Ubuntu :: Terminal Screen On Startup?

May 2, 2011

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.04, and I installed it via the Update Manager and restarted as normal. But, as I went on my dual boot OS selection screen and selected Ubuntu, this message appeared:

init: udevtrigger main process ( 398 ) terminated with status 1
init: udevtrigger post-stop process (404) terminated with status 1
init: udevmonitor main process (397) killed by TERM signal
The disk drive for / is not yet ready or is not present
Continue to wait; or Press S to skip mounting or M for manual

I'm afraid to do anything after this screen...

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Ubuntu :: Can't Turn On Terminal Bell In Gnome-terminal Using Remote Screen Session With Irssi

Nov 6, 2010

I'm using 10.04, and gnome-terminal GNOME Terminal 2.30.2 . I have irssi running on screen session on remote host. And I've been struggling for quite many days to configure it to produce either visual feedback or ring terminal's bell when I receive a private message or one of those that are highlighted.

My compiz settings window in General tab has 'Audible bell' checked.

My GNOME terminal has 'Terminal bell' checked.

I also added 'set bell-style audible' to my ~/.inputrc

And I also tried to manually load pcspkr module into my kernel.

No of the above helped or at least I haven't been able to notice any difference.

I also used some commands for irssi to produce bell sign.

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General :: Launch A Terminal By Clicking On The Terminal Icon At The Top Of The Screen

Apr 22, 2010

I have a favorite REXX program called fv2. When I was a Windows user I had an icon for fv2 on the Quick Launch bar. Click that icon, and the program ran. Now, as a Linux (Ubuntu) user it is necessary to go through several steps to run fv2.

1) Launch a terminal by clicking on the terminal icon at the top of the screen. What's that area called? The GNOME panel?
2) Enter: ~/Desktop/RexxScripts
3) Enter: regina fv2

I run fv2 several times per day and would really like to have the convenience of a clickable icon.

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Ubuntu :: GNU Screen In Startup Screen: Multiple Commands

Aug 4, 2010

I am searching for a way to run multiple commands at boot time using the gnu screen utility.

A solution could be:

But the result would be many sessions, each one with just one child. What I need is just one session with many children, one child per command.

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Ubuntu :: Only Terminal On Startup No Gui?

May 29, 2010

when my netbook remix 10.04 starts I can see only terminal and no graphic interface (as you can see in the picture). I see the log in screen type my password and when the screen like on the picture. I 'm using lenovo N100 nb Tryed to install ubuntu desktop but no use

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General :: Terminal Proxy Or Screen Without Terminal Emulation?

May 26, 2010

How can I make terminal applications immune to terminal emulator close, but still able to use all virtual terminal features?

egin{UPDATE}I want my terminal application remain alive and accessible if I accidentally close terminal emulator. This functionality is provided by screen and tmux, but they have issues with colors and they flush screen.Yes,I can run the shell inside screen, but I do not want the shell remain alive unless there is some other program running.

end{UPDATE}I see this must be something like screen, but without VT100 terminal emulation, something which will just apply whatever application does with "terminal proxy"'s terminal (like outputting something to stdout/stderr or using stty to set terminal options) to the terminal this proxy runs in.

// I know about screen and altscreen on, but it makes either this (screen with TERM=screen):

or this (screen with TERM=rxvt-unicode):

while I want this (rxvt-unicode without screen):

I have figured out that everything looks fine if I compile rxvt-unicode with USE=-xterm-color (in fact vim looks like on the second picture even without screen if I add this USE flag) and set TERM=screen-256color, but I do not like this workaround because it actually changes colors and I can't be sure that it will always change them only this way:

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Ubuntu :: Run Command In Terminal On Startup

Jan 8, 2010

I know how to make things run at startup, and obviously know how to run a command in terminal (type and enter... duhhhh). However I would like to be able to run vnstat in terminal when my computer logs in, this is very handy for seeing how much I have downloaded. I have a terminal embedded on the desktop and would very much like to run vnstat in it for me when it starts, I know I could just type in vnstat when I've logged on, but where is the fun in that? Just having it already there for me would be far better.

The command for starting my desktop terminal is as follows:
gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=trans --geometry 90x40+280+30

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Terminal Command At Startup

Aug 25, 2010

I know this has been asked a 1000 times, but none of the solutions I've read so far work.I need to run the following terminal command every time Ubuntu (10.04 64bit) starts:Code:xset m 9 1This boosts mouse speed to maximum. I don't know why, but it is the only thing that works. All built-in mouse settings are at maximum, yet my mouse crawls across the screen when Ubu starts. So far, I have tried:Creating a startup script called "/etc/init.d/autorun.sh" containing code...

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Ubuntu :: Run A Terminal Command At Startup?

