Ubuntu :: Pidgin 2.7.1 Doesn't Flash In 10.04

Jun 15, 2010

Pidgin is refusing to flash even after setting the "blink on new messages". I know this was a bug in 2.7.0. Is it fixed in 2.7.1? I tried checking the Message-notification plugin, but no luck. Anybody knows a workaround?

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Slackware :: Sometimes The Sound Doesn't Work For Flash Content Or Pidgin

Oct 10, 2010

I have a fairly fresh Slack install. When I start or shutdown X, the sounds that are supposed to play do. Also, sometimes everything else that is supposed to play sounds does.

However, sometimes the sound doesn't work for flash content or pidgin. I have never had a similar problem and I don't know where to start in resolving this issue.

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Ubuntu Installation :: Flash Doesn't Work In Firefox After Most Recent Flash Plugin Update (10.10)

May 19, 2011

Flash is no longer working in Mozilla Firefox after the most recent flash plugin update. I couldn't find any information on it.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pidgin Notifications Doesn't Work?

May 15, 2010

I'm running newest pidgin on sid and i have few problems. First of all notifications doesn't work (plugin is of course turned on), also even when i turn on blinking icon it's not blinking. Oh and why the tray icon is so small now?

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Software :: Pidgin Word Authentication Doesn't Work?

Aug 10, 2010

whenever my facebook client automatically logs off in pidgin i have to not only provide my password but a word authentication (where it shows you a picture with letters in it arranged in a strange way and theres 2 of them seperated by a space, but whenever i enter in the letters (i know that all of the letters entered into that text box are right) but for some reason it doesn't let me back in it just prompts me again to enter the words i see and still doesn't let me in

i had to uninstall it and re-install it to get it to come back up again

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Fedora :: Pidgin Doesn't Have An Option To Send Group Messages?

Feb 5, 2010

I know Pidgin doesn't have an option to send group messages. I've been searching for some plugin from a third part, found something for Debian, but nothing for Fedora/Redhat. Does anyone know here a working plugin for this problem?

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Doesn't Work And Removing / Re-installing Package Doesn't Fix It

Sep 1, 2011

I'm using 'Adobe Flash plug-in', installed from the package repos on kubuntu, and since the last update, it has broken all flash functionality in both rekonq and firefox.I have tried removing and reinstalling the package multiple times, both with and without the browsers open. Can anyone suggest a way to restoring functionality?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Doesn't Load And The Light At My Webcam Doesn't Switch On At All

Jun 4, 2011

I've used this video conferencing web app on Windows 7 and it works perfectly. [URL] But I'm having flash problems. Flash doesn't load and the light at my webcam doesn't switch on at all. Things to note:Cheese works so I know my webcam in Ubuntu is functional. I've tried purging the flash plugin and reinstalling it. It doesn't work on Chrome and Firefox so it's definitely only a flash problem. I'm not using any medication so I know it isn't me just imagining it. EDIT: I checked out [URL] Here's a screenshot: [URL] I'll check back later, Charlie the Unicorn just rang my doorbell and invited me to tea on the magic hot air balloon. Definitely not hallucinating. Definitely. Definitely.

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Software :: How To Video Call Windows Over A 3G Modem - Pidgin Doesn't Support

Aug 20, 2010

I am looking for a way to make a video call from windows to linux. I do prefer over MSN or skype protocol so it would mean less trouble starting new accounts for all sides.

Now here are my problems: pidgin doesn't support video calls on msn protocol and skype doesn't support video calls over GPRS.

I like the simple looking interface on pidgin and I have a sierra wireless 880E pcmcia 3G modem. the windows side is using the WLM so no problems there.

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Ubuntu :: Can't Update Packages Due To Some Fail Conflict Between Pidgin And Pidgin-facebookchat

Jan 5, 2011

I have a Kubuntu 10.10 install on which I can't update my packages due to some fail conflict between pidgin and pidgin-facebookchat. I can't even remove the stuff via apt-get due to this conflict...

sudo apt-get remove pidgin
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these:


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General :: Pidgin Installation Via Terminal - Packages Have Unmet Dependencies: Pidgin: Depends: Libpurple0

May 1, 2010

I am using Ubuntu 9.04. After doing sudo apt-get update When I try to insatll pidgin via terminal it shows: XXX@XXX-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install pidgin Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming.

The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: pidgin: Depends: libpurple0 (>= 1:2.6.0) but it is not going to be installed Depends: perl (>= 5.10.0-19ubuntu1.1) but 5.10.0-19ubuntu1 is to be installed E: Broken packages

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Ubuntu :: "Me" Menu Doesn't Work Properly With Pidgin

Jul 26, 2010

I uninstalled Empathy and installed Pidgin, because I just couldn't take Empathy's lack of features any more. The "Me" menu doesn't work properly with Pidgin, though. Every time I change my status via the Me menu, it knocks me off-line on three of my four accounts. how to disable (or even remove) the "Me" menu? It's only functionality is to control messaging and social networking services, right?

