Ubuntu Security :: Finding Two Strange-looking Files On Windows Shared Folders?
Mar 30, 2011
Recently I've been finding two strange-looking files on my Windows shared folders! Their names are 'khy' and 'qffhtx.exe', they appear as hidden, and they're hard to delete!! especially the first one because it has no extension. I use Ubuntu 10.10, but I am worried because I also dual-boot Windows XP. Today I tried to open the .exe file in nautilus to see what is inside and I received the message "Unable to open archive", 'khy' is apparently an empty text file. Then I unmounted my /home partition so my files are out of the way, and I ran the .exe file using WINE,
Now I have a strange-looking applet on my top panel!! and it says "Script paused", also it says "Exit', and also Wine command prompt says something strange about "LockWindowUpdate", don't imagine it I'll post the screenshots so you can see it for yourselves. Also --and this is weird-- the virus apparently is trying to call a Windows process named csrcs.exe!! Again, I'll post the screenshots.
If this is a virus, then it's like a fish out of the water on my Ubuntu, it's probably trying to do something but it can't find its way around, it's kinda funny, but Im worried because I also dual-boot Windows XP, I'm having a hard time trying to remember the name KHY, it's a very weird acronym, it's the acronym of a disease, according to what I googled, i'm sure it's a virus!!! Anyway it's HARD to remember!!!
what can I do about this? How can I see the "script"? can Ubuntu kick its ***?how can I clean my Windows?
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Dec 22, 2010
I have a fresh install of CentOS 5.5. I am trying to browse to the Windows machines on my network (Places > Network Servers > Windows Network), but I get a blank window. I am able to ping the Windows machines using their IP address, but not by their name. What do I need to do to be able to see the Windows machines and also to connect to shared folders on these machines? So far I have tried starting SMB (via System > Administration > Server Settings > Services). I have also tried changing my smb workgroup to "WORKGROUP" (the default was mygroup which did not match my Windows machines.
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May 20, 2011
I have set up a shared folder on my Ubuntu computer and I want everyone on the network to be able to see and use those folders, whether they have Ubuntu, Mac OSX or Windows XP. So far, I am able to view some Mac computers on the network and see the Windows network too - from Ubuntu. However, I am not able to see the Ubuntu computer on Mac or Windows yet. I think I should be trying to use Samba, but I am not sure how. I used
sudo smbpasswd -a [user]
to set up a password but I am not sure where to go in Windows or in Mac. Can anyone who is good in those systems tell me how I can see and hook up to my Ubuntu computer on the same network?
On this helpful page [URL]... I got as far as the last step and realized here:
If you are still unable to access the shared folder, check that the folder sharing service is running on the Ubuntu computer:
Press System → Administration → Services
Find the Folder sharing service (samba) and ensure that the checkbox next to it is checked
Press Close
I don't have a "Services" icon in my Administration drop down menu!
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Apr 25, 2010
i am running the newst version of unbutu, karmic koala. i can see some of the folders i am sharing on other computers but not all of them.
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May 23, 2011
We have a small LAN in my office, I use Ubuntu and other PCs have Windows XP and 7 - they have some shared folder on them.
How dp I get a list of Windows's shared folders on Ubuntu in Terminal (using the command line)?
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Jan 2, 2010
spent so much time trying to get Samaba working, but with no luckHere is my smb.confQuote:
realm =
netbios name = rlx-laptop
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Jan 30, 2010
I have just upgraded from Windows XP to Windows 7 and I just couldn't figure out how to connect to a shared folder in Ubuntu. It was pretty easy to do in Windows XP.
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Mar 12, 2011
I am networking from Ubuntu to Win 7. On Windows I have C:Users shared. In this directory I see two folders (or users, if you like): "Public" and "userr_" On UBUNTU when I go to Network > SERVER > Users I do not see either of the two folders that I see on Windows. I see a different one named "Default". I can access my optical drive on my windows machine fine via UBUNTU, it is just not behaving properly for this shared folder named "Users"
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Apr 13, 2011
I configured Samba so that this laptop running Maverick would show up on the network so I could share files between the two. When I view the network on the laptop the windows shares show up, and I can access them; but when I view the network on Windows is when the problems start.