Nov 9, 2010

I've searched everywhere, but they all talk about BOOTING into the terminal instead of ubuntu. But here all I want is for ubuntu to automatically run a certain command when I boot into ubuntu.This is related to the screen brightness change problem that's still much of an unsolved mystery for ubuntu and I have mostly solved this 'm able to change the brightness with sudo setpci -s 00:02.0 F4.B=xx, xx being from 00 to FF, but it doesnt seem to stay when I log out and log back in. Is there any possible way to put a terminal command in the startup applications or something or a possible solution to the brightness problem that I havent discovered yet?

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Ubuntu :: Terminal Always Start At Startup?

Dec 31, 2010

This is a weird problems.Everytime i log on to my computer/restart my computer, the terminal always autostart.I already checked at startup application.No terminal there.Any suggestion to stop the terminal from autostart with startup?

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Ubuntu :: Run Terminal Command At Startup?

Jun 20, 2011

Well, I want to run a terminal command at startup. I Google searched, but all the threads were ~5 years old. The command I want to run is code...

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Ubuntu :: How To Run Commands On Terminal Startup

Aug 3, 2011

I have a question regarding terminal. I try to launch it from the "Startup Applications" by entering a script.Code: sh -c '/usr/bin/gnome-terminal'but it does not start.Also, when it does start I would like it to auto run certain commands: navigate to my project folder run "play test" open a new tab run "top".how can I achieve this?

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Ubuntu :: Startup Script Opening Terminal?

Jan 1, 2010

Ive got a simple bash script that basically just displays a couple lines of text and a random quote. In startup applications, I made "gnome-terminal --full-screen" open up and in the profile preferences of gnome-terminal I made it run my startup script. There are two problems though.(1) At startup, 2 terminals are opened (one fullscreen, one not fullscreen)(2) By bash script runs and keeps on running (how do I get it to display another input line?)

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Ubuntu :: Run The Script Ok Through The Terminal \ But It Doesn't Run On Startup?

Oct 21, 2010

I'm having trouble with the rc.local file. So I tried the suggestions on this page[URL]I could run the script ok through the terminal. But it doesn't run on startup. Has anyone got this to work in the way explained in the link above? I'm using Ubuntu Lucid.

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Ubuntu :: Setup A Command To Run When Startup The Terminal

Apr 19, 2011

I would like to setup a command to run when I start up the terminal, but have the terminal stay open for use when it's finished. I was trying to get my terminal to run fortune whenever I start it just for cosmetic value, so I tried changing the launcher command to gnome-terminal --command=fortune, but that makes it just output the fortune result and then terminate.

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Ubuntu :: Crashing - No Reason Monitor Will Go Black Then On The Screen It Will Be At A Terminal Screen

Nov 30, 2010

I have Ubuntu 10.04 running kernel .26 installed on my Dell Dimension 2350 with 512mb of memory. The problem I have been having is, When I am using the computer mostly Internet stuff for no reason the monitor will go black then on the screen it will be at a terminal screen, kind of like when you start up the computer, I don't remember what is all on it but the last thing in the list was: checking battery state: OK after that the screen will flash in multiple colors and then it goes into a loop of just black screen than a colorful flash and back over to a black screen. the only way I can fix that is by holding down the power button. this will happen mostly on face-book on the games and just on the profile page, but it does happen just checking my gmail or play solitaire it does this around 4-8 times a day.

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Fedora :: Add Startup Application From Terminal

Jul 26, 2009

I am quite aware that one can add a startup application to the gnome session by going to System -> Preferences -> Startup Applications (Sessions). But, is there a way to achieve the same thing via the terminal? I want to know because I am writing a simple bash script that installs all of the programs I commonly use. One such program is compiz fusion with fusion-icon.And so I want to add the fusion-icon into the gnome session with my script (strictly within the terminal).

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Programming :: Cannot Open Terminal On Startup

Jun 8, 2011

I wanted to write the script which runs at startup and opens the terminal window the moment desktop screen appears(GNU linux).

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Programming :: Script To Run At Terminal Startup?

Jun 2, 2010

I have written a script to display a message that I wish to run whenever a terminal session is initialized.
The script is working but I am unclear how to implement it.Do I need to create a file called 'gnome-terminal.sh' in /etc/profile.d?

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Ubuntu :: Run A Terminal Command At Startup For Multi-Touch Scrolling?

Jun 12, 2010

I'm a day-1 Ubuntu user with a question about getting multi-touch scrolling enabled on my laptop automatically each time 10.04 loads. I'm very green when it comes to all-things-Linux. Basically, I'm just searching for help, following step-by-step guides, and copying-and-pasting commands. I found the following website that helped me create a little script to enable multi-touch control:[URL]...

