Ubuntu :: Allow Write Permissions To The /var/www Folder?

May 31, 2011

There are lots of tutorials and opinions on file permissions and web hosting.
So lets say I wanted to allow write permissions to the /var/www folder.

which would be best practice?

Chown -R user... allow a specific user to have write capabailities.

use gksudo nautilus (unsure what this does)

or open the folder to all parties.

If anyone has any opinions on file permissions in general or web hosting security then feel free to throw them at me.

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Ubuntu :: Give Read And Write Permissions To Game Folder?

Aug 6, 2010

Just finished downloading a game in .run format, i downloaded it to my Home>Downloads folder and ran these commands in terminal: (game is tremulous if it matters)

chmod +x tremulous.run

It started it up in the terminal and i began working my way through the installation process, and i tried to install it into my Home>Games folder. (Is it supposed to be home>games or your username>games?)

and it said PERMISSION DENIED. No write permission to Home/Games/

How do i give myself read and write permissions to my game folder?

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General :: Give Write Permissions To Multiple Users On A Folder In Ubuntu?

May 9, 2011

There is a folder that is owned by user tomcat6: drwxr-xr-x 2 tomcat6 tomcat6 69632 2011-05-06 03:43 document. I want to allow another user (ruser) write permissions on document folder. The two users (tomcat6 and ruser) does not belong to same group. I have tried using setfacl: sudo setfacl -m u:ruser:rwx document

but this gives me setfacl: document: Operation not supported error.

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Ubuntu :: External Hard Drive - Error "read / Write Permissions" On The Folder Properties

Dec 16, 2010

i borrowed an external hard drive from my friend to back up a load of stuff on my windows partition before reinstalling it. I am doing this through ubuntu. I am trying to zip up folders like My Documents etc and chuck them on the external hard drive but it always comes up with errors to do with read/write permissions. In the permissions tab on the folder properties of the ext hard drive it says I am owner but i have no file access (only folder access is create and delete files). When i try to give myself read/write permission it just goes straight back to nothing when i look at it again.

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General :: Change Folder Permissions Without Changing The Permissions Of The Files Within The Folder?

Aug 11, 2010

How do I change folder permissions without changing the permissions of the files within the folder?

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Ubuntu :: No Write Permissions One One Drive?

Jun 18, 2010

i have sevrel hard drives among 3 pcs all (root of the drive)re shared (except os drive)one pc i use for captureing tv this drive has no write permission from my local pc but all other hard drives have read/write permissions

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Ubuntu :: Hange The Write Permissions On A File?

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to change the write permissions on a file and On the screenshot you will see where i have underlined, its states i dont have owner rights to modify this file, how do I get owner Permissions when this is my installation..

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Ubuntu :: User Doesnt Have Write Permissions To Floppy?

Jan 7, 2010

so i have a limited user (my dad) on Jaunty who has no write access to his floppy disks. Nautilus gives a permission denied error, and i discovered that root owns the floppy drive, thus allowing his read-only. (that write tab on the floppy in on btw). However, when i login as a admin, nautilus says that user has write access. ??? I check the user's user privliges and everything exept "administer the system" is checked. I can copy files on it by logging in as root.

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Ubuntu :: Samba NTFS Write Permissions Only Some Work?

Jan 14, 2010

From a Win 7 client, I can copy/create/delete any files on any share on the Ubuntu Samba server so long that is part of my nix file system which is all ext4.This box also has and NTFS partition on it primarily for storage. I can copy/create/delete anything on this partition form the same Win 7 client with the exception of Quickbook save files.I have scoured the web looking for anything close to this but have yet to find anything that looks similar. Not lloking for a direct answer but if there is anyone else that has issues copying specific types of files to a Samba NTFS partition.

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Ubuntu :: Mount CDROM With Read / Write Permissions?

Mar 19, 2010

I am running Karmic x64 on a HP laptop that has a cd/dvd burner. I have a r/w cd with files on it and I wish to add/remove files to it. After it mounts automatically on insertion, I unmount it and remount with:
sudo mount /dev/sr0 -t iso9660 -w /media/cdrom
(I tried assorted other hare-brained things also) but it always says that the filesystem is read only. Do I need to use a different device than sr0? Is it even possible under Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu Installation :: No Write Permissions On The Install Directory?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm pretty new to Linux but I know my way around. I've gotten Google Earth downloaded and am trying to install it. Everything is fine until I try to install it into /usr/local (or somewhere in there). The Google Earth Setup keeps telling me that I do not have write permissions on this directory. Question: How do I change the write permissions for this folder? Or should I install the program somewhere else? The last program I installed (xMind) installed into /usr/local.I am the only user (administrator

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Ubuntu :: Mount - Give Group Write Permissions In Fstab?

