Ubuntu :: Virtualbox Actualization No Desktop Effects

May 16, 2010

I installed Kubuntu into a VM (Virtualbox) I installed the guest drivers and I still don't get any desktop effects. I get them with ubuntu but not Kubuntu... I understand they use different effects managers but it should work after installing the guest drivers should it not. I have enabled Virtualization and almost everything works well. The virtual system is configured as having the following:

2 Processors running at 2.6GHz each
2GBs or Ram
64MBs of Graphics memory

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Ubuntu :: Visual Effects / Windows XP In GRUB - "desktop Effects Couldn't Be Enabled"

Aug 26, 2010

im using the ubuntu distro and when i goto the visual effects tab and click on normal or extra, it says "desktop effects could not be enabled" also, i have Two hdd's, a 100GB that has windows 7 and ubuntu. and a 250GB that has Windows XP. GRUB didnt notice windows xp though, so its not a boot option.

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OpenSUSE :: Lost KDE Desktop Effects Settings After Install Gnome Desktop Environment

Jun 6, 2010

I installed Gnome desktop environment recently then ;I' ve lost KDE desktop effects settings. I just can see Compiz Configirator. I cant configure effects independently. There is same settings in gnome and kde. And also I cant change windows appearence.

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Debian Installation :: Queeze Did Crash After Actualization?

Aug 8, 2011

I did actualize yesterday my squeeze (and install a very little number of programs that I did see in synaptic during the procedure, especially concerning Braille etc. for blind persons; this did also install a new sound driver that I did not install before) and work all the day with it without problem

a day later Squeeze will not start again. a loud whistle sound begins at the end of the start procedure and the computer freeze completely. this happens also in the single user mode.SID starts. also is the computer ok. squeeze is on sda5 (ext3), home for squeeze is on sda7 (ext3) as a very very big partition (more than 300 GB, more than 180 GB occupied) sid is on sda6 (ext2) with his own home in sda6 what can I do to reverse the installations from yesterday if possible? if not, what can I do to only test if the personal settings files in /home/I on sda7 are good or contain bad values (in such a case a new installation would probably also crash and it would be non sens to install squeeze again!)?

what can I do to completely reinstall my squeeze but exactly with the same mixture of programs as yesterday before I did update or as it is now (hopping the programs are all ok and only my update did unfortunately don't reach the goal...)?or have you an other alternative good proposal? if all that can't not be done, what can I do to declare my home from Squeeze as home from Sid under full conservation of all good values from home from SID (because my SID partition is very very small, only an experimental installation...)

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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Desktop Effects

Mar 25, 2010

It keeps saying they cannot be enabled. but i have a good graphics card (too lazy to check what it is right now)

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Could Not Be Enabled

Apr 30, 2010

I've just completed a successful clean install of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (32 bit).Out of the box, Desktop effects worked flawlessly.However, after installing the Ati driver from the Hardware Drivers utility, when I try to enable Normal desktop effects (Instead of None) I get a message saying "Desktop Effects Could Not Be Enabled". The Hardware Drivers utility says "Driver is installed and currently in use"

Installing and running glxgears from a terminal gives the error: "Segmentation Fault".The hardware in question is an Ati Radeon 4xxx series (I think it's a 4800 but can't remember exactly)

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Cannot Be Enabled

Jul 17, 2010

how do i enable visual effects. whenever i click to enable it says searching for available driver. then it says desktop effects can not be enabled. I am trying to enable them so i can do the cube and stuff.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Do Not Enable ?

Jul 24, 2010

I click 'Enable' on the dekstop effects. Usually, nothing will pop up at all. Sometimes, the 'Keep Settings' thing will turn on, upon seeing I click it to keep the new settings. I turn the appearance page back on, and it says there are no effects enabled. I want to enable normal effects.

I had an old version of Ubuntu for almost half a year before updating to Lucid Lynx. I recently wiped the new version of ubuntu accidentally (lucid lynx) while playing around with it, but before I wiped it I had graphics driver and effects enabled no problem. Emerald and transparency worked, etc. I did the exact same steps this time that I did on my last install of Ubuntu- and now it won't work.

I have compiz installed but it won't enable effects either. My graphics card is a Nvidia GE Force MX, i think.

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Ubuntu :: Could Not Enable Desktop Effects

Aug 21, 2010

When I try to enable desktop effects it follows the usual procedures but at the very end it says: Desktop effects could not be enabled. My driver is working when I run that hardware test. this is my output from "compiz" at a terminal.

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Ubuntu :: 9.10 - Cannot Enable Desktop Effects

Oct 11, 2010

I have a Nvidia Geforce 8400GS card installed. I just reinstalled Ubuntu 9.10 on my computer, everything works but I can't enable desktop effects. I tried using the generic drivers in synaptic nothing. Tired the restricted drivers, (both of them) the system runs smoother, but still can't enable desktop effects.

