Ubuntu Security :: SSH Login Is Using RSA Keys?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm having trouble logging in with SSH using RSA keys.

client: Karmic
server: FreeNAS (FreeBSD) ip:

I generated RSA keys on Karmic, added the id_rsa.pub to the authorized_keys file on FreeNAS, then removed the id_rsa.pub from Karmic (this is a poorly documented but necessary step I learned).My Karmic username is shawn, FreeNAS username is shawnboy.from Karmic it prompts me for my RSA key passphrase which it should do, but after I enter it, it fails and moves on to prompt me for my password. I know this isn't a FreeNAS forum, but this works perfectly using Putty SSH with RSA keys on Windows XP, so I figure it's more appropriate to ask here than in FreeNAS forums.

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Ubuntu Security :: Security, Passwords & Encryption Keys?

Jun 7, 2011

I am not very security minded...I'm aware of it, and always made sure I had up-to-date overall protection in Windows but firewalls, and the blasted passwords are largely a thorn in my side!When I got my iPhone last year I suddenly discovered password managers & "wallets" to keep all that kind of information in and syncable across different devices. My life got so much easier. Of course now I need to figure out encryption keys, and how they work (I'm clueless). I also need to find a program or system that I can move my existing low-tech info (mailnly user name & passwords) that will also accomodate the increased needs of Ubuntu security and still be sync-able. I started a little research weeks ago, but my current "wallet" only exports .csv so I quit since I'm going to have to do a lot of data entry whatever I go with.So here goes:

1) what is the difference (bare bones) between using an encryption key (e.k.) vs. a standard user created password? what situations are better suited for e.k.?

2) I have seahorse (default intall with Ubuntu I guess) but the only thing in it is Login under passwords which leads to a login keyring (?) and a drop-down list of about 6-10 of the gazillon passwords I use daily. The other tabs are for keys which I don't have any concept of.

3) I know FF also "remembers" user id & passwords as you choose to have it do so. Is that information transferable into seahorse or another program?

4)I'm also (today) getting ready to really set up my system for user names & security across my little home network. How can I integrate that into whichever program/app I go with to store my pwds and keys?

5)give me links to fairly current documentation on this stuff?

6) Any program/app recommendations.Pros/cons uses, what they can & can't do or be used for, etc.

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Security :: Security Of OpenVPN With Premade Keys?

Jan 2, 2010

Im a total beginner when it comes cryptography and networking. Finally managed to create a connection with OpenVPN on Ubuntu to a vpn provider called ivacy. On this page:http://ivacy.com/en/doc/user/setup/winxp_openvpn they give configuration files and keys, which I used. The question is, if someone wanted to see my network traffic, could they do it using the keys provided on that page. Reading the OpenVPN documentation i saw that it is also possible to create your own keys. Would that be more secure?

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Ubuntu Security :: Where To Put SSH Keys

Jan 13, 2010

I have generated SSH *.pub and *.ppk keys.

Where should I put them so that they are automatically used and available when e.g. issuing an ssh ....

command in Terminal?

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Ubuntu Security :: Difference Between GPG And SSH Keys?

Feb 9, 2010

Short description of the difference between GPG and SSH keys?

Also, is it possible to combine the two keys? Meaning I can just use one key for both applications?

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Ubuntu Security :: Ssh Keys Can't Be Found

Sep 29, 2010

Scenario 1. I am doing this from /home/deploy directory I am trying to set up ssh with github for capistrano deployment. this has been an absolute nightmare. when I do ssh git@github.com as the deploy account I get Permission denied (publickey). so may be the key is not being found, so If I do a ssh-add /home/deploy/.ssh/id_rsa Could not open a connection to your authentication agent. (i did verify that the ssh-agent was running) If I do exec ssh-agent bash and then repeat the ssh-add then the key does get added and I can ssh into github. Now I exit from the ssh connection to my server and ssh back in and I can't ssh into github anymore! Scenario 2 if I login to my remote server and then cd into my .ssh directory and ssh into github then it all works fine I guess there is a problem with locating the key and for some reason the agent isn't funcitoning correctly.

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Ubuntu Security :: Single Use SSH-RSA Keys?

Jul 20, 2011

My primary Ubuntu server has SSH exposed to the internet so I can remotely access it. I have configured OpenSSH to use only RSA key authentication. Each computer I use has a separate RSA key unique to it. I also have a unique RSA key on a USB thumb-drive I carry with me. The purpose of the USB key is for emergencies if I have to access the server from some remote system. The problem is that I may not trust the remote machine (university/public library computer for example).

