) laptop with a VGA connected monitor (LED-LCD TV; Vizio), and for some reason when I maximize a window, the 'x' and scroll bar on the right side are cut off. I have the dual monitor situation set up with the resolutions on the recommend levels (1920*1080 and 1400*900) and I honestly have no idea what the problem is, because I've been using the exact same setup since Lucid Lynx was officially released and it worked fine.

Today I just turned it on after being gone for the weekend, and the window was like this. Doesn't quite make sense to me. The only I changed was perhaps downloaded the updates from the update manager... but I doubt that would affect anything. Oh also, another thing I should add would be that when I was gone I left the TV in my apartment and took the laptop, so perhaps switching from dual screens to single screen and back messed it up? Not sure. I would include error output, but there arent really any errors, I think its just some sort of problem with the resolution.

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Ubuntu Installation :: When Installing On Previously Windows System

Jul 5, 2010

I have a HP laptop that I have had Windows Vista on for about two years. I am soon going to switch it over to Ubuntu. My question is can you safely use the Ubuntu installation process to delete the Windows partition along with all the programs and files it stores on the hard drive or should you first uninstall Windows manually and then, with a essentially blank computer, install Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Maximized Windows Rebooting / Resolve This?

Jan 6, 2010

I have problem with multimedia on my notebook. When I maximized the windows on Movie player or other player, my notebook was rebooting.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: VLC Freezes On Fullscreen / Maximized Windows?

Nov 1, 2010

VLC which didn't exist before (possibly due to some updates) When viewing a video file (say an .avi file so it has nothing to do with flash)in maximized windows or full screen, playback becomes very slow and sometimes freezes momentarily (with the screen turning grey) On the other hand, if I open the same file in a small screen and then strech it out to the size of a maximized windows everything is fine. I don't notice anything extraordinary in terms of cpu or memory usage (from running top in the terminal) when this happens.

This problem only happens with VLC, Banshee has no problem playing these same files in full screen. I use Compiz, disabling Compiz stops VLC from freezing but it still seems a bit sluggish in full screen. I used to be able to play videos with VLC in full screen AND with Compiz on.

I am running Ubuntu 10.04. VLC is working fine in 10.10 on the same machine.

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Ubuntu :: Have Menus In The Regular Place For Non-maximized Windows?

May 10, 2011

I have a netbook and love the menu being at the top of the screen, but only when the current application window is maximized, otherwise it is confusing and clunky as heck.

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Ubuntu :: Change Default Maximized Windows Size?

Jul 30, 2011

My laptop has a small flickering area at the bottom of the screen, about 1 cm high. It's a hardware problem.It's very annoying but I can just put a bit of dark paper over it. I would like to change the ubuntu (10.04) defaults so that the bottom of the screen is never used - I can change some windows, but is there a global way to stop all windows, menus etc from using that lower area

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Software :: Remove Title Bar From Maximized Windows?

Dec 8, 2010

I wish to remove title bar from maximized windows. It's mostly empty and takes screenspace, and now there's this Panel Buttons application, allowing me to have Close, Minimize and Maximize in the panel instead.

The program Maximus does the job, but there's a bug in it, sometimes making the panel invisible when closing windows. Compiz has a function disabling Emerald in maximized windows, but it requires having the ability of activating visual effects - which my graphic card drivers won't allow. The window manager OpenBox has a similar function but it's not permanent and besides I wasn't satisfied with it for different other reasons.

how to remove the title bar? Aternatives to Maximus? Configuring Metacity or instructions how to modify a Metacity theme to remove the title bar from the maxed windows?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Screen Corner Clickable To Close Maximized Windows?

Jun 22, 2010

Before I go any further let me make it perfectly clear that this post is not in regards to Shuttleworth's recent decision to move the "titlebar buttons". I honestly don't care and in fact it saves me time since I've always moved the close button to the left side and then removed the minimize and maximize buttons anyway.This problem is made even more annoying because I thought we were all done with it. I've been back and forth between distros, KDE, and GNOME since 2000. . . I would run head first into this issue often out of nowhere. . . I feel like I'm back in 2003 again.

According to Fitt's Law, corners and edges have infinite width as far as the user is concerned, one of the reasons I have loved GNOME for so long now is because of the use of corners, so imagine my surprise when I can no longer simply throw my mouse cursor up into the corner and simply CLOSE the maximized window that I'm currently using, instead it drags the window. This is obnoxious and useless. I can already grab at any other part of the top edge of the screen outside of the far corner in order to drag a window, why is this happening again? It is SO frustrating particularly since GNOME is supposed to be so damned concerned with usability.

I think this change might have something to do with that monstrosity known as gnome-shell. I guess they were figuring that with the proposed 2.30/3.0 switch over to this new window manager, they could simply do whatever they like with metacity. . . or maybe gnome-shell USES the same configurations as metacity (seems plausible), all that I know is that this truly pisses me off.It may seem trivial but it's a daily use factor for me and I have no way of changing the behavior. I just want to be able to throw my mouse in a corner and click, it never seemed that big of an issue in the past, I don't see why the developer(s) saw the need to change this.

