Ubuntu :: VOID Warranty If Install Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Nov 28, 2010

I just bought an... Acer Aspire 4 gig on board 750 gig hard drive I5 processor Question is, if I install dual boot with Windows 7 and Ubuntu, will that VOID my warranty?

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Ubuntu :: Install - BOOT Into Windows On A Dual Boot Computer - Damn Wireless Router To Recognize?

Jan 6, 2011

it started with rooting my Motorola Droid. I got quite interested in the whole rooting/linux "world". The only problem is, my hands move A LOT faster than my brain does. I'm an "educated novice" at best when it comes to all of this and still learning slowly, but surely. I followed an online tutorial and before I realized quite what i'd done, I had dual installed Ubuntu linux 10.10 on my laptop. ISO'd this, partitioned that and realized....i'm in way over my head. Then I started researching how to just go back in time and get my "safe" windows vista back until I'm ready to make the switch to linux and just ended up getting more confused.

How do I actually BOOT into Windows on a dual boot computer that I apparently just created? How, if need be, do I undo everything I just did in the past few hours and careless tinkering? If I decide to stay with Linux, how do I get my damn wireless router to recognize?

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Ubuntu :: Windows Vista Will Not Boot After Dual Boot Install

Sep 25, 2010

I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a Compaq Presario V3000.

To prepare the install, I freed about 15 GB of space, booted from an USB. I chose "use largest continous free space" when it got to that point and then proceeded with the rest.

Now when I choose vista it will not load properly, here's what happens:

1.Windows says loading windows files.

2.After a while, I have to choose a language.

3.Windows looks for operating systems to repair.

If I choose not to, it will take me to a menu where I can choose to fix boot problems, command line, etc...

Linux is running very well, vista is the problem here, I have a recovery disk*, but I wanted to ask you guys if that is the correct move. I really need to keep windows to run some windows only apps.

*This disk was burnt on another computer, an HP from a friend who has the same vista edition. Will this work? This computer's burner is broken..

This is actually something for my gf, she has an account on my computer(only ubuntu on it) and uses it often (Mendley, Zotero, and sciency things in general). She loved it and asked me to install a dual boot with her win system. She use SPSS for whatever kind of statistical analysis it does and she likes ms office better then open office, and I would like to leave her with the choice....

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Ubuntu Installation :: Cannot Install Or Boot 10.10 (dual Boot With Windows 7)

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to install Ubuntu on a machine that already has Windows 7 on one partition. Obviously I intend to install it on the other free partition. So I downloaded the iso burnt it onto the disk and pop in the disk and the boot the machine. The installation screen comes up I selected the first option (Try Ubuntu without installation), I just see a prompt after a few seconds and then the screen goes blank and nothing happens. Unable to detect a signal, The monitor goes into standby. The same thing happens if I use "install Ubuntu" option as well. I downloaded minimal install version Ubuntu and tried to install with that. since its old school installation, the installation completed without any errors, but when I restart the grub come up and when I select to boot into Ubuntu, I see the same behavior i.e. the screen goes blank and never boots to anything. This is a machine on which I was using 10.4 until yesterday.

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Ubuntu :: Install 9.10 And Dual Boot With Windows 7

Apr 20, 2010

I'm new to Ubuntu. I'm on Windows 7 64-bit, and I want to install and dual boot ubuntu 9.10 with Windows 7.

Warning: Ubuntu Desktop edition installer no longer allows a custom installation of GRUB, and it now uses GRUB2 (which allows very little customization). Do not use the Karmic Koala Desktop edition if you use a boot partition, use multiple OS (more than 2), or chainload bootloaders. The Ubuntu installer will overwrite your Master Boot Record and you will later be forced to recreate it. This is a serious flaw in Karmic Koala. Use the Ubuntu Server edition instead (and then later add the ubuntu-desktop).

These instructions [listed in the site] are for installing more than two operating systems on your hard drive. If you only need two operating systems (such as a Windows installation and a (K)ubuntu Linux installation), it is easiest to just use the (K)ubuntu installer to do it for you (as detailed on the main page). I know that: (K)ubuntu installer to do it for you == select "install to the largest available free space" in the install through LiveCD, of course after creating unpartitioned space in my hard disk (preferably 20GB+)..

