Ubuntu :: Unable To Dd Drive And Retain UUID And Mdadm Superblock

May 18, 2011

I have an mdadm linear array of 4 500GB drives. One of them had a few bad sectors, so I've dd'ed it to a new one (conv=noerror), and tried to start my array. Mdadm refuses, saying, "mdadm: /dev/md4 assembled from 3 drives - not enough to start the array."I had diffed different samples from different positions on the source and the mirror drive and confirmed they were identical. Checking the superblocks confirms three old drives still having their superblocks as expected, while the newly mirrored one has,

daniel@lnxsrv:~$ sudo mdadm --misc --examine /dev/sdf1
mdadm: No md superblock detected on /dev/sdf1.
- and,
daniel@lnxsrv:~$ sudo blkid /dev/sdf1


As before. The mirror apparently has no uuid, but the original does. To confirm my sanity, I did,

daniel@lnxsrv:~$ sudo dd bs=1M count=50 if=/dev/sdc of=./sdc && sudo dd bs=1M count=50 if=/dev/sdd of=./sdd && sudo diff -s sdc sdd
50+0 records in


How can the uuid not be the same when bit-for-bit from the very first byte of the drive, covering MFT etc., these two drives are identical according to diff?

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Server :: Mounting Drive Bad Superblock Error Wrong Fs Type, Bad Option, Bad Superblock On /dev/sda1?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a x64 OpenSUSE server with two hard drivers installed. The first one is used for the / and /home partitions and the other is for backups. Ironically enough it is the backup hard drive I am having trouble with. I was having trouble writting to the drive and unmounted it to preform a fchsk, however now when ever I try to mount it I get the following error:

mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1,
missing codepage or helper program, or other error
In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
dmesg | tail or so

Does anyone know who I can repair the drive and retrive data?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Safely Remove Mdadm RAID Superblock

Apr 5, 2011

I bought a disk to a friend that used it in a raid array, using the entire disk for the raid usage. To put that disk on service, i used dd-rescue to copy my old disk entirely, and managed to grow and setup a the partition table without losing any data. My last step was to create a RAID between my entire old disk, with a single partition and a partition of the same size on my new disk. I ran into some problems, but i manage to somehow fix it imperfectly, but now this setup is working properly. The problems (and imperfection) came from an issue it did not suspected : at some point, the original RAID superblock of the new disk, living in /dev/sda, resisted to dd-rescue, and so it is scanned by mdadm that tries, obviously unsuccessfully, to use it.

Partition layout :


Disk /dev/sda: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes


this setup is working properly besides this raid5 declared on sda, so that is shows up here and there. Since it is using the same device name that my other, proper raid setup, i don't know how to deactivate it since mdadm uses the /dev/mdx name to identify arrays.

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Ubuntu :: Adding A CD-ROM Drive - Unable To Find UUID

May 2, 2010

Just added a DVD drive to a machine which had no drive before. When I boot I get the error about being unable to find the root drive by its UUID. If I unplug the DVD drive it boots as normal.

I'm guessing the root drive is getting a new name i.e /dev/sda2 instead of sda1 and thus a new UUID. How can I add the drive and fix the UUID issue in grub?

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Fedora :: Lost Mdadm Superblock But Not Drives / Can Rebuild Software RAID5?

Jan 25, 2010

I have an old Athlon XP 3000 machine that I keep around as a file server.It's currently got three 1TB drives which I had setup as mdadm raid 5 on FC10. The machine's original drive held the superblock for the raid array and it just had a massive heart attack. I've searched, my biggest source being URL...I can't tell if I can reassemble the superblock info lost with the original hard drive or if I've lost it all...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Load A Drive / Volume - "Unable To Mount Location Error Mounting: Mount: /dev/sda1: Can't Read Superblock"

Dec 25, 2010

I have a problem in my ubuntu 10.01 that it can't load a drive/volume in ubuntu. When I tried, it said: "Unable to mount location Error mounting: mount: /dev/sda1: can't read superblock". And when I boot my pc with 'Windows', it said : "UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME" under a blue screen. What can I do to solve this problem?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Error Message Was 'bad Magic Number, Corrupt Superblock' With A Suggested Command To Try Another Superblock?

May 14, 2011

After several crashes during videos it seemed like a good idea to fsck root. Downloaded the latest systemrescuecd and ran it at boot. The error message was 'bad magic number, corrupt superblock' with a suggested command to try another superblock. That failed with the same message. Tried tune2fs to force fsck at boot and got the same message. The drive is less than 6 months old and the installed system is working more or less ok. The command I used was 'fsck.ext4 /dev/sdc2'. What am I doing wrong?