What I would like to do is have a set of one-time use RSA keys that, after I log in to SSH with them, are removed from the authorized_keys file. This would hopefully keep my system safe even if the remote machine I was using was compromised and had copied my private key and key-logged the password I used to decrypt it. I would like to have these keys be separate from the keys I have for my trusted computers.

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH Keys Only Good For Specific PC?

Feb 11, 2010

I have enabled ssh key based logins for one of my servers and disabled normal password based logins. It just occurred to me that the public key which I generated on my pc, and uploaded to the servers authorized_keys, may in fact only apply to my local PC / user account. So basically if my system crashes I would have no way to login to the server...? Is it not possible to "share" public keys so other people (PCs / accounts) can use them?

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Ubuntu Security :: Removing 'trusted' Keys Ssh?

Feb 19, 2010

I've installed the ssh server on my Ubuntu desktop and the very first time I accessed the server from my laptop, it got a message asking me whether to permanently add the key of the server. After I added this, it gave me a message saying that the key had been permanently added. My question is how do I remove this key? I just want to know how to do this because I'm going to disable password based logins and I want to start anew.

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypting Content With A Password Only - No Keys

Jun 1, 2010

What is the easiest way to encrypt plain text content with a password only? I need to encrypt client login information, but I hate dealing with all the unnecessary complexities of Linux's encryption systems.

I know I am going to get a bunch of people telling me how perfect Seahorse and whatever is, but Seahorse and the default /home directly encryption have both given me too many problems when decrypting my information. I prefer to preserve my data rather than using these methods.

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH Keys - Can I Create With Root Account

Aug 25, 2010

Can i login to my server using my root account and create a public+private key for one of my users and then manually paste it into his authorized_keys file and give him the private key?

The user im giving it to has a chrooted FTP account...

Is it still ok that i used the root account to create it? He is not going to have root access or nothing is he? This is not a security breach in any way is it?

The user doesn't have shell access to create their own so this is the only way i can think of doing it...

Also what access should the user have to their .ssh folder + the authorized_keys file...?

Are they allowed to read the key? What about write?

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Ubuntu Security :: Encrypt Files Using The Keys - Generate ?

Sep 8, 2010

I recently upgraded to Ubuntu 10.04. I love the passwords and keys application, but was somewhat surprised at the lack of a context menu in gnome to encrypt a file.

In general, I cannot find how to encrypt files using the keys I generate. Maybe I'm missing something? Probably, I just thought since Ubuntu comes with OOB key generation it would have OOB encryption capabilities.

I've read about seahorse and other ways to ADD encryption, I'm just wondering if ubuntu does it natively. It'd be a good idea to add to brainstorms, right click and encrypt.

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Ubuntu Security :: Setting Up Keys For Ssh For Multiple Users?

Jan 30, 2011

Ubuntu 10.10 Server is loaded. Openssh has been loaded.

I have multiple users which need access to server via ssh.

My impression from reading about ssh is that a key needs generated for each person. Thus, each key will have a passphrase that is unique to them.

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, the default sshd_config suggest using:


My assumption is %h is a variable that will allow the current user to use the public key stored in his home directory under the .ssh folder in a file called authorized_keys. Is their a command string that automatically populates the authorized_keys file?

I am surprised that even though there are a number of hidden (e.g. .****) files located in the home folder, there is not one automatically generated as .ssh. It appears I have to create that directory myself. I am especially surprised by this since it appears the instructions for generating a key seems to load the key in the home directory instead of proceeding to create a .ssh folder to store the keys in.

It is not clear, but it appears that the public key needs to be copied or appended to the authorized_keys file, but, using the scheme above, the public key needs to be copied or appended to each users authorized_keys file instead of appending all public keys to a single authorized_keys location.

It then appears that each persons authorized_keys file needs permissions set to 600.

It also appears that if I decide to use RSA instead of DSA, I would do the same thing above but would use authorized_keys2 file instead.

Why doesn't the home folder which gets automatically set up for each user automatically get a .ssh folder generated? i.e Why does it have to be created by hand? Does it need the same permission on the .ssh folder? ie 600?

My aim is to allow many to log on via ssh simultaneously and then allow many to simultaneously vnc into their respective gnome desktops.

