Ubuntu :: New Hard Drive And Home Partition ?

Oct 30, 2010

I have an existing install of 10.4 on a 320 GB hard drive without home in it's own partition. I have a new 500GB hard drive that I want to install 10.10 on. After installing 10.10 and making /Home on it's own partition can I copy the entire old home folder including the hidden files to the new home partition on the new hard drive so that all of my programs and files are saved. I don't have enough room left on the old hard drive to create and copy home to a new partition. Am I going about this the right way or do I need to rethink and do some kind of backup restore on the new hard drive or some other way. I am trying to accomplish this so that in the future I can install a clean copy of Ubuntu when they are released without losing my current settings and files. I started out with 7.10 but my learning curve is slow.

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General :: Move Smaller Hard Drive To Partition On A Larger Hard Drive?

Mar 16, 2010

My parents bought a new hard drive for a laptop that I've owned for several years. It's much larger than the current one, so I plan on splitting it up to dual boot it with Ubuntu.I have no problem with partitioning a drive (I always keep a LiveCD handy), but my question is this: how can I go about moving the existing partition to the new drive? This is a laptop, so I can't simply plug the new drive into another slot.

Also, even if I manage to move it, will Windows still work on the new drive in a larger partition? I've had this laptop for quite a while, and I've lost the recovery discs that came with it a long time ago. I also have a lot of software without CDs to reinstall them with. This makes not reinstalling Windows a high priority.

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General :: Copying A Partition From One Hard Drive To The Same Partition On Another Hard Drive

Mar 23, 2010

I am trying to move a whole bunch of files from one partition on one hard drive to the same partition on another hard drive. Can I mount the same partition (same name, different drives, i.e. /data on /dev/hda1 and /data on /dev/hdb1)and copy those files? Shutdown the server, take out /dev/hda1 and boot up with the new drive and it's /data contents.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Can't Properly Partition Both Hard Drives - Simple Way To Create Partition On Drive?

Jun 22, 2011

I installed Redhat Enterprise 3 on one of my servers. In my haste I didn't properly partition both Hard Drives and only properly partitioned one of them. Thus now I have

/dev/sdb1 478711768 137858256 316536328 31% /
/dev/sda1 101089 15346 80524 17% /boot

Where /dev/sda1 is actually a 80 GB hard drive. Is there anyway I can safely and easily repartition the unpartitioned space without causing a huge mess? I have a very important Oracle database on /dev/sdb1 and thus I want to be able to back it up on the second disk. I can create a partition on that drive?

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Ubuntu :: Adding New Hard Drive To /home?

Feb 21, 2010

I ran out of space on my /home directory and added a drive. I've got it in my fstab file but how do I get Ubuntu to add the space to my /home? The line I put in fstab is:

/dev/sda5 /media/mynewdrive ext3 defaults 0 2

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Ubuntu :: Using An External Hard Drive For /home?

Nov 11, 2010

Any opinions on this? I think it would be very convenient for me, but I don't want to cripple the speed of my computer if it is going to slow it down substantially.

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Ubuntu :: Move /home To Larger Hard Drive?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm sure that this is posted somewhere but I have not been able to find the right search terms. I have a Dell Vostro 1700 which has 2 physical hard drives. I installed Natty to the 1st drive and during the install I used the entire 2nd drive as /home. I would like to upgrade the 2nd drive to a larger faster drive. I have the new drive in a USB enclosure so that I can access both drives. I'm pretty sure I need to boot from the CD to do this. Then I need to copy all files unmount the small drive then shut down, install the larger drive and have the system recognize it as /home. I am just starting to creep out of N00B stage and don't want to screw this up.

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Sharing Home Directory - Access The Second Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2010

I have just installed Ubuntu desktop and I am using this pc as a file server. I have already installed Samba and have it operational and viewable by my windows computers. Now the problem is that I have 2 hard drives and the way that I have Samba set up it is sharing my home directory which is wonderful but my windows computers do not have access to the second hard drive. I search for several hours this morning trying to figure out how to do this but cannot figure it out.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Using An SSD But Keeping Home Directory On Hard Drive?

