Ubuntu :: Safe Way To Upgrade To 10.10?

Nov 30, 2010

I am using 10.04 right now and the other time i tried upgrading to 10.10 beta version or alpha version it turned out to be a complete disaster cause it just wouldnt boot into the GUI no matter what. People say it was due to my ATI driver. Now since its a stable release, I want to make this install as perfect as possible so i dont have to reformat everything like i did last time.

Should i copy my whole filesystem into a external drive? In the event it doesnt work , i can just replace the files with the files on the external drive rite?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade From 9.04 To 9.10?

Jan 17, 2010

I read some of the thing under thread about ubuntu not working after update to 9.10, mainly connected with nvidia etc. This all seems rather complex for someone with only small experience. The Q is : is it safe today (bugs fixed?) to update from 9.04 to 9.10 simply via the update manager? Or will I have definitely no running system then and will need lot of special work to be done on drivers etc? My system is a dell dimension 4550, nvidia GeForce4 Ti4200. Or is the upgrade to 9.10 to dangerous still?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade To 10.04?

Jun 12, 2010

About 3-4 weeks ago, I tried upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 several times, using all of the methods. However, every single one of them had a bug; a black screen, completely blank. I saw other people had this problem and did everything others suggested, but yet I still got that black screen. So I decided to wait a few weeks and see if most of the bugs have been fixed. So is it safe to upgrade now?

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Ubuntu :: Will It Be Safe To Upgrade To Gnome 3

Aug 5, 2011

will it be safe to upgrade to gnome 3? will i lose any data.. the xact steps to do it..

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Ubuntu :: Upgrade To Firefox 4.0 - Easy And Safe Way

Mar 22, 2011

Firefox Stable PPA provides the latest Firefox stable builds for Ubuntu 9.10, 10.04 and 10.10. This repository that provides the latest Firefox 4.0 stable.

Add the PPA using these commands:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update

Then if you have Firefox installed, you will get an update for the latest Firefox 4, the package name isn't named "firefox-4.0" like it is now in the Mozilla Daily PPA but simply "firefox", so it is simply a case of updating. I have done this and it works perfectly.

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Ubuntu :: Kubuntu 10.04 Will Not Boot After Safe Upgrade

Aug 17, 2010

I just ran sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude safe-upgrade. Now, the machine won't boot. It's a 64-bit system with two disks. Both show up in the bios, and I have tried booting from both. The boot process gets past the motherboard splash screen, then the grub countdown, and then it says:
Boot from (hd0,0) ext3 [lots of numbers and letters]
Starting up...

Then, this error messages appears, very briefly:
Cannot reserve MMIO region
and then the screen just goes dark.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Upgrade To Thunderbird 3.1 Yet? (Lucid)

Jul 16, 2010

I notice the repository Thunderbird version is 3.0.5 but 3.1 is already released. I'm on 3.0.4 and it took me forever to find a compatible version of the Lightning extension, which I really need.Now I am afraid to upgrade to anything older than 3.1 because it might break Lightning, and I'm afraid to upgrade to 3.1 because maybe there's a reason it's not in the official repository yet (and because who knows if the latest version of Lightning really is compatible with the latest version of Thunderbird). My question is, is anybody out there currently running Thunderbird 3.1 with the Lightning extension on Kubuntu or Ubuntu 10.04, AMD64? Have you found it to be stable?

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Ubuntu Installation :: 11.04 Upgrade Safe On Setup With Packages?

Apr 28, 2011

I want to upgrade to 11.04 but I'm extremely scared of breaking my installation. First of all, I have all that experimental Compiz bling installed, does it break anything with Natty's Compiz? It obviously won't work because Natty uses 0.9 while Maverick uses 0.8, but I don't want any dummy plugins or anything. Also, these plugins are way too cool to miss (I just installed them and now I can't live without the extra eye-candy). And what's with my awkward startup settings? I have a compiz --replace --loose-binding command in there and many disabled docks that, in KDE, all launch simultaneously (including Compiz, which renders everything unusable) and completely screw the desktop (I stopped caring about KDE now). Also, my setup feels like my computer's going to blow up any minute while upgrading because of too much dull packages, including gnome-shell which I don't use after all. My computer is, in terms of packages, a complete junkyard! So, is it safe to upgrade with this setup, if yes, tell me the recommended way to do this (CD, update manager?) or if not, how do I scrap that from my updates forever? By the way, will the upgrade also ruin KDE?