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Ubuntu :: Pidgin Musictracker Doesn't Make Updates To "Now Playing" Field

Jan 15, 2011

I am using Pidgin with musictracker. When other people are playing the songs and they use Gtalk their status is updated with the "Now Playing" field with a music icon in front of their name as: [url]

But musictracker updates it as :[url]

How do I get the former effect with Pidgin.

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Software :: Pidgin Musictracker Doesn't Make Updates To "Now Playing" Field

Jan 3, 2011

I am using Pidgin with musictracker.

When other people are playing the songs and they use Gtalk their status is updated with the "Now Playing" field with a music icon in front of their name as: [URL]

But musictracker updates it as : [URL]

How do I get the former effect with Pidgin.

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Debian Multimedia :: Pidgin: Symbol Lookup Error: Pidgin: Undefined Symbol: Purple_media_element_info_get_type

Aug 1, 2010

Previously after doing aptitude upgrade, my pidgin seems broken with no gui shown. So I decided to download the latest source from pidgin website and build it from source, but I think I made situation worse because it then complained that ssl lib was needed. Then I removed the libpurple (e.g. aptitude purge libpurple0 libpurple-bin libpurple-dev) and reinstalled pidgin (aptitude install pidgin). Now it shows the error

pidgin: symbol lookup error: pidgin: undefined symbol: purple_media_element_info_get_type

I searched on the internet and can not find a solution. The clues on the internet says that's because the piding I use is the older version of libpurple. But I think I've removed all with purge and reinstalled it. Maybe some legacy binary is referenced. What or where it might be? Or where there may contain related information.

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Ubuntu :: Flash Drive Doesn't Mount?

Mar 17, 2011

i bought i 32gb transcend flashdrive mainly to t0 another os.. but the problem is it doesnt mount in ubuntu 10.10 but is mounts in windows. when i type lsusb in my terminal after inserting ang again after removing it i see that there is one usb device which is shown when flash drive is inserted and dissapears when i remove my flash drive

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Ubuntu Installation :: USB-Flash-Drive Doesn't Work

Oct 13, 2010

I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 on a 16GB USB-Stick using the Startup Disk Creator. After booting from it, I saw the progress dots running on the start screen running for ever (30 minutes until I switched off my Laptop). The whole time the in-use LED of my Harddrive was on. What is Ubuntu doing so long on my Harddisk?How can I manage, that it will work properly?

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Ubuntu :: Flash Installed But Video Doesn't Work?

Mar 23, 2011

[URL] Even though I have flash installed.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash In Opera Doesn't Work Any More?

Jun 19, 2011

after I upgraded from Lucid to Natty, Flash doesn't work in Opera any more. In Firefox I have no problems.

As suggested in another thread, I tried installing Flash-Aid for Firefox and reinstalled Flash with this extension, but no luck. I also tried purging and reinstalling Opera:

sudo apt-get purge opera
sudo apt-get install opera
No luck.

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Ubuntu :: Chromium Doesn't Open Embedded Flash Always

Jun 26, 2011

By a fifty fifty chance chromium doesn't open embedded flash elements. Audio works but the embedded flash element shows just black.

Refreshing the page fix this again by %50 chance.

But there's no problem with Firefox because I think it uses the Adobe Flash Player (the one in the repo) but Chromium uses the an built-in flash player.

Is there a way to fix this problem? Or a way to disable Chromium's built-in flash player and use the Adobe's flash player?

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Ubuntu :: Installed Updates Now Flash Doesn't Work?

Aug 21, 2011

I ran Update Manager and installed updates. Now flash video and other things with flash content wont work.

To give one example. I go to a web I use frequently and the following message is displayed at the top: "Additional plug-ins are required to display media on this page"

I click on "install mising plug-ins" and select Flash Player-installer. Bu then it tells me it's already installed! This has only happened since last night when I installed the updates!

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General :: Ubuntu On USB-Flash-Drive Doesn't Boot

Jul 30, 2010

I am new to Linux, but after installing Ubuntu 10.4LTS I am wrapped. To be able to use Ubuntu everywhere, I installed Ubuntu 10.4LTS on an
8GB USB-Flashdrive using "Startup-disk Creator". When I restart the PC with USB-Flashdrive plugged in, the PC starts to load from the Flashdrive. It goes only to the Purple Screen with the Dots that change Red/White and than nothing else happens.

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Fedora :: Flash Doesn't Work Sometimes?

