Ubuntu Servers :: LVM Mixing IDE And SATA?

Mar 6, 2010

Is LVM sensitive to mixing different drives w/different specs? If I mix IDE and SATA drives are there issues?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mixing Apt And Compiled Packages?

Jul 21, 2010

I don't want to screw up my system, but I need newer versions of packages then the ones in the apt repos. What is the community consensus on the best way to mix apt package management with building bleeding edge packages from source?

Should I build the source into a package and install it with apt? Should I avoid make install?

I would also like to be able to use multiple versions of the same package, and have some sort of sym link or something to determine which version gets executed.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mixing Both Hardy And Lucid Repositories?

Jan 24, 2011

I have Ubuntu Server 8.04 (LTS) installed and running well, but there a few packages that I'd like to upgrade, without upgrading the entire system (e.g, apache2). Is it possible to include both the Hardy (8.04) and Lucid (10.04) distributions in sources.list? Is that even safe? By the same token, can I add a Maverick repo to my list? I'm using "apache2" as an example, but this is more of a general question.

How should situations like this usually be handled, when only a select few packages would profit from an upgrade that resides in a different Ubuntu release?

On a similar note, is it possible to install two different versions of the same package using the APT tools? Let's say I want two different versions of php5 -- how would I go about doing that?

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Hardware :: Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard Disk Be Run On Motherboard Which Only Support SATA II

Aug 13, 2010

Can SATA 3 (SATA III) Hard disk be run on motherboard which only supports SATA II, except sacrificing the speed (throughput)?

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Ubuntu :: SATA II / Error "ata4: Limiting SATA Link Speed To 1.5 Gbps" - Allowing The SSD To Run At SATA II Speeds?

May 1, 2011

I keep getting this error in my log viewer every 2 seconds: Code: ata4: limiting SATA link speed to 1.5 Gbps I have a dual boot SSD and I have run many SMART tests in windows and linux, (using smartmon tools and the disk utility) and the reports are all 100% healthy..... My research shows that this error represents one of the following:

1. Problem with SATA controller
2. Changing BIOS to allow SATA
3. Changing SATA mode to PATA or AHCI
4. Replacing the SATA cable
5. Allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds, i.e. 3 Gbps

- Does anyone know how to try number 5, i.e. allowing the SSD to run at SATA II speeds? I am lost here and this problem has caused my machine to crash twice when watching a movie in linux/ ubuntu. (It is worth noting that the crashes have only occurred in linux and I have never had an issue in windows, so it does seem to be a linux setting somewhere, hence why I think it is a "allowing SATA II to run at correct speeds issue")

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Ubuntu Servers :: SATA/PATA - Permission Denied

Apr 18, 2010

I'm currently running Karmic on a old Dell Pentium 4, and I am having trouble copying files to this box from my laptop which is running Linux Mint Helena. I am able to see and connect to the shared directory on the Dell, copy and execute files from there, but cannot write to it. The permissions have been set to 777 on the shared directory and sub directories within that. The older Dell has a PATA hard disk, 300gb, while my newer laptop has a SATA hard disk. I've read that this can be a problem, and permissions may not be recognized? I'm not able to connect to the laptop from the Dell, neither of the administrator logins work, though I maybe need to do this as root?

Here is the smb.conf file I am running on both machines:

I want to be able to write to my server, not just read and execute. I am also not able to write to the server when logged on to a windows machine on the same network.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mount 4 Internal Sata Disks Using Hal On Installation?

Jan 20, 2010

i currently try to mount 4 internal sata disks using hal on a server installation?

i did

apt-get install hal and copied a .fdi script to /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/30-storage-all.fdi

as far is i understand now i need a hal/dbus client
gnome-volumen-manager seems to be one
apt-get install gnome-volume-manager

now im stuck there is no such executable like gnome-volumen-manager thus, how does it work? how can i start it? how do i know if and why the .fdi script works or fails?

since its a server edition and its purpose should be a very minimized server install i dont want a GUI like gnome fully installed

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Ubuntu Servers :: Mdadm RAID 6 Array With Si 3132 SATA Controller ?

Mar 12, 2010

I've recently started having an issue with an mdadm RAID 6 array that been operational for about 2500 hours.

Intermittently during write operations the array stalls, dropping to almost 0 write speed for 10-30 seconds. When this occur one or both of the 2 drives attached to a 2 port Silicon Image si3132 SATA-II controller "locks up" with its activity light locked on. This just started occurring within the last week and didn't seem to coincide with any update that i noticed. The array has just recently passed 12.5% full. The size of the write does not seem to make any difference and it seems completely random. Some times copying a 5 GB dataset results in no slow down other times a torrent downloading to the array at 50kb/sec does cause a slow down and vise versa.

