Ubuntu :: Yahoo Messenger For System?
Feb 16, 2011Is there a yahoo messenger or alternative which can be used in linux, having yahoo chat rooms and all
View 5 RepliesIs there a yahoo messenger or alternative which can be used in linux, having yahoo chat rooms and all
View 5 Repliesubuntu 9.04 pidgin 2.5.5. yahoo messsenger not login in. changed server addresses also to cn.scs and scsa.Also used gyache still messenger do not work.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI finished my redhat 6 installation. so i fully new. now i try to install some daily software i used. please Help me.
How to install yahoo messenger! it shows a error:
I'm trying to find a way to use Yahoo messenger on Ubuntu 9.04. I don't mind using Pidgin for my hotmail account but I usually use both messengers at the same time so I need a way to use both. I'm wanting to know if anyone can help me with this issue. I tried to go to the website and download it from there but it was a failed download. I looked on Google and bing and found nothing useful.I went here:
and tried to follow the steps with no avail. The first step was to use the terminal and when i did so it did this when I put in :
becca@Willow:~$ sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.6.
[sudo] password for becca:
reading package lists... Done
I tried looking for other ways without using wine.
I can not connect to yahoo messenger via pidgin, why?
View 9 Replies View RelatedI receive following error when installing Yahoo Messenger. I am using Ubuntu Release 9.04 (jaunty) Kernel Linux 2.6.28-15-generic GNOME 2.26.1
Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libglib1.2 (>= 1.2.0)
Package: ymessenger
Version: 1.0.4_1
I use Ubuntu operating system. I want to use Yahoo Messanger in Ubuntu. But I am unable to install it and can't use it. Anyone can guide me in detail how to install and use it in Ubuntu?
View 4 Replies View Relatedto install yahoo messenger in ubuntu ....m missing it in ubuntu .please dont tell about pidgin...only yahoo messenger
View 2 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to get Iceweasel to work with Yahoo web messenger? I normally chat with my sister this way because there is no linux version of Yahoo messenger. I'm using debian 5.04 kde
View 3 Replies View Relatedcan someone tell me how to instsll yahoo messenger. I have fedora and have never install any thing on it yet.and do I need adobe, java??
View 3 Replies View RelatedOnce I open my messenger window and its time for me to log in I have my yahoo account ready to go so I key in my password and it never lets me log in. This suddenly started happening. However if I was to log in with an AOL account I can still log in. What can I do to solve this? I am assuming that somehow the system locked or disable my yahoo account from logging in.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI would like to be able to use Yahoo Messenger in Fedora 13. Has anyone been able to do this.
BTW. Fedora 13 is the best OS yet. I only needs a couple more programs to really rock.
1: A DVD Player
2: A MP3 Player
I would use it as my main OS if I could watch DVDs and play MP3s
In ubuntu 9.04 version i am unable to use yahoo messenger and gtalk.i tried to install .exe file via wine.its installed successfully but after login its saying invalid login or password please retry(i've no doubt about my login id and password because simultaniously im using windows xp and it was working ).Same thing is happining for gtalk also.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can i install itune and yahoo messenger in ubuntu
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a problem with Internet messenger Pidgin 2.5.5-1.fc10 , i cannot login into my yahoo messenger
i always fin d this error Could not establish a connection with the serveronnection timed out.
My Pidgin will not connect to Yahoo messenger. I'm thinking this is down to the version. If I do an update will it correct this problem?
View 2 Replies View Relatedwhats missing in gyachi to make voice-chat work?
In synaptic:
everything is green.Video-Chat works, simple chat too. On updated lucid lynx 32, acer aspire 57322G.
What is this Dependency Problem. I got the following Error while installing yahoo messanger. What could be the solution or the alternatives for this.
I have configured squid 2.5 stable 6. I can browse any website. I can even use msn messenger but I cannot use yahoo messenger. I have also set the http proxy settings in preference for yahoo messenger but still it does not sign in.
View 6 Replies View RelatedCan I get a video conference software for ubuntu 10.04 compatible with yahoo messenger
View 1 Replies View Relatedi have configured squid proxy but i cannot install or update yahoo messenger and cannot even update antivirus with squid proxy running. here's the error log when trying to install ym: TCP_DENIED/403 642 GET http://c-ymsgr1100_2009_usexe.a-ymes...0_2009_us.exe? - NONE/- text/html and also, i cannot attache files in yahoo messenger for behind the proxy.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi am afraid that some one palying in my fedora 12 system , " hacked " first i got this message when i log to my broadband internet provider
Quote: You have asked Firefox to connect securely to ******, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure. Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified What Should I Do?
If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.
then when i log to yahoo mail , my system hang for a while then continue. how do i know that my system is secure ? what are the steps i should follow to secure my system ? i am still newbie and i dont have time to spend it in search in google or reading blogs
i just wanted to know is there any IM messanger that supports webcams? i mean i m using pidgin. but it doesnt support webcam ( tell me if im wrong) i like to use yahoo. facebook ( i know it doesnot provide webcam ), myspace,
View 1 Replies View RelatedI just completely put Ubuntu on my laptop and I am looking for a replacement MSN messenger that allows multi-session. Basically, in most of the WLM versions of MSN Messenger it allows Multi-session, as in I can login into the same MSN account on both my desktop (Windows) and my laptop (Ubuntu). Both Pidgin and Empathy don't, and rather going through all of them I thought I'd ask here.
View 2 Replies View RelatedWe use Red Hat Linux OS in our organization and i wanted to install IP messenger in my LAN Network connecting all the computers using Red Hat OS.
View 1 Replies View Relatedwhen I try to use a messenger program on ubuntu, the messages keep dropping out, I have an old-ish netgear router, what I have done is setup a virtual-box with windows xp and i'm having no problems with msn messenger under virtual-box at all, does ubuntu not like old-ish netgear routers?
View 2 Replies View RelatedWhen I installed 10.04, I got rid of the messenger applet from the panel at the top since I always used webmail. I found a way to have the messenger applet automatically check and display new emails, but now I don't know how to add the applet back. Its icon looked like an envelope. I've tried the add to panel command, but don't see that one listed.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI've been looking for a messenger with voice call... but I'm still not able to find one :/ I tried: emesene, aMSN, pidgin, Empathy and some others, but I can't find the option I need.
View 7 Replies View RelatedNotifications from messenger pidgin or empathy.How can i get rid of this? URL...This is what bugs me when i have my pidgin opened.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have been using Ubuntu 10.10 for a few weeks now (have been using Ubuntu/Linux on and off for quite a while). I had to work around some things for a while to get it correctly partitioned with Windows 7 and what not which led to me formatting and reinstalling a few times to get it just right. Along the way, I was able to upgrade my Empathy messenger from 2.32.1 to 2.32.2. I loved the upgrade as it has the notification icon for me installed which is much nicer than the colored envelope when someone sends me a message. I have tried to upgrade to it recently and it is not allowing me to do so. Can anyone help me upgrade back to 2.32.2 from 2.32.1?
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