I view the network in Windows and this laptop shows up, but every time I try to open the Public folder (only folder shared) it won't let me in. I get some sort of Windows error message about being unable to access the folder and how I might not have permission to access it, and then at the very bottom it says something like 'file path not found'.
I tried to change the permissions in the properties for my public folder but I every time I tried to change the settings in the access box it would reset it back to blank (-) immediately after I changed it.
I'm not sure what the issue could be. Prior to purchasing this new laptop I was running Karmic on my old laptop and the networking between the two machines worked flawlessly. I'm hoping someone on the forum can help me with this problem.
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Apr 24, 2010
I have a desktop pc running Windows 7 and a netbook running xubuntu 9.10. What I am trying to do is to access the shared folders on my windows 7 pc on my xubuntu netbook.
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Nov 24, 2010
I have a home network consisting of a Desktop running Windows 7 Ultimate and a laptop running Ubuntu 10.10. Nautilus won't allow me to open Windows shared folders from the browser by just clicking on the icons. That is to say, clicking on Network in the bookmark pane and opening Workgroup doesn't do anything. Sometimes I get a "can not mount: failed to retrieve share list from server" error, sometimes my Windows box just isn't visible at all. All my shared folders on the laptop are visible and rw accessible from the Windows desktop.
I should add that if I hit ctrl-L in Nautilus and manually enter "smb://<server-name>/share/" in the address bar, it mounts and opens the specified folder just fine. I have some of the folders already manually mounted to various locations in fstab.
I've found the issue with Games for Windows Live, and uninstalled that from the Windows computer. I'm not using firewalls on either computer for now to eliminate that as a possibility. Since the Ubuntu Laptop seems to be the one with the problem, I'll focus on that for now.
$ nc -zv 445
Connection to 445 port [tcp/microsoft-ds] succeeded!
$ nc -zv 139
Connection to 139 port [tcp/netbios-ssn] succeeded!
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Aug 28, 2010
new to ubuntu and linux, and using Lucid 10.04 LTS ok, i'm trying to get XBMC going, and following a nice step by step instruction on wiki.xbmc.org, but now i'm stuck at this step... In Ubuntu the SVN Repositories are not automatically added. You must add them manually. First, download the SVN Repo Installer from: [URL] Extract it to the ~/.xbmc/plugins/programs directory. If this directory does not exist, run XBMC one time and then exit back to Ubuntu. The directory should now exist.
i ran xbmc once (after the video driver problem was solved, though it messed up my dual monitors, gotta figure that one out yet.) i got the zip file, it's in my downloads. now my newbness really shows... i can't find an 'extract' command for gnome, can't find the .xbmc directory using the file browser, can't figure out how to hunt for folders instead of files, and don't know how to look inside folders i don't have permission to, that is, i don't know if there's a 'sudo' like option for the file browser. i've been searching the forums, but without the correct search terms, i'm wading in an ocean. i really want to give ubuntu an honest try, but i feel like a foreigner. EDIT: btw, up to this point, the forums have been invaluable, you all are great.
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May 10, 2010
I am trying to share folders between my laptop and desktop. The desktop runs Ubuntu 10 ,and the laptop I'm dual-booting between pclinux OS and another OS. I can't see either machine from either machine. The desktop shows a "windows network" when I go to the network location in file manager. When I run PC Linux, I can't even see the desktop which runs Linux as well, and I've tried to configure shares in the PC Linux OS Control Center, but I obviously failed. I installed gshare on the Ubuntu machine, and PC Linux has GUI tools(whew!) to configure NFS, SMB, and Deb-whatever the other one's name is. As a new convert, I've went into properties,permissions, because it's what I'm familiar with. I just wish someone would tell me if I should maybe just go back to the other OS or not, as I've had so many problems every since trying the switch. I really like this system, but it seems as if you need to be some kind of computer programmer or something to be able to do the most basic things (install software,wireless,share files). I'm not a stupid person, and what I lack in knowledge, I compensate for in desire to learn.