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Ubuntu :: Dd From Small To Large Drive Results In Bad Superblock?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to 'upgrade' my 500gb drive to a bigger 1tb. I thought it would be as easy as using dd from the smaller to the larger then swapping them. However, after using dd, although the partitions seem to be there on the 1tb drive, they all have a bad superblock and can't be mounted.

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Debian :: USB Drive Corrupted - Cannot Read Superblock

Mar 16, 2011

I have a removable USB pen drive, that all of a sudden, when it got 99% used, stopped working. When I try to mount it (manually) I get "can't read superblock". I know there is a ton about this on Google and I've read a lot of them, but most seem to be about formatting a drive, or fiddling in fstab. I'm trying to run fsck on it, and it finds errors, (among them: two FAT-tables?) but then it just freezes, and CPU goes to 100 % and I let it be like that for 4 minutes, before aborting. Scandisk in windows is rubbish (fails to start), and running "chkdsk /f F:", in windows, results in nothing, the shell crashes immediately. Is it normal for fsck to get stuck and just chew up CPU? It does not seem to be reading from the drive, according to conky. Also, is it possible to run fsck as normal user, (at my work)?

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OpenSUSE Install :: Mounting Drive Bad Superblock Error

Jun 15, 2010

I have a x64 OpenSUSE server with two hard drivers installed. The first one is used for the / and /home partitions and the other is for backups. Ironically enough it is the backup hard drive I am having trouble with. I was having trouble writting to the drive and unmounted it to preform a fchsk, however now when ever I try to mount it I get the following error:


how I can repair the drive and retrive data?

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CentOS 5 :: EXT3-fs : Unable To Read Superblock / Enable This?

Sep 27, 2010

I am unable to boot my server and it is erroring with the message "Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!". Here are the details:

I have a brand new Dell PowerEdge T110 server with Quad-Core Xeon CPU and 2GB 1333MHz RAM. I have installed a hard disk (SATA, 7.2rpm) on this machine that I removed from another Dell PowerEdge T100 server with Dual-Core Xeon CPU that was running software RAID 1.

Now when I boot the new T110 server, it displays the following error messages code...

I am running CentOs v5.5 x86-64. If I put the hard disk back into T100, it boots fine. I do not know why it is not working with T110 server.

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Ubuntu :: Errors:Unable To MountError Mounting: Mount: /dev/sdb1: Can't Read Superblock?

Jun 4, 2010

I'm trying to get some data off of an external harddrive. I get a few errors:Unable to mountError mounting: mount: /dev/sdb1: can't read superblock.I then tried to run a read disk benchmark on disk utility and that seemed okay.I then tried

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb
Disk /dev/sdb: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes


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CentOS 5 :: EXT3-fs: Unable To Read Superblock And Kernel Panic

Aug 15, 2011

I got a CentOS server + KDE from a server (which I had no contact until now), he had 2 HD's one for the system and another for files.

I brought the HD system home to try to make it run on a virual machine (VMware) so I can do some testing before you put in practice.

But already converted the VMware HD to the system, it tries to start but it shows some errors and in a message "kernel panic - not syncing: attemped to kill init"

I think the drivers are correct, has edited the file "/ etc / modprobe.conf" edited these entries equal to another I installed CentOS on VMware.

alias scsi_hostadapter mptbase
alias scsi_hostadapter1 mptspi
ata_piix alias scsi_hostadapter2

Look at the picture attached the full error.

Link to large image
Link to large image

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Ubuntu :: Associate USB Drive Name / Uuid With Certain Startup Apps?

Aug 23, 2010

I have a Nook ebook reader and would like it to automatically open a certain application when I plug it in.As standard it just opens a nautilus file browser.I cannot find any settings that will let me associate a drive name/uuid with a certain application and google results came up saturated with how to make bootable USB drives.The only solution I actually found was to make a .autorun script in the root of the drive to start my application, but it still requires user interaction and is not ideal since I would like to implement this across several machines with different users/applications.

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Debian Installation :: Why Does 8.2 Change UUID Of Swap Drive

Dec 14, 2015

Been doing some installations in a newly upgraded machine where I'm setting up two instances of 8.2 in slightly different configurations.Installing from netinst AMD64 DVD with firmware non-free. First installation goes smooth as then the second changes the UUID of the swap partition, meaning that the first then can't find it. To add insult to injury the second installation doesn't install GRUB in the MBR of the HDD.

