Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Get Passwordless Ssh To Work
Feb 3, 2010
I followed the steps here: [URL]
It works fine, except every time I try to do something that requires authentication of the key, I have to type in the password in a prompt that looks like this:
$ git pull
Enter passphrase for key '/home/<user>/.ssh/id_rsa':
remote: Counting objects: 16, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 7), reused 0 (delta 0)
This is very annoying. How can I have it so I don't have to enter my password each time?
On my local machine I followed the same instructions and don't have to enter the password every time...
I am running Ubuntu 10.04 (OpenSSH_5.3p1 Debian-3ubuntu3, OpenSSL 0.9.8k 25 Mar 2009) I am trying to setup passwordless ssh/scp for some servers on a LAN I am running the following commands:
I added the last step as the following error prevented logins:
Code: agent admitted to failure to sign using the key After running ssh-add, i still get the error(agent admitted to failure to sign using the key) but passwordless ssh/scp works. The following is the output of user@localmachine:~$ ssh -vvv remote@
I have for a while been trying to setup ssh so hadoop can ssh without a password to all it's nodes. (Currenly 2 nodes)But i can not get the ssh to login without either asking for a password or just getting access denied (public key)I have been following two guidesFirst:Setting up SingleNode ClusterThen after:Setting up Multinode ClusterI have also done various ssh tutorials on setting up ssh.I got to the point where i do the command bin/start-dfs.shThen it begins asking for passwords. Which it should'nt.The problem is that ssh is not setup correcly.And whatever i try i get problems with logging in.the computers are called.
hadoop1.utoft.be (Namenode and JobTracker) hadoop2.utoft.be hadoop3.utoft.be
I want use two computer to run OpenFOAM or Fluent software.These two computers are connected via a cross cable. I have access to another by "ssh maysam@" OR "ssh" The problem is i should have access to another PC by "ssh maysam-desktop" command which can run parallel. maysam-desktop is name of anothe PC and maysam is name of its user.
How can I configure ssh to do the passwordless logins between the users in a Linux server?I am using RHEL4.6 version. I have created some users in this server and I would like to login from one user to the other users in the same server without a password prompt by using SSH. I was using rsh for this purpose before, but since it is against our security policy , I have to switch to SSH.I have done the ssh configuration by creating the keys and copying the public keys to the file .ssh/authorized_keys of the other users in the same server.But unfortunately still I am not able to login to other users in the same system WITHOUT a Password.I did the following settings.From user1:
I'm in my terminal and do git pull, git push alot in a work day. On the server I'm pulling and pushing I can't do password less ssh the usual way by generating rsa keys.Is it still possible perhaps for me to enter my password once for a session and do all the git pulls/pushes I want?
I am trying to run OpenNebula on a set of 2 machines. One of the machines(called host1) must be able to access the others(including itself) with passwordless ssh.Both machines have the same user and use mounted folder from host1 for home directory(exported with NFS). So single key generation should be enough for this configuration - all the machines have access to the same .ssh folder.What I am getting at the end is passwordless ssh from host1 to host2 which is great, but no success from host1 to host1. Host2 to host2 is also OK, host2 to host1 wants password like host1 to host1.Both machines have the same sshd_config and ssh_config files.File permissions required by ssh should be correct since it works for host1 to host2.The only difference(I see) between the machines is that host1 runs nfs service, so host2 has access to the exported folders.
The ssh-keygen is executed on host1authorized_keys has the same public key two times(to authorize access for host1 on host1 and host2).The distro is Scientific Linux 6.0 aand I also use rsa.Something else - no pass ssh with another user from host1 to host1 works, so I suppose the problem comes from this mounted folder.
I can ssh with password ok but after doing the whole key generation procedure at [URL].. section 7, it still prompts for a password. Here is the output:
[root@apvdbs03 log]# ssh -v root@aapxen01 OpenSSH_4.3p2, OpenSSL 0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 01 Jul 2008 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: Applying options for * debug1: Connecting to aapxen01 [] port 22. debug1: Connection established.