Jun 14, 2011

I have a dual boot windows XP/OpenSuse 11.3 system running from a hard drive. They are both 32 bit in spite of the fact that the system can run 64 bit.

I would like to upgrade to Windows 7 64 bit (the wife insists, not yet a Linux possibility) and OpenSuse 11.4 64 bit, but having the programme files on an SSD for faster loading, with my data files on the existing hard drive.

I'm happy with the notion of getting the SSD going as a dual boot system. With Windows, as I understand it, it can tell it fairly easily where to look for the "my documents" folder on the hard drive.

However, the Home directory in Linux is not quite the same. How (if it's possible) could I run the SSD but use my existing Home directory on the hard drive?

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Server :: Possible To Stretch Logical Volume / 'home' Over To Second Hard Drive Using LVM?

Oct 4, 2009

Is it possible to stretch the logical volume "/home" over to a second hard drive using LVM? Would this have to be done during the Debian installation or could it be done after the installation is finished? Should I just make a 2nd /home partition?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Hard Drive To Replace Old One That Contained The /var And /home Directories?

Apr 25, 2010

I am installing a new hard drive to replace my old one that contained the /var and /home directories. I don't want to copy the whole directories, especially from home because there is a lot I don't need in it.What I need to do is set the mount points for the two partitions I have made on the new drive to /var and /home, but it will not let me do this with the other drive still running. I can't unmount /var and /home while the computer is running, and I would guess that having two drives with /var and /home on them would not work.

So, how can I set the mount points on the new drive and copy the files I need from the old to the new one? It would seem that would require two /home partitions to be mounted at the same time, but I don't think that is possible. I am sure there is some way, probably many ways knowing Linux so please,

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Hardware :: Manage A Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive (1TB)?

Nov 12, 2010

In MS Windows, I had the Iomega Home Storage Manager installed, to manage the hard drive as a administrator. Is there an alternative for Linux, and how to install?

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Ubuntu :: Transfering A Partition To A New Hard Drive?

Jan 4, 2011

I have just put a new hard drive into my laptop (new drive is dev/sdb) I have formatted the new drive as an ext3 system. On my old hard drive I'm dual booting windows 7 and ubuntu, so my old drive (dev/sda) has several partitions. I am trying to copy ubuntu which is on dev/sda3 (which is itself an "extended" file system composed of sda5 "ext3" and sda6 "linux swap") to dev/sdb. Once copied i intend for the new drive to be an exclusive ubuntu drive and the old drive an exclusive windows 7 drive (by getting rid of dev/sda3 whose content should now be on dev/sdb.) Ubuntu was installed on the old hard drive after windows 7.

I understand the boot loader will be affected although I'm unsure how. I have Gparted installed. I have looked at the man page for the dd command although I don't know how it would work in my particular example. I have also looked at Clonezilla although I don't know if this is appropriate for what I want to do. I have read a few similar threads although I found some of them difficult to follow.

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Ubuntu :: Copy To Partition On Another Hard Drive?

Jan 9, 2011

I want to copy my ubuntu install to a bigger hard drive, and am not quite sure what to do. According to my google searches, I need to run ubuntu from a live cd, then in a partitioning program copy the ubuntu partition to the new one, then resize it. Is that all? Do I need a linuxswap partition on the new hard drive? I have been using kde partition manager to arrange my new partitions. On one hard drive I have the partition I want to install ubuntu on(what type should this be? ext4?) and a partition to share between ubuntu and windows, and then will use my old ubuntu partition for installing windows xp.

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General :: Can't Partition Hard Drive ?

Sep 21, 2009

I'm trying to install Ubuntu 9.04 on an HP Compaq dc5000 uT with Windows XP Pro. service pack 3. Downloaded the ISO file and burned a CD with Infra Recorder. The demonstration version works ok as far as I can tell, this is my first try at using any form of Linux. If I can get Ubuntu to work I plan to get rid of Windows completely. I'm stuck at step 4 of the install process, all options in the partition window are dimmed, nothing is clickable.

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Ubuntu :: Resizing Partition Without Formatting Hard Drive?