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May 4, 2011
Is possible to make a folder permission like below?
-User can create files/folders in the shared folder.
-But the files/folders they created, cannot be delete/change by em.
(only can be delete by root users)
-Each new files/folders created will auto owner to root only.
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Mar 27, 2010
I am setting up a lubuntu nas with all of my music, movies, etc on it. I want to give my kids access to my mp3 directory, so I can move all of the kid appropiate music into the root of my mp3 dir, in the same order I have all of my music sorted. Under the Music folder, I have them sorted, in folders, by letter. So A, B, C, D, etc... Now, in those folders are the respective artists. So where there may be something approipate in the P folder (say, Paramore), there is something inapproipate (say, Pantera)Now, when the kids go to the P folder, I don't want them to even see the Pantera folder. I just want them to see the Paramore folder. I tried a test using chmod 711 and chmod 700 on a directory with a test user, and the user can't access the directory, but can still see it
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Sep 6, 2010
I've recently upgraded to 10.04 and have noticed that all the files or folders I've been creating recently are read only. I can manipulate the folders on my ubuntu system itself and create new entries, folderes, subfolders, and save files. IE a payment receipt in pdf format. However if I then try to move or copy any of these to my DROBO (data storage device) the file gets the LOCK Icon on it and becomes read only. If it is a subfolder I can no longer copy to it and if it's a regular file, say a pdf or flv I can't modify it. Attempting to change the file permissions on either my ubuntu desktop or any other folder works but once it goes to the drobo I lose the ability to change it off of ---. Again, this was all working fine before doing the upgrade to 10.04. Yes I did do a clean install to 10.04.
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Mar 14, 2011
I have a shared partition on Ubuntu, 'dm-6', if I create a new folder in it, it has 'teocomi' as owner.If I create the folder from another (windows) PC the owner is 'nobody' and from Ubuntu I have to chmod/chown it in oredr to edit its content...Is there a way to set automatically permission and owner for newly created folders and directories?
I tryed with:
sudo chmod u+s -R /media/dm-6
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Apr 1, 2010
I have been running rkhunter but how do i view the /var/log/rkhunter.log? I have tried using: sudo /var/log/rkhunter.log but all i got was "Command not found?
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Feb 9, 2010
Still working on the mask of files for shared folder. I now have a shared folder with the exact behavior I expect :
sudo addgroup share_group
sudo mkdir /media/volume/shared_dir
sudo chgrp share_group /media/volume/shared_dir
sudo chmod g+s /media/volume/shared_dir
sudo chmod 770 /media/volume/shared_dir
sudo setfacl -d -m group::rwx /media/volume/shared_dir
sudo setfacl -d -m other::--- /media/volume/shared_dir
emma@box:/media/volume/shared_dir$ ls -al
total 8
drwxrws---+ 2 root share_group 4096 2010-02-09 12:53 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2010-02-09 11:58 ..
-rw-rw----+ 1 emma share_group 0 2010-02-09 12:53 test
By default, user from the group can modify this file. That's perfect.
I have define the share in Samba this way :
comment = Shared Folder
path = /media/volume/shared_dir
browseable = yes
guest ok = no
read only = no
hide dot file = yes
# force group = share_group
# create mask = 0660
# directory mask = 0770
# force create mask = 0660
# force directory mask = 0770
When drag & dropping a file in this share, here is the default mask:
emma@box:/media/volume/shared_dir$ ls -al
total 192
drwxrws---+ 2 root share_group 4096 2010-02-09 12:54 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 2010-02-09 11:58 ..
-rw-rwx---+ 1 emma share_group 6148 2010-02-09 12:54 .DS_Store
-rw-rwxr--+ 1 emma share_group 176684 2009-12-21 23:33 IMG_7487.jpg
So the dropped file have execution rights for the group, and read access for other. I expected it to have the same rights than the file created directly using the touch command. I tried to play with the mask options, without success. The file has been dropped from my mac, which is a Unix like OS. I guess that some authorization access are inherited from the original file, for the user and other parts. But where does the group authorization come from ? Moreover, is is possible to define in samba a default mask, whatever the authorization of the original file?