Nothing different or special about the installation which is standard graphical with manual allocation of previously set up partitions. I don't touch the swap drive in the partitioner - just point to the correct partitions for / and /home as I want them. This is exactly as I've done before, many times.Setup asks me if I want to install GRUB in MBR and I answer "No" (because it would otherwise load in MBR of sda where I want it on sdb) then point to sdb in the next screen. Again really nothing different to what I've done dozens of times.

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Hardware :: Find The UUID Of Computer's Internal Dvd-rw Drive?

Jan 14, 2011

basically just wanting to find the UUID for my internal disc drive. Running Slackware 13.1

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Ubuntu :: MDADM - How To Determine Which Drive Has Failed

Aug 7, 2011

I know this is probably a very generic linux question, but since I am using ubuntu - I thought it safer to ask here. I have jumped into the deep end of linux - and I am afraid that I will be forced to swim sooner rather than later.

Let me start at the beginning - I am and probably will be a windows fan for a long time - let me not list the reasons - or else you guys will probably hang met out to dry - the one thing I have discovered - is that windows sucks in generating a software RAID - especially the RAID 5 that i was looking for any case - after loosing plenty data via windose - I decided to attempt linux/ ubuntu. I must say - so far so good.

I used this excellent guide: [URL] and must say that the raid is performing admirably - I am currently busy adding/growing the 12th 1Tb drive onto the RAID, and no issues so far(some other major WOW advantages i have noticed... like speed writing too and reading from the RAID.. )

See below MDstat outputcat proc mdstat:
Personalities : [linear] [multipath] [raid0] [raid1] [raid6] [raid5] [raid4] [raid10]
md0 : active raid5 sdl1[11] sdj1[10] sdb1[1] sdm1[6] sdk1[2] sdi1[8] sdh1[0] sdg1[3] sdf1[4] sde1[9] sdd1[5] sdc1[7]
9767599360 blocks super 0.91 level 5, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [12/12] [UUUUUUUUUUUU]
[==========>..........] reshape = 50.7% (495864576/976759936) finish=1482.0min speed=5407K/sec
unused devices: <none>

My questions :
If one drive fails on the array(for example SDK1) - how the heck do i determine which physical hardware device it is that has failed? (without compromising the other data - yes unfortunately I cant afford to backup 11TB of data - personal server). I don't have space in the box for a mouse - not even talking about a hot spare drive - thus adding the backup drive before removing the faulty drive is rather difficult - but if that's the only option I will have to keep with that as everybody know RAID5 is only 1 drive backup - so partly I would like to solve the issue as quick as possible -without having to resort to disconnecting one drive at a time to determine which is which. If the drive assignments ( SDA/SDB/SDC) is constant

What is the most intuitive/fast way to determine that a faulty drive exist in the array? - i.e. is there some sort of GUI solution for MDADM that will tell me the moment that a drive has turned faulty? - The box is currently not on the internet -meaning notification via email is not possible. Is there a non-destructible way to convert the RAID-5 to RAID-6? (I would rather sacrifice 1TB of free space - for peace of mind) - and RAID6 will make troubleshooting a bit easier since 3 drives will have to fail before data-loss.

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Boot Due To Changed UUID In RAID Array

May 9, 2010

I'm running 64bit Lucid. I've recently had a severe problem with my softraid (5) array, and have had to recreate the array to fix it. However this now means that something is up with GRUB/initramfs, and booting times out while waiting for the root device (md0) to be ready. /boot is on a normal partition, not the raid array itself. A friend of mine has rebuilt my initramfs file with the new UUID, but now I get the message: 'Kernel panic not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (9,0)'.So my question is either how do I sort this error, OR how do I rebuild initramfs/grub in a way that will boot?

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Ubuntu :: Accessing Drive When Fstab Contains UUID's / No Longer Pertinent To Any Hardware On System

Jul 8, 2011

I cloned one of my hard drives to another, using Acronis True Image Home 2011.In the process, of course, fstab got copied verbatim from old to new.I then, using a livecd on a flash drive, mounted the new drive, went into fstab and rewrote the UUID's, using the numbers I'd gotten previously by doing sudo blkid.Now, the new drive had the UUID's revealed by that command.Then, I used boot-repair, from yannubuntu, to make that drive bootable, since it wasn't after the cloning and after the fstab rewrite.The drive is bootable, and it's mountable from a flash drive, or from the old drive.

I can access files either way.the fstab file on the new drive still has the old numbers, yet when I ran boot-repair, it apparently changed the UUID's for sectors 1 and 5 on the new drive.fstab seems to be irrelevant at this point, yet everything I read about it indicates that it is not only relevant, but necessary.I don't understand how I can be accessing the drive when the fstab contains UUID's that are no longer pertinent to any hardware on my system.

