So I'm wanting to learn a bit more about networking (ok, ALOT more), and I was thinking of trying to setup a virtual network via Virtualbox on my desktop, and as seperated from the internet as humanly possible (preferably no connection whatsoever).
Ignoring a few of the obvious problems (like my little dual core potentially running half a dozen VMs on 2G RAM), I am wanting some guidance as to what programs I would need or some documentation on setting things up.
I have no real clue where I would want to start with this, but I want it as a testbed for future toying with, to learn from, and just generally as something for me to hack at to see what does what, how, and why.
I am trying to learn about networking and am looking to set up a mini network between three bare bones Centos machines in Virtualbox. I set up the machines with a static IP. In the Virtualbox I am using NAT and have the IPs as follows Centos-1 IP: Gateway: DNS:
On all machines i can ping, and yum updates, but I can not ping any other machine. It says they are unreachable. NOt really sure what to do. Any help would be much appreciated.
The only things i need out of it are: mars_nwe (Netware server under Linux) and a reverse telnet server (the dos machine is a bbs) I need the virtual server to support a very old dos machine, and while i COULD use samba for drive mapping, the VNC server I'm useing on the dos machine is a progrm called TINY which pretty much means i'm stuck useing the novell dos network stack.
how best to configure opensuse for this? I'm running the install off of the live-dvd which has quite a bit selected by default. I'm not in need of an x-server or a desktop manager, as this will be a set it up and forget about it once it works VM
my error when trying to run a VB (Virtualbox). Error as copied from error box. install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel and execute 'modprobe vboxdrv' as root. VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).
I get this when trying to launch a VB after making one with wizzard.
Observed on two host systems both with openSUSE 11.3 32 bit using ext4: When a big files, in this case a 1.2 GB and a 1.7 GB is copied from DVD, usb harddrive or shared folder into a Windows 7 32 bit guest system, the copied file is corrupted. The md5sum has changed and until the guest system has been rebooted successive md5sum tests on the same file comes up with various results... After a reboot md5sum tests show consistent results, but a sum different from the original file.
I was trying to install VirtualBox through the YaST > Software Management but it is not working, someone in the forum told me that I have to download the OSE version and do it manual way. Finally I am able to start up VB but not able to use the network connection. Thus I am trying to do this:
/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup. I get this error:
When I type dmesg, it shows me a bunch of info which I don't know what should look for. When I type modprobe vboxnetflt, I get the error: FATAL: Error inserting vboxnetflt (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format. what should I do in order to get my VB to be able to connect to the internet?
I just ordered my new laptop (DLL XPS15) and I'm wondering on whether install a 32 or 64 bit version, I don't know if there's really a big difference between each one of them, I've always used a 32 bit version.
I have a couple of questions re Ubuntu 11.04, Firstly; how can I find out which system this is, I used Wubi to load it and I think it's 64bit, which is great but I'd like to be sure. Does 32bit and 64 bit both recognize 8Gb ram Is there a site where I can send the developers a thank you and a congratulations for doing such a brilliant job of this OS, it's running perfectly.
I have a ubuntu server , can advise if I want to change the network setting ( eg. IP address , gateway address etc ) , which one is the configuration file ? for example , if I want to change eth0 setting , what file I should update ?
I have a 5 year desktop with 1.5GB RAM and the following specifications. AMD Athlon D400 Single Channel 64bit. Would it be advisable to install the latest version of Ubuntu "Lucid Lynx" 64bit on this pc?
I have downloaded the 64bit version of Ubuntu 10.04. I am currently using 8.10 32bit and I want to clean install 10.04 64bit version. However the one thing that is putting me off is that I have heard if your PC has 1GB of RAM or less then 64bit won't run very good because it uses more RAM than 32bit. (my PC has 1GB) So the question is: Does 64bit use more RAM than 32bit?
I've made a fresh install with the alternate cd, because for same strange reason I was unable to boot into the live CD.
After the instalation, I have rebooted the PC and under the log in screen of ubuntu 10.04, was a path or line of text describing an error (can't remember the type of error.)
Then the line disappeared, and i was able to log in normally.
Everything looked fine, after some testing and tweaking of the new system, I tried to reboot (to test). I choose ubuntu 10.04 in grub manager, and then there was just a sea of code on a black screen.
The previous release of ubuntu worked well on my PC
every time I exit OA, the game will hang as soon as I tell it to quit (includes typing quit in console)I ran from terminal to see what the last entry was before killing the process and it's always: Closing SDL audio device...I get this problem on Urban Terror most of the time, and I get it on Nexuiz rarely.
Also, sometimes when I boot the game up I get about 5-10 seconds of very poor quality audio and then the audio just cuts out. Can't see anything in the terminal however that looks like an error regarding this.
Whenever I try to format my 2.0GB USB stick, I get the following error: Code: Error formatting volume Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: helper failed with: WARNING: Not enough clusters for a 32 bit FAT! mkfs.vfat: Attempting to create a too large file system mkfs.vfat 3.0.7 (24 Dec 2009)
I currently have Ubuntu running in 32 bit with pae but I now want to switch to 64 bit. all of my hardware supports it. Is there an easer way to switch without needing to install Ubuntu all over again? It's such a haste to copy all of my files and reinstall programs and there settings manually.
i can only get 64bit from amazon's site. I tried running windows version in wine but it failed to work.edit: due to a mislabeled CD, I had errantly installed the 64bit version of Ubuntu and had not known until I was told later in this thread.
Ive been using Ubuntu 32bit on my work Dell E6400 for nearly a year now with no problems. It is capable of running Ubuntu 64bit and Ive tried out the live CD which seems ok. I have a spare 40GB HDD and a USB caddy so Id like to install Ubuntu 64bit onto that and start working with that as a trial. Once im happy I can get all the usual things I need for my work (like vpnc) working then I'll wipe the main internal HDD and install Ubuntu 64bit.
Apart from backing up my home directory, id like to backup a list of my installed packages as a list of reference so I know what to add into my new install. Is there a "apt" command to do this and list the packages in a way where if I install those packages, I'll not hit any dependancy problems by installing one before another?
10.04 32bit Desktop edition. I have unchecked the "Enable screensaver when the computer is idle" option and have set "put display to sleep when inactive for" to "Never" but the display is still blanking out!
I don't come across as dumb but here it goes *L* I have 2, 2gig usb pendrives. I have Ubuntu on both of these drives 1 is Ubuntu 10.10 32bit the other is Ubuntu 10.10 64bit. When in the live environment can I tell which bit I am currently running. (Yeah I forgot to mark them) I don't want to install the 32bit on my 64bit computer (I know it would work but still) I really dont want to redo the usb's if it is at all possible.
I have ubuntu on my pc......i downloaded virtual i want to install windows 7 32bit on much memory should i allocate for it? and can i delete that windows 7 after some days?and that memory can i use in ubuntu?