Mar 20, 2010

how do i give group write permissions in fstab? i'm trying to mount a virtualbox shared folder. currently my fstab looks like this Code: Share_Name /mnt/point vboxsf rw,uid=1000,gid=1000 0 0 i want to give both the owner and group, write permissions. currently, only the owner has write permissions, and group read with these mount options.

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Ubuntu Servers :: SAMBA Share Read Write Permissions?

Mar 23, 2010

i have setup a samba server and created samba shares on it, i have configured the samba server to authenticates users from a windows server 2003 DC,

i have 2 shares call IT and MYSHARE, I want to give read and write permissions to sevaral users to those two shares and read only permisson to all the other users.

i tried editing the smb.conf file with the following settings , but no one can write or modify the files in the shares including the users specified in the
write list = cweerasinghe,njayarathna.

writeable = Yes
browseable = yes
public = no
comment = IT share


how can i give access to the write list = cweerasinghe,njayarathna users to
read, write and modify the files in the shares ??

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Ubuntu :: Edit File Permissions - Read / Write Access

May 6, 2010

I have apache2 running on my computer. I want to change the permissions for /var/www/ so that I can edit the files without a problem. Right now I can use the gksudo command, but I'd like to be able to have all the files available when using an IDE like eclipse.
I've read in several places that
chmod 755 /var/www
will do, but if I'm not mistaken that would give read/write access to anyone. I'm not in a production environment, so I'm not too worried about security, but I'd like to give anyone else as less permissions as possible. Would this be possible?

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Ubuntu :: Matlab Permissions Error - Cannot Write To Preference File

Jul 9, 2010

I recently Installed Matlab and it keeps giving me this permission error, even after running the following command.

sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} ~/.matlab
Cannot write to preference file "matlab.prf" in "/home/"username"/.matlab/R2010a".
Check file permissions.
Cannot write to preference file "matlab.prf" in "/home/"username"/.matlab/R2010a".
Check file permissions.
The desktop configuration was not saved successfully

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Ubuntu :: SSHFS Setup On Desktop To Mount HDD (Write Permissions)

Oct 17, 2010

I'm trying to set up sshfs on a desktop/fileserver so that I can mount its HDD's I use for storage on my laptops. My issue seems to be getting permission to write to the mounted drives. I just keep getting permission denied. here is what I think are some relevant tidbits.
mount point on server,

joe@joe-desktop:~$ ls -ld ~/sda2
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 16384 1969-12-31 19:00 /home/joe/sda2

HDD I'm trying to mount
joe@joe-desktop:~$ ls -ld /dev/sda2
brwxrwxrwx 1 joe disk 8, 2 2010-10-17 15:22 /dev/sda2

Mount point on client
joe@joe-laptop:~$ ls -ld ~/sda2
drwxrwxrwx 2 joe joe 4096 2010-10-17 19:58 /home/joe/sda2

This is the command I'm trying to use to mount
sshfs joe@ ~/sda2

I can chmod the mount on the server to 777 but as soon as I mount the HDD to the server all write permission just goes *poof* and its back to "drwxr-xr-x".Chown seems either, it just wont stick.

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Ubuntu :: Advanced - IT Groups Can Read / Write Files But Others Have No Permissions

Jan 28, 2011

I have a file server running 10.04. I have a user that belongs to 2 groups (users is the primary and IT is the secondary). I have permissions set up so that this user and other users that belong to the IT groups can read/write files and others have no permissions whatsoever. I have also set the umask to 0007 so that any files created have the effective permissions. My concern is this: since my primary group is users, is it possible for me to create files with the owner group IT for only this specific folder?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Grant Write Permissions For Samba Shares

Aug 27, 2011

I have a Natty headless server that I would like to set up shared directories and grant specific users write permissions. I use a Windows 2008 R2 machine with Active Directory for authentication and have created a group GroupWithWriteAccess which I want to have write access to the shared directory. I want all other users to have read only access. I have edited my smb.conf file with the following

path = /media/share/Media/TV
writeable = yes
write list = primaryuser @GroupWithWriteAccess
create mode = 0660
directory mode = 0770

The machine is fully setup to work with Windows authentication and I can access shares from the ubuntu machine, it's just sharing local directories with the correct permissions that I can't work out. So far I can access the files from my other machine, but I do not have write access even though I am logged on as a user who is a member of GroupWithWriteAccess.

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Fedora :: Chmod GUI For Read And Write Permissions?

Nov 25, 2010

Is there also an chmod GUI for read and write permissions?