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May 14, 2010
After trying Truecrypt, LUKS, and Ecryptfs I decided to try NTFS encryption. Now, on a dual boot computer from Ubuntu I can browse the encrypted folders but can not open the encrypted files. All attempts produce access denials yet the Unix file permissions appear to be "0777" (owner, group, and world readable-writable).
Is there someway to get Ubuntu's NTFS software to recognize and decrypt the encrypted files? Would a different NTFS package work such as NTFS-3g?
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May 23, 2010
restrict a user from seeing hidden files and folders?
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Jul 7, 2011
I shared files in windows 7 with LAN . how i can get that files in ubuntu
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Jan 18, 2010
I m going to create a backup script for my files/folders...
This script creates tar.gz of the folders/files you want.
This i want is to encrypt these .tar.gz files and when i need them to decrypt them. Does anyone have an idea on how to encrypt these files ?
my script looks like this :
BACKUPDATE=$(date +%d%m%Y)
cd /home/n3t
echo "taking Backup of your home/n3t/Downloads dir"
tar -czvf /media/disk/BACKUP/home/Downloads/$BACKUPDATE.tar.gz ./Downloads
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Dec 12, 2010
I've a question about a connection to a shared folder on a pc behind an ubuntu 10.04 server. The Ubuntu machine itself is behind a Cisco router. Cisco router has a nat 1-to-1 to Ubuntu machine with the static public ip x.y.x.z The Ubuntu machine has one only interfaces eth0 bridged with a virtual tap0 in the virtual br0 interface. This because on the Ubuntu machine is running OpenVPN in bridged mode. I want to reach a private share on the host using the x.y.w.z static IP. Is that possibile? Ubuntu machine has no firewall running (I was not able to run shorewall firewall for now).
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Jun 8, 2011
I have been trying the dual boot (windows 7 & Ubuntu 11.04) I like natty and want to get rid of windows but of course want to keep my files and folders. Is there simple way of dong this?
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Mar 20, 2010
I have two computers set up, one is running Ubuntu 9.04 and the other running Windows 7 Professional. I have a bunch of shared files from Windows 7 (which I am normally able to access from any Windows 7 or Windows XP machine on my network) but I can't access them from Ubuntu.I have tried going to Places > Network > Windows Network, but I receive the error "Unable to mount locations Failed to retrieve share list from server"I have also found another recommendation for accessing a windows server, via Places > Connect to Server, but I receive another error message there, "Cannot display location "smb://..." No application is registered as handling this file."Could anyone explain what my problem is and how I could fix it? I really wish I could figure this stupid thing out myself, but it's linux.. it's not meant to be understood by anyone >.<
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Apr 8, 2010
When I first start up my 2 computers once the network is established if I try to acces the Ubuntu shared folders from the Win XP machine I get this error:"\localhost not accessible. You might not have permission to usethis network resource.t the administrator of this server to findout if you have access permissions.You were not connected because aduplicate name exits on the network. Go to System in Control Panel tochange the computer name and try again."If I first access the Windows shared files and then go back to the Win machine I get the password prompt and all is well
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Nov 18, 2010
I have in fact set the folder to shared.I can see my computer or "server" on the windows network.My router is all that ties my network together.And I have a criminal history...okay that last one was a lie.But really I'm stuck here I can't figure out how to let the windows network see my shared folder.
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May 31, 2011
I got tired of dual booting on my old computer so on the new computer I am planning to run XP on VMware Player. The problem is that on the new computer neither Ubuntu or XP can "see" the FAT32 partition. I intend to use the FAT32 partition for photo images and old Windows files and need access from both Ubintu and XP.
Partition table entries are not in disk order.
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Feb 21, 2009
i need to access the shared files of computes with windows on it.i have fedora 8 on my machine..our computers are on the same network of the office...how do i access my friend's shared file.??
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