The array consists of 8 WD 1.5TB drives, 6 attached to the ICH9R south bridge, and 2 attached to a si3132 based PCI express card. The array is formatted as a single ext4 partition.

Checking SMART data for all drives shows no errors. Testing read speed with hdparm reports what i would expect (100mb/sec for each drive, ~425mb/sec for the array).

The only thing i did notice is that udma6 is enabled for all the ICH9R drives while only udma5 is enabled for the si3132 drives. Write cache is enabled for all the disks. Attempting to set the si3132 drive to udma6 results in an IO error from hdparm.

The si3132 drive is using the sata_sil24 driver. Nothing of interest appears in the kern or syslog. During this time top shows very high wait time.

The s13132 controller appears to have the original firmware from 2006 loaded, there are some firmware updates available on the Silicon Image website for this controller that now appear to offer separate firmwares for RAID operation (some sort of hybrid controller/software thing the controller supports) and a separate firmware for standard IDE use.

Has anyone had similar issues with this controller? Is a firmware update a reasonable course of action? If so which firmware is best supported by the linux driver?

I know i'm not using its raid features but i've dealt with controllers that needed to be in raid mode for ahci to be active and for linux to work well with them. I'm bit ify at the idea of just trying it and finding out as it could knock 2 disks of my array out of action.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Inexpensive Single Board / Embedded System With SATA

Aug 6, 2010

I'm looking for doing AOE (Ata over ethernet) inexpensively with single board computers, like Routerboard stuff, but is there anything with sata plugs. Hopefully I can get each board for hopefully around $50, but a little more would be ok. Non-x86 is fine, Debian is as good as Ubuntu.

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Ubuntu Servers :: 8.04 From Regular SATA To Nvidia RAID / FakeRAID - OS Not Getting Wiped Out

Apr 1, 2011

I had Ubuntu 8.04 installed on server#1 and moved it to server#2. Everything works fine, including the changing of eth2/3 back to eth0/1. I was wondering if it's possible to use the nvidia onboard raid and make a raid 1 with this OS not getting wiped out. It's a bios level cheesy raid and it warns that it's erasing the data (which is didn't erase), but wont boot anyway. I'm assuming it's probably best to just create a software raid in the working OS with a fresh 2nd drive.

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Ubuntu :: SATA Libata Verses Silicom Images SATA Module

Jun 21, 2010

I installed Ubuntu 10.04, and happened to have an Silicom Images PCXpress card plugged in, and it kindly added the sil_sata module.This is fine for this chip set.I think that my earlier installation of Ubuntu 9.04 used Libata, which does support NCQ and also has good legacy support for the Intel Intel ICH7 chipset I have inside my Sony Vaio SZ notebook. Also, libata also support Silicon Image chipsets as far as I can tell from URL...I wish to remove the Silicom Images SATA modules and replace this with libata and then test the performance between the two device drivers.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Windows XP Disc Wouldn't Find Sata Hard Drive

Apr 10, 2011

I'm trying to get my work's infrastructure built at home before I go up there and show the boss. It is as follows: VMware esxi installed on the server with:

Windows server 2008
Ubuntu 10.04 server

I've got VMware installed. And I have spent the past 7 hours trying to figure out how to manage it. I found out that vsphere has not nor will ever be supported for Linux; which was my first problem.

Second Problem So I had to dig around for a spare Windows 7 dvd. To my UN-surprise it blue screened before it even got to the Windows installer.

Third Problem So I dug around for my Windows XP disc. Wouldn't find my sata hard drive and I wasn't about to dig around for a floppy drive and disk, in order to install it.

Fourth Problem I remembered that I had a dual boot of Windows 7 downstairs and proceeded to download and install vsphere. It wouldn't install because of some updates that needed to be installed. I installed them and got vsphere installed as well. However upon connecting to my vmware esxi, there was yet another error that had to do with some update. I found out that the error had been existent since 2009 and for some reason NO ONE at VMware has fixed it....

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Ubuntu :: Mixing Apt-* And Aptitude NOK?

Aug 25, 2010

I read somewhere that it's not a good idea to mix the use of apt-* (eg. apt-get, apt-file, etc.) and "aptitude". I guess they're not using the same database to keep track of things.Problem is, they don't offer the same features:"apt-get safe-upgrade" doesn't exist, so have to use "aptitude safe-upgrade"."aptitude show/list mypackage" doesn't show the files that an uninstalled package (ie. still in depot) contains, so have to use "apt-file show mypackage".