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General :: Can't Write File Despite Proper Permissions

Mar 29, 2010

Under debian i did this:

casey@t400:~/programs$ ls -l
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 2071 2010-03-28 05:15 urlgetter.cpp


casey@t400:~/programs$ gedit urlgetter.cpp

and upon attempting to save the file, I get the error

"Could not save[...] You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file."

but I am a member of the group root:

casey@t400:~/programs$ cat /etc/group | grep root

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Server :: Enforce Write Permissions On Filesystem

Nov 22, 2010

we have a data transfer network drive, shared via nfs and samba.But now I got the special demand to make any of the files read and wirteable, regardsless of the permissions they had before.With acl I get the right permissions (via default values) but the standard unix permissions overwrite this. e.g. when I have 644, it does not care that the group has write permissions)Does someone have an idea (except chmod via cronjob )

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.04 - Sound Broken Brasero - Won't Write CDs Anymore - Permissions?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm having some real troubles with my install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. It was a fresh install just after 10.04 was released, so it's not been installed long. Just recently lots of things have stopped working I can't sudo (sudo: must be setuid root) Trying to su root tells me I got the password wrong, even though I know it's right Sound has broken Brasero won't write CDs anymore Plugging in a pendrive gives some permissions mounting error Clicking 'shut down' just logs out. The machine won't shut down at all. I'm guessing this might all be related to permissions/users? I really don't want to have to reinstall again!

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Debian :: Don’t Have Write Permissions To Edit Files

Apr 13, 2016

I got Whonix set up, and everything in place to be running correctly and I was on cloud nine. The only problem I'm having is that whenever I try to go in and change my index.html files in /var/www/, or really do anything (add new file/folder, save or delete a file) I get the message that I don't have the right permission to do anything other than open and close the folders and files.

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General :: Chmod To Allow Read And Write Permissions For Directory?

Mar 31, 2010

I have created directories in root. I am looking for the chmod command to allow all users read and write permissions to a specific directory. I have done chmod 775 for a file but I need this for a directory. This includes permissions on all files and sub directories.

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General :: Find All PHP Files With Group Write Permissions?

Jun 23, 2010

I've been trying to get the -perm option of find to give me all PHP files that are group writable. Should this work?

find -name "*.php" -perm g-w

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General :: Automatically Set Write Permissions On Mounting A Usb Drive?

Aug 15, 2010

When I mount an external usb drive on linux (CentOs4), the permissions are by default set to read-only. Since there are multiple users on the computer who need to use the external drive, I want everybody to have rw permission for the entire drive. I also want them to be able to mount the drive if the computer has accidentially been shut down. They can use sudo mount to mount the drive, but this will only give them read permission, and I obviously don't want to allow sudo chmod.

Is there a default setting that I can change so that every new external usb disk automatically gets rw permissions?

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Cant Write To Raid - The Permissions Of - Driveid - Could Not Be Determined

Mar 19, 2010

I just did a fresh install of Fedora 11 and added Raid 1 for two additional drives during the install,

So, I have 3 drives. One with the OS, that I boot from. /dev/sdc

Then 2 others in a Raid 1 config, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb -- those are in /dev/md0

Everything with the system is fine. I can boot up, and everything runs great. So then I try to view the Raid and it looks ok when I open 'Computer'. it shows the main OS drive, and what looks like the 2000GB raid drive. So i open it and just see a 'lost+found' folder. Not surprising, b/c I haven't added anything to it. But when I right-click I can't create a folder b/c it's greyed out, I can't drop files in there, and when I get Properties on the drive itself it says 'The permissions of {driveid} could not be determined.'

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General :: Set A Group With Default Read & Write Permissions?

Jun 14, 2011

What I want to be able to do, is have create a group, for example called "group1" and set its default permissions to read & write, instead of the usual just read.

So when I add a user into "group1" they automatically have read & write access to all files & directories which is in "group1".

Oh & I use crunchbang 10 (statler) for my desktops & Ubuntu 11.04 for my NFS/print/SSH/etc/etc server

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General :: Mounting Ext2 Partition With Write Permissions?

Oct 25, 2009

I need to mount my ext2 partition with write permissions for an average user. Right now, I can only write to the volume using sudo or the root account.



# Filesystem: Mountpoint: Type: Options: Dump: FSCK:
/dev/sda1 / ext4 defaults 1 1
/dev/sda5 swap swap defaults 0 0


can't add the options uid=500,gid=500 to the ext2 volume because it says "bad option" I have 1 question. If you have a volume listed in /etc/fstab, and you try to mount it with different options than the ones listed in fstab, will it mount with the new options, or the fstab options?(e.x. if I try to mount /dev/sda6 with: mount-o auto,user,exec,rw,async. Will it mount with async or sync?)

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SUSE / Novell :: 11.0 - Get Write Permissions Of NTFS Drives?

Jan 30, 2009

i am using SUSE 11.0 KDE 4.0 i had root account installed in 8.0 Gb drive, and a normal account installed in 4.0 Gb drive .And i was using rest of space for windows (NTFS). Now i want to use a drive (NTFS) to linux for additional requirements. i want get write permissions to that drive .. am i able to get ??r else ..i need to format with EXT3?

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