I have a shortcut on my desktop linking to my server, it looks like:
firefox <server IP>
What i want it to do, is when i click it it will ask for a password, if the correct password is entered then it will execute, if not it will close. This is not for security and i know it is very easy to bypass, but i don't want it to be so easy for my friends to start sneaking around my server and then don't know how to take it away anyway.
I tried gksudo, but this run firefox with root privileges, that is not what i want, i want it to run firefox as a normal user, maybe there is some way of using gksudo and running firefox with normal privileges?
I am an absolute Linux Beginner who is being required to do a bit of admin work because the boss just fired the old linux admin. Unfortunately, one of our employees cannot remember her password to her email account and as such I need to reset it on our linux server.What I want to check is that this email account is actually a linux user account and I simply will reset the password for it using the passwd command from the root login. Is that correct?
I migrated an old SuseLinux 10 box to Debian (Lenny) a couple months ago, and apparently no one noticed you can't change your password. Root can do it because passwd doesn't ask root for a password, but no one else can (although they can log in, passwd doesn't recognize their login password when they attempt to set a new password and it asks).I changed authentication to use blowfish when I setup the server (because the SuseLinux 10 system used it) and apparently the passwd command doesn't work with that. Apparently I need to update another configuration file or possibly get a different program to update the passwd file if I use blowfish. Any ideas?
The weird thing is that it can generate a blowfish hash to set a new password, but apparently can't generate one to authenticate the user.something changed recently and it is no longer generating a blowfish hash when setting a new password. It is generating a hash with only 13 characters. And I can clearly see that many users have changed their passwords.
For some reason passwd does not accept my current password as the old password when i try to change my password with the command passwd. Im not sure whats wrong with whatever linux uses to handle passwords but I cant even change passwords with the root user account. Is there any way to fix both of these problems.
This is a new installation.My system login password is recognized and that same passwd is recognized by the Software Centre, but not with sudo in the terminal.
I want to create one user without password using useradd command. Is there any way we can do the same? I have googled it but couldn't get the perfect solution
Is there a easy program that uses a GUI or am I going to need to do this from the terminal, either way I don't care I just need to be pointed in the right direction. I installed the 7zip package and started using it in the terminal but I can't figure out how to insert a password into my command. 7z x <package> [LOCATION] ?
They involve pressing Ctrl-Alt-F1 while booting the Ubuntu live CD.
If I allow the live CD to boot, I arrive at a Ubuntu GUI.
However, if I press Ctrl-Alt-F1, the monitor (HDMI TV) goes blank and indicates "no signal
correcting the password from a GUI (can I just go to a command prompt from there somehow, and work from that command prompt?) or getting my video to display when I press Ctrl-Alt-F1?
** (I remember trying to set up the system with NO password).
It's absurd to require one.
Especially so if a person with a live CD can simply change it (I guess at least the change would be detected).
When Linux ask for my password in command line,my keyboard becomes unresponsive just for that moment or let me put it this way,until i need to write my password my keyboard is unresponsive,but for all other things is fine.or for example,i can input my password when i have a graphic interface but i can't with command line or i can't login to my computer from command lineexcuse me if my question is doll,i moved from windows to ubuntu just lastweek,( & i am flying high in sky with ubuntu & digging a very deep hole for windows too!!.)
How do I set up SSH so I don't have to type my password? i execute the following command ssh -l admin hostname command but each time i execute it, it ask me to enter password.how i can give it password as default because i'm going to put in bash file ?
I dont want to use ssh key authentication.I have a simple script which I need to ssh to remote machine and all I want is to supply the password on the same ssh commandline
I'd like to connect to a site via the sshfs command from a launcher on the task bar. The problem is, instead of prompting for the password for my private key (key based authentication)the launcher freezes the computer.The command runs fine from the terminal... but is there a way to add a password prompt to a launcher?
While trying to download themes for fedora 12,I get to the end it ask for my PW (in sudo) then says it is incorrect.When in graphic inter phase all my passwords are excepted.I've been reading the linux manuel. but can't find the anwser.If I am to put anouther password in where do I do that and how.
I am writing a script to get hardware information of a particular UNIX machine. To do this, I ftp a shell script (commands to get h/w information) to the target machine and then use SSH to remote the remote script.With FTP, I can pass a password accepted as input the shell script. How can I pass the same password to SSH ? This is because I do not want the user to enter the password twice.
I have Red Hat version 4 I was trying to change the root password with the passwd command.I get the error passwd: PAM [dlerror: /lib64/security/sufficient: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] I have change the password before.
I installed a command-line version of Ubuntu 10.04 using the Alternate CD. The machine was wiped, and I used most of the default settings.
I used a thirteen character user id which consisted of mixed case letters and numbers, and an eighteen character password that contains mixed case letters and numbers and a # sign.
When I rebooted, the command-line login would not accept my password. I assumed I had somehow made a mistake, and just wiped the machine again and reinstalled. This time I was very careful with the user name/pw.
Again, the command-line login did not accept my password!
On a hunch, I took an old Ubuntu 7.10 Alternate CD and erased the machine again. I installed a command-line version of Ubuntu. AGAIN --- it will not accept my password even though I'm 100% sure it is correct.
I have Fedora 14 with minimal installation (without graphical interface and so on) and the application I've been working needs to be initialized on boot up. So, I need to disable the login prompt (and password) by command line. How can I do it? I've seen by GUI, but with command line nothing...
I wish to allow a user to use sudo to run a single command (service app status) to determine if my application app is running, in my sudoers file i have: user ALL= /sbin/service app status I understand that there is a parameter called timestamp_timeout that will set the timeout for the 'user', but requires at least 1 entry of the root password.
I wish to allow the user to do "sudo service app status" and not have to enter the root password ever(maybe once is ok), but still make the user enter the root password for all other root activities. Is there a way to prevent the password entry for this command only and no others?
I am trying to change the password of a user by 'usermod' command. let us assume that there is a user named "test" to change the password of the user we can type "passwd test" which will change the password of the user "test". I want to change the password similarly using the command "usermod". when I give usermod -p yahoo test"(yahoo is the password which I want to set), I am not getting any errors but when I switch user to test, I am unable to login.
I'd like to start a background job using the sudo command and route its output to a file. This presents a problem because the prompt for the password doesn't work properly. It looks something like this when I try it:
Basically I'm not properly prompted for the password and as soon as I type anything in my background job fails because it didn't receive the password. Is there any way to execute a sudo command by supplying the password on the same line as the command?
I have recently installed Fedora 14 on a new computer we presented as a gift to my sister-in-law. She is new to Linux. Although I've used Fedora since Core 1, I'm no expert on security issues, and this baffles me. She's doesn't know how to change the root password, so why doesn't it work any more? She discovered the problem when attempting a yum update from a terminal.(1) How could the root password have gotten changed? How likely is it that someone got onto her system through ssh, made a lucky guess on her root password, and then changed it? Are there robots that do this?
(2) The firewall is enabled. I have it set up as follows: (a) under "Trusted Services," only ssh is checked (I need to be able to get in remotely this way); (b) under "Trusted Interfaces," I have eth0 checked (I need to be able to use VNConto her desktop).Question: Are these settings giving ample protection? What settings would be recommended to protect her system while at the same time allowing me to access it through ssh and VNC?