1. created a key with ssh-keygen on the server to be logged in to 2. copied the .pub key to my local machine 3. chmod 700 ~/.ssh on both machines 4. chomd 600 ~/.ssh/ic_rsa on the server, and on known_hosts on my local machine 5. added the .pub key to ~/known_hosts on my local machine
my local machine doesn't have an "authorized_keys" file which is what everything is telling me I should append my .pub key to. The only thing that was in my .ssh folder was known_hosts, so I tried that. I also tried making an authorized_hosts file to no avail, changing permissions appropriatly on all files.
Should I/Can I reset ssh in some way? Is there are reason I don't have an authorized_keys file or is my known_hosts file my authorized_keys file?
Would it be better just to uninstall/reinstall ssh?
I'm working on some code from my computer at home and would like to do CVS updates to a remote server. When I'm at work I don't need to type in a password, but at home each time I need to type in my password each time I do a CVS update. I've followed the instructions here on how to set up a passwordless public/private ssh key pair: [URL].. However, after that I still need to type in my ssh password each time I do CVS update (or anything CVS related) from my local computer.
There are a few threads about this but none seem to me.I have 3 machines setup with a nfs home directory on machine 1.I have created keys using ssh-keygen -t rsa (and left everything blank), then as user on machine 1 run
this used to work until I upgraded to ubuntu 11.04 (from 9.04), and now it requires a password to ssh. I have tried several times deleting ~/.ssh/* and recreating, to no luck Below is the results when I try to ssh into -2 from -1:
(dumb question, but shouldn't the offered RSA public key be id_rsa.pub rather than id_rsa?)
I have two load balancing boxes... One primary (box1) and one backup/failover (box2). I want to make sure the heartbeat is running on both boxes via a script. While I'm on box1, I want to run as any user: ssh box2 service pulse status and not have box2 ask for a password.
I have 3 servers with Oracle 10g installed. In order for rsync to work for log shipping I need to have passwordless SSH configured.*Note: I did not configure these servers, 2 DBA's got canned and I'm left to fix this and I am not a DBA.I have done passwordless SSH in the past and it is easy.Here is my problem: (-> = passwordless ssh works)ServerA -> ServerCServerB -> ServerCBut I need all 3 to be able to do passwordless SSH to each other.I deleted all the files in /home/oracle/.ssh on all 3 servers and this is what I did for all 3 servers:
I'm trying to configure a process triggered by an SVN post-commit hook which will log into a different host and carry out an SVN update on a file path on that host before exiting. An earlier attempt mounted the remote filepath on the SVN host using sshfs and performed the update locally. This worked but it was incredibly slow (minutes to complete an SVN update).
So, Plan B was to set-up a passwordless login for the user the script runs as and then use pam-script to script a checkout from a repository using the same credentials. The problem is, passwordless SSH login using private/public keys appears to bypass the PAM authentication system or at least interact with it in a way that no environment variables (including the SSH user's name and pass) are resolved by the authentication script being used by pam-script.
I've tested the pam-script behaviour for normal log-ins and it exposes these variables fine. This leaves me in a Catch-22 with trying to script access on one host to perform actions on another while avoiding user/pass prompts or the need to store plaintext passwords on the remote host.
Anyone know if there's a way to resolve a user account password via PAM when using passwordless SSH or, another approach I could take to perform scripted tasks on the remote system requiring authentication? Ideally without storing the passwords on the remote system (at least in unencrypted form).
What's the easiest way to have a system script (running as root) execute remote commands over ssh? I've written some scripts that execute commands remotely via ssh, and they work great when I run them as myself, as I've set up ssh-agent and keys for passwordless login. I'd like to call these when my laptop docks and undocks. I've been successful at running arbitrary scripts when docking/undocking, but since the ACPI event scripts run as root, trying to run my ssh script fails during authentication.
