Ubuntu :: No GUI In 9.10 After Installing 10.04

May 4, 2010

I made the mistake of eagerly adopting 10.04 as soon as it came out; and while 10.04 itself is running really well (I'm writing to you from it now), my 9.10 install (which, before you ask, I didn't install over!) has gone wrong! I'm a bit of a Ubuntu noob, so I don't know exactly what's gone wrong. All I really know for sure is that it comes up with an error while trying to run up giving me the option (amongst others) to run in 'low graphics mode' - but unfortunately this just brings me to a console, and the other options (I think they're to use a previous working version, or reconfigure) don't seem to work at all.

Is there a way from the command line to just reinstall all the gui bits? Is that going to mess up my install even further? As it stands, I'm stuck at just copying my stuff off my 9.10 partition into 10.04 (which granted, isn't the end of the world).

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Ubuntu Servers :: When Installing Server Ask About Installing DNS Server?

Jan 4, 2011

I am trying to install a ubuntu server to serve sites. More than one, so Ill use Apache VirtualHost.When installing ubuntu server ask me about installing DNS Server? do i need it?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Sun-JDK On 10.4

Mar 29, 2010

How do i install sun jdk and jre plugin on unbutu 10.4 x64 its not like 9.10 no more apt-get install sun-java6?

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Ubuntu :: Installing JTR From Tar.gz?

Apr 4, 2010

I installed JTR from the respotoies but it cant check sha512, so I went to openwall website downloaded jtr 1.7.5 as they say this will do 512, when i unpacked it I then followed the instructions on website to install [URL]

the unpacked folder jtr 1.7.5 is in downloads so I done as they said Now i cant find where it is installed when I type john in termial not found looked for run folder found it in jtr folder cd to run still john wont start

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Ubuntu :: Installing GDM In 10.10?

Sep 11, 2010

Is there a different way to install GDM themes in 10.10; I don't see the 'login window' option under system > administration?

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Ubuntu :: Installing Xp On 10.10 Pc?

Dec 1, 2010

I am making a pc for the scouts to use as an media pc, i wanted to install windows xp because everyone had to connect their stuff and everyone has to beable to use it.

the problem is this; I got an official windows Xp cd but when i select in the bios to boot from cd it still just starts linux, how do i instal xp?

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Ubuntu :: Installing 11.04 Without A Cd Or USB

May 3, 2011

installing 11.04 on a netbook. I have the .iso but I do not have a spare usb. When I go into startup disk creator it does not allow me to place the iso on a non empty external drive. Is there another way to install 11.04 on the netbook and wipe off windows?

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Ubuntu :: Installing DWM On 10.04?

Jul 25, 2011

So I decided, mostly out of desire for hipster-cred, to try and install DWM. I now have the entry titled dwm on my session manager before i log-in, but when i select it, i'm just brought to the default Gnome 2.X session.

anyone installed a tiling window manager successfully and want to share their knowledge?

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Xp On 10.10?

Jan 20, 2011

I use an Acer Aspire One netbook for work, with Ubuntu 10.10, and am very happy with it. Unfortunately, I now have to use certain music teaching resources for which I have to have Windows. I have a copy of XP Pro, and want to load it as a dual boot if that is possible. I have searched on Google, but everything seems to relate to loading Ubuntu after XP, rather than vice versa.

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Covergloobus In 9.10?

Jan 3, 2010

i am trying to install covergloobus, but whenever i try to run config-covergloobus.py file it gives following error:


mac4lin@STUDYROOML:~/covergloobus/src$ python covergloobus-config.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "covergloobus-config.py", line 33, in <module>
import gtk
ImportError: No module named gtk

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Ubuntu :: Pngwriter Not Installing

Jan 3, 2010

I'm working on a program in c++ (fairly new to it) and I need to install pngwriter to use it, but i get this:


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Ubuntu :: Installing Creative MP3 ?