And to forestall all those that would ask me to switch from metacity to compiz or vice-versa, it's with both and I am NOT going to use compiz's own digusting window manager themes, I like my metacity themes.My other choices are KDE, enlightenment, openbox or Xfce, Well the first two are travesties since I'm used to my GNOME applications and they don't look good in those DE's, the third looks like crap (to me) and Xfce has corner close button functionality only per theme (some themes do and some don't)

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Ubuntu :: Configure Indicator Applet Appmenu To Work Only On Maximized Windows

Jan 14, 2011

it was possible to make the Appmenu work only on maximized windows. Appmenu would then liberate vertical space on maximized applications without the inconvenient mouse movement for unmaximized windows. Should this configuration be done in compiz or is it an Appmenu option? I have attached two screen-shots to illustrate the effect I would like to get:(Compiz already turns window decorations off for maximized applications)

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OpenSUSE :: Prevent Maximized Windows Being Dragged And Resized (kde4)

May 8, 2011

The Mrs is not so accurate with the mouse and playing kpatience etc.. she seems to click the top or bottom edge of the maximized window ( as if to drag a card ) but ends up dragging the window, which moves and re-sizes

I tried it in Gnome and my maximized windows don't drag.

So is there a solution for kde. I guess it's a feature. I had a stab around in systemsettings, but couldn't put my finder on it.

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CentOS 5 :: X Windows Applications "Can't Open Display" After Su

Aug 27, 2009

I have recently resurrected an old X Windows application and I am having a problem getting a CentOS 5.3 client to run the application from a CentOS 5.3 host.

If I am logged in as root to the client side and ssh -Y over to the host, then run xclock, everything works just fine.

However, if after I ssh -Y over to the host, I then su - userx on the host, and then run xclock, I always get the "Can't open display" error.

I have tried:

Running xhost + on the client. doing the "xauth add display MIT-COOKIE xxxxxxxxxxxx" on the client & host, both as the root user, and as the userx. I can't seem to get a definitive answer as to which user and which machine (client/host) this needs to be run as.

Also, when you "xauth list $DISPLAY" you get nothing, (because it is either localhost:0.0 as root, or :0.0 as the su - user) you have to "xauth list", and then you get a list of cookies, but since the "echo $DISPLAY" doesn't match any of them, it is not obvious which one to use. Also, they are ALL "host/unix:X.0", so I assume they are all socket based, and as such I would assume that the their cookies would not be usable for remote TCP connections?

I also saw information about using netstat -anp to look for 60** LISTENERS, I could not find any on the client or host sides.

Nothing seems to work.

I heard about a program sux that is on ubuntu, but I could not find it for CentOS. Is there an equivalent on CentOS?

I have searched the web and found lots of info in forums all over the net with what appears to be the correct way to do this, still nothing appears to work.

What is confusing is that if the TCP LISTENERS were not there, I should not be able to get it to work as root either, so it must be in the transition of the su - userx.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 - Login Screen On Wrong Display?

Jul 4, 2010

I'm running 10.04 and whenever i go to the login screen, the username and password window is on the wrong monitor. I'm also using an ATI Radeon HD 4850 if it makes any difference.

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Ubuntu :: Wrong Display Resolution Using Panasonic TX-L19X10B

Aug 23, 2011

I installed Ubuntu 11.04 about a week ago and everything has been fine except that Ubuntu thinks my monitor has a resolution of 1024x768, while the actual resolution is 1366x768. I can't set a higher resolution through the visual interface (my monitor is detected as "unknown") Are there commands I can issue through the terminal to sort this out?

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General :: X11 Forwarding - Error: Can't Open Display: <ip Of Display>

Jun 28, 2011

I have the following scenario that doesn't seem to work normally. I have a windows 7 pc from which I am using putty to connect to my other linux servers (all running redhat 5 and 6). So here is the scenario that works and one that does not work. And I'm trying to figure out the one that does not work. Scenario that works:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1.

I run xclock and I see it pop up on my windows 7 pc. I am using xming on windows 7 to help me populate the display from linux to windows. One that does not work:

From windows 7 (putty) I ssh into Linux_Server_1. Then from Linux_Server_1 I ssh into Linux_Server_2.
<no output>

I try to setup $DISPLAY with localhost:10.0 or 0.0 or even my windows 7 pc ip address:0.0 ....etc Then when I try to run xclock I doesn't work.

I get these error messages: Error: Can't open display: <ip of display>

Also as a side note all our Linux servers are sitting on one subnet. My pc is sitting on another subnet. I use vpn to connect to the subnet where the servers sit from my pc.

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Fedora :: Wrong F13 Homepage Firefox Display

Jun 22, 2010

In F13, when Firefox starts sometimes the shown homepage is the F12 one:

instead of

(the last one corresponds to the spanish version but I'm sure you got my point). I do not have modified the default homepage in Edit>Preferences>General


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OpenSUSE Hardware :: Wrong Buttons Display (11.4 Gnome)

Mar 29, 2011

I have just installed openSUSE 11.4 a few days ago, and added nvidia propietary drivers.

After that, buttons that are selected are with two white lines. One on the top, and one on the left. I don't know what is it all about, but I think it may be nvidia's problem.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Wrong Display Size On Resume - 11.2

Aug 25, 2010

I installed opensuse 11.2 on ASUS R2E nicely It have a 7" touchscreen and works nice. The screen is correctly settled to 800x480 on boot however after a S2RAM it is reinitialized as 800x600. I made an xorg.conf with only one fixed mode on 800x480 but daesn't seems to be considered on resume. After cold boot sax2 get the right size (800x480) and after resume 800x600 The video chipset is intel 945 GM.

May this be related to hardware reinitialization ? How to re-initialize X on resume ?

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