My question is: given the warning mentioned in the quote above, do I still need to use Ubuntu Server edition even if I'm going for the aforementioned easy way? Or can I just go with the Desktop edition and it'll install fine, without messing up the MBR...

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Ubuntu :: Install 10.10 Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Dec 22, 2010

i've tried this once but it made my desktop inoperable maybe along the installation some things went wrong. I have this MSi all in one touchscreen desktop model AIO 2010 with windows 7 home premium installed on it and i want to dual boot with ubuntu 7 Is there any step by step guide on how to do it properly?

MSi All in one model AIO 2010
AMD Athlon(tm) X2 Dual core Processor 3250e
Hard disk is sata 320 g
ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics

how to properly install Maverick Meerkat

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Ubuntu :: Install Windows On Machine As Dual Boot?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a laptop with just ubuntu on it, but I would like to be able to dual boot windows and ubuntu WITHOUT removing ubuntu first. is there a way to do this?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Sep 13, 2010

i have a toshiba laptop running Windows 7 64 bit and i would like to install openSUSE 11.3 64 bit on it. I downloaded the DVD version and would like to know how i should do it.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot With 11.3 And Windows 7

Dec 10, 2010

My main os, albeit only because of gaming, is windows 7, and I was looking to dual boot with 11.3. I couldn't find any documentation of this, so here it goes: Does the executable on the 11.3 disk install opensuse like wubi does ubuntu?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Windows 7 And 11.4?

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to dual boot windows 7 and openSuse. I have shrunk my main partition and it is now unallocated. When running the DVD at the disc section I got the message Delete partition /dev/sda1 (199.00MB) This is my windows system partition (NTFS)

Delete windows partion /dev/sda2 (261.49GB) This is my main partition C: (NTFS) (Don't want to delete this Resize impossible due to inconsistent fs. Try checking fs under windows. Delete windows partition /dev/sda3 (16.31GB)This is my recovery partition.(NTFS) I also don't want to delete this. Resize impossible due to inconsistent fs. Try checking fs under windows. Delete partition /dev/sda4 (103.34MB) HP tools (FAT32) (Not sure about this, but would rather keep it.

Create swap volume /dev/sda1 (2.01GB)
Create root volume /dev/sda2 (20GB with ext4)
create volume /dev/sda3 (276.08GB for /home)

I also pressed created partition and clicked on the unallocated space but I got an error telling me that I either didn't have enough space or hadn't selected enough partitions. (The unallocated space was 20GB)

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Slackware :: Install To Dual-boot With Windows XP?

Jun 20, 2010

I haven't used Slackware before but I used Ubuntu which I dual-booted with Windows XP.

Now I want to dual-boot Windows XP with Slackware. How do I install Slackware on top of my Windows?

My laptop is a ThinkPad my Windows is XP Pro SP3.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Dual Boot With Windows 7?

Dec 3, 2009

I Need instructions on how to create a dual boot with Windows 7 already installed ...

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual-boot Installation Of 11.3 With Windows 7?

Sep 29, 2010

Yesterday (Sept. 28) I managed to install openSuSE 11.3 on my Toshiba Satellite Pro C650 laptop, side-by-side with Windows 7 which was pre-installed. In brief I'd like to report the problems I had encountered up to yesterday.

1. Upon inserting the DVD and after the start of the installation the system would take me to non-GUI (Text) Mode and would finally respond with the message: "No repository found."

2. After that I tried to install openSuSE 11.2 and 11.1. There, although the installation went through smoothly, I had to deal with a new problem; when I selected to boot Windows 7 from the grub menu the system responded with the message:

rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainload +1
BOOTMGR is missing

Upon booting the computer from the DVD with the Linux OS and before I hit ENTER I changed the Kernel by hitting F5 (or whatever key corresponds to Kernel at the bottom of screen) to "Failsafe mode". That did the job. The installation started and ended smoothly. Oh! one other thing I did is to edit the preselected disk partition and delete the swap partition since the disk has to have four and not five partitions.After that, I became root and edited "/boot/grub/menu.lst" file to correct the "(hd0,1)" for the Windows 1 to "(hd0,0)" since it is the first OS.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Installation With Windows 7?