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Ubuntu Security :: SSH: Require Password Protected Keys

Mar 11, 2011

How can I configure my SSH server (OpenSSH on Debian 5) so that it requires public key authentication *and that the keys are password protected*?

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Networking :: SSH Crashes On Login While Any RSA/DSA Keys Exist

Apr 9, 2010

My company uses (as do many others) a common set of keys between the development machines. This has always seemed to work until recently... now the presence of any keys (server-side) causes the SSH server to crash, and the client immediately gets kicked. The interesting part is that the ONLY clients who crash the server are the ones with the common keys. If you are an unknown host, then you are prompted with a login, and you can get in. From the client you see this:

[root@localhost ~]# ssh localhost
Last login: Fri Apr 9 14:36:44 2010 from jjinno.foobar.local
Connection to localhost closed.
And from the server (the same box in this case) you see this:
Apr 9 14:37:59 cld10-2 kernel: sshd[19967]: segfault at 00000000000000f0 rip 00002b0bafc8d65b rsp 00007ffffd836c90 error 4

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Ubuntu Security :: Public / Private Keys On Multiple Servers?

Mar 26, 2010

At the moment we have one SSH server with the private key being on a usb flash drive, and the public key being on the server in authorized_keys2. Now that three more servers are coming online, should we generate new keys, so we have muliple private and public keys (one pair for each server), or use the same two keys to access all the servers

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Ubuntu Security :: Nautilus: Connect To Server Using Public Keys

Mar 31, 2010

I am using Nautilus to connect to an external server. Currently, I use password authentication, and all works fine. I just type sftp://SERVER and the connection is established after providing the login credentials. However, I changed the server to only accept Public Key Authentication and disabled password authentication, and as a consequence I could not login using Nautilus anymore. Is there some way to make this work?

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Security :: Blocking Ips Permanently And Throwing Away The Keys

Sep 22, 2010

I want to block some ips permanently ie. even I as the root user cannot unblock these ips without having to format the whole system.

So i thought if some blocking software provided passwords for editing rules and I put a 'junk' password there and so that I can't delete the rules without the 'junk' password which I don't know.

So I examined iptables and I saw that it is a kernel module so there is no use of that since I can probably throw it away.

But the basic question is to block ips and gulp the key.

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Ubuntu Security :: Keys In Notification Area Prompting Change To Privileges

Mar 28, 2010

Since reinstalling Ubuntu 9.10 and learning how to get the Notification Area working properly:

I've noticed an bunch-of-keys icon appearing intermittently in my notification area.

It appeared about 20 mins ago. I hovered the mouse over it and it generated the following text:

"Click on the icon to drop all elevated privileges"

I right-clicked on the icon, thinking I might learn something more about it. But it disappeared. No other messages were given.

It appeared again about five or ten minutes ago. I did not click on it. But it disappeared of its own accord after a minute or two.

What is this? Should I have clicked on it? What have I done? How can I get this bunch of keys under my control?

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Fedora Networking :: Connect To An WLAN AP With No Security Keys - F13

Jul 5, 2010

Since I have installed Fedora 13 it seems that I can't connect to WLAN APs which aren't secured by WPA. I'm surprised about the inserts to the messages logfile:


Most surprising insert for me: Jul 5 20:43:21 nbtobiaslnx NetworkManager[1328]: <info> Config: added 'key_mgmt' value 'WPA-PSK' Is this the reason for my problem? I use KDE and Network Manager for managing my networkconnections.

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Security :: Setting Up Several Keys In Audit.rules File?

Mar 16, 2011

I am trying to lock down a server using audit.rules. I intend to use ausearch to review certain entries from time to time. I noticed that it's possible to assign a "key" to each rule and then use `ausearch -k` to show only the records that have that key.Unfortunately, the key feature seems broken. I started with the following rule in audit.rules:

-a always,exit -F arch=b64 -S open -S openat -F exit=-EACCES -k deny
I do a `cat /etc/shadow` and a `ausearch -ts today -k deny` and it seems all went well.


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Ubuntu Security :: Login Panel Is Worse From Security View Point

Jan 19, 2010

ubuntu 9.10 login panel is worse with respect to ubuntu 8 since now all the users with names are shown without a way to hide them!Why don't keep the old way at least as an option?

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Security :: Mapping Authorized Keys Enrty To Sshd Process?