I tried using sudo with the -u and -i flags to simulate running the script as my user, e.g.: sudo -u redmoskito -i /home/redmoskito/bin/remote_command which successfully finds my private key and tries to use it, but the ssh-agent credentials are still missing, so it still needs my passphrase.
I am trying to set up passworldess login - I am trying to automate ssh to use send commands from a Red Hat el5.2 server to a solaris 9 server (I did get it working from solaris 10-9).I have ran ssh-keygen -t rsa and then the ssh-copy-id and i can login passwordless via ssh. N HURRAH
Unfortunately when I use my scripts to automate the commands I ALWAYS receive an "Error Code - 255" - the command is successfully sent.
I have to establish password SFTP between one Unix box and Windows in which certain files will be pushed from unix to windows server. Our client is insisting on using TurboFTP on Windows for ssh daemon to run. There are two components in TurboFTO- client and server.
1. I need help if I need to install both. As far as my knowledge with this software is considered, I dont think TurboFTP client to be running as the server componoent will itself run sshd.
2. Also, when I try to add server in TurboFTP server console, it provides me two options - local and remote server types. Local uses 3830 port by default and uses ip If I use Remote server type which uses 3839 and I dont know what ip address to provide. I need help whether I shud go ahead with local server or remote server.
My doubt is if I consider local server type then whether my Unix box will be able to recognize if thie windows machine (which is also naving network specific ip address) has sshd running because windows has local server type enabled which uses
I have been trying to establish a connection between two pcs via the ssh channel. I successfully made the connection as a root user, but when i tried as a non root user i had to type in the password the make contact with the other pc. how exactly does this passwordless login actually work?
I'm not to sure this is the place I should post this, but couldn't find any place for it to fit. So here is the deal..I am running 10.10 with the standard LAMP setup. I am running a drupal 7 site no problems. What I need to do is run a multi site sub directory. (domain.com/newsite). So far the best I can do is get a directory index of the second site (domain.com/newsite), but cant run the installer. (I did the symbolic link to the doc root of the drupal install.)If I type in the url domain.com/newsite/install.php I get not found. I placed an index.html test page and it renders fine. I think I'm close but just not there yet.
Any ideas from anyone? I can get Sobdomains to work fine on a test mache, but sadly I need the domain/site to work due to lack of DNS support at the moment. I tried to get some info from the drupal forum, but everything always points to subdomin setups. I also posted over there, but it seems like the forums have very little support and are a bit on the slow side.
I was asked to list passwordless or locked accounts in a fedora system. As far as I know, fedora or RH dont allow passwordless accounts (the system locks the account Edit: ... unless you set passwd -d :-P ), so I might show info about locked accounts.
I am totally aware that I could do a grep or an awk searching for "!!" or "", but my people is asking me to check against passwd -S (which prints info of accounts). The thing, is that in Solaris you can check with passwd -a -s all the users, but in Linux I couldnt find anything similar. what approach do you reccomend for passing, say , the list of users ( like the output of awk searching only user names) to the command passwd -S one by one?
we are running a small cluster (CentOS 5.5) for research in fluid dynamics, using OpenFOAM and Fluent togehter with Sun Grid Engine. For these programs, ssh without password prompt in console is required. So far, I did the method described here: [URL]... with keys distributed at each node. However, imagine a new users needs to be created:
1. Creating user at every node. 2. Create key at every node 3. Distribute key to every node
Makes password prompt threetimes, for 50 nodes - quite a lot. The students dont like that really much, me neither. What I am asking for is any help to make this more comfortable. I am not really a system admin, but more a researcher with some knowledge in admin tasks. Actually, I would like to use a ldap authetication, were passwords are stored centrally. When the user first logs in to a machine, the home directory should be created. I think I can manage it to work.