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Debian :: Cannot Safe Upgrade In Testing

Mar 11, 2011

After trying to use the safe-upgrade command with aptitude, I receive these errors:
apt (0.8.11) unstable; urgency=low
apt-get install pkg/experimental will now not only switch the candidate of package pkg to the version from the release experimental but also of all dependencies of pkg if the current candidate can't satisfy a versioned dependency.

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Debian :: Is Apt-Get Upgrade In Cron Safe?

Mar 1, 2010

I've been using debian for sometime but I've never trusted in automated upgrade on my servers so my question is: Is this safe in cron and how often should I run it (everyday, once a week)?
apt-get -y update && apt-get -y upgrade
Of course I have stable version installed.

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OpenSUSE Install :: Safe To Upgrade To 11.4?

Mar 15, 2011

I'm using OS11.3 64bits with KDE 4.6.1 and its working fine.

Would anyone recommend me to do an upgrade to 11.4 or wait? If 11.4 is good, then would anyone recommend me to do a network upgrade, or clean installation?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Safe To Use Lubuntu Beta Upgrade To Final

Apr 15, 2010

I'm so excited to see how nicely Lubuntu 10.04 runs on my EeePC. I went ahead and installed it, knowing that it's just the second beta. Everything seems to be going nicely, but when I did a "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade" it showed there were tons of updates (about 90MB worth). I saw updates for Chrome, the kernel, xserver-xorg, etc. I understand this is just a beta operating system and is not recommended to be used as a primary OS, but I'm just so excited and can't wait. If I stay with this install, and keep updating, would I eventually make my way to the final release? Or would you recommend doing a reinstall with the final image?

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Fedora X86/64bit :: Is It Safe To Use Preupgrade For F12 Upgrade?

Nov 17, 2009

Just started to use Fedora and version 11 a couple of months ago. Is it safe to use preupgrade to do an upgrade to version 12 or is it better to do a fresh install?

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General :: Perform A Safe Upgrade In Debian?

Mar 20, 2010

I am using debian 5.04 + LXDE. In the past, I sometime encounter problems such as the distro broken after performed a full apt dist-upgrade or upgrade. Now, I am more conservative, I am using apt safe-upgrade.

I want to know are there anyway to do a better safe upgrade for debian without breaking the distro?

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Debian Installation :: Aptitude Safe Upgrade Not Installing Anything

Dec 29, 2010

I am running squeeze. I ran aptitude update and then safe-upgrade. The system detects 104 conflicts and then installs nothing, with no other messages. What can the problem be?

sudo aptitude safe-upgrade Resolving dependencies. open: 794300; closed: 315857; defer: 133767; conflict: 104

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Debian :: Aptitude Safe Upgrade Removed All KDE 4.3 Packages

Apr 13, 2010

KDE 4.3 squeeze-SID
I've got a strange problem with my last "aptitude safe-upgrade". It had removed all my kde 4.3 and packages I have installed, I don't know why!

This is what aptitude removed :
$ dpkg -l | grep ^rc |awk '{print $2}' | xargs echo .....

I reinstalled kde-full (kde 4) but now with an aptitude safe-upgrade or dist-upgrade. It wants to remove my debian-multimedia keyrings and my wine-unstable and others each time.

# aptitude -s safe-upgrade
Les NOUVEAUX paquets suivants vont etre installs : <<<<<<<<<  #new packages will be installed
libparted0debian1{a} libva1{a} libx264-92{a} libxklavier16{a} mysql-server-core-5.1{a}
Les paquets suivants seront ENLEVES : <<<<<<<< # packages will be remove .....

