Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Samba File Server?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm trying to set up an old computer that was donated to my by an aunt to hold my external hard drives and use it as a file server so i can use them from anywhere within my house. However I can not seem to get the samba server to broadcast/be seen by my ubuntu installation, nor my windows installation.

I've read the manual, to an extent, but I feel as if I am missing something. All I want is to have it to where I can just type in \server and bring up my files to access without having to worry about passwords.

Here is the config file:

workgroup = WORKGROUP
netbios name = GrenadingBadger
security = share


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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up Samba File Server For Windows?

Mar 14, 2011

I can't seem to connect to it when using windows 7. Both are in the same workgroup (W0RKGR0UP) and I have set DHCP address for the ubuntu box. Is there any other thing that I would still need to edit ? My router address is and the fixed ip for ubuntu box is

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting Up A Windows File Server W/ Samba On Fedora 11?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to load a HP Proliant w/ Fedora 11 and setting up as a WFS using Samba. However, I'm a bit confused on how to do it. Right now I have 2 36.4GB drives in RAID 1+0 and 4 146.8GB drives in a RAID 5 config. I wanna use the smaller drive for the OS and the bigger drive for the storage. I've managed to load the OS fine, the problem is I can't figure out how to mount the 4 146.8GB drives as a single logical volume and set Samba to use it. Right now all the RAIDs are setup using the built-in Compaq Smart Array utility (or whatever it's called) that's built into the SCSI hardware or BIOS.

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Fedora Servers :: Setting Up A Samba File Server With DynDNS?

Oct 14, 2010

I have recently developed the need for having a file server and am interested in setting up my desktop as a Samba File Server. The problem is that I need to be able to access it from outside networks (physically I'm about 10 miles away from my home network),o I need to also set up some sort of DynDNS service so that I can access the server from anywhere.With this, with setting up a DynDNS, setting up Samba, and setting up my machine to be secure enough for these types of actions. (I just want to make sure it is secure enough since it will need to be detectable from the internet.)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Both NFS And Samba On The File Server?

Apr 29, 2010

I have in my home 3 pc's 2 of them ubuntu, 1 windows/ubuntu. I have a NAS (mybook WD) that I'm going to hack to install a linux OS on it, to take advantage of some benefits. I'll need access from windows networks. I've read there are many benefits of NFS over Samba, with the inconvinient that it cannot be access by windows. Is it a good idea to have both NFS and samba on the file server?

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Ubuntu Networking :: REG:samba File Server With Ads Authentication?

Jun 14, 2011

Our system setup: windows server domain controller 2008 We are installed sambain Ubuntu 11.04, with ads authentication using winbind,i can able to give the access restriction from Linux for windows ADS User for linux samba share folderall are working fine from Linux,i want give the access fro domain user from MS -windows , what is the file permission owner ,etc, any one try this concept please give me a any document any example

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up A File Server That Authenticates Using Windows AD

Feb 24, 2010

I know this is possible, the problem is all the guides seem to be out of date A combination of missing packages and obsolete packages are giving me a headache.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File Server - Printer Drops

Mar 11, 2010

I have a Samba file server with one windows & one Ubuntu workstation. The Ubuntu workstation is a Samba print server. The problem is that the XP machine cannot access the printer. If I restart Samba on the print server it works again. There may be a pattern but I havn't figured it out yet.

Here's my file:
workgroup = voodoonet
netbios name = Bob
name resolve order = bcast host lmhosts wins
server string =
map to guest = Bad User
local master = yes
os level = 33
usershare allow guests = Yes
usershare max shares = 100
usershare owner only = False
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
printcap cache time = 750
cups options = raw
load printers = yes
use client driver = yes

comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
printable = Yes
create mask = 0700
browseable = No
guest ok = Yes

comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/printers
browseable = yes
read only = yes
guest ok = no

path = /home/bob/Documents
writeable = yes
browseable = yes
guest ok = yes

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Ubuntu Networking :: File Server On 10.04 Machine - Slow Samba

May 22, 2010

I'm trying to set up a fileserver on my 10.04 machine, and access the files from Windows 7 via wifi. I can see everything alright, but the transfer speed to Windows never gets higher than 70KBps. Both computers can access the web at 800+KBps. I've also checked with an OS X machine on the same network, which was also extremely slow, so I'm fairly sure that the problem is on the server's side.