Jan 14, 2010

I made a new partition on my hard drive, and installed Windows XP on it. However, because of space shortage on the disc (didn't bring my external HDD's with me) I could not "afford" to make the partition bigger than about 7GB. Turns out that's not quite enough. So I thought I'd try to resize the partition. Booted from my Ubuntu LiveCD and entered the partition manager. I'm able to tell the program that I want to resize the Linux-partition (so it sets the now freed space as "unused", but when I chose to "resize/move" on the XP-partition I do not have any free space. Does this mean that I have to resize the Linux-partition (until now I didn't actually resize it, only set the job as "pending" hoping that I could select both to shrink the Linux-partition and extend the XP-partition in one session), or do I have to format the XP-partition and make a new one (larger this time), then reinstall XP?

/dev/sda1 is XP; /dev/sda2 is Linux Mint

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Ubuntu :: Remove External Hard Drive Partition?

Jan 15, 2010

I just bought a new external 1 TB HP hard drive that came with two partitions.One larger for storage and another 700 MB partition called hplauncher as a sub-file of what shows as a CD drive called HP virtual CD 4607 which held files for windows automatic back up. Which I don't need.Both the CD and launcher drives do not allow for deletion or formatting. The larger drive does.I am viewing it in the Palimpsest Disk Utility that cam with my Ubuntu 9.10 clean install.

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Ubuntu :: Deleted Partition On Portable Hard Drive?

Jan 28, 2010

i was reformatting the hard drive of a laptop & in doing so i accedently deleted the partition of the portable hard drive & now the hard drive dosent show up is there a way to fix this & get the data back

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Ubuntu :: Get Rid Of Windows 7 Partition Without Redoing Hard Drive?

Oct 17, 2010

I am currently running a dual boot with windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.10. Is there a way to get rid of the windows 7 partition without redoing the hard drive? I know how to delete the second partition and then do a FixMbr in windows. Is there a way to do that in Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Wiping A Hard Drive With A Mounted Partition?

Dec 22, 2010

What happens when you wipe a hard drive which has a partition that is mounted? I was using ubuntu 9.10 live CD but I had one partition on a hard drive mounted. Then, I started to wipe the entire hard drive with random characters using dd. Only later I realized that I hadn't unmounted that partition. what could have happened? Could the Live CD have been damaged?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Remove The Partition From Hard Drive?

Jan 11, 2011

Due to school, I need to remove the ubuntu partition from my hard drive because I need space I allotted to ubuntu.

I have an acer aspire one netbook.

I need to know how to remove Ubuntu and restore my hard drive without loosing my windows files (which are on a separate partition), I know i have to delete the ubuntu partition but what i am unclear of is what to do after that to restore windows as the primary boot.

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Ubuntu :: Partition Won't Mount On External Hard Drive

Feb 14, 2011

Been using a SeaGate FreeAgent external drive for past 6 months. Suddenly the ext2 partition (/dev/sdb2) won't mount, while the NTFS partition (/dev/sdb1) does.I've been allowing automount, no entry in /etc/ fstab.When the NTSF partition mounts there appears an entry

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Ubuntu Installation :: Two OS On Two Hard Drives Vs. Partition Of One Drive?

Jun 3, 2011

Is there any performance degradation or complications that arise from having Linux installed on a separate, physical hard disk from Windows in a dual-boot setup? I have a computer that I'd like to dual-boot Ubuntu and Windows but the current hard drive is quite fragmented and the Windows partitioner won't allow me to make a partition large enough to comfortably run Linux+several gigabytes of media that need to be stored. The rig, however, may have room for another internal drive, so I thought that having a separate physical disk reserved completely to Linux would be an easy solution. The tech guy at the local computer store suggested there might be difficulties with this configuration because one drive needs to be the "master" and the other a "slave", resulting in boot complications.

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General :: Cloning A HD Or Partition Onto A Different Hard Drive

Nov 2, 2010

I want to move the entire contents of my backup HD to another HD. I could manually copy everything, but I was hoping to clone the entire backup hard drive. I tried to do it with Gparted, but as far as I can tell, I can't clone between drives, only between partitions on the same drive (I've done that before). So how can I do this in Linux? I think one of my drives came with a cloning utility on a CD, but I'm not sure I still have the CD.