Nov 5, 2010

I am very much excited to try out openSUSE 11.3.. But i am very much afraid of losing my data in windows partitions without knowing the exact procedure to install it..here are my existing partition list... Please have a look at it and suggest me..

c : 40 GB
d: 120 GB
e: 140 GB
f: 140 GB

and i have some free space of 28 GB.It is unallocated.I want to install openSUSE into this free space.Now please tell me whether i can proceed with the default disk configurations given at the install time or do i have to modify and adjust the partitions or do i have to create partitions for the available free space.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Dual-boot With Windows 7?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm doing some research for a friend who wants to dual boot Windows 7 with a Linux Distro that has Perl inbuilt & also supports .MP3 and other popular codecs "out of the box"

From my limited research, OpenSUSE seems to fit the bill (as does Mandriva Powerpack).

Also, how easy is it to create a dual-boot with Windows 7 with this distro?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Windows Vista

Mar 27, 2011

i have openSUSE 11.3 as my primary OS. and i want to be able to dual boot windows vista. from what i read i would have to reinstall the 11.3 to set up to dual boot. i may have that wrong.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot - Windows Vista And OS 11.4

Jun 7, 2011

I tried a lot of distros and the one who i liked was openSUSE, I really liked it! And now I want to install openSUSE in my PC, but, there's two problems.

1- I need to keep Windows Vista, because i am the only onein my house who knows how to use a linux (at least, use a little bit, hehe).
2- I don't know how to make a dual boot with Vista and openSUSE.

I want a tutorial showing me how to make the Dual Boot (Windows Vista x openSUSE), and, if possible, with screenshots.

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OpenSUSE Install :: How To Dual Boot Windows Vista And 11.4

Sep 2, 2011

My Laptop runs on Windows vista.And I just downloaded Opensuse 11.4 KDE in want to Dual Boot So I first Created around 25GB of Unallocated Space Using Disk Management in Vista and Ran SUSE live from a CDROM But i cant seem to understand the disk partition and where suse will be installed.I want to install suse only in my unallocated space.How come other distros automatically detect unallocated space.Please help.Used to tun linux virtually but i thought i'll dual boot it

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General :: Install Fedora 12 On Windows 7 As Dual Boot?

Mar 13, 2010

i installed windows 7 successfully. When I installed it,I created 40 gb of unallocated space in the hard disk for the Fedora installation. However, whenever i start the partition editor during the Fedora installation, it says that there is no free space in your hardware, even though it shows 40gb space in the disk partition table.

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General :: Install Fedora 13 On My Dual Boot - Windows-7

Jun 30, 2010

I am planing to install fedora 13 on my dual boot (windows-7 + fedora) laptop. Previously some one helped me installing fedora on my laptop. Below let me mention the my file system architecture as the question is related to it. It's a 320 GB hard drive.

1. First 250 MB primary partition (used to be for /boot, which is currently unallocated, because in last installation I chose fedora to install automatically).

2. Next 120 GB windows primary partition.

3. Next 200 GB Logical partition

a. First 125 GB for windows backup

b. rest for Linux (500 MB + 60 GB).

As Linux was installed later thus it wrote the boot partition itself. I want the boot partition in the first 250 MB partition (reason, to be safe, I don't want to mess up with the master boot record while playing with Linux), also need to install fedora 13. The architecture I want is following:

1. first 250 MB: /boot

2. Next 120 GB: Windows

3. Logical:

a. First 125 GB: Windows backup.

b. Next 4 GB: /swap

c. Rest: /root -- I want to install Fedora here

So, what I plan to do is to whip out all the current Linux file systems and insert fedora dvd and install according to my criteria!

