I just finished setting up my home ubuntu home server. Installed LAMP and it works beautifully. The problem is everytime I upload a file through FTP into the server, the file changes permission even though I did chmod -R 755 www. Si everytime I upload a file to my server i need to run the command chmod -R 755 /var/www
I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get this to work and it is driving me crazy, I have a 11.04 box and have setup some zfs filesystems for data storage, I have 2 users and have created a group called media and added both of the users to the group. I have changed the group of the directory to media and have set chmod g+s
root@saturn:/tank/data# ls -l total 8 drwxrws--- 2 root media 2 2011-06-18 13:59 Backups drwxrws--- 2 root media 2 2011-06-18 14:26 Music drwxrws--- 2 root media 2 2011-06-18 12:44 Pictures
I have set up a home server with ubuntu desktop since im new to this and need the gui. I have no problems with the lamp package or setting that up. My question is, can you setup a ftp server and then connect to it from a windows pc on the same network with a client like core ftp? I want to do this to add files and make chmod a little easier if possible.
I've been searching the web, without finding any sollution to my problem.vsFTPd is acting really weird. I've never seen this problem before, and I've been using vsftpd for some years nowWell.. The thing is, I've made a user that chroots to the folder /var/www on my server. And when I then try to chmod the file /var/www/htdocs/testsite/index.html through my ftp-client, I only get the error "550 SITE CHMOD command failed.", and when I then check in my /var/log/vsftpd.log it says
Code: FAIL CHMOD: Client "", "/htdocs/testsite/index.html 777" Which I think would mean that it tries to chmod the file "/htdocs/testsite/index.html" instead of chmod the
I just installed the lamp stack and so far my default site is working. But a 2nd site I made is not working.I created the config file in /etc/apache2/sites-availableit reads:Quote:
I have very interesting problem after ~10 PHP Fatal error, php 5(latest one) in apache2(latest one) in Ubuntu Server 10.10(with latest updates) just do not work. So if try any php page it's not working(user see white page), but HTML still work fine.What that can be? So only restart apache is help to back php. (we are running Wordpress blog 3.1)
I had a problem with apache2 and getting .htaccess working. I have done some things and i believe its working the ErrorDocument command is anyway. I believe there may be some problems with the rewrites though.Im trying to take a urlhttp://localhost/showthread/123and make it display whats on http://localhost/index.php?showthread=123The rewrite rule is Quote:
Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteRule ^showthread/([^/.]+)/?$ index.php?showthread=$1 [L]
I upgraded Samba to 3.5.2 to enable Windows 7 to log in to the PDC. ACL was working with the Samba 3.0.28a that came with 8.04LTS. After upgrade I can now log in to the domain with Win 7 but ACL permissions are not working on Win7, XP or anything. They still show on the server but any attempt to change permissions on the workstation fails with "Access is Denied" and only user/group/other permissions are doing anything. Anyone know what changes for the ACL were made between the two versions? I know they're working on switching to VFS modules but setting "vfs objects = acl_xattr"
Well I did something really stupid:sudo chmod 700 -R /Why? because it's late and I'm tired and somehow thought it was only on my current dir...Is this somehow fixable? I don't get my usual loginscreen so I guess through an tty?
or at least, it doesn't seem to. for some reason, my .txt, .doc, .rtf, and other files that shouldn't have the execute bit set often seem to (i think i know why, but that's not important). it's my understanding that this command should, for example, remove the execute bit from all .rtf files recursively (that is, from .rtf files in subdirectories too):
Code: chmod -R 666 *.rtf i've read help and the man page for chmod, and it seems that -R switch should make chmod work recursively, but it only alters files in the present working directory. could someone point out what i'm doing wrong?
I have installed php, mysql, and apatche. And i need the /var/www/ folder to be able to be read witten, and acsessed by anything. I have tried chmodding 777. But it still doesnt work.
it seems to me I can't get chmod to function recursively. I have a folder with a couple subdirectories in it and a few in each of those etc. Now, I want to give everyone read-write on all .c files. So, I typed in terminal:
Code: chmod -R 666 *.c However, none of the .c files in any of the subdirectories were touched, i.e. I could have accomplished exactly the same thing by typing
Code: chmod 666 *.c I did RTFM, and it seems that what I did initially should have been the ticket. What am I doing wrong?
I have been working closely to the Katana boot kit here recently, and this is bugging me. I am trying to use a new program to Katana called Forge. I have it on my flash drive, and I open the properties to make it executable, and when I click something it automatically changes back. I have tried the basic stuff, sudo nautilus.
I'm having problems with chmodding a NTFS directory. I'm having problems accessing the directory through samba because of some missing permissions, but when I try to set them, nothing happens.This is what I do:
Code: root@proliant:/media# ls -l total 32[code].....
I also tried to replace 'hdd.1' with '/media/hdd.1' and 'hdd.1/'
I have an external fat32 hard drive. It already has some files on it. Now, I mounted it and it shows the owner to be root. fine. but when I change the permissions, it does not seem to change it. I am not able able to access the directories, even as root !.I was able to create directories, but "luckybackup" wan not able to write to it due to permissions. I take it the lucky backup is executing as root/ but even otherwise, if I do chmod ugo+rwx, why do the permissions dont change ? (no erorr message by chmod). here is the stuff: (ext drive mounted at /seagate)
I'm such a newbie when it comes to Ubuntu, or any Linux varient, period. I was trying to install a driver for an HP All-in-One Printer and was trying all kinds of commands from different Google searches... still unsuccessful in the installation. I downloaded the file to my desktop, but after using a Chmod command someone mentioned, I now have a folder on my desktop named:
"You are not the owner so you cannot change these permissions". The folder's icon on my desktop has a red box with white circle on the middle right side and a lock symbol above that. I'm the only user so I don't get why the permissions are protected from me, how do i undo this?
