Ubuntu Servers :: Best Way To Check Smart Stauts?

Jun 16, 2010

I am wanting a daily script to check the smart status of the drives and email me if any fail. Is this the best way to go about it, or is there something better?

# Script to check smart status of drives
smartctl /dev/sdb -H | grep -e 'overall-health' | awk '{print "sdb " $6}' > /scripts/smart_status
smartctl /dev/sdc -H | grep -e 'overall-health' | awk '{print "sdc " $6}' >> /scripts/smart_status
smartctl /dev/sde -H | grep -e 'overall-health' | awk '{print "sde " $6}' >> /scripts/smart_status


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Ubuntu Servers :: Check To See If Updates Are Available Without Installing Them?

Apr 23, 2010

I know I can install updates using apt-get install updates but is there a way to check to see if updates are available without installing them?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Check If A Port Is Open For A Ip?

Sep 8, 2010

Is it possible to check if a particular port is open for a particular ip in the terminal?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Check A File Permission With Ssh?

Jun 5, 2011

i have check a file permission with sshand i get : drwxrxwrwxwhat is "d" ?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Unable To Check Htaccess File

Mar 10, 2010

I looked at my apache2 logs. Code:[Wed Mar 10 01:56:34 2010] [crit] [client] (13)Permission denied: /home/user/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable the server is located at /etc/apache2 the default place.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Check The Installed Apache2 Modules?

May 1, 2010

I am trying change the MaxClients parameter for apache2 on ubuntu. I looked in apache2.conf and there are two instances where MaxClients is mentioned.

<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers 5
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 10
MaxClients 150


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Ubuntu Servers :: Proxy To Check Network Activity

Jan 23, 2011

I would like Windows laptops to use a proxy to connect to the network so I can check network activity and see if any malware is trying to connect and where it is trying to connect to. So on my Ubuntu desktop I would like to install something as simple as possible to be used as a proxy, I've seen squid but does that only handle http requests? Does that handle streaming requests and such as well? This so I can see the source of some media that's being played in flash or pps.tv

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General :: How To Check For Mail Servers For

Jul 16, 2011

How do I check for my mail servers for? and How do I know what is the first mail server used and what is the syntax to see the different server names?

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Ubuntu Servers :: How To Configure 8.04 Server To Check / Notify When Updates Are Available

Aug 15, 2010

Starting with Ubuntu Server 9.04, when I log in at times the OS smartly reports the number of updates available. I have a couple of questions of how to extend this functionality:

1) How could I back-port that functionality to 8.04 servers? Does that happen somewhere in the /etc/cron.daily/apt script? (Just the checking on # of packages needing updates, does not need to appear on the login screen.)

2) Then with that information, if the number >0 then use mailx to send admins an email. Since 9.04 and higher already do the first item, then in my mind #2 is the only thing needed for 9.04 and higher servers, and #1 is also needed for 8.04 boxes.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Check SSH Settings Post Upgrade / Pre Restart?

Aug 30, 2010

I just rented a godaddy dedicated, the ubuntu variety comes loaded with 8.04...(& I need PHP 5.3)Followed the directions here: URL...I did have to change my sources.list, everything after that went as expected (not like i'd know what to expect)At one point it asked if I wanted to update my grub/menu.lst to the release version, or use my old one, I updated it.Once the upgrade completed, I checked the menu.lst again to ensure it was gonna boot 10.04 (as warned by the guide)However once I sent reboot, I couldn't SSH back in, I waited 5m, 15m, tried again, still couldn't SSH then I had the server power cycled via my godaddy control panel, and still nothing, attempts on port 22 timed out & other ports were refused.

I think I overlooked something because, from what I've read here and there this is technically possible, I also just found this guide here:URL...The first user comment (above link/guide) seems to have a tip for what I'm trying.Anyways had the server re-provisioned via my control panel & I'm about to try again, only this time. uh, check the SSH settings post upgrade/pre restart?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Trace Origin Of Mysql Table Check?

Sep 27, 2010

I have a mysql server which "goes down" every day at 9, because the debian-sys-maint user needs to run a table check, for no particular reason.

I assume it's a cron-job, but I can't find anything related to this. There's the mysqlautobackup script, but that runs at 4 in the morning, which is expected and perfectly acceptable.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Connect To Serial Console And Check It Remotely?

Jan 18, 2011

I am trying to connect to serial console, local one, just to verify than it works, is is possible?Well, I configure serial console


# ttyS0 - getty
# This service maintains a getty on ttyS0 from the point the system is
# started until it is shut down again.


It is started, now I am trying to connect to the console via minicom, is it possible from machine where the console is running?If not, how could I check it remotely?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Backup Script To Check If A Path Is Mounted?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm writing a script to rsync some directories to external hdd for backup.