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Debian :: Check If Mainboard Supports SATA-I Or SATA-II?

Jun 1, 2010

My motherboard supports SATA but I do not know which version: SATA-I or SATA-II. I want to buy a SSD so it would be pointless to buy a fast SSD if my motherboard only suports SATA-I

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Ubuntu Servers :: Bootmgr Is Missing Occurs When Plug The SATA 1 TB(data Stored With Windows File System)

Jun 18, 2010

I have a problem : " bootmgr is missing" It occurs when I plug the SATA 1 TB(data stored with windows file system).

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Ubuntu :: Mixing Up TV-Tuner And Sound Card?

Nov 17, 2010

A while ago I reinstalled Ubuntu on my PC when I felt that Windows was about to give up. I'm glad I did. A lot of the applications I had on my Mac had equivalents on Linux, I was delighted and I haven't been needing Windows at all.

Up until recently everything was working fine, but now I think Linux is mixing up my Sound Card with my TV Tuner. When I call someone using Skype, it ends up airing white noise, however, if I've watched TV prior to that, it ends up airing the sound from whatever channel I was watching last. If I turn on the video calling function (despite the fact that I haven't got any webcam plugged in) it ends up airing video from that same channel.

It just started doing this randomly, and as I did some experiments, I discovered that it does this with all audio-input applications. (Sound Recorder etc,)

So I installed Pulseaudio device manager, and I discovered that my soundcard isn't listed under output devices.

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Ubuntu :: Mixing 512 & 4k Sector HD's In A Software RAID 5 Array

Mar 24, 2010

I currently have a mirror raid array with 2x 1TB HD's (Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EADS SATA). They are both the standard 512 byte sector HD's. I just ordered a new 1TB Hard Drive (Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS SATA) as I want to wipe the current mirror raid and use the 3 disks in a raid 5 array.

But to my suprise, the new 1TB HD is an "advanced format" HD with 4k byte sectors... Am I screwed or can this 4k byte sector HD be used in a software raid 5 array along with the 512 byte sector hard drives?

(The WD hard drive says you can jumper it to work with XP which can only use 512 byte sectors... there's also a utility you can run that does something to make it compatible with XP too.... Makes me wonder if these new drives are backwards compatible?)

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Software :: PulseAudio Mixing Sounds ?

Jan 19, 2011

I want to both talk and play songs on my machine which will be broadcasted to an Icecast machine. Any pointers on how to pull this off?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Mixing Grub1 And Grub2 On Multiple Distros?

Aug 8, 2010

How is this supposed to work out? I noticed some distros are really good about recognizing your other linux distros and some not. They keep recognizing windows, but not other linux distros. Also, I have run into a few problems when my operating systems were on different hard drives. I have my operating systems running from a small 250gb laptop hard drive with special mounting and am using my TB hard drive for internal storage /data.However, my last attempt at installing a linux partition on the TB hard drive with Windows and another linux partition on the laptop hard drive didnt work out so well. Updating grub via the command line didnt sort this out. Sudo su root Apt-get update grub (or grub update) or whatever didnt work before when I tried it.

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Debian Configuration :: Mixing Partitions In RAID 5

Mar 21, 2011

I have 2x 1.5TB hard disks and I'm going to buy a new 2TB drive soon. First though I just wanted to check that I could partition off the first 1/4 to 1/3 of the 2TB drive (leaving 1.5TB or more free) and install Debian to that part, then use the remainder of the disk in combination with the 2x 1.5 TB drives in RAID 5? i.e. can you mix whole drives and with partitions from other drives in RAID 5 and/or is it best to just stick with complete drives for the RAID array?I only have room for 3 drives in the small mATX case that houses my NAS device and I want to maximise storage capacity and minimise expense.

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Fedora :: Which Software Are Best For Music Making And Mixing

Aug 1, 2010

Wich software are the best for music making and mixing on Linux? Something equal to Traktor or VirtualDJ on win?

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Software :: Evolution Mixing Up Mail Metadata

Jan 5, 2011

This may be due to a case (non-)sensitivity issue. I have two subfolders on the mail server called "Spam" and "spam". On the mail server (Dovecot), these are directories ".INBOX.Spam" and ".INBOX.spam". The issue I am seeing is that the information shown in the index area of Evolution's window has, for some mail, information that belongs to other mail in the other folder. But when I click on that line, I see the corresponding correct email that should be in that position.