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Networking :: Share A File Via Samba On A Ubuntu Server That Is Actually Stored On A FreeNAS Box?

Mar 10, 2011

I'm trying to share a file via Samba on a Ubuntu server that is actually stored on a FreeNAS box. The FreeNAS drives are mounted via NFS and the Samba share contains a symlink to file on the FreeNAS drive.Browsing the Samba share I can see the file and size, but any attempt to read the file fails. It complains about authentication but all credentials across all machines are the same.So, is it possible to share a file this way or is there another way to do this?I know I could create all the profiles on the FreeNAS box but for convenience and ease of maintenance I was hoping to do this via the Ubuntu server

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Networking :: Samba Shares On Server - Nagging File / Foldername

Aug 17, 2010

This one has proven to be a real for me. On one of my Samba shares on my server I have a folder of mp3 files of my CDs. The one I am having an issue with is "Clarence Carter/Dr. C.C." (yes, the one with the ULTIMATE party song). The "Dr. C.C." folder name is normal locally, but across Samba it comes out "DMOU3A~H". I can still access the folder this way, but it would be nice to not have Samba mangle the folder name this way. I am using Samba 3.4.2 on an Athlon64 X2 system running Slackware64.

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Server :: Setting Up Samba On Ubuntu - Permissions?

May 20, 2010

I'm attempting to set up a Samba share on my lab's small server (Ubuntu Server Edition, 10.04). It looked easy enough, but the share that I set up didn't allow anyone to actually put anything on it: no uploading stuff, etc. (You can still upload files via the command line, so I implemented the unix extensions = no fix). The share is writeable and visible, and anyone can access it (according to the Samba GUI). According to the smb.conf:

path = /home/something/Share
writeable = yes
;browseable = yes
guest ok = yes

The other Windows machines in the lab see the new server and its share automatically, although they can't make changes to it, like create a new folder in the share. Most of my lab uses Snow Leopard (OS X 10.6), and a few others use Windows. I can connect to the server using my MacBook either through the terminal or Finder -> Go -> Connect to server -> smb://blah.someplace.edu without problems.

I can do pretty much anything via the command line, but not through the Finder! If I want to create a new folder, it gives me an old-school error message (stupid blue face): "The operation can't be competed because you don't have the necessary permission." If I want to drag-and-drop a file from my desktop to the Share folder, I get a pop-up window (lock + blue face): "Type your password to allow Finder to make changes." If I do, then I get another pop-up: "One or more items can't be copied to "Share" because you don't have permission to read them. Do you want to copy the items you are allowed to read?"

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Sharing With Samba?

Feb 12, 2011

I recently installed ubuntu on one of my computers and am trying to get all my sharing worked out so I can access stuff with my windows machine. I'm still very stupid when it comes to linux.

Setting up sharing with Samba, I got my /home/user/media folder to share just fine. However I made a folder located on my second drive that I would like to share.

I have this entry for it in my smb.conf

comment = /media/Sifl_80GB/Shared/ folder share
path = /media/Sifl_80GB/Shared


the second drive is mounted on /media/Sifl_80GB and it was formatted as ext4.

My windows machines see the 80GBshare entry but I get the error "network path not found" when I try to open the folder. Does this mount need to be listed in my fstab for this to work correctly? I'm noticing something in the comments of the smb.conf for auto-mounting a cdrom drive when a cdrom drive is accessed by adding a fstab entry, so I'm wondering if this needs to be done with my second drive?