My external hdd gets automatically mounted to /media/backup1

My script then backs up predefined directories to /media/backup1.

I have added this script to cron to run once every day.

The problem is that in the case where the drive is not plugged in and the script runs, it backs up to my local hard drive, and since it is more than 70% full, it fills it up by duplicating that 70% onto itself.

I have taken the script further, to test whether /media/backup1 is mounted. If it is, the backup will run. If it is not, it will bail out.

I'm using the mountpoint program to test for mounts.

My script so far:

if [[ `mountpoint /media/backup1` ]]; then
echo "filesystem mounted"
# The backup function. Commented out for testing.


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Ubuntu Servers :: Udev Rules To Check If File Exists?

Jun 9, 2011

Is it possible to set up a udev rule that will check if a file exists on a USB drive?

I've got a few ubuntu servers in environments with some very not-techy peoples. Im hoping to get to the point where I can give them a few USB sticks with scripts on them, and if they plus one of these sticks in it will be mounted in, say, /media/special (rather than /media/usb0..7) and then the script would be run. But if a usb drive without special.sh is inserted, it should be mounted to /media/usb0..7 as normal.

I've been googeling for udev rules, and it seems simple enough to specify a mount point based on brand/model/serialnumber/etc... but i havent been able to find anything about checking for the existance of a file.

Tho the more i think about it, the more im starting to think its not going to be that straight forward. Can udev check for a file on a drive before that drive is mounted? Is it going to be a case of mounting every drive to /media/usb0..7 then having a script run that will check for the file, and if its there change the mount point before running special.sh?

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Ubuntu Servers :: ERROR Installation Failed, Please Check The Terminal Output

Apr 24, 2010

I'm installing and configuring my first server using RackSpace CloudServers running Ubuntu Karmic Koala (9.10) and I'm now installing iRedMail. The installation runs successfully until I recieve this error:

The following packages have unmet dependencies: mysql-server-5.0: Depends: mysql-server-core-5.0 (>= 5.1.30really5.0.83-0ubuntu3) but it is not going to be installed

E: Broken packages < ERROR > Installation failed, please check the terminal output. I understand this is telling me there is some software that iRedMail (or something iRedMail is dependant upon) that needs installed. Is this correct? And if so, what is i needing installed and how do I do that (aptitude install example-package?)?

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Fedora Servers :: Open Port Check Tool?

Feb 25, 2009

I tried to see if my port was open but got a message saying Error: I could not see your service on on port (80) Reason: Connection refused could someone us out here

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Ubuntu Servers :: Monitor Remote - Check If Apache Is Running And If Its Not Send Out A Mail

May 11, 2011

im looking for a program that lets me monitor server remote a check if apache is running and if its not send out a mail pretty much something like the Big Brother projeckt was before they went comercial i found a few projekts but most havent been updated for years anyone got a clue on any active projekt that does this?

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Fedora Servers :: Check In Dates Getting Changed / Updated To System Time

Jun 21, 2011

I am using the default CVS available in Fedora 9. I initiated the CVS server by
cvs -d /usr/local/cvsproj init
To check-in and check-out the following exports commands are used
export CVS_RSH=ssh
export CVSROOT=:ext:swathi@SERVER:/usr/local/cvsproj

I shall explain problem by taking an example. A project was checked in long before (for example the checkin date is 25 Feb 2010). And today (i.e. 21 June 2011) I checked out the project from the repository. After checkout, the date of the project in the repository is changed from 25 Feb 2010 to 21 June 2011. This date is set to all the subfolders in that project. But the files in the project retains the checking date i.e. 25 Feb 2010. Why the check-in dates are getting updated/changed to the system time after doing check-out.

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Ubuntu :: Smart Webcam Works On 10.04?

Jul 31, 2010

From time to time I have seen messages asking if their new device works on Ubuntu. This is to advise that I recently purchased a "Smart Webcam" brand inexpensive webcam at a local U.S. building products chain. Strange place to find such a thing but it was very low priced so I thought "why not give it a try". As it turned out, it works with my 10.04 install. Shows up ok on Ekiga and in gstreamer-properties in terminal. The video image quality is not as good as some but is suitable for casual use.

The microphone is brought out via a "Y" off the USB cable and ends in a 1/8" audio plug that will plug into a sound input port. I have not tried the mic but it should work. There is almost no documentation provided. Lastly, I have no connection with either the manufacture or the store. Just thought someone might be considering one of these and wondering it would work in Ubuntu. It does for me.