Now my questions are:

1. since currently Linux has the master boot record, will it cause any problem for the machine to boot up from installation dvd, if I whip off all the current Linux partitions? (Or in other words, does installation/ live-CD need a master boot record to boot? -- I am guessing once I reinstall Linux, booting is not a problem).

2. Once Linux is whipped off, can windows boot up automatically?

3. Is there any worry of messing up windows, specially its boot sector(off course I will take precaution not touching windows partitions!)

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows 7 Dual Boot Grub2 Doesn't Install

Apr 26, 2010

I've just installed the 64 bit edition of 9.10 on my workstation. My raid drivers worked without any custom installation, which is very impressive! I am however having a problem installing grub2. I boot to the live CD, run the install process, resize and partition my free space as an ext4 primary partition with mount point /. Everything installs except grub, so I'm always booting in to windows.This seems to be a bit off as I've never had this occur with dual booting before.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Windows Install Causing Dual Boot Quandary?

Jun 25, 2010

I just bought a Fujitsu S760 with Win7 on it. I need it for testing purposes, but for everything else I use ubuntu. So I need a functioning copy of that Win 7. The problem is, they've spread it in 4 partitions all over the drive, and I don't know whether I can move any of that stuff around without blowing it up.

Here's the setup (all ntfs of course):
sda1 16GB (8 used) winOS files hidden partition...
sda2 200mb boot
sda3 150GB (12 used) winOS, program, and user files
sda4 150GB (3 used) some kind of recovery partition.

So, unless I move something, all 4 primary partitions are already used, and I can't even make an extended partition for my linuxOS. Plus, I like playing around trying to make hackintoshes, and that would take a primary partition too.And one more thing: on first boot, the Win7 talks to the mothership and completes its installation. So far, I've only used the machine with an ubuntu livecd (looks like everything works, btw), and I don't know how the drive will look once the Win7 is actually functional.Can I just dump that recovery partition? Unhide sda1, move boot there, ultimately make it bigger, and move the rest of the Win7 stuff there? Somehow, I doubt it.I know Windows checks for uuid (and MAC data??) to make sure it wasn't moved, so I haven't dared touch anything.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Dual Boot - Can Install Windows On An Extended Partition

Mar 31, 2011

I bought a PC with Window Vista on it as my partner needs it. Using gparted I set up Primary partitions for Vista OS (sda1) and Ubuntu OS (sda2), plus an extended partition for Vista files, Ubuntu /home and swap:

fdisk -l
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sda1 * 1 3969 31880961 7 HPFS/NTFS
/dev/sda2 3970 5294 10643062+ 83 Linux


My problem is Vista (as always). The 30GB I allocated is not enough, even just for the OS and it won't now boot from GRUB, though I can see it from GRUB. I don't want to do anything that risks a problem for Ubuntu. Will grub still see both OS if I wipe sda1 (Vista OS) and reinstall Vista OS on the extended partition sda6? Ideally I would like to merge sda1 with sda6 and install Vista on that, but that looks way too risky / impossible.

Edit - There is another drive on the PC which is much larger and I use for backup. Is there any scope for installing Vista on that one so that GRUB still identifies both. Not ideal as I like having one as the backup for the other.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Install It On A Dual Boot System With Windows Vista?

Jun 15, 2011

I have just downloaded Ubuntu 11.04 and am trying to install it on a dual boot system with Windows Vista. I get as far as "Allocate drive space" but there are no partitions to choose from. I currently have Windows and Linux Mint on the hard drive and want to install Ubuntu in the same partition as Mint to overwrite it.

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Debian Installation :: Cannot Boot Into Windows XP After Dual Jessie Install

Sep 4, 2015

I have a Dell laptop (inspiron 1150) which was dual booting Windows XP and Ubuntu 9.04. I have successfully installed Debian Jessie Standard over the Ubuntu. I pre-partitioned using gparted-live to make a separate single partition for the Debian install. Guided partitioning was then carried out by the installer producing separate /, /home, and swap partitions. After installation, the grub menu shows an entry for Debian and Windows XP. I can boot Debian, but not Windows XP. The symptoms are the same as reported in other forums: A terminal is displayed, vanishes and the system reboots defaulting to the Debian boot.