But I can't figure out the last step: "All you need to do to have this run at startup [instead of typing ./2fsrl in terminal manually each time] is add it to you startup programs." I tried creating a file path to the 2fsrl file in Preferences -> Startup Applications program, but upon re-starting the laptop, the multi-touch isn't enabled anymore. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. Can anyone advise? (Keep in mind my beginner's status!)

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Ubuntu :: Gnome Terminal Startup Slow (11 Natty Edition)?

Aug 16, 2011

After several upgrades (from 8.xx) I noticed Gnome terminal took about 4 seconds to open an window and another 4 seconds to give me a prompt. This is excruciating when blasting out CLI in dozens of terminals ssh'd into dozens of machines. Tabs were no different.

Fix was: Comment out anything in ~/.bashrc that references xterm. BOOM less than 1s total to prompt.

If it's faster than I can get my mouse hand back to the keyboard to start blasting CLI, it's good enough

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General :: 10.10 Booting To Terminal - Black Screen Instead Of The Normal Purple Screen

Dec 8, 2010

i am fairly new to Ubuntu. i was using it fine for a month, but today, when i booted my computer up, it came up with a black screen instead of the normal purple ubuntu screen. the black screen had white text on it, and asked for my username and password. from there, it was a terminal prompt. i have been google searching for a while, and have tried typing "startx", "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop", "sudo gdm", and i have also tryed uninstalling xorg, and reinstalling, and none of these things wanted to do anything for me.

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Red Hat / Fedora :: Execute Terminal Command At Startup

Jul 9, 2010

i'm trying to automate terminal commands to execute at startup (rc5)one is a background process: Code: xinput set-int-prop "SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad" "Two-Finger Scrolling" 8 1 the other is a gui application: Code: /home/labr/apps/gmail-notify/notifier.py i placed these commands in /etc/rc.local but does nothing.

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CentOS 5 :: Gnome-terminal: Run On Startup Applications?

Jul 23, 2011

I successfully created launchers for apps and I can run them in terminal with double clicking.Now I want them to run on startup, automatically. They run with arguments.There is System-> Preferences -> More Preferences - > Sessions - > Startup Programs where I can add my commands.I put:

gnome-terminal -e "/some_path/myapp1 -arg1 - arg2"
gnome-terminal -e "/some_path/myapp2 -arg1 - arg2"

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Ubuntu :: Alsamixer Startup "speaker" Level (and Screen Brightness Startup Level)

May 23, 2010

I just upgraded to the 10.04 and everything works just fine as before (except for skype but that really doesn't matters as it has already been 3 years I'm using ubuntu and I managed to get it to work only once, for miracle I believe ^^). The only real issue I have is this: when I start up my laptop, after the log-in, no sound will be heared as the "speaker" volume level in alsamixer is set to 0; if I raise it from the terminal running alsamixer (as I don't know any other alternative) everything plays just fine, but the next time I boot I do have to do it all over again... So, how can I change the default startup level of the "speaker" in alsamixer?

PS: by the way I do have the very same issue with the screen luminosity but the other way round as is always starts at maximum brightness and I can't manage to get it to start at the minimum, as it did before. At least reducing the backlight if far more quick but a couple of times I forget it and the battery lasted something like half an hour

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Ubuntu :: Gnome-terminal In Startup Programs Doesn't Start At Login?

Mar 16, 2010

Every time I start Ubuntu, I set up an ssh session to a server. In order to automate this I made an entry in startup programs like this:/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -e '/usr/bin/ssh name@server.com'Nothing happens when I log in, and I've checked that the command works.

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General :: Running Shell Program On Startup As Root In Terminal

Aug 4, 2010

I am running Linux Mint 9..I play xbox live and run it through my laptops wireless network connection so i dont have to pay 100 dollars for the usb wireless adapter for the xbox. In windows 7 this is easy to configure so that when i turn my laptop on and then xbox it automatically connects.

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Ubuntu :: The Screen Goes Blank After Startup?

Jan 3, 2010

I've recently installed the 64bit version of WUBI on ASUS K50IJ with windows 7. Everything went smooth however when I try to boot into ubuntu, it shows that all the drivers are loading, I can even see the desktop background image for a second and then the screen goes blank. It is still ON however nothing is showing on it.
Pressing "CTRL+ALT+DEL" reboot the system.

even get access to the console for further debugging?

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Ubuntu :: Locking Screen At Startup?

Mar 28, 2010

I looked for this but couldn't find it.

When Gnome starts, I would like to auto-login a user account, but I and the screensaver to lock at boot. I am using the gnome-screensaver.

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Ubuntu :: 10.04 Freezes On Startup Screen?

Jul 20, 2010

I've been using 10.04 for a while now with no problems but for some reason it started freezing on the splash screen, 2 of my keyboards lights start blinking and thats it, I've tried with recovery mode and no luck either. The thing is I don't remember doing anything wrong.

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