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Ubuntu :: KDE 'smart' Widget Arrangement

Sep 19, 2010

Kubuntu 10.04 x86. I've got a working triple monitor arrangement, separate X displays tied together via xinerama, which is all well and good (within the limits of xinerama, anyway; I long for the day when spanning desktop space, multiple monitors on multiple adapters, and X compositing can all live in harmony...) except for how KDE handles widgets. Love KDE, haven't had a second thought since switching from Gnome earlier this year, except for this one reach-for-the-shotgun issue.I like to have whatever I'm working on presently on my center monitor, my e-mail open on my right monitor, and various apps (torrent client, IM client, and a sort of 'status display' of arranged desktop widgets) on the left. KDE, on the other hand, does not like things this way.

KDE, it appears, has pretensions at being a GUI designer; it won't let me arrange widgets on my desktop the way I want to position them. If I put one in the top left corner, it'll snap into place. OK, fine; if I put another widget right below that first one, it automatically indents both of them, usually one in further than the other. Adding additional widgets to the arrangement usually but not always causes KDE to keep indenting - it's not stair-step bad, but it's obvious things don't line up which makes it visually distracting. It seemingly-randomly decides that I can't put a widget in a particular location on the screen and snaps it back to the size and location it was in when it first appeared on the screen (or before I moved it, if it was already there). It's not an overlap-detection problem; sometimes it's perfectly OK with me overlapping widgets, sometimes it won't even allow widgets to be within some apparently-randomly-chosen number of pixels of one or more of the widgets already on-screen. Sometimes it'll regard an aligned cluster of widgets as a single entity and snap to edges... with no rhyme or reason as to which clusters and which edges. When working with widgets in close proximity to each other, the 'edge-bars' that contain the buttons with which one can drag and manipulate the widgets; again, with little-to-no discernible pattern, sometimes they appear over the widget next to it, sometimes underneath the widget next to it (making the edge-bar completely useless), sometimes clicking the widget brings its edge-bar to the foreground, sometimes the widget needs to be dragged to a different part of the desktop or a different monitor then re-positioned in the cluster for the edge-bar to be in the foreground, sometimes the widget has to be removed and re-added to get the edge-bar into the foreground. When I rebooted just now, my widgets were randomly scattered across the desktop, despite having had "Lock Widgets" turned on throughout (since a few days ago, actually; the last time I had to re-re-re-rearrange things).Basically, from what I can tell from several months of observation, KDE has some sort of automatic widget arranging 'feature' which a) doesn't work properly and b) has no bloody off switch. All this makes what should be the simple, five-minute task of resizing and lining up some widgets by hand into an hour-long test of the elasticity of my vascular system. I'm fine with there being new or experimental or even buggy features in my GUI... so long as I can turn them off when I need to.

I've done the requisite googling and have come up empty. I've looked everywhere in the GUI I can think of, but no luck. I don't yet know enough about KDE to know where to look in the conf files to hack around it by hand. Could someone please tell me how to dike out or simply turn off this blitheringly-stupid widget auto-positioning drunken &*#^$*@#%$^&% wart so that I, the human, can put things where I want them on the screen?It's also baffling that I can only resize a Plasma widget up and away from its edge-bar when most every other window in most every other environment I've ever seen, including KDE, will let you resize by dragging any border in any direction. Big. Step. Backward. If anybody knows a way to fix this I would be most interested in hearing it, but I'll make do if given a way to turn off what I've come to think of as KDE's "layout critic mode".

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Ubuntu :: Seeking Thorough Documentation Of SMART Values?

Apr 5, 2010

I am looking for comprehensive documentation of the SMART values that are reported in Palimpsest.For example, I am getting the following result:

Attribute: Reallocated Sector Count
Assessment: Warning
Normalized: 100
Worst: 100
Threshold: 36
Value: 1 sector

I would like to find a very thorough description of the meaning of these values, how they relate to each other, and how to interpret them.

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Ubuntu :: Turn On Bash Smart Completion?

Aug 26, 2010


#if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then
# . /etc/bash_completion

What versions of Ubuntu have this commented out? Every version I have used always has this uncommented.

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Ubuntu :: SMART Status Suddenly Unsupported?

Oct 21, 2010

I recently received an automatic update to my 10.04 system which included some kernel stuff. I am using vanilla repositories, I haven't added, removed, or altered any of the default repositories. I downloaded and installed the updates using the graphical Update Manager found in System->Administration

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04, and my kernel is listed as 2.6.32-25-generic. I haven't installed any new hardware whatsoever; my hard disk drive is the same as it has always been. When I go through System->Administration->Disk Utility, then view my hard drive, the line: SMART Status: reads with a grey circle and then "Not Supported" I am able to run the Benchmark application from Disk Utility and it completes without problem. This happened to me where I was unable to view SMART data after automatic updates involving the kernel when I was using Ubuntu 9.10.

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Ubuntu :: Run A SMART Self Test From The Command Line?