The grub.cfg file for the Jessie system has an other-os entry:

Code: Select allmenuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (on /dev/sda2)" {
   set root=(hostdisk//dev/sda, msdos2)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set=root cc0ce0ab0ce091ae
   drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
   chainloader +1

The original Windows entry for the Ubuntu install was:

Code: Select allmenuentry "Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition (on /dev/sda2)" {
   insmod ntfs
   set root=(hd0,2)
   search --no-floppy --fs-uuid --set cc0ce0ab0ce091ae
   drivemap -s (hd0) ${root}
   chainloader +1

The partitions produced by partman look OK (during the pre-partitioning I did not touch sda1, sda2, or sda3):

Code: Select all~ # fdisk -l
Disk /dev/sda: 37.3 GiB, 40007761920 bytes, 78140160 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

[Code] .....

Partition table entries are not in disk order.

The os-prober found XP:

Code: Select all~ # os-prober
/dev/sda2:Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition:Windows:chain

So it seems that everything is in place, but there are perhaps important differences in the grub.cfg files. Are the two "set root" commands equivalent for example?

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Debian Installation :: Dual Boot - Install After Windows Is Already Installed

Jul 29, 2011

how to install Debian after Windows is already installed. Could someone give me a brief guide to begin the process of installing Windows? When I installed Debian I already made a partition for windows (in the same hard disk), I hope I did it right.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot 11.2 With Main Os Windows Vista?

Jan 29, 2010

it's my first time to try openSuse, i want to dual boot openSuse with windows vista home premium. anyone can tell me how to dual boot openSuse 11.2 with main os windows vista step by step start from partition harddisk which use by opensuse, and how to set the grub.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Dual Boot Loader Gone After Windows Reinstallation

Nov 19, 2010

had a dual boot system with openSuse 11.1 and Windows XP working OK - Linux boot loader was where OS selection was made (openSuse was installed after Windows) Last week I had to reinstall Windows and this removed the Linux loader from MBR and Windows booted automatically. I wanted the Linux boot loader back,checked the threads about boot loader restoration and did the following:

- downloaded Knoppix 6.2.1 ISO and burned to CD
- booted with CD
- opened terminal with root privileges and typed:
grub (ENTER)
grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (ENTER)
> (hd0,2)
grub> root (hd0,2) (ENTER)
>Filesystem type is ext2fs, partition type 0x83
grub> setup (hd0) (ENTER)

setup was successful (no error messages)

Now when booting, i have an error that root (0,3) can not be mounted and "Press any key to continue"??? When hitting any key I see that there is GRUB there with all entries as in original state (Suse 11.1 and Windows) but only Windows can be booted. Then I downloaded live eval of openSuse 11.1 and did the same (booted from CD and run same commands from terminal as root) - again no errors but still "root (0,3)" can not be mounted..

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OpenSUSE Install :: Installing Dual Boot On Windows 7 System

Nov 23, 2010

I recently bought a portable with a Windows 7 system.I want to install openSUSE 11.3 but I also want to keep Windows 7 - so I need to install a dual boot system.On my desktop I have GRUB with Windows XP and openSUSE 11.3 and all works fine.How do I proceed ? I did not find much documentation yet, but maybe I looked in the wrong places.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Create A Instance On A Windows 7 PC And Use Dual-boot?

Nov 23, 2010

I'm trying to create a Linux instance on a Windows 7 PC and use dual-boot. I have created 64GB of space for Linux. Is this enough? When I boot from the live DVD and go through the setup, I get stuck setting up the unassigned space as a linux partition. I don't understand what the setup is trying to tell me and I'm afraid I'll wipe out Windows 7. The message I get says there isn't enough space even though the unassigned available area is 64GB. I am very timid about following what Yast2 is telling me because to my untrained eye it appears the setup wants to use my entire hard drive. Where can I find more information about the disk setup section of the installation process?

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