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Up Relaxed Samba Config

May 29, 2011

I've got a situation where I would normally use NFS, but cannot. So in it's place I need to use a samba share (even though it's linux -> linux). I need it completely open and world writeable as if I had done an rw in an NFS export. I thought I had it as when logged in as a user I can edit delete etc. however the apache user seems to be struggling with creating files. Here's my smb.conf as it stands.

workgroup = WGRP
server string = Samba Server Version %v
security = user
passdb backend = tdbsam
unix extensions = no

comment = Temp Directory
path = /var/tmp
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writeable = yes
browseable = yes

comment = Sites Directory
path = /var/www/sites
public = yes
guest ok = no
write list = siteusr
writeable = yes
create mask = 0777
browseable = no
security mask = 0777
directory security mask = 0777

Note that the drive is mapped as user siteusr. What I can do to open it up more?

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Ubuntu Networking :: How Do I Go About Setting Up Samba So Stuff Is Visible

Nov 4, 2010

i'm trying to set up samba so that i can connect to the printer in the den since we have wireless access. also, i can see my virtual box on the windows xp home ed desktop, but can't access it.so, how do i go about setting up samba so stuff is visible between my ubuntu machine and my families windows orientated network? i'm having a hard time finding anything on videos too. i'm taking a break from the remastersys stuff so i can get the more important things done, such as connecting my ubuntu machine to my families windows network. i don't know if the printer is wireless or not, but regardless, i can't find it.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Configuration And Setting Permissions

Nov 16, 2010

First let me say that Lubuntu is a lightweight version of Ubuntu, so there is not much point in loading it up with unnecessary packages. If you just want to share printers on a Linux network, you don't need Samba. And if you just want a way that users can "push" files to others on a network, use Giver (+ Avahi) as this is a better option. Especially as it sorts out file permissions for you.

To enable file sharing on a Lubuntu 10.10 machine, go to Preferences > Synaptic Package Manager and add the following:-
* samba
* system-config-samba
* gvfs-bin
* gvfs-backends
...accepting any dependancies, 11 packages in total.

I suggest you re-boot now. As an initial test, go to file manager (pcmanfm) and enter:-
You should see the local print$ folder listed.

To access folder shares remotely
* open file manager (pcmanfm)
* enter the IP address or computer name of the machine you wish to access
e.g. smb:// or smb://print-server

To share a folder:-
Go to: Preferences > Samba (enter password when requested)
In the Samba Configuration screen:-
* File > Add Share
* use Browse... to select folder to be shared
* Tick "Visible" and (if required} "Writable"
* In the "Access" select "Allow access to everyone"
Set the Linux permissions:-
* locate the folder to share in file manager
* right click on the folder and select Properties > Permissions
* set the required permissions, e.g. Other: Read & Write (to allow anyone full access)

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Setting Permissions Not Correct

Jun 28, 2011

I am experiencing strange difficulties with Samba. The permissions aren't set correctly, when creating a file or a folder on the mounted samba share.

My smb.conf looks as follows:
path = /home/shareOffice
writable = yes
browseable = yes
create mode = 0777
directory mask = 0777
force create mode = 0777
force directory mode = 0777

Now if I create a regular file on the folder:
touch testFile; ls -l
The permissions turn out to be:
-rwxr-xrwx 1 simon share 0 2011-06-28 21:42 testFile

Why the w bit on the group is missing? If I play around with the create mode / force create mode, I get every other possible permission output --- except the write access for group members.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba File - Access Shared Folder - Error: Failed To Retrieve Share List From Server

Sep 24, 2010

I have been having off and on issues with my samba file shares. I am sharing a NTFS formated hard drive where the mount point is in my home directory, as well as a printer connected via USB. I am to the point where printing works (using it as an ipp print share, samba is configured for it, but I don't know if it works or not), and I can access the shared folder from Windows, but I can't access the shared folder from any Ubuntu machine. I get the error:


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Server :: Samba - Setting Up Shares For Windows Machine On CentOS?

May 10, 2010

Can anyone point me in the direction of setting up shares for windows machines on centos. I have found a few document but never managed to get it up and running correctly. I need to be able to get access to subfolder etc for different users. Is there any way of doing it with some sort of gui?