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General :: Fsck.ext4: Unable To Resolve UUID = B

Apr 1, 2011


UUID = A / ext4 defaults 1 1
UUID = B /stor ext4 defaults 1 2
UUID = C swap swap defaults 0 0

and the error is:

fsck.ext4: Unable to resolve UUID = B.

Fdisk -l:

/dev/sda1 (boot) linux
/dev/sda2 linux swap solaris
/dev/sda3 linux


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Ubuntu :: MDADM - Unable To Assemble Array

May 21, 2011

trying to troubleshoot an issue i'm having with MDADM I have a raid 5 array consisting of 5 2tb Western Digital Green drives. It has been working fine for the last 6-7 months but recently has stopped working. After rebooting i get an error something like "unable to mount /mnt/storage" which is the filesystem on the raid array the raid array is /dev/md0 when i do a " sudo mdadm --assemble --scan" i get the error mdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 3 drives - not enough to start the array all the drives are there and i can see the correct partition information if i load them up in parted.

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Fedora :: Grub Used The Standard Drive Notation Such As /dev/sdax Instead Of The Current UUID?

Jul 14, 2010

I've been away from Fedora for a long time, since FC3/4. I seem to recall that at that time grub in Fedora used the standard drive notation such as /dev/sdax instead of the current UUID. Can anyone tell me why this change was made?

Seems to me that using UUIDs presents severe problems if a drive has to be replaced as the restore media (we all backup, don't we?) would not work without modification. How does one determine trhe UUID of a new drive to change the restore media? Sounds like a chickenand-egg routine. There must be some way which I haven't run accross yet. I do notice through experimentation that the standard notation still works, at least in /etc/fstab.

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Ubuntu :: Random SATA Drive Is Always Busy / In Use (RAID 5 / Mdadm)

Dec 3, 2010

I have 4 SATA's in a RAID 5 array using mdadm. Yesterday when I started the computer the RAID did not build/mount. When trying to load the array manually I get the message "mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sd(a,b,c,d)1: Device or resource busy" The drives should not be mounted or in use. The output of the drives in mdadm (mdadm --examine /dev/sd_1) looks normal.

The weirdest part is that rebooting often changes which drive is marked as busy, it can be any of the 4 SATA drives. how to figure out why/what is being used and how to disable it? I have tried searching for similar threads here and in google and haven't found anything similar or that worked.

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Ubuntu :: Random SATA Drive Is Always Busy - In Use - RAID 5 - Mdadm

Dec 3, 2010

I have 4 SATA's in a RAID 5 array using mdadm. Yesterday when I started the computer the RAID did not build/mount.

When trying to load the array manually I get the message "mdadm: cannot open device /dev/sd(a,b,c,d)1: Device or resource busy" The drives should not be mounted or in use.

The output of the affected drive in mdadm (mdadm --examine /dev/sd_1) looks normal.

The weirdest part is that rebooting often changes which drive is marked as busy, it can be any of the 4 SATA drives. What is being used and how to disable it?

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General :: Mdadm Cannot Remove Failed Drive?

Jan 17, 2010

i am setting up a software raid6 for the first time. To test the raid i removed a drive from the array by popping it out of the enclosure. mdadm marked the drive as F and everything seemed well. From what i gather the next step is to remove the drive from the array (mdadm /dev/md0 -r sdf), when i try this i receive the error:

mdadm: cannot find /dev/sdf: No such file or directory

That is true, when i plugged the drive back in the machine now recognizes it as /dev/sdk. My question is how do i remove this non-existent failed drive from my array as i was able to re-add it just fine as /dev/sdk with mdadm /dev/md0 -a /dev/sdk

Also, is there any way to define a drive based on id or something similar to the same drive name to avoid this?