I have the system setup and working, but I want to put it in a corner and forget about it. Problem is, nothing starts running unless I'm logged in. And if I log out, everything stops again.It's running a LAMP server and has VNC and SSH servers as well. I want all of that to start without having to log in. That way I can remote reboot without worries and connect and login with either VNC or SSH.Everything seems to have an entry in /etc/init.dIs the way it's acting normal behavior? It's a fresh install, then I installed everything I needed from the repos.
I have an rsync server and am now setting up cwrsync on my windows machine. I want to be able to run cwrsync over ssh with public private keys. I followed a tutorial over here to set this up. It, however, still prompts me for server password and works only if I provide the password. For some reason the public/private key process is not working.
- I generated a key using the command: ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' (I verified the key gets generated on my Windows machine)
- I uploaded the generated file id_rsa.pub to server /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
I am also prompted for a password if from command prompt I run this command to log into server: ssh -i c:docume~1user.sshid_rsa root@<server_ip_address> On server I have changed the configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config) to say:
RSAAuthentication yes PubkeyAuthentication yes
I then restarted the sshd service, however, to no avail.
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 server with apache 2. I have set up a virtual server for the web server. I got the MySQL database working and PHP working. I just can not get my CGI scripts to run. I have 2 different systems set up and I can not get the CGI to work on either.
This is what I have: Per-Directory Options Directory / Directory /var/www/ Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin Directory /usr/share/doc/
This give me a "Not Found" I have the cgi script chmod at 755 and I have tried 777. If I put a copy in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ I get an "Internal Server Error". The script works find on the Host Gator server. The top of the script has "#!/usr/bin/perl" I know this is correct too.
I cant get to my phpmyadmin on xampp I tried doing it on the terminal but i get this wierd message
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running. XAMPP: Another MySQL daemon is already running. XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD... XAMPP for Linux started.
But i cant get in phpmyadmin What can i do linux pros?
Today, after upgrading kernel to version 2.6.32-22 (linux-image-2.6.32-22-server) all my KVM guests stopped working. I could not reach the guests over (bridged) network or connnect to the guests with virt-mangager (well, I could but all i could see was black screen). I was able to reproduce the issue on my second server.
What is wrong with the Ubuntu installer? I am trying to install 10.04 Server from either a USB CD-ROM or a USB memory stick and no matter what I try (and I've tried every trick I've been able to find so far). I regularly install other OS's using these methods without any problems or workarounds required. Why is the Ubuntu installer so screwed up?
When I try to install from USB CDROM the installer boots, asks me all those keyboard questions, and dies at "Detect and mount CD-ROM". It askes me if I want to load CD-ROM drivers from removable media I've even tried various things such as using the command prompt to manually copy the iso to /root/ and mount the iso to install from... no dice.
So next I tried using the Universal USB Installer tool as outlined at http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download The USB stick is created and it will also boot up the installer as expected. This method stops at the same point as the USB CD-CDROM. Other than rip open the server and hack in an ide/sata CDROM drive (there's no room for one), what does one have to do to make this work?
I'm trying to get WOL to work on my web server built on an ASUS P4A800D-X motherboard (which supports wol).I have it enabled in my BIOS and I've tried several different tools with no results, including my dd-wrt based router which has this functionality built into the firmware.All the guides I've read say it has to be enabled in the driver settings in the Windows Control panel before it will work, but I'm running Ubuntu Server 10.04.
Is there any special steps that must be taken in the OS to enable my web server to power on from the LAN? I've never used this feature before and would like to just shove my web server in a corner some where and have 100% remote control from my main PC.
I am building a new server on Rackspace Cloud. When they create an instance, it is a raw install. I have several other instances running Ubuntu 10.04 with vsftpd running just fine.But I have an app that doesn't like php 5.3 so I created a new server instance with Ubuntu 9.1 and php 5.2.Here is my problem... I install vsftpd EXACTLY the same way I've installed it dozens of times on Ubuntu 10.04. But when I try to access it, I get an ERROR 500 "vsftpd: cannot locate user specified in 'ftp_username':ftp. I'm SURE I'm using a valid username & password.