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Hardware :: Cant Access Second Hard Drive Partition?

Oct 20, 2010

OK so not long ago i updated my pc to the latest version of Ubuntu, but it ran so slowly that i reinstalled a previous version (9.04). I wasnt too bothered at the time as i had two hard disks in my machine, one which help programs and the os etc (an IDE), the other larger (SATA) one for all my media.

However when i booted up my computer after the reinstall, my second HD was no where to be found. So i tried

mount /dev/sda /media/HD2

And that didnt work, i even tried putting it into the fstab file and that didnt work either. So i had a look at the hard drive details via GParted, and it was telling me it was unallocated. Weird.

So next on the list was testdisk. I ran test disk once using the default option file type of 'Intel' when analysis the disk and it told me there were no partitions - same again when i did a deeper search. I tried analysing the disk again but this time i chose 'None' as the filetype, and this time it came back with a possible partition. But when i tried to view the files on the partition i simply got the following message

Cant open filesystem. Filesystem seems damaged

I really would love any help for this problem. Mainly the videos and music are replaceable, BUT the biggest loss would be a lot of personal photos.

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General :: Best Ways To Partition Hard Drive?

Nov 13, 2010

What is one of the best ways to partition my hard drive? It's 110GB. I will be installing Fedora with XFCE but I want to also install other linux distro on the same laptop to experiment and I want to have the iso on the hard disk and install them from the hard disk. I'm not sure how many distro I will try but I could remove the ones I don't like.

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Ubuntu / Apple :: Partition Hard Drive But There Is No Free Space Available?

Feb 24, 2010

I just installed a new hard drive with OS X on my iMac G5 PowerPC. The drive size is 1TB. OS X Leopard is currently only using about 80 gigs of that space. For some reason, at the disk preparation from my live PowerPC Ubuntu install, the entire bar is green with only 8kb of (white) free space. I want to partition the computer to add Ubuntu to it, but I don't want to risk partitioning my hard drive and losing any data affiliated with the current o/s installed on it (OS X Leopard). What is the best way to go about doing this? A manual partition?

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Ubuntu :: Delete The Windows Partition Without Formatting The Whole Hard Drive

Sep 27, 2010

I didn't know how to Make a cd image out of the Ubuntu iso so I made a seperate partition in my drive.Now I'm wondering how to delete the windows partition without formatting the whole hard drive.how to create a bootable cd image

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Find Hard Drive On Partition Editor

Oct 13, 2010

Hey everyone, i am trying to install 10.10 on a netbook i have, and i did it all okay, but it would not boot up, so I want to re-format the hard drive, but the hard drive is not showing up on the partition editor (only thing that is showing is the usb i'm booting up off of)

I finally got it to install windows xp, but i really only want to put ubuntu on it (no need for windows on a net book)

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Ubuntu :: Setting Up Hard Drive Partition With Advanced Settings?

Nov 27, 2010

Basically I got Windows 7 installed on my laptop and it's been doing nothing but slowing down more and more even though it isn't used for much more than basic internet use and I realized the hard drive was the cause, I did a bunch of stuff to try to fix it that I won't get into here, and in basic I'm to the point I'm just going to reinstall Windows 7, but this time with the help of Ubuntu's partitioning utilities.

I've already had the first ~5GB of the drive overwritten with zero's (thanks to DBAN) and now I'm booted on the Ubuntu LiveCD and trying to learn the command line stuff for formatting a drive. What I want to achieve is use the smallest amount of space possible for the MBR and that's also a point I don't quite understand.
After some research on Google I read that the MBR is on one sector only the very first one, yet the first partition on a hard drive starts anywhere from 63 to 4096. Why are they so far apart? And can I force the partition to be moved closer? I know I know their is pretty much no purpose to this but it bugs me knowing that their might be 31MB (64 512byte sectors minus 1 (MBR) and 64 (beginning of partition)) just going to waste when I could put the NTFS MFT there. Then the second and last part I want to understand is I want to make the NTFS partition have a 512byte allocation unit size and have it lined with the 512sectors on the hard drive so it can have the max performance. Does anyone know how to do this stuff or could find better info than I have on the internet?

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