Ubuntu :: How To Re-enable The Messaging Applet

Aug 26, 2010

i accidentally deleted the default ubuntu messaging applet in the upper right hand corner... how do i get it back!

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Ubuntu :: Evolution Gone From Messaging Menu Indicator Applet?

Feb 7, 2011

It was there until I just now added skype to the messaging menu. I did this by typing "gksu gedit /usr/share/indicators/messages/applications/skype" in terminal and adding /usr/share/applications/skype.desktop to the file. After i done that i checked the applet and evolution was gone. It now shows "chat" on top, then "broadcast", then skype. The evolution file is still there containing "/usr/share/applications/evolution.desktop" I did notice there being two the same evolution icons in "/usr/share/applications" + the evolution mail and email settings icons.

This probably isn't of importance but the only other thing i ever changed earlier in the application applet was adding emesene. I deleted emesene and since i diddnt quite know how do delete text file made for it so I just removed the "/usr/share/applications/emesene.desktop" text from the file. Also when i had emesene installed and the icon in the indicator applet it showed on top is it possible for me to get the skype icon on top as well?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Can't Enable Networks In The Applet?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 on my old HP laptop, and I can't enable ANY networks (ethernet and wifi) with the NetworkManager applet.This started after suspending the laptop. It wouldn't wake up, so I had to make a button shutdown.The "Enable network" checkbox apperars unchecked, but when I click it it doesn't get checked.The interfaces themselves are enabled and working, since the led on the ethernet plug is lit, and I can get a wifi AP list with iwlist scan (but I have to enable the wifi card first with ifconfig up)

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Enable CoverBling Applet In Amarok >= 2.3.1

Jun 9, 2010

As some know, the CoverBling applet was introduced in 2.3.1 beta 1, but had to be removed for stability and well, legal issues too (Apple coverflow patent). If you still want to enjoy it as here : [URL] it can be compiled along with amarok, as it was just moved to "playground". Here we go :

1. download the amarok sources either through git clone or using 2.3.1 sources

2. cp -rf amarok/playground/context/applets/coverbling amarok/src/context/applets/

3. edit amarok/src/context/applets/CMakeLists.txt and append "add_subdirectory( coverbling )" to the file to enable the applet compilation

4. follow the regular - understand : "not for beginners" amarok git compilation process ad documented elsewhere (for instance : [URL]

5. Coverbling is now part of the available applets

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Ubuntu Networking :: Network Manager Applet Enable Networking Unchecked

Apr 2, 2011

Whenever I start up my laptop i do not get a wireless connection automatically. I have to rightclick network manager applet and select enable networking. After that everything works fine untill i shutdown and restart my laptop. I would like a way to change this so that my wifi connection is working whithout having to click something first..

OS:Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!
hardware: dell inspiron 6000
nm applet: 0.8.?

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OpenSUSE Network :: Wireless Not Responding, Hardware / Unable To Enable It Through Network-manager Applet?

Apr 4, 2010

I recently installed OpenSUSE 11.2 and everything works fine except wi-fi card, of course. The problem is that after installation the system recognized the card (is was listed in network devices in Yast) but I was unable to enable it through network-manager applet. Though the device could make scanning through terminal (found article in docs but didn't fully understand wpa_gui). Then i was stupid enough to delete the device from Yast list to try to reinstall it. So the problem is that i simply can't do this cause i see no way to re-detect. That is the goal is to at least turn back to post-install system state and try to enable wifi card again.

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Ubuntu :: Deluge WebUI Enable / Re-enable Subsequently Unable To Re-enable It (doesn't Appear In The Side Panel Again)?

Feb 10, 2010

I recently installed Deluge 1.2.0 from the following PPA:[URL]I using this on two different Linux computers. One is running Linux Mint 8 and the other is running Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10. The first time on either computer when I enable WebUI in the Deluge GUI it works fine. However if I ever disable it in plugins section I am subsequently unable to re-enable it (doesn't appear in the side panel again). Rebooting or reinstalling Deluge seems to have no effect.Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Move Indicator Session Applet To The Right Of The System Date/clock Applet

May 6, 2010

I thought I was removing the chat status piece of the indicator applet (I know what it is now, didn't then), but I accidentally removed the whole thing. Now when I figured out how to put it back on the panel, I can't get it back to where it was (which was to the RIGHT of the system date/time applet). How can I do this as well as move the indicator applet that has the volume control in it?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Get Indicator Applet And Session Management Applet Working

Jul 9, 2010

After some updates I can't get indicator applet and session management applet working, I get these instead:

I tried to pull back any updates, but it changed nothing. I installed older (lucid) versions of these packages:



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Ubuntu :: Conflict Between Indicator Applet And Notification Area Applet?