I tried upgrading to 10. And after the upgrade and restart I just got a black screen. I couldn't even access the terminal So I went back to 9.10. I ran the compiz-checker script. And it spit back:
"More than one graphics chip detected -- sorry, the script can not handle that. Aborting."
Which lead me to believe the onboard card was still enabled. Unfortunately I can't disable it in bios as my bios doesn't have that option.

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Ubuntu :: 10.10 - Desktop Effects Not Working

Oct 18, 2010

I am using Kubuntu 10.10, and I have an Nvidia GT 320M with driver version 260.19.12 (updated from 260.19.09 i think) on my laptop. Suddenly, my desktop effects stopped working, and the window borders and window manipulation buttons are getting mixed up with everything else when i mouseover them or click on them (I guess some desktop effect I had is malfunctioning or not functioning at all?). Under System Settings -> Desktop Effects, I can only see grey'd out options, which won't let me enable desktop effects.

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enable Desktop Effects (ATI)?

Nov 5, 2010

At first when i tried to enable desktop effects it said it was disabled and it had to enable it with control + shift + f12, whenever i did this it said it was enabled, but it actually wasn't.When i pressed defaults in the hope to fix it, it stopped working completely, i cannot even click on enable anymoreMy graphics card is a Radeon HD4850 and i have installed the driver trough jockey.The problem looks like this:I also seem to have a problem with themes that use transparent windows, i've tried several themes that were transparent for my friends, but they weren't for me...

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Ubuntu :: Cannot Enable Desktop Effects?

Nov 29, 2010

For some reason I cannot enable desktop effects. When I try to enable from the Appearance settings it actually turns on and I can see the effects, but then it pops up a message saying "Desktop effects could not be enabled" and then it turns them back off. I saw a thread suggesting I run compiz from the command line and check the output. But when I do that it works fine and gives no errors. I also tried downloading compiz-check and here's the output of that:

Gathering information about your system...
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.10
Desktop environment: GNOME
Graphics chip: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3650
Driver in use: fglrx
Rendering method: None


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Ubuntu :: 10.10 Desktop Effects Could Not Be Enabled?

Dec 20, 2010

For reasons I cannot fathom my desktop effects have stopped working in Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit, I have an Intel chipset and it was running fine, now they have stopped working.I have tried updating intel PPA's, Compiz PPA's and even X PPA's but nothing works

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Cannot Be Enabled?

Feb 7, 2011

I can't enable my desktop effects. That is when I try to do so I get the error: Quote:Desktop effects can't be enabled.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Don't Work?

Mar 6, 2011

I have a problem with the desktop effects on KDE. Nearly every time I start Kubuntu, the desktop effects only engage if I press Alt+Shift+F12. It then takes about half a minute to turn the effects on. The effects worked perfectly on 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Desktop Effects Could Not Be Enabled?

Mar 15, 2011

I have to open another DECNBE thread just because I didn't manage to find a solution by studying all the other related stories that took place here in Ubuntuforums.org.Here is my output from Compiz-Check

paneas@ubuntu:~/Downloads/compiz-check$ ./compiz-check
Gathering information about your system...
Distribution: Ubuntu 10.10
Desktop environment: GNOME


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Ubuntu :: Disabling Desktop Effects In 11.04?

Apr 28, 2011

I've just upgraded to 11.04, but Unity is unfortunately not my cup of tea. I use the classic desktop but I cannot find a way to disable a certain graphical desktop effect... I'm thinking of how the current workspace quickly slides into the next when I choose a different workspace.

If my recollection is correct, you could turn effects like that off in 10.10. This makes me dizzy, does any of know how to turn this off?

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Ubuntu :: [9.10 And Later] Desktop Effects Disabled?

Jul 26, 2011

I have been trying to enable desktop effects but it seems that there's some problem with intel graphics driver. Ubuntu 9.04 and older versions perfectly support desktop effects, everything works great. But with Ubuntu 9.10 and later releases, I am having similar problems.

Ubuntu 11.04 shows this message just after logging in : "It seems that you do not have the hardware required to run Unity. Please choose Ubuntu Classic at the login screen and you will be using the traditional environment." While Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10 shows following message while enabling effects : "Desktop effects could not be enabled." I did lot of searches, tried everything but no luck.


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Ubuntu :: Disabled Too Much With Desktop Effects?

Jun 14, 2011

I was playing around with my desktop effects and kinda blew it. Not really sure what I did or how to fix it. I was trying to enable some effects and I guess that I hit OK a few too many times and now when I login I no longer have the top tray or the icon menu on the left side. If I hit ALT-F2 nothing happens. I have no idea how to get back into the compiz settings to fix any of this.