What does chmod 000 do?when i create a chmod'd file with the 000 permission what happens?I tried creating a file with 000 permissions, and I was still able to read and write to it. So what what does chmod 000 actually do?
I recently installed Ubuntu 10.4 on an Intel machine. The machine also has Windows 7. So some of the partitions of the hard drive are Windows compatible (NTFS). They are all mounted when system is booted with Ubuntu and all files are accessible. However, when I try to change permission or limit access to a group, CHMOD command does not work. It doesn't return any error and everything seems to work fine but I can't change any permission.
The software I just bought (Lightroom 2.1) contains instructions to get my serial. I downloaded the sofware on my desktop and installed it. In the terminal, I wrote "chmod +x keagan", pressed enter and wrote "./keagan" and I get this message: No such file or directory. what I am doing wrong? I am working on Mac OS 10.4.
I've had my share of troubles with Ubuntu before and always been able to find help just by reading the forums, but this time it doesn't seem to be happening. Basically, I think I did something stupid by trying to change the permissions on my home folder to 777. (I'm the only person who uses my computer and got sick of always having to get root permissions.) Halfway through the process, the computer slowed to a crawl and text in dialog boxes started getting replaced with empty squares.
Naturally I rebooted - or tried to. Regular boot didn't work, so I tried recovery mode, which was kind enough to tell me I had a kernel panic because sbin/init wasn't found. Here's where things got weird: I then tried to boot from my Ubuntu USB stick, and couldn't. I got to the USB menu, hit the "run" option, and after a few seconds of the Ubuntu boot screen, my monitor went blank. Actually, to be technical, it didn't just show a black screen - the screen shut off. That's as far as I've been able to get.
By the way, just before I tried what I'm now calling the chmod-of-death, I also had an update freeze in the middle. I am able to boot into Windows, and have checked my USB stick - all seems fine. Any thoughts on this? Worst case, I can reformat the partition and reinstall, but I'd rather not lose all that data.
UPDATE: Okay, so I *did* manage, after about ten more tries, to boot from the USB stick. I went in from there and changed all the permissions back to 755. Tried to boot in recovery again, and still getting the same sbin/init error - so I'm wondering now if it had more to do with the failed update than the permission change....
I'm trying to recreate a website on a local system using LAMPP. I need to change some file permissions on localhost.
I have tried running a normal Filezilla session, as well as running as root but the system always denies Filezilla permissions.
I know I can do it directly using CHMOD on it's own but I would like to try to replicate the FTP sessions I can run on my remote server where I can change permissions in Filezailla without issue.
Have a look at the image. i hav two users ,one is apoorv(administrator) and other is others(ordinary user). i want to restrict the ordinary user from accessing the files directory as shown in picture. so i tried the chmod command with o-rw option. but its not working ..i hav enabled auto mount for all partitions at boot time.
In a rage of anger against VI I decided to open my firewall config file in gedit, made some changes and was then confronted by the fact that it was read only. I decided to change the permissions for the whole of the /etc folder with: Code: sudo chmod 777 /etc/*
This also changed /etc/sudoers so that now whenever I try to use sudo I get the error: sudo: /etc/sudoers is 0777, should be 0440 segmentation fault I cannot change it back to 440 because I need sudo to do that.
Recently i was fixing a permissions error on my home folder. In the process i ran accidentally chmod 777 in the root directory. BIG mistake. Now i cant run sudo, or start network manager. I am currently on vacation and made a bootable version ov ubuntu on my flash drive, but i wouldn't boot. I think it is because i chmod'ed the grub folder (with is in the root) I have a boot CD a home, but is there anyway to fix it beforehand?
I have recently installed Ubuntu 10.10 (x64) and I have noticed that I cannot change the permissions of any of the files on my external drives. If I do it from the Properties of the file by manually changing a field on permissions, it changes back automatically before my eyes. If I change it with chmod, nothing happens. They are all in "-rw-/drwx/-rwx------" mode. What should I do?
I am just starting to learn to script and I need to know what this doesn't work, here's the error I get: "chmod: command not found" The error goes away when I delete the line with "dirname $NAME" in it.
#!/bin/sh echo "enter file name with extension and path" read NAME FULLPATH=`dirname $NAME` OPENFILE="open "$NAME OPENPATH="open "$FULLPATH echo $OPENFILE > /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink echo $OPENPATH >> /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink chmond +x /Users/admin/Desktop/tmpLink
I want to have two kind of users in a work machine having ubuntu 10.04,
1) He is the admin, have sudo privilages and install, do all types of work, his username is abhilash
2) A user who is normally a IT administrator, who can just install or remove softwares, but cannot access files of abhilash.
I'm trying to do this and my head is going blank, The problem where i'm stuck is, if IT admin can install softwares, then he can become sudo as sudo su, then he can view my files
So here is a small test i did, first with abhilash.
Now others and group don't have any permissions! But when IT Administrator becomes root, he can see this file