Here is my pref list :
Package: *
Pin: release o=apt-build
Pin-Priority: 989
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=unstable,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 988
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=unstable,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 987
Package: *
Pin: release o=volatile.debian.org,a=stable,l=debian-volatile
Pin-Priority: 986
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian-Security
Pin-Priority: 985
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=stable,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 984
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=stable,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 983
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing,l=Debian-Security
Pin-Priority: 982
Package: *
Pin: release o=Unofficial Multimedia Packages,a=testing,l=Unofficial Multimedia Packages
Pin-Priority: 981
Package: *
Pin: release o=Debian,a=testing,l=Debian
Pin-Priority: 980

And my sources.list:



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Debian :: Aptitude Safe Upgrade - Untrusted Packages

Jul 4, 2010

I am new to Debian (just used Gentoo until now), I run a little server for our company and clients. Unfortunately our hosting company switched us from a Gentoo system to a Debian Lenny box with Confixx and stopped maintaining it. So I will need to do the house keeping, which worries me a bit. Today I started and ran: aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade and got a huge list with packages to upgrade. Unfortunately, I am not confident, if I will break something upgrading (Confixx, apache) as I get the following warning message:

WARNING: untrusted versions of the following packages will be installed!
Untrusted packages could compromise your system's security.
You should only proceed with the installation if you are certain that this is what you want to do.
mysql-client mysql-server-5.1 mysql-client-5.1 mysql-common mysql-server-core-5.1 mysql-server libmysqlclient16
Do you want to ignore this warning and proceed anyway?
Is it safe to ignore it and upgrade the needed packages?

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Debian :: Install Backports With Aptitude Safe Upgrade?

Oct 18, 2010

I see that the backports now is officiel. My question is rather simpel: Is it possible to upgrade with (and how to) the backported packages without to much work? Is is needed to install all backported packages individually? I want to upgrade to any backported package with the command:

apitutude safe-upgrade - if it is possible.

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Ubuntu Servers :: Can't Reinstall Mysql-server After Power Failure During Aptitude Safe-upgrade

Jun 2, 2010

A week or so ago I ran an aptitude safe-upgrade and while it was updating mysql I suffered a power-failure. Now, this never really happens in Holland but of course this once it happened at the worst possible time.

I've tried a lot of different things to get mysql working again, but am running into all kinds of problems. First mysql won't shut off properly (it does startup with the computer but I can't connect to it at all) during an aptitude purge. If I kill the process mysql seems to purge properly, but I guess this is not the case because I wasn't able to install it then.

Things seem to have gone a bit more smoothly this time, however:

snek@snek-server:~$ sudo aptitude install mysql-server
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Debian Installation :: Packages (Security Sensitive) In Aptitude Safe Upgrade?

Feb 17, 2011

Today I ran
aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade
Like I regularly do, and I see these two packages need to be upgraded:
login passwd

Since these packages seem kinda security-sensitive I would like to know exactly why I would need to upgrade them. I checked Debian's security list but couldn't find anything relevant, and the links to the changelog for both packages are broken:
The requested URL /changelogs/pool/main/s/shadow/shadow_4.1.4.2+svn3283-2+squeeze1/changelog was not found on this server.
Where can I see what is changed in these packages so I can safely upgrade?

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Debian :: Name Of Package That Prints Ncurses Style Dialogs During 'aptitude Safe-upgrade'

Mar 1, 2010

I'm running Debian squeeze and my packages are all up to date. I usually do my updates by typing 'aptitude update' and 'aptitude safe-upgrade' at the command line as root.Sometimes when doing regular updates aptitude, or the package that's being updated, shows a ncurses-style dialog box on the screen, usually to have the user 'OK' a change, or to select which version of a configuration file to keep. Recently I've found these dialog boxes to be slightly messed up... in that the spot at the bottom where I would expect the 'OK' button to be is replaced by nonsensical characters.

There seems to be no problem with the way that the program functions, as I can press the tab key and then the return key, or just the return key alone, and the dialog goes away, seemingly doing it's job. But I would like to know what this program is. It's likely been updated recently, but looking through /var/log/aptitude and /var/log/aptitude.1.gz I cannot figure out which one it is. I'd like to file a bug report, or simply be able to follow the progress of someone else's bug. That's all.

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Ubuntu :: Is Running (any) As Vm Still As Safe

Jan 23, 2010

What I mean to ask if any of the things that linux users benefit from as far as viruses and spyware remain same when running a virtual linux box in virtualbox as an exampledditionally does this greatly increase the chance of passing.