Because this happens to be spam, I just went ahead and trashed everything in one of the folders. That one action trashed everything in both folders.Is there a way to tell Evolution to dismiss everything it thinks it knows about the state of mail on the mail server and re-acquire it all? Or could this be an IMAP server issue with Dovecot?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Ubunto 8.04 Cannot Detect Sata Hard Drive Or Sata Drive Cdrw?

May 28, 2011

ubuntu 8.04 server can not detect seagate sata hard drive 2tb or sata Lg dvdrw x22 sata drive .is it possible to install it without buying a pci ide sata card?is it possible to get a driver for sata driver and sata drive that can be recognise by ubunto 8.04 server ?or to get the files for 1.44 floppy diskdoes the late edition of unbutu recognise sate hdd and sata cdrw drive automaticly during the installation of the unbutu?

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Hardware :: Mixing Memory In Triple Channel Board?

Mar 23, 2010

We recently bought an i7 X58 server with 6 memory slots. Since it was cheaper, we opted to get the min memory configuration with the machine (3x1Gb) and then buy 3x4Gb separately. It seems a shame to waste the 3Gb, so I'm wondering how to "mix" the memory without sending everything into single channel mode. The information I've read is rather confusing, and often contradictory.

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Hardware :: Software Mixing - Audio Chip VT1708S

Oct 19, 2010

Starting over, based on this thread: [URL] And my problem which is the same! I have the same audio chipset and experienced the same issues. I hope there is nothing about that chip. I tried with XFCE4 on Slackware 13.1 and now KDE4 on Debian, I found a workaround on XFCE by installing gstreamer and using it instead of xine as the phonon backend. That workaround apparently doesn't work on KDE.

Something interesting (also in the original thread): Software mixing through alsa DOES work since I can play several files in aplay (command line) or xine (gui standalone) simultaneously. I don't have another soundcard. Should I install pulseaudio anyway? Switching to OSS ?

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Programming :: [c++] Mixing Abstract Classes And Multiple Inheritance?

Apr 18, 2011

Why are the 'defense' method calls actually using the 'offense' methods.Also, is there a way to remove the commented base classes for 'Player' so that the casting isn't necessary?

#include <iostream>
class Offense


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Software :: Finding A Music Editing/production/mixing Program?

May 26, 2011

I want to be able to open a file (support for .mp3 and .ogg a must) and add effects, change pitch and tempo, add beats (either default or midi created), mix with other songs (or clips from), be able to change levels of the high/mid/low, alter gain and frequencies ... all that fun stuff.

programs I already have are:

LMMS (Linux MuliMedia Studio)

And it doesn't seem that any of those have the features I am looking for. I am running Zorin OS 4 (ubuntu 11.04 based) and Dreamlinux 3.5 (debian- unsure which release) on a fujitsu lifebook 5 series - S6240 (it's kinda old 2005).

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Slackware :: Mixing 13 And 13-current Java Packages - Pros And Cons?

Apr 28, 2010

I understand it is not generally a good idea to mix 13 and 13-current packages but I am installing OpenProj which requires JDK and the installed JRE (6-18) is up-level from 13's JRE (6-16) and back-level from the 13-current JDK (6-19). Presumably JRE and JDK should be at the same level. Would it be better to take both JRE and JDK to 13-current (6-19) or to take both to 13 (6-16)?

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Debian Hardware :: Servers Which Contain SATA Disks And SAS Disks?

Feb 25, 2010

I have servers which contain SATA disks and SAS disks. I was testing the speed of writing on these servers and I recognized that SAS 10.000 disks much more slowly than the SATA 7200. What do you think about this slowness? What are the reasons of this slowness?

I am giving the below rates (values) which I took from my test (from my comparisons between SAS 10.000 and SATA 7200);

dd if=/dev/zero of=bigfile.txt bs=1024 count=1000000 when this comment was run in SAS disk server, I took this output(10.000 rpm)

(a new server,2 CPU 8 core and 8 gb ram)

1000000+0 records in
1000000+0 records out
1024000000 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 12.9662 s, 79.0 MB/s (I have not used this server yet) (hw raid1)


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Ubuntu Installation :: Language : Mixing The Spanish And The English After I Tried Removing The Spanish?

May 8, 2010

I just upgraded a 9.10 system to 10.04.The family that uses this computer speaks both English and Spanish. The 9.10 system used both fine; however the new 10.04 is broken. Mixing the Spanish and the English after I tried removing the Spanish (because everyone's account went to Spanish even if they had chosen English).I want to go 100% English, once it is working again, install the Spanish support again.

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