Jan 12, 2010

I recently got a Creative Zen Mosaic EZ100 MP3 player, however when I dock it to my computer and try to install it by clicking the 'set-up.exe' file in the Starter Pack folder, Archive manager gives me this message/Command Line output:

Wondered if there are some settings I need to tweak somewhere or something a bit more involved.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software From CD ?

Jan 27, 2010

I need to reinstall Network Manager Applet (the actual app I believe is called network-manager) from the Ubuntu installation CD but fiddling around in Synaptic for awhile and using an official guide the application doesn't appear to be available as an installable package from the CD.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Software From CVS?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm trying to install SoundTracker from was wondering how to go about doing it. So far I've only installed things from Synaptic and when I googled about CVS all it came up with were instructions on installing my own CVS server which I don't want to do.install this software and explain how it is done so I have less trouble in the future?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing With OS X And Win 7?

Feb 23, 2010

Well I'm an apple person. So naturally when I heard about hackintoshing I took it. Buying several HP minis and installing OS X on them. Thank god for iDeneb 1.3! Anyway, to the topic. I wanted to triple boot OS X, Windows 7 and Ubuntu 9.04. The HP Mini 110 will be my play toy.Now, I partitioned it as followed and have successfully installed OS X and Windows 7. ANd have a partition for Ubuntu.

*Mac OS Extended Journaled - Mac OS X 10.5.5 (soon updating) - 20Gb
*NFTS - Windows 7 Ultimate - 16Gb
*FAT32 - FOR UBUNTU - 10Gb
*FAT32 - Data Partition - 100Gb aprox.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Launchy On 64-bit?

Mar 8, 2010

Is it possible to install Launchy on 64-bit Ubuntu? The only deb package provided is an i386 which gave me "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'" when I tried to install it.

Its open source, so I could compile it myself if I had instructions.

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Ubuntu :: Installing Firefox 3.5 On 8.10?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm currently running Ubuntu 8.10 on my system76 notebook as I was having problem after problem after upgrading. However, not having up to date software is a bit of a problem. How should I go about installing firefox 3.5 so I can have the most up to date version? Will I need to compile? Can I just install a .deb from karmic repos? Does the current version need removed first?

And there are several other pieces of software I want to stay current with, such as digiKam, but found it impossible because of dependency hell. Should I expect to be downloading tarballs and compiling any programs I want to upgrade past their stage in the 8.10 repos?

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing UNR 9.04 Over 8.04?

Mar 21, 2010

I'm in the process of installing UNR 9.04 on my machine, I already have Ubuntu 8.04 installed. I plan to replace the OS, will using the option during the installation 'use entire disk' delete my existing files?

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Ubuntu :: Installing A GTK+2.0 Theme

Mar 23, 2010

This is my first time installing a GTK+2.0 theme. I downloaded the tarball containing the theme and then extracted it. When I extracted the tarball into a folder, it contained the following files:

I'm not sure if it's readable on some computers, but there are two folders within the main folder. They are labeled as gtk-2.0, metacity-1, and a notepad file called "ColorBit" which is the name of the the actual theme.

The notepad file has some writing in it, which reads:

[Desktop Entry]


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Ubuntu :: Installing IE7 On Wine 1.1.14

Apr 5, 2010

I'm a web programmer and I used to do my stuff on Windows, but the first time I use Ubuntu and Kubuntu I fell in love with it. Now I'm using Kubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala on my machine. But I have a problem installing IE7 using Wine1.1.14. I need to install IE7 so I can test my web applications.

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Ubuntu :: Installing The Drupal5 In 9.04?

Apr 5, 2010

how to install drupal5 in Ubuntu9.04.I've installed it but when I tried to open it through Run Application,it can not locate the file.

My terminal shows:

XXX@XXX-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install drupal5
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Simple App For Installing Tar?

Apr 5, 2010

How GEBI installs stuff. is there an app that looks at the kind of file and extracts it AND installs it , all the different kinds of files like tar and others..