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Ubuntu :: Is It Safe To Uninstall HAL In 10.04 And 9.10

Mar 4, 2010

can I uninstall HAL from Ubuntu 10.04? i tried it on 9.10 2 weeks ago and unfortunately the dependencies also uninstalled the entire gnome desktop and many other essential things leaving me with a bulky half broken mock arch linux. if this is safe let me know I am dying to try out Device Kit to see how fast it really is.

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Run Apache?

Feb 5, 2011

I'd like to install apache so I can tinker around with php a bit. I read a thread on how to set everything up, and it ended with a chap mentioning that it's important to take security measures while running apache. I haven't "gone out of my way" to make my Ubuntu install any more secure than it comes out-of-the-box. I keep my system updated via Update Manager's automatic updates, but that's it.

So my question is, am I ok to go ahead and plod through some php tutorials using apache to do the server-side stuff? what I would do to keep things safe if I were using a Windows machine?

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Install Dropbox In 10.04?

Aug 18, 2010

whether it's safe to install Dropbox in Ubuntu 10.04. It seems to be easy enough: [URL] and here for people who like me need to be held by the hand with simplest things: [URL] But as a newbie to ubuntu I've been burnt trying out seamless things that turn into tweaking nightmares that I can't manage. It would be useful to receive any prior warning as to how Dropbox cohabits with Gnome, Nautilus or anything relevant in Ubuntu 10.04.

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Run Devices Off Of An Unpowered USB-hub?

Sep 14, 2010

Was just wondering if it was safe to run devices off of an unpowered USB-hub, unfortunately I do audio production and when the DC-adapter is connected I get horrible alternating hissing noises through the sound system. Was just wondering if it would be safe to connect an external mouse, keyboard and a self-powered printer to the usb-hub without drawing too much current and wrecking the system.

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Ubuntu Security :: How To Keep Keyring Safe

Nov 12, 2010

It seems to me that he passwords kept in GNU Keyring Seahorse, are not kept very safe, because if I'm logged in and someone access my cumputer they can see my passwords that are saved there. I have set a keyring password, but it seems that is it not all the time locked.What are some general follow guide rulles to make sure my passwords are kept safe and my encryption keys that I use.

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Ubuntu Installation :: 10.10 - Wubi Safe To Use?

Dec 9, 2010

I have purchased a new Aser I5 laptop....Is Wubi the way to go to install Ubuntu 10.10 into this window machine. I hear a lot of people don't like or use Wubi. If I use Wubi can I pick the size on mt 705 gig hard drive to allow for say 100gig or 200 gig. etc.for Ubuntu?

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Ubuntu :: Can't Boot Into Safe Mode?

Dec 21, 2010

First let me say sorry if this is in the wrong thread. I am a bit of a noob when it comes to linux. I was trying to figure out how to get an external monitor as my primary monitor on my laptop when i made a change that cause the desktop environment to keep logging me out. I got it into safe mode and resolved the issue but i have my account set to not ask for a password on login and it keeps booting to safe mode now. I have tried logging out and typing my username to get the option to select the normal desktop but as soon as i enter my username it boots bake in as safe mode. The option to require a password on login is not working in this mode. Anyone know how I can get this corrected?

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Ubuntu :: Safe To Remove Unity?

Jun 1, 2011

So I upgraded Ubuntu and was greeted by Unity. I was unsure of it at first and figured I would give it a shot. It has failed miserably in almost every way aside from looking nice in some instances. It's slow, clunky, and was a total wreck to my efficient use of the computer. But they can't all be winners I suppose. I can see where it would be useful (since it seems more finger-friendly) on a tablet device, but I'm using a standard notebook, not a tablet.

That being said, I switched back to what is now "Ubuntu (Classic)" and have put things happily back on track. However, since I have no intentions of ever bothering with Unity again, I want to remove it - it's just wasting space. My questions are, would this be safe? Are Unity and Ubuntu entwined to the point where doing so would make future updating/upgrading a problem? If it is a problem for the future, I feel it would be easier to just change distros (Mint, OpenSUSE, or just Kubuntu) - any recommendations?

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