May 15, 2011

I was using both the Indicator Applet and the Notification Area applets in my panel but realized that very often when I started the system, the icons of these applet appeared mixed. Some items were duplicated (for example the keyboard indicator) where others were missing (sometimes the battery indicator, sometimes the sound indicator, etc). When that happened I had to remove them and add them to panel again.

This seems to be a bug that makes one applet interfere with the other (maybe because there are some items that appear in both but when you add both initially nothing is duplicated but after a system restart the problem happens).After searching for some way to fix this apparent bug without success I decided to remove the Indicator applet and keep just the Notification Area.

It works but then I don't have the sound applet anymore, because it was part of the Indicator Applet.
I searched for a standalone sound applet but I couldn't find any. Do you know of any such applet that I could install in the system? If I can find any it would be fine to me and I would be satisfied using just the Notification Area.

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Ubuntu :: Lost Indicator Applet Or Mail Applet?

Dec 21, 2010

Had ubuntu for a few years left came back last month. I lost the indicator applet in the panel. I don't know what I did to get it back. I feel like this is a very very simple thing to fix but I just can't find it. Here is a pic of what i'm talking about.

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Ubuntu :: Messaging Through The Cmd And Terminal?

Jul 30, 2011

messaging through your cmd/terminal. Problem is that he isnt on the same internet connection as me, and the only guides I can find online are for people on your same network. I was wondering, if Im on my laptop, is their anyway to message my friend through command prompt on his home computer? Weve been trying to figure it out with no luck.

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Fedora Networking :: Network Manager Applet (/usr/bin/mn-applet) Needs Default Keyering

Dec 5, 2009

I use network manager applet 0.7.1. I had set the automatic wireless connection to my my wireless network (WPA key secured). Recently, I get the following problem: At the automatic connection, I get the message: Network manager applet (/usr/bin/mn-applet) needs default keyering. As I don't know what it is to type it and then, deny or OK, it doesn't get connected to my wireless network.

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OpenSUSE :: GNOME Network Manager Applet Cant Export Vpn Configuration (nm-applet)?

Mar 28, 2011

I cant use the option "export" from the VPN settings in the Gnome Network Manager, when I tried to export a popup says "Unknown error"This happend also in 11.3 and now in 11.4, so it is a nm-applet problema I think... Is there any other way to export my VPN connections?

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Ubuntu :: Restoring Nm-applet To 10.04 Indicator Applet?

May 3, 2010

I removed the "indicator applet" from the default gnome panel at the top of the default Lucid desktop. Doing so resulted in me losing the ability to control the sound from the panel, which I value so I put it back.Once I restored the indicator applet to the panel, the nm-applet went missing. I'm still connecting to my home network with no problem, so the function is there, but the little icon that updates when you're trying to connect, shows signal strength, and other available networks is now missing. This I've searched the problem and haven't found any solutions that work, I think because of the new applet integration, but I'm very surprised this hasn't been found by someone yet!

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Ubuntu :: Gmail Notification In Messaging Menu

May 17, 2010

I'm looking for an applications that can notify me about new mails at Gmail, but I want it to be working inside the Messaging Menu.

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Ubuntu :: Messaging Menu - 2 Instances Of Broadcast

Jun 17, 2010

For some reason, since logging in recently, I've got 2 instances of the Broadcast in the messaging menu. One of them is indicated as running, the other one is not. When I select the one that isn't running, a *third* instance of the Broadcast button appears - so I now have 2 running, and one not running in the messaging menu. In the usr/share/indicators/messages/applications folder, I have 3 files - Gwibber, Empathy, and Thunderbird.

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Ubuntu Security :: Secure P2p Instant Messaging

Feb 5, 2011

Is there a program already set up to do this? Probably similar to WASTE (URL...), though waste's client is currently unsupported on the newest version of ubuntu (make error having to do with char* or something). Preferably windows and linux supported. Another thing that could be of use would be a local ssh chat. For example someone connects to my box either as me or as another user and runs 'hiben' and a window (or i ran a command or something and have a window open for it) pops up that we can chat in. Something other than single line messages.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Connect With Empathy Internet Messaging

Jun 27, 2011

i am using ubuntu 11.04 and i have already tried using Empathy, pidgin(with/without d plugin for fb) n one more IM. NONE of them is working and its pretty frustrating !
it shows "connecting..." n continues to show this for a long time untill it finally show that its unable to connect.

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Ubuntu :: Empathy Server For Local Messaging?