If I login under a different account I'm fine, just can't get anything done with my account. Is there a package that I can remove via the command line to simply put everything back?

I'm running Ubuntu 11.04.

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Ubuntu :: No Desktop Effects And Non-functioning Compiz

Feb 22, 2010

So I was messing around on my laptop this morning and I noticed that my desktop effects were turned off. So i decided to turn them on but as soon as i pressed the "normal" option a pop up opens up and says "searching for drivers" then the screen flickers and finally it tells me "desktop effects cannot be enabled". Also my compizconfig wasn't functioning. for exmaple: I turn on wobble windows and nothing happens. No wobble windows.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Can't Enable My Desktop Effects

May 1, 2010

I can't enable my desktop effects. When I go to Custom under Visual Effect I get an error saying visual effect can't be enabled.And I have a huge black block when ever I open my browser because of my Cairo Dock. Is anyone else having these problems with their upgrade to 10.04?

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Ubuntu :: Enable Desktop Effects In 10.04 Netbook?

May 12, 2010

How do I enable desktop effects in Ubuntu 10.04 Netbook?

i have already installed my updated video drivers and the "Visual Effects" menu is still grayed out.

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Ubuntu :: Get Compiz / Desktop Effects Working?

Jul 2, 2010

I hope this is the correct section. I have recently updated to 10.04 and now Compiz/desktop effects wont work. When I try to turn visual effects on I get a message saying they could not be enabled. I'm a bit new to all this so not sure if I'm doing something wrong.I've looked at many threads regarding this problem and nothing they say has worked. iv tried using Hardware Drivers (in systems administration) but this says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system".

Also I don't know whether this effects anything but when I open NVIDIA X Server Settings (in systems administration) i get a message saying "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server."Does anyone know how I can get Compiz/desktop effects working?.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Desktop Effects Cannot Be Enabled?

Jul 6, 2010

I have an HP Proliant DL380 G6 server (relatively new), and I can't enable desktop effects. I'd think even a recent integrated GPU would be able to do this right? Why can't I do it?

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Ubuntu :: Turn The Desktop Effects Permanently On?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm using Kwin desktop effects. I turn on some desktop effects and it worksbut after I reboot my PC, the desktop effects does not turn on automatically.I always need to turn it on again. I always resume the compositing every restart.Also, I can't find all the effects in kwin. I can only adjust the basic effects (the first tab) but when I tried to go to the all effects tab (the second tab) it is empty.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Enable Desktop Effects After Restart

Aug 23, 2010

I had Compiz Fusion working and wobbly windows and the likes, but after installing some updates and VirtualBox, Cairo Dock and AWN to see which one I liked, Amarok and Qlix for Zune, I restarted. Now when I open Cairo Dock there is a black border around it like transparency is disabled, no desktop effects, and I am unable to activate them because I get a no drivers found message. I don't see why this is happening considering it was working from the get-go

I have an ATI Radeon x1300, which is on the legacy list so I don't think there are drivers for it anymore that work with newer versions of Ubuntu, but I don't understand why it worked before.

My system specs:
Dell Dimension C521
2.5 GB RAM
AMD Athlon 64 3200+
ATI Radeon x1300
Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 32 Bit (Is it worth upgrading to 64 bit?)

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Ubuntu :: How To Enable Desktop Visual Effects

Sep 26, 2010

I am trying to do some video tutorials at [uRL] on Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.10 this is the first edition to require desktop effects. When I install it in the VM it isn't enabled right away. when I go to enable it I ran in to the problem that I couldn't find appearance. When I opened appearance from the terminal I couldn't enable Visual effects because mutter is running. How do I drop to the base terminal and enable visual effects?

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Ubuntu :: Get The Message 'Could Not Enable Desktop Effects'?

Oct 3, 2010

I don't remember what I was doing exactly, I think I was changing the wallpaper and at the same time doing something else when all of a sudden the monitor flickered and I no longer had the advanced desktop effects with compiz. They had been working perfectly before and now all of a sudden I cannot use them. When I click on 'Extra' in the 'Visual Efects' I get the message 'Could not enable desktop effects'.I've tried 'compiz --replace' in the terminal and the windoww borders go away.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 LTS X64 In VMWare Player No Desktop Effects?

Oct 8, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 LTS x64 in VMWare Player on my Windows 7 x64. My host video card is an ATi Mobility Radeon HD 5730 with 1 GB DDR3 and I am very sure that my other specs are above par for desktop effects (i7-820QM, 8 GB DDR3 RAM). However, even though I enabled 3D acceleration for the Ubuntu virtual machine (along with 4 cores and 1 GB RAM), I can't enable desktop effects. I have successfully installed VMWare Tools. I used to use VirtualBox and with x86 Ubuntu desktop effects work.

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