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Ubuntu Servers :: Setting SAMBA Server Correctly - Can Only Access Files From The Win 7 Machine

May 31, 2010

Im having trouble setting my SAMBA server correctly. I have two Win machines, one with WIN7 and one with XP. I have one Ubuntu machine and Ubuntu Server 10.04. My problem is that I can only acess files from the Win 7 Machine. When I try to map out the shared dirs on my serverI get asked for user and password, when I enter my creditensials it dosent help.. What to do? I used the sample smb.conf file and open for no restrictions..


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Ubuntu Networking :: 10.04 Can't Connect To Internet After Setting Static IP For Samba

May 17, 2010

I recently used this process to connect my Samba network to be able to access and allow Windows XP machines to access my computer on my office network.

For various reasons, all the XP computers on the network are set to fixed (do we say static?) IP addresses with manual DNS. Hence I realised during the Samba setup that I had to set a static IP on my Ubuntu machine similar to my Windows static IP's (ie 192.168.10.?) in order to be able to see the Windows share PC's properly.

Once I set my Ubuntu machine to static IP of with subnet of and gateway of then I was able to access and be accessed by PC's on the network. However I couldn't access the internet after this. I input the DNS server in the edit connections as you can see per the attachment. All these settings (except the IP address obviously) were all now exactly the same as the PC machines, and I thought I'd now be able to access the windows network, as well as have access to the internet, however, even though my wired network is connected there is still no internet access.

I'm using the GUI under network connections to make all these changes if that is important. I can't understand why this doesn't work?

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Ubuntu Networking :: Setting Up Samba For Windows 7 WITH User-login?

Oct 25, 2010

I am currently attempting to setup Samba 3 (installed) for a basic home-network file-sharing server via Ubuntu 10.04. It seems like (based on my extensive googling and research) nobody wants or has a configuration like I do, but surely SOMEBODY knows how to do this.

The following is my goal for a basic setup.

Folder 1 (share is called "Read-Write"):

-Users from Windows 7 can see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as they so desire.

-Users can accomplish all of this from as "guest."

Folder 2 (share is called "Read-Only"):

-I can log in as my user to see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 2 as I so desire.

-People other than me can log in as "guest."

-"Guest" users from Windows 7 can see, read, and execute programs as desired.

Things I have accomplished:

-Directories exist

-Directories are browseable via Windows 7

-My user has a password for Samba (assigned via "sudo smbpasswd -a matthew)

Things I have not yet been able to accomplish:

-Configure Folder 2 so that Samba asks for login credentials when someone tries to access it SO THAT I an use my Samba user to log in.

-Configure Folder 2 so that, when I log in as my Samba user, I can see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as I so desire.

-Configure Folder 2 so that Windows 7 users can easily access it as guest to browse, read, and execute files and folders in it.

-Configure Folder 1 so that any Windows 7 user can easily access it as guest to see, read, write, execute, create, or delete any files and folders in Folder 1 as they so desire.

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Fedora Networking :: Unknown Samba Password - Use Samba For File Sharing Like On A Windows Home Network

Jul 17, 2010

I want to use samba for file sharing like on a Windows home network. Actually they are all Linux machines but nfs is too complicated. On my host machine I installed samba and system-config-samba. I created a new share for /home, check marked writable and visible and put access to everybody. For preferences-->server settings--> security the "authentication mode" is set to user, encrypt passwords is no, and guest account is no guest account. Under preferences-->samba users I added myself as a user with the same windows user name as my Linux user name and the same password.

My client is a virtualbox fedora (used for testing purposes but actual clients will be real computers on my home network). I entered the address smb:// When asked for the user name and password I put my regular user name and password since that was what I set in samba users. However, the password dialog keeps coming up and won't let met into my own computer. If I quit it says something like access is denied. How can I get my home network back? I liked this feature when my home computers ran XP but I switched them to Fedora 12.