Feb 16, 2010

i just installed fedora 12 on my computer. installation went perfect, even tweaked it a little bit and everything works; except for flash player. i installed it by following some guide and i can watch videos vids and all, but sometimes the videos video player doesn't respond to my mouse. i can click on play/pause but it gives no response whatsoever; i can click on the sound but it gives no response whatsoever. sometimes it all works perfectly, but when i click on the next vid it suddenly doesn't respond anymore.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Not Working And Download Doesn't Start

Sep 15, 2010

i'm finding it absolutely impossible to get flash working on ubuntu. I'm using firefox and have tried installing adobe flash player through their website (nothing happens, download doesn't start) and through the terminal (error messages), I've also tried installing other flash players from the ubuntu software centre and, while they install fine, they don't seem to actually work. I'm using ubuntu with windows (windows on C drive, ubuntu on D drive)

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Ubuntu :: Firefox Crashes Randomly Doesn't Appear To Be Connetcted To Flash?

Feb 11, 2011

I'm running ubuntu 10.10 and firefox crashes randomly. I t doesn't appear to be connetcted to flash or anything in particular. I attached a screenshot of the crash report abd here is what it said when I clicked the details button:

Add-ons: langpack-en-AU@firefox-3.6.ubuntu.co... pushnote.com:0.6.18,{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.6.13
BuildID: 20101206121845


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Fedora :: Fullscreen In Flash Doesn't Work?

Jun 13, 2010

Just as the title says, the fullscreen feature in Flash video players such as ..... does not work in Fedora 13 on my computer. Videos play fine in the window, though. When I press the fullscreen button, the area where the video was playing turns gray and the sound stops playing. I've tried fiddling with some settings in Compiz but it didn't seem to help. I had Flash Player 10 installed initially, when it started having this problem, and then I installed 10.1 and it continued doing this.

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OpenSUSE :: Flash Doesn't Have GPU Acceleration Option?

May 1, 2010

On windows xp when i right-click on the flash video, i can choose 'enable hardware acceleration', but when i do the same for OpenSuse i don't have any hardware acceleration option.

How can i have a GPU/hardware acceleration option for flash?

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Software :: Flash Player Doesn't Support 64-bit?

Aug 24, 2010

So after a little while of trying to get flash player to work in firefox on Slackware, I finally figured something out.

It took me a little bit to figure out where the firefox plugins folder was, because everything I read said in "/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/" Well in "/usr/lib/" there was about 6 or 7 folders, nothing else. I finally realized everything was in /usr/lib64.

Now my second problem, the flash player plugin I downloaded directly from Adobe didn't work. Well a few searches fixed this, and I found a link to the 64-bit plugin at SlackBuild [url] Now I have a couple of questions. First off, Is there any resource that would help me find out exactly what the security risks that SlackBuild claims exist in the x86_64 edition of flashplayer are, so that I can take proper precautions?

Adobe says that they don't currently support 64-bit and they say you can just use a 32-bit browser. I am a bit of a newbie when it comes to 64-bit and 32-bit architectures, so I would just like to read about the advantages of using a 64-bit browser over a 32-bit, and it would help me if anyone could direct me to a website or resource all about the 64-bit and 32-bit architecture stuff.

And in conclusion: The point in me posting this is I would like to decide whether I should continue using the 64-bit firefox or switch to a 32-bit version so I can use the official version of flashplayer. I have a habit of generally preferring the default installed applications because I feel they are typically chosen for the best compatibility, and otherwise I don't feel like asking what application I should use for each and every field of applications.

For now I'll install the 32-bit version and see if I notice any differences.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: When Sound At Remote Sink Flash Doesn't Work

Jan 23, 2010

i just reported a bug to launchpad (#511562. i'm not sure if this bug is in flashplugin-installer or pulseaudio.when i use firefox or chrome for watching a flash video from videos for example, all works good. i then transfer the sound to a remote sink using sound preferences > output > internal audio analog stereo on myuser@otherhost. after this is done, the flash video halts. this is also true if i restart firefox and start a new video, already having transferred the sound. sometimes you can see the video taking huge skips forward. for example, on a 3 minute music video, i see 3-4 different frames from different places in the video. the sound is ok though! 100% reproducible and if i transfer the sound back to local speakers the video resumes and plays perfectly.

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Ubuntu Multimedia :: Flash Video Sometimes Doesn't Play - White Square

Feb 20, 2010

I was wondering if you could help me out with this Flash problem: sometimes, Flash elements don't play in my browser window - there's just a big white area where my Flash should be. I have to close and re-open Firefox. This especially happens when I activate the "Flashblock" plugin, a very useful tool that blocks all Flash unless you click on it and choose to play it. Whenever I have that enabled, most of the time, clicking on the "play" button produces the white area where the Flash object should be. It's Karmic 64 and Firefox 3.5, Shockwave Flash 10.0.

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