Dec 19, 2010

When a user that has rsa public key set in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file logs in via ssh an sshd process is started to handle the ssh session.Periodically we audit the authorized keys and remove them from the system and authorized_keys file. This means the next log in attempt will fail, which is fine.However we need to terminate current ssh sessions in progress that use the rsa key.I have not been able to determine a way to map sshd processes with authorized_keys entries.

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Ubuntu Security :: Updated Browsers Using Update Manager Have Lost Security Login Pages For Web Mail?

Mar 3, 2011

i updated both browsers i have and lost my secure log-in pages (no padlocks showing ) concerning different Web mail accounts.Just before i did these updates i checked an unrelated thing on-line regarding my sound card of which i kept a copy of and got this message below :

!!ALSA/HDA dmesg
[ 12.762633] cfg80211: Calling CRDA for country: AM


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Ubuntu Security :: Bad Login Protocols - Graphical Login For Gnome Sizes Itself To Accommodate A User's Exact Password Length

Dec 14, 2010

I'm seeing really bad user login format under a standard installation and am wondering why ubuntu does this as default. I have noticed that the graphical login for gnome sizes itself to accommodate a user's exact password length. This indicates to me that somewhere on the unencrypted part of a standard installation with user encryption contains at least some indication of the content of the password length which seems a security flaw even if not a complete hole, it majorly reduces the number of attempts a cracker would have to cycle through.

And that's assuming that *only* the length is contained. Furthermore it seems that it would be MUCH better to simply display the number of characters entered into the pw field and allowing the gui to expand itself from an fixed size as the field is filled out so the the user still receives visual feedback for entering characters. Either a simple character count display should be entered into the field or a 10 dot to new line so that one can visually quickly count the number enter by multiplying from a 10base graphical observation.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Parts Of Keyboard Freeze / Keys Do Not Response In Kubuntu & Windows 7 Login Screen?

Jul 12, 2011

I cannot use several keys (1,`, q, a, z & Esc) on my keyboard.I have just installed Kubuntu 11.04, AMD64 version via Wubi. Everything went well w/o any errors. At 1st boot, I also logged in w/o errors, and then tried some apps for Office & Network and shut down. The keyboard was still alright at that time. However, The problem started on the 2nd boot after the installation. Those keys do not response in Kubuntu & Windows 7 login screen and even in my PC's BIOS setup.

My laptop model is Dell Lattitude E6410, core i5, Intel HD Graphics, WD HDD 160GB. And I installed on the other partition, not my Windows one.

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Security :: SSH Config - What's To Stop The MIM From Making A Substitution Of Keys During The Initial Exchange

Oct 20, 2010

Ive been running ssh to log into server for long time. Recently a x-win app reported that it suspects a man in the middle attack (MiMA), so I want to tighten this up, but it seems to me if there is a MiM, then the initial key exchange is vulnerable to a substitution. This is on solaris, but since its a basic concept I'm ot getting, it shouldnt matter,

Here's the gist of what I read:

- create users key pair,
- enable host authentication (ssh_config file on client and sshd_config file on remote host)
- start an ssh session and accept the remote hosts key (and I assume the remote host will take client users key and store some where)


1. What's to stop the MIM from making a substitution of keys during the initial exchange?? Shouldn't the keys be initially transfered in a more secure fashion??

2. Does the server just accept new keys from any existing user who want to create an ssh session? So if some one knows a username and password (such as the owner of an application they know is running) couldn't they just create their own keypair and have the server accept them?

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Ubuntu Security :: Startup Login Screen Security?

Aug 27, 2010

just migrated to Lucid from Jaunty and noticed that the login startup screen looks more like windoze (shows all authorized users).One of the endearing security checks with Unix was that if you had access to a console you had guess both userid AND password - the system wouldn't tell you which was wrong.I feel that we have lowered security by making the list of authorized users visible on a console. Is there any way to turn it off and force users to enter both userid and password?

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Ubuntu Security :: Security E-mails At Root Login?

Sep 8, 2010

Whenever I login as root, an e-mail with the subject "Security information" is sent outwhere the e-mail address for this message is configured? I need to change it (or perhaps disable it).

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Ubuntu :: Accessibility Equivalent For Sticky Keys And Mouse Keys?

Jun 27, 2011

Just wondering if Ubuntu has an Accessibility equivalent for sticky keys and mouse keys.

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