Personalities : [raid6] [raid5] [raid4]
md0 : active raid6 sdk[9] sdj[8] sdi[7] sdh[6] sdg[5] sdf[10](F) sde[3] sdd[2] sdc[1] sdb[0]
13674601472 blocks level 6, 64k chunk, algorithm 2 [9/8] [UUUU_UUUU]
[>....................] recovery = 2.7% (54654548/1953514496) finish=399.9min speed=79132K/sec


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Debian :: Fsck.ext3: Unable To Resolve 'UUID=theUUID'

Jun 24, 2011

Upon booting my LVM wheezy setup, I get

fsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=theUUID'
where "theUUID" (without the quotes) is the UUID

I believe this is caused by me trying to get lvm to use the external /boot because when I had unmounted the external /boot, it was creating a /boot in root. So, I booted a live cd and mounted the external /boot where /boot in the root volume is supposed to be. Basically, I think the problem is that I need to make my /boot (which is the only ext3 partition in the entire system and I want it that way) "relate itself" to the lvm root so that it boots into the system. As mentioned earlier, in the live CD, I made the external /boot mount itself in the root's /boot but I don't know how to tell the system to do this on its own while booting without my assistance. I chrooted from the live cd which involved a lot of tedious stuff but basically the important stuff I did were:

grub-install /dev/sdb
update-initramfs -u

P.S.I get the issue in the Subject of this topic by telling tune2fs to mark the external /boot, lvm / and /home partitions as "dirty."

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Ubuntu :: Unable To Format RAID5 Created With Mdadm

Jul 19, 2011

This is the error message I'm getting when trying to Format the mdadm RAID5 created with 4 drives

Error creating partition: helper exited with exit code 1: In part_add_partition: device_file=/dev/md1, start=0, size=6001196531712, type=
Entering MS-DOS parser (offset=0, size=6001196531712)
found partition type 0xee => protective MBR for GPT
Exiting MS-DOS parser


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Ubuntu :: Lucid Upgrade Change Drive Order And Broke Mdadm?

May 19, 2010

I have 4 drives in my system. Two are SATA and configured in a RAID 1. This is my main drive for the system. The other two drives are IDE drives used to bulk temp storage. Before the upgrade my RAID drives were:


I'm not sure what the IDE drives were. Now after the upgrade the IDE drives are:


and the RAID SATA drives are:


Needless to say on reboot the raid blow up and the system would not boot. I was able to get it working for now by removing the IDE drives. My current mdadm.conf file is as follows:

DEVICE partitions
ARRAY /dev/md1 level=raid1 num-devices=3 UUID=20fd5b92:860d9ca3:57d3b65c:14fcf2fb
ARRAY /dev/md0 level=raid1 num-devices=3 UUID=16401201:52cf4cc0:27286d7a:ac5234f7

Now I assume that I could change the devices to the new devices names. However I was hoping for a better way to do this. The IDE drives are only semi permanent. Is there a way to configure mdadm with partition labels like you can in fstab?

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Server :: MDADM Phantom Drive And Info Discrepancies

May 28, 2010

Server with 4 disk partitions in an RAID 5 array using md. Yesterday the array failed with two devices showing as faulty. After rebooting from rescue, I was able to force the assembly and start the array and everything looks to be okay as far as the data goes, but when I run:
mdadm --examine /dev/sda3

I get (truncating to the interesting bits):
Raid Level : raid5
Raid Devices : 4
Avail Dev Size : 1448195216 (690.55 GiB 741.48 GB)
Array Size : 4344585216 (2071.66 GiB 2224.43 GB)
Used Dev Size : 1448195072 (690.55 GiB 741.48 GB)
Array Slot : 0 (0, 1, 2, failed, 3)
Array State : Uuuu 1 failed

mdadm --detail /dev/md1
Array Size : 2172292608 (2071.66 GiB 2224.43 GB)
Used Dev Size : 1448195072 (1381.11 GiB 1482.95 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0

Additionally, the 'slot' for devices a-d line up like this:
a - 0
b - 1
c - 2
d - 4 (!)
The first number 'Array Size' from examine is twice as big as sit should be based on the output from detail and comparing to twinned server, and why does the 'Array State' and 'Array Slot' from examine indicate there's a 5th device that's not indicated anywhere else?

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Server :: MDADM Raid 5 Array - OS Drive Failure?

Jun 7, 2011

I have 4 WD10EARS drives running in a RAID 5 array using MDADM.Yesterday my OS Drive failed. I have replaced this and installed a fresh copy of Ubuntu 11.04 on it. then installed MDADM, and rebooted the machine, hoping that it would automatically rebuild the array.It hasnt, when i look at the array using Disk Utility, it says that the array is not running. If i try to start the array it says :Error assembling array: mdadm exited with exit code 1: mdadm: failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md0: Input/output error

mdadm: Not enough devices to start the array.I have tried MDADM --assemble --scan and it gives this output:mdadm: /dev/md0 assembled from 2 drives - not enough to start the array.I know that there are 4 drives present as they are all showing, but it is only using 2 of them.I also ran MDADM -- detail /dev.md0 which gave:

root@warren-P5K-E:~# mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Version : 0.90


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