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Ubuntu :: Installing Skype On 8.04

Apr 16, 2010

Installing Skype on Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

I noticed that many people, as well as me, want to install skype on 8.04. I found many tutorials with lots of dependences and terminal commands. So i found a better solution how to install.

1. Go to Skype's download site: Latest 2.1 version - click here

2. Download Static (5th type, little skype cube), i didn't test any others so maybe some of them work

3. Save .tar.bz2 (26,3 MB)

4. Extract

5. Open the folder and run Skype.exe

6. Done, just type your username and password

I'm using this version, i had no problems with chat and calling. Also options and pop-ups work.

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Ubuntu :: Installing The TrueCrypt In 9.10?

Apr 21, 2010

I am trying to install TrueCrypt in ubuntu 9.10 and I am having troubles. When I to extract the tar.gz that the program comes in, I get this error:

'gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
tar: Unexpected EOF in archive
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now'

The file also comes with a PGP file. (tar.gz.sig.). I am not sure how to use the signature file to open the archive. Here is the site I downloaded from: [URL]

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Ubuntu :: Installing Java ?

Apr 25, 2010

I wanted to install Java so that I could play the popular game "RuneScape" on my Ubuntu system, but I followed the steps posted on the website and it said something like "Extract using the console" and gave me the name of the object to extract, but it did not say anything about what folder or anything, so the system did not know where to extract from.

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Ubuntu :: Error While Installing Qt4?

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to install qt4 on my ubuntu machine by executing sudo apt-get install qt4-designerbut i am getting following error

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done


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Ubuntu :: Installing App From Source

May 4, 2010

i know that the command /.configure will make the "make" file and then i have to make " make install" to install the app. but how to deal with the dependency problem ? i asked my friend about it and he said why dont you use apt instead to install packages but what if i want to use distos like slackware? anyway that friend was not interested in helping me out and i m not expecting to. but can anybody answer this in detail or provide any document on this..

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Ubuntu :: Installing Java 1.4.2 On 64-bit 10.04?

May 18, 2010

installing java 1.4.2 JDK on 64-bit 10.04? I can't seem to find a whole lot about this anywhere. I've tried downloading the .bin from sun's archive site [java.sun.com/products/archive] but I get this error when running it:




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Ubuntu :: Installing 30 Deb Files At Once?

May 19, 2010

is there a way to install about 30 .deb files at oncecan this code work if I cd to the folder Code:i *.deb dont worry about dependencies they are all in the folder

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Ubuntu Installation :: Installing The 10.04 On PS3?

May 25, 2010


NOTE: THIS IS A MODIFIED VERSION OF A TUTORIAL FOUNDHERE. I AM NOT RESONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE DONE TO YOUR PS3These instructions were only tested on a 40GB ps3 phat running firmware 3.15 NOT connected to the internet and I can personally confirm this works There are more accurate guides available for those who want to install 7.10 or 8.04. Following this guide will probably be fine, but for more details follow those links!Guide to installing Ubuntu 10.04 on the PS3 Many people installing Ubuntu 10.04 on there PS3 have been encountering mounting problems where after a successful installation of Ubuntu, the system boots up only to detect no drives with linux installed.

The PS3 has a unique feature that allows you to install a third-party operating system on the console. Because of its popularity and ease of use, Ubuntu Linux is a good choice. By installing Ubuntu, your PlayStation 3 becomes much more than just a game console. You can use it as a home computer (running desktop applications), a web- or file server, play media files, and run applications like Firefox, Open office and multimedia tools.

Installing Ubuntu 10.04 on the PS3 will take several hours (3-4 for me). The process involves three steps:
Formatting PS3 to run Linux
Installing Ubuntu
Setting up your PS Ubuntu installation

Set up your PS3 to run Linux You have to format your PS3 hard drive to install Ubuntu. You will probably want to back up your save games! You will also need to let go of some 10GB of disk space.


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