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Ubuntu Networking :: Folder Access While Setting Up Ubuntu As File Server

Oct 8, 2010

I am fairly new to Linux, dabbled with it over the years but am a experienced windows user so not a complete noob. I am setting up Ubuntu 10.04 as a file server following a tutorial in Linux User and Developer mag which is great but having a bit of a problem getting it to work correctly.I have two folders in the OPT directory and they can only be accessed by using the main username and password for the linux machine when logging on through my Win 7 machine, if I try and access the directory called 'alex' using the Alex username/password I can log into the folder but only have read only access.

I think (but am not sure) it has something to do with setting the ownership permissions of the folders ..

part of the step after creating the directory was

# sudo chown -R root:users /opt/alex

and that didn't seem to work, it wouldn't allow me access as either user so I did

# sudo chown -R root:grae /opt/alex

grae is the main user and so that user has access but the user called alex doesn't .Can anyone advise? I am sure you need more info so please let me know what would help you see what the problem is

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CentOS 5 Server :: Setting Quota Limit In Samba 'homes' Share?

May 20, 2010

I'm trying to set up quota limit in samba-3.0.33-3.15.el5_4.1 in CentOS 5.5, by means of the module vfs objects. In the samba howto [1] I found a very brief explanation, but it isn't working for me. The basic idea is to setup a user called 'quota2g' (uid 499) and setup the [homes] share, as it comes by default, to enforce the quota on each user share.quota2g:x:499:499:User quota 2GB:/home/quota2g:/bin/bash

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Ubuntu Networking :: Samba Network - Setting Up The Unbutu PCs To Browse The Workgroup

Dec 30, 2010

I have a home network with Ubuntu (3 PC) Windows (XP 3, 7 1 vista 1) and Lacie networked drive. I have successfully edited fstab to mount the lacie drive at startup on my main ubuntu PC and it works a treat. My problem is setting up the Unbutu PCs to browse the workgroup. This was working but now (since my last update of Unbutu I think) I get prompted for a password and no matter what I do it does not let me browse.

Now I have read a few things on Samba and do not have the time or ability to become a network engineer. All I want to do is is have on my Ubuntu the same browsing ability that seems to come out of the box in Windows.

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OpenSUSE Network :: Setting Up 11.3 To Access Printers On Windows Server 2003 Via Samba?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm trying to set my openSUSE desktop up to use the printers on my office network via Samba. I managed to get it working in 11.2 but 11.3 is giving me some trouble.I am able to access the printers and use them but I have to enter my network credentials each time I print. In 11.2 I was able to "save" my username/password and was not required to do this. Are there any Samba packages I need to add in addition to the basic ones? There seems to be a lack of documentation on this particular subject, most is concerning Windows clients printing on Linux print servers.

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Fedora Networking :: Samba And Network Manager In 9 - Setting Up A Wired Connection?

Feb 3, 2009

I have 2 workstations that I'm trying to network together so that I can backup each to the other. One is XP sp2 and the other Fedora 9. Since installing Samba on the Fedora box and trying to get it configured, I have a problem that Add/remove programs won't do installs because it says there's no connection to a network. Network Manager says there aren't any connections, but it worked before the Samba install. Mozilla and Thunderbird can access the internet OK. Both workstations are connected by cable to my router and thus to my ISP (DNS server).

Two questions:- where can I find hints on setting up a wired connection (which card's MAC address does it want? router or wrkstn?) and Am I right that Add/remove is stuffed because of Network Manager?I now have Samba working from Linux to XP, but still can't get into Linux from XP. I tried the Linux PC's MAC address and set up a wired connection in Network Manager. NM still thinks there isn't one...

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Ubuntu Servers :: Deciding File System For File Server (samba)?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm planning to add 1tb sata disk to my lovely file-server under ubuntu 10.10,what i want is use this disk as additional storage for network user,indows and ubuntu?I mean when my ubuntu server down (worse case) I can easily take out the disk from ubuntu machine and plug in on windows machine

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Ubuntu :: Samba - Windows Read Files From A Home File Server With An Ext4 File System?

Jan 28, 2011

Can windows read files from a home file server with an ext4 file system? or do I have to partition the drive with the server (ext4) and an ntfs partition with the files on?

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