Aug 1, 2011

Is there a way to install am empathy compatible server on a linux machine? What am I looking for?Here is the scenario. We have a small business with a lot of people on the road. We also have a small VPS machine we use for small things, I would like to install a messaging server on that machine with users and passwords that I can connect Empathy chat clients to from our users computers. 80% of all our computers are Ubuntu so hence the reason to use empathy, it's default in 11 and integrated quite well.Something that would also be compatible with Pidgin for our few Windows Clients we have.

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Ubuntu :: Messaging Menu In Notification Panel?

Sep 1, 2011

I have found some info on how to let apps put their icons in the notification panel. This involves using dconf-tools to whitelist some apps in the com.canonical.Unity.Panel gsetting. Firstly, I'm using ubuntu classic, not unity. I assume the above would still apply for my notification panel settings? Anyway, that is not my question. What I am wondering, The messaging icon in that panel, when you click it, you see things like "Setup Chat", "Setup Mail" etc. I don't plan on using empathy or evolution. In fact, I've uninstall them both and installed Pidgin instead. Is there a way to edit that messaging menu to either remove those 2 options at the top that are useless to me, or have them look at other IM/email clients instead of the ones they are expecting to invoke. E.g. "Setup Chat" is irrelevant, as I have already set it up. Since I don't have empathy installed anymore, clicking that option has no effect.

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General :: Local Messaging Software For Ubuntu

Nov 3, 2010

I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I'm looking for a tool like knotes for messaging in LAN.

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Ubuntu :: Changing Programs Used By Messaging Panel Notifier

Aug 10, 2010

I do not use Empathy or Evolution, the default programs used by the messaging panel notifier in GNOME. Rather, I use Skype and Thunderbird for all my needs. Is it possible to change the settings in the panel notifier to use these programs instead? Otherwise, the notifier is completely useless to me and I'd like to remove it individually without removing any of the other panel notifiers that I do use, which is what happens when I right click it and choose "Remove from panel."

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Removed Messaging Icon From Top Menu Bar?

Sep 6, 2010

I accidentally removed the message icon on my top menu bar in lucid lynx. Its the one which you click to get easy access to instant messaging, gwibber and evolution, how do I got about getting it back?

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Ubuntu :: Disable Pidgin From Minimizing To Messaging Menu?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm using the Messaging Menu and pidgin, and generally I like how I can get notifications. My biggest gripe is that when I click the close button (not quit) on pidgin instead of quitting the program like it used to it will minimize to the Messaging Menu. Is there some way to disable this?

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Ubuntu :: Monitor Other IMAP Folders In Messaging Menu?

Oct 27, 2010

I've finally found out how to add Thunderbird to and remove Evolution from the Messaging Menu. the only problem is that the Thunderbird notifier will only monitor my inbox.I use procmail to filter messages server-side, and want to check for the presence of new messages in another folder. The only app I've found that can do this so far is mail-notification, which can be pointed to directories other than Inbox.if/how I can integrate this into the Messaging Menu interface? Or are there any other solutions?

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Ubuntu :: Integrating Thunderbird Into Messaging Indicator In Natty?

May 21, 2011

I use Thunderbird for my email, and I cant figure out how to integrate it into the message indicator. I downloaded an .xpi file and tried installing it, it would work. I've done some other research and only found stuff for older versions of ubuntu, but nothing for integrating it in Natty

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Ubuntu :: Accidentally Deleted Messaging Menu And Volum Icons?

Jul 4, 2010

I accidentally deleted the messaging menu (little envelope) and volume (little speaker) icons from my top panel, and I'm having trouble putting them back. I'm running Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Removed Shutdown And Instant Messaging Status From Panel?

Dec 7, 2010

I booted up my laptop as usual and found that when I opened Empathy IM Client it would not allow me to login when I changed the status to Online (or equivalent). Normally as soon as I open the client the Messaging Status can be changed in the top right next to the clock so I tried to remove it but unfortunately it took the shut down panel with it.

To try and bring them back I used the restore panel commands in terminal:


$ gconftool-2 --shutdown
$ rm -rf ~/.gconf/apps/panel
$ pkill gnome-panel

Unfortunately the panels all reloaded, but without any change.

1. How can I restore the shut down and messaging section to the top panel (as is in the default)?

2. How can I get instant messaging to work again?

PS. I'm a Ubuntu noob, only installed it about 2 days ago. Thus I may need some very basic instructions to anything complicated.

EDIT: I just found the panel section was called the Indicator Applet, but now it's in the wrong place...

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Ubuntu :: Add Nm-applet To Indicator Applet

Jun 21, 2010

the network manager applet is in the notification area on the gnome panel. I was wondering if it's possible to move it to the Indicator Applet?

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