Feb 7, 2011

I need to run a self-test on my external USB drive and don't want to use System -> Disk Utility.I've taken a look at the man page for udisks and curiously, there does not appear to be an option for self tests. Is there a way to run a self test using udisks directly from the command line?

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Ubuntu :: Thunderbird 3 Smart Folders Not Saving Changes / Possible Workaround

Jan 7, 2010

I recently upgraded to Thunderbird 3 using the ubuntuzilla script. One of the great new feature is the so called 'Smart folders' which lets you view all of your mail from different accounts in one list. Since I have set up automatic rules to sort mails from different people and mailing lists in different sub-folders I wanted to include these in the list too. However very time I tried to get Thunderbird to include sub-folders from my different accounts, the settings would reset itself - but now I think I might have found a fix:In your Thunderbird folder find the folder called 'smart mailboxes'.Right-click the file 'Inbox.msf' and select 'Properties' (I think it's called this i'm on a Danish system)Go to the 'Rights' section (again this is what I think it's called) Set your own rights to 'read' only, exit Open Thunderbird Right-click the Smart folders Inbox and select 'Properties'.Choose the folders you want to include, remember to check 'Match all messages'

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Ubuntu :: What Are Chances Of Super Smart Phones Being Released?

Feb 3, 2010

What are the chances of super smart phones being released?Devices which look like normal smart phones, but have the ability to run a full blown linux distro like ubuntu and have the power to play 1080p files, which also come with docking stations so you can plugin an external display, usb keyboard and mouse, so at home, it can be used as a normal desktop PC...Possibly using the ION based NVIDIA GPU with dual core 64bit processor!

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Ubuntu :: SMART Command Failed. Grub Error 16

Mar 13, 2011

I have a XP/ubuntu 8.04 dual boot setup and I walked away from the PC for a minute and when I returned I had "SMART command failed error. Press f2 to resume" on-screen. I pressed f2 and it went to grub boot menu which gave error 16 and froze. I ran Ubuntu live cd which appears to freeze after selecting try without install(latest attempt appears to freeze on ubuntu logo loading up).

I ran Hiren CD miniXP but the My Computer doesn't recognize the disk nor does it appear in the disk management console. HDTune and a partition tool doesn't see the disk.I ran Hiren CD linux recovery but that loops with IO error. My latest attempt is running Ubuntu 10.04 Live cd which is appears to be loading, slowly at least.I have an external hard drive and usb stick ready to copy to. I also have my laptop. It will be greatly appreciated if someone can tell me how to get my files off the drive.

edit: just pressed esc and these lines keep appearing.
udevd[85]: worker [91] unexpectedly returned with status 0x0100
udevd[85]: worker [91] failed while handling '/devices/i0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/block/sda/sda1'
worker[126] is sda2, 171 is sda3 and 172 is sda4.

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General :: Smart Tab Completion (for Directories)?

Aug 4, 2010

Are there shell versions that have a more intelligent tab completion? I'd like to be able to type cd foo-<TAB> Then it would show me the possible completions along with numbers that I can type to select one of them:

cd foo-<TAB>
(1) foo-bar1 (2) foo-bar2 (3) foo-bad

So, after <TAB> I would type 3 and it would take me to foo-bad. Alternatively, using the arrow keys instead of typing the number would be fine.

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Hardware :: External HDD Unrecognized - Smart Not Available

Jan 13, 2010

HP Pavillion hdd crashed in my daughters computer so I removed it and purchased a 2.5 USB 2.0 IDE Drive Enclosure and connected it to my laptop Asus Eeee running Ubuntu 9.10. I need to get access to the files on the external hdd and nothing seems to recognize except Palimpsest says:
Hard Disk 811 ATA/ATAPI Device
Unknown Size
Smart Not Available

When I open a terminal and run:
rhg@rhg-laptop:~$ sudo parted /dev/sdb
rhg@rhg-laptop:~$ sudo gpart /dev/sdb
Floating point exception

When I run Test Disk:
Test Disk 6.11, Data Recovery Utility, April 2009
Christophe GRENIER <grenier@cgsecurity.org>
Select a media (use Arrow keys, then press Enter):
Disk /dev/sda - 160 GB / 149 GiB - ATA ST9160310AS

It only recognizes the hdd in my Asus. So if the Ubuntu Disk utility can see the drive how to I get these tools to see it? I know for a fact the OS on the external hdd is Ubuntu 9.04 ext3 because I set this system up for my daughter. The gpu chip melted onto her HP motherboard and crashed her system. Now to add more excitement to this puzzle, the external hdd does have the Captain Hook and the Aligator loud Tick Tock sound when you first plug it in so the hdd is not the healthiest either.

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Ubuntu :: Delete The Smart Self-test Logs Of A Drive Using Smartmontools?

Jan 13, 2010

I was wondering if it was possible to delete the smart